Ch.2:Out to Lunch

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The class began to work on their project. However, all Aki could think about was Dwayne. While the class was jotting down notes on the animals, Aki was making sketches of her and Dwayne.


Aki jumped and quickly hid her notepad.

Ethan:Still thinking about that Dwayne boy, huh?

Aki was a little surprised.

Aki:You told them?

Rosa:It was pretty obvious.

Aki:I really don't know what draws me to him. His accent, his attire, his gorgeous face...

She realized what she just said.

Julie:Aki, are you sure you wanna rush into this? You remember what happened to your last "boyfriend"?

Aki:I can feel this one!

Later on, the teacher brought everyone to a cafe for lunch.

Isaac:The smells are making me nuts!

Wolf:That's Cajun food for ya.

They began looking at the menu.

Julie:What are you gonna get, Aki?

Aki didn't reply, as she seemed to be staring off into space.

Julie:Uh, earth to Aki.

She snapped, but still nothing. Aki then pointed to someone.

Aki:It's him...

They saw that she was pointing to a young boy, who turned out to be Dwayne. He then noticed the group the group and began to walk over to them. Aki began blushing like mad.

Aki:He's coming this way!

Aki was trying so hard to act normally.

Dwayne:Well well well, we meet again.

He pulled a chair up and sat backwards in it.


Dwayne:So, I take it you're her friends?


Aki was trying so hard to keep it together.

Spencer:So you work here?

Dwayne:My Mom and Step-Dad own the place.

???:Dwayne, what we'd say about talking to customers while job?

It was Dwayne's mom, Carol.

???:Hun, come on. He's on his break.

It was her husband, Randell.

Julie:Your Step-Dad is a gator? Sweet.

Dwayne:You bet. Though we get looks from time to time. So, you guys ready to order?

Aki:Yes! I mean no! I...I need to use the bathroom!

She raced to the bathroom.

Dwayne:Is she always like that?

Isaac:It's because she has-

He was cut off by Ethan covering his mouth.

Ethan:-has anxiety issues when traveling out of state.

Dwayne:Point taken.

Dwayne took their orders and then left. Aki soon came back after she calmed down.

Isaac:Why did you stop me, dude?

Ethan:If anyone should tell Dwayne that Aki has a crush on him, it should be Aki herself.

Dwayne soon came back with their food, as both the group, Wolf and Orca began chowing down.

Wolf:My God, I did not think the food would be this good.

Unfortunately, their enjoyment was short lived, as three male anthros soon barged in. They began to make a ruckas, annoying everyone

Orca:Who are those guys?

Dwayne:Ugh, they're part of the Edwing family.

Ethan:Edwing family?

Dwayne:They're a rowdy family that causes trouble all over town. Those three right there are Jack, Larry, and Owen. Every once in a while, they come in and cause trouble. We've banned them, but they still come here a make a mess.

Rosa:So why don't you just kick them out?

Carol:We tried. But they always make sure they get what they want. Just try to ignore them.

They tried to do so, but the three were being extremely obnoxious. However, the straw that broke the camels back was when Larry tried to hit on one of the waitresses. The woman clearly wasn't interested, but he wouldn't listen. Wolf and Orca got up from their seats.

Dwayne:Where are you two going?

Orca:Taking out the trash.

The two marched up to the three rowdy individuals.

Wolf:The lady said no!

The three were surprised to see two people standing up to them.

Larry:This ain't any of your beeswax.

Orca:You three, take a hike!

Owen:Well, you two clearly aren't from around here. So allow us to enlighten you. Whatever we say goes.

Wolf:The real world doesn't work like that.

Jack:Well boys, I think we need to make our point more clear.

He then pulled out a rifle and pointed it at Orca.

Orca:Please, you know how many people have pointed a gun at my face?

Jack:Well then, lets see ho-

He was cut off by Orca ripping the rifle out of his hands and breaking it over his knee.

Wolf:That was a warning. Leave, or we'll make you leave/

Jack:Get 'em!

The three rushed at the two. Everyone was surprised at what they were seeing.

Randell:Well, this is certainly interesting.

Some of the customers began cheering Wolf and Orca on. One of the Edwings grabbed a few plates and threw them at Orca, but he ducked under them. However the plates were just about to hit Aki, but thankfully, Dwayne managed to grab them. Aki blushed. The fight ended with Orca throwing Owen into the other two Edwings, knocking them over the railing and into the swamp. Everyone cheered.

Jack:We'll get you for this!

Wolf:Not if those gators get you first.


They noticed they were surrounded by alligators. They swam for their lives.

Carol:Impressive. How did you pull that off.

Wolf:We make a career beating up villains.

They sat back at their table. Aki was blushing over Dwayne helping her. Julie nudged her to make a move.

Aki:So...Dwayne...if it's possible...would like to...hang out later.

Dwayne blushed slightly.

Dwayne:When my shift is over...sure.

He then left. Aki raced to the bathroom and let out an excited scream.

Rosa:Well, that took longer to happen than I expected.

Spencer noticed Ethan was thinking.

Spencer:What is it?

Ethan:Dwayne said they were part of the Edwing family. I feel like I've heard that name somewhere before,

Julie:Now that you mention it, it does ring a bell.

Isaac:Something's telling me we'll find that out soon...

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