Bad Guy Teresa Au- Golden Dolphin Heist #2 Gone Wrong

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At the Gala of Goodness, after Wolf has a change of heart and bails on the heist, Shark, Piranha, Tarantula, Teresa, and Snake were confused on what he was doing as Diane approached Wolf and said, "A deal's a deal." Wolf smiled brightly before Diane spoke to the crowd, "By the power vested in me, it is my pleasure to present the Bad Guys, and wherever the Joker is, a full par-" The lights suddenly go out, leaving everybody confused. Without anyone knowing the Love Crater Meteorite suddenly vanished and Teresa's head was suddenly covered in something as the lights go back on. Wolf looks around and said, "That was weird." From the crowd, one person notice the meteorite gone and yells, "The meteorite is gone!" Everybody looks at the missing meteorite as another guest said, "Somebody stole it!" Just then, the Bad Guys hear some muffling noises to see Teresa with what looked like a black bag with a clown face on her head as she tried to take it off. One of the guest yells, "It's the Joker!!!"

Everybody started panicking until Teresa managed to get the thing off her eyes, causing everybody to gasp loudly. She got confused on why everyone gasp, until she looks down on her hands to find out that the thing she took off her head was none other than her Joker mask, causing her to grow shock, realizing that this was her mask when she was the Joker. The Bad Guys grew nervous as multiple guests questioned, "The governor's sister?!" "No way!" "The Joker was Diane Foxington's own sister?!" Even Diane was shocked to find out that her own sister was also a bad guy as the guests gave angry glares at the Bad Guys and Teresa. Teresa looks at the crowd in shock as an angry Luggins started marching towards the group, making Teresa nervous before she speaks, "Chief..." Luggins spoke through her gritted teeth, "Teresa..." Wolf backs up and says, "Come on, sure Tess was the Joker this whole time, but you can't possibly think that we did this." Out of nowhere, Wolf's face appeared on the screen with his shades going up and down on his eyes as words appeared below, which said, "So long, suckers!"

Teresa caught a glimpse of Diane, who was secretly motioning her to run before Teresa said nervously, "Well, it's been fun tonight, but now we gotta-" "RUNN!" Snake shouts before slithering past Luggins, along with the others as Luggins shouts, "GET THEM!" The Bad Guys and Teresa scattered from being caught by the police as Wolf grabs a map and stops near a bar, putting the map in his mouth, grabs two wine bottles, shakes them and pops them open, shooting out wine at two police before he ran out of wine. He makes his way past the police to Diane before writing on the map. "Here, here." He said before giving her the map after finished writing before Diane asks, "What are you doing?" "I'm giving it all back." Wolf answered before he climbed on a table and ran above the police before regrouping with the others.

Teresa ran next to him and ask, "What happened back there?" Wolf answered while running, "I couldn't do it." Teresa got confused and ask, "What do you mean you couldn't do it?" Wolf stutters for an answer, but Piranha suddenly stops and said, "No! I do not run. That is not how I roll." The police surrounds them as Wolf said to Piranha, "Piranha, don't do anything crazy." Piranha laughs menacingly before saying, " "Crazy" is what I bring I bring to the party, chico!"

He brought out a grappling hook and shoots it up. The hook reached to the top, but it didn't hook up to anything as it falls down and hits Shark on the head, knocking him out. The group gave Piranha dumbfounded looks.

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