Ch.3:First Date

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Aki got ready for her date with Dwayne, though she was hyperventilating.

Julie:Relax Aki. If you don't overreact. Everything will be fine.

Aki:Thanks guys. Wish me luck!

She then left.

Ethan:We're following her, aren't we?


Aki and Dwayne's date began. They were about to hold hands, but they pulled away. The others stealthfully followed behind.

Spencer:I don't know guys. Should we really be doing this?

Julie:You know what happened the last time Aki had a partner. We just wanna make sure this guy isn't bad news.

They continued to follow the pair. They followed the pair to a dock that went over the bayou.

Dwayne:I gotta be honest, this is my first time hanging out with a girl. It's kinda something, you know?

The group was watching the pair from the trees.

Ethan:You know, maybe we misjudged him.

Julie:Yeah, we should probably leave befo-

She was cut off by the sound of cracking. The branch they were on began to snap.

Julie:Oh Murphy, you cruel man.

The branch broke and they all plummeted to the dock.

Aki:Guys?! What are you doing?

Spencer:We were following you two.

The others scowled at him.

Spencer:What? They were gonna find out eventually.

They got up. Aki stormed off in disbelief.

Dwayne:Care to explain why?

Julie:Well...last time Aki got a didn't exactly go well.

They then told them about the whole incident with Damian Larson.

Dwayne:Wow, what a baby.

Ethan:Tell me about it.

Dwayne:I do understand. You're just looking out for your friend. But I swear, I have no ulterior motives.

Julie:Thanks for understanding. Aki, we're-

She stopped when she didn't see Aki.

Isaac:Uh, where did she go?

They noticed bubbles coming from the water.

Julie:Oh no...

They began to panic. Dwayne seemed to hesitate for a second, before diving in. After a few minutes, he game back up with Aki, who was catching her breath. The group helped them out.



Isaac:Uh, weird that a gator tail coming out of your back?

Everyone turned to see that Dwayne did indeed have a tail.

Dwayne:Well...looks like cat is out of the bag.

He then took off his gloves and jacket, revealing his arms had alligator scales and claws. He then took off his sunglasses, showing his reptile like eyes.

Dwayne:Yep...I'm a human anthro hybrid.

Isaac fainted from shock.

Rosa:So...then your Step-Dad...

Dwayne:Is my bio dad, yes. I've had to keep this hidden for years.


Dwayne:Look at me! I'd be treated like a freak!

Rosa:Well...we don't care if you half gator.


Spencer:Yeah. I'm a hybrid, nothing wrong with that.

Dwayne:Thanks...I'm really at a loss for words. Uh...if it isn't too much trouble, would you mind keeping this on the hush hush?

Aki:Our lips are sealed.


They made it back to the restaurant, and the rest of the class had left already. Dwayne's parents were shocked to see their son with his secret out in the open.

Carol:Dwayne! What are you doing?!

Dwayne:It's okay, Mom. They don't really mind.

She breathed a sigh of relief.

Randell:Thank God.

The group began talking to Dwayne's parents.

Randell:It's so good Dwayne has some friends. Especially after uh...


Carol:Hun, are you sure you want to tell them?

Randell:Well, they should know a little more.


Randell:When...Dwayne went to public school, he didn't have many friends. He mostly kept to himself. One of the few exceptions was a girl named Hanna. She was one of his closest friends, and Dwayne hoped one day they'd be more than that. But, everything then came to an unpleasant end.

Spencer:What happened?

Carol:Dwayne and his class were walking through the swamp when Hanna slipped and fell into the water. Dwayne dove in to help her and managed to pull her out. She wasn't breathing, so Dwayne had to do CPR and even mouth to mouth. However...instead of the others glad that Hanna was alright, they started calling Dwayne a creep for taking advantage of an unconscious girl. Even Hanna ended up slapping him, calling him a pervert for touching her without consent.

The kids were shocked.

Randell:Dwayne became an outcast after that. Everyone at school treated him like a creep. We eventually took him out.

The kids were completely baffled.

Julie:He saves someone, and he's labeled a creep?! Unbelievable! Friggen double standards.

Ethan:I pray that if I ever need to give Hailey CPR, I don't find myself in in the same situation...

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