Bad Guy Teresa Au - Golden Dolphin Heist Gone Wrong #1

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At their hideout, Shark started a fight with Snake after he ate the last push pop, Piranha and Tarantula joining in on the fight while Wolf and Teresa sat on the couch. Wolf spoke to Teresa while motioning her to the others fighting, "Animals." She laughs from that before grabbing the remote and says, "Let's see what they're saying about us today." She turns on the tv, which turns out to be the news as the news woman, Tiffany Fluffit, spoke, "What's up? It's Tiffany Fluffit, Channel 6 Action News. The Bad Guys and the Joker have struck again..." Wolf perks up and says to the others, "Guys, guys stop it. We're on TV." The others stopped fighting and joins Wolf and Teresa while Tiffany continued, "...with their most brazen heist yet, proving once more that they are the most diabolical criminals of our time."

Ms Tarantula spoke, "Ooh, "Diabolical." That's new." Shark spoke after, "You know what it sounds like? A cologne." Teresa spoke like in a perfume ad, "Diabolical." The others laughed at her act before Tiffany continued, "To address this heinous crime spree is the newly elected governor, Diane Foxington." The camera pans to Diane standing near the microphone stand as Teresa groans with annoyance upon seeing her governor of a sister on the screen before Wolf teases Teresa, "Governor? Looks like your sister's in charge of practically everything now, huh Terry?"

Teresa rolls her eyes from that before Diane spoke, "Okay, yeah, I hear you, I hear you. Listen, listen. We all know how dastardly the Bad Guys and the Joker are." "You bet we are." Wolf spoke before Diane continued, "But more than anything...*chuckles*...I feel sorry for them." The others grew confused as Diane continues, "First off, these so-called "Bad Guys" are really just second-rate has-beens. Behind their amateurish antics and, frankly, unoriginal capers...I mean, really? Another nothing but a deep well of anger."

Piranha gets upset and yells, "I ain't angry! You're angry!"

Diane: Denial.

Tarantula: *folds her arms angrily* Not true!

Diane: And self-loathing.

Snake: The only one I self-loath is you.

"And those are holes that no amount of cash or priceless art can ever fill." Diane finished off, leaving the Bad Guys, except Teresa, angry before Snake asks, "What's on the Food Network?" Teresa snickered from that before Diane spoke again, "And let's not forget about those ridiculous pranks the Joker left on our streets...I mean seriously, another slime bomb?...that only proves that the Joker isn't capable of being a good bad guy compared to the Bad Guys." Teresa gets offended and says, "Hey, at least I have something you'd wish you had: a life to have fun with." Diane continued on about the Joker, "And whoever was behind the mask of the Joker must've been someone begging for the attention and recognition they deserve, but no, that's just a single, whole empty hole in the world, waiting to be filled up." Teresa grew silent from that, her ears folded down as she averts her eyes away from the TV. Wolf gets angry and says, "Who is she to judge us?"

He growled before Diane spoke, "So, can we just forget about who the Bad Guys and the Joker was and focus on more positive things? And what could be more positive than the Annul Good Samaritan Awards, where tomorrow night I will present the Golden Dolphin to this year's goodest citizen?" Wolf has had it and turns off the TV before Tarantula spoke, "I can't believe I voted for her." Piranha looks at her and asks, "You voted for her?" "What? She's good at climate change." Tarantula replied, while Teresa looks forward and suddenly smiled a bit, coming up with an idea. Snake saw her look and says, "Wait. What's going on? You've got that twinkle in your eye."

Teresa gets up and says, "Alright, which one of you guys are up for another job? A big one." She opens up the curtains to reveal what the big job is: stealing the Golden Dolphin. Snake didn't grow amuse and says, "The Golden Dolphin. Seriously?" Piranha was shocked and spoke, "Oh! I thought I was the crazy one." Snake slithers off the couch and says, "That job has broken every criminal who's tried it."

The scene shows the newspaper about every criminals that tried to steal the Golden Dolphin before as Snake reads off, "The Bucharest Bandits. Lucky Jim." Shark adds, "The Crimson Paw." Tarantula interrupt and says, "Actually, the Crimson Paw was never arrested." Snake agrees and spoke, "Yeah, but he never stole anything again." Teresa went to Snake and says, "Snake, what better way to wipe that smirk of my governor sister's fuzzy face, then stealing the Golden Dolphin from right under her whiskers? This is the holy grail of thievery." Wolf smiled with amusement and says, "She has a point there, Snake."

Snake looks at Wolf and says, "Seriously? You too?" Wolf went up to Snake and pulls him with his arm and says, "Think about it. If we pull this off, we'll cement our legacy as the greatest criminals of all time." Snake gets out of Wolf's arm and says, "Whoa, whoa buddy. I thought we weren't supposed to make things personal. Besides, we've got a good thing going here. Friends, freedom, and just look at this loot!"

Teresa wasn't happy, until she gets an idea and says, "Alright, I guess you're right. The Dolphin job is off." Wolf looks confused before Snake says, "Good." He slithers away, but Teresa adds, "I guess the pig will get his trophy after all." "Yeah, I guess he wi-" Snake spoke before he froze at the word "pig" before glancing at Teresa and asks, "What do you mean "pig"?" Teresa smirked and says, "Oh, sorry. Did I left that out? I thought you know who the Good Samaritan is."

She pulls up another curtain to reveal a Guinea pig in the same billboard the Golden Dolphin was before Shark says, "The Good Samaritan is..." "A Guinea pig?" Tarantula finished, but Snake was looking at the Guinea pig, hunger in his eyes as he shudders. "What do you say, Mr Snake? Better than cake." Teresa teased at the last part, making the others laugh before Snake groans and says, "Okay, fine. But he better be delicious." Wolf laughs and says, "Alright, are we all in this together?" He held his hand in the center, the others did the same.

The scene shifts to an art museum as Wolf explains the plan, "Like every year, the ceremony will be held at the Museum of Fine Arts, where the Golden Dolphin will be positioned just beyond the backstage curtain." Piranha spoke, "Sounds easy." Wolf repeats, "Sounds easy, hermano. But to get there, we'll need to bypass three levels of security. So, step one. We'll need to blend in." The scene shifts to the entrance of the Museum of Fine Arts, where we see the Bad Guys and Teresa dressed up. The Bad Guys are wearing some disguises to hide their identities while Teresa just wore a dress like a normal citizen.

Nobody else, not even Diane, knows about her alter ego as the Joker before a limo pulls over to the entrance, revealing the Good Samaritan, Professor Marmalde, as he exits out of his limo. Later on, Wolf managed to get a picture with Diane for her eye for the eye scan to get to the Golden Dolphin. When the gang enters the museum, they split up to different directions for the plan, with Tarantula turning on her mic and says, "Mics on. Everyone on comms, do you copy?" The others respond as Snakes secretly goes up on a sculpture and into the vents and Tarantula secretly on the back of a man as he goes inside the computer room while Teresa and Shark sat at a table like normal citizens. A man sees them with two glasses of wine and asks, "Some drinks for two pretty ladies?" Teresa replied, "Not for me." Shark spoke with a feminine tone, "No, thank you. My life is too complicated right now."

He took the two drinks off the man's hands, leaving him confused and Teresa shakes her head a bit. The plan went on smoothly until Wolf accidentally helped an elderly lady from falling down the stairs and the lady calls him a "good boy", which makes his tail wag before stopping himself. He meets up with Piranha, now disguised as an employee before Wolf spoke to Tarantula through the comms, "Webs, what do you say we move to Step Four?" Tarantula took full control of the monitor room and responds, "Copy that. Terry, Shark, you're up. Do your things." Teresa replied, "Copy that." Shark gasps and asks, "Do we get to improvise?" Wolf gets inside the cart Piranha was pushing and replied, "Yeah, sure, improvise, but please be subtle."

Shark nods before purposely spills the wine on the ground. He then kicks the table away, sits down with his legs spread and yells, "I'm having a baby!!" The people around them stood up in shock before Teresa adds, "Is there a doctor, or maybe a few security guards that could leave their post to save her?!" Few security guards took note and rushes over to  help Shark with his "pregnancy" while Piranha and Wolf sneaks inside to get to the vault where the Golden Dolphin was. The plan went smoothly until Wolf and Snake triggered an even more advanced security system which almost shot a laser at them, but barely missed and hits a statue. The lasers pointed at them before Snake said, "What the molt is that?" Wolf sees the label on the lasers and reads, "The Joker-Wolf-Piranha-Snake-Shark-Tarantula Protection System!" Tarantula spoke through the comms, "The J.W.P.S.S.T?"

"This was not supposed to happen." Wolf said before Tarantula said, "Guys, calm down. I'm on it." She then pulls out a hard drive with a pixelated skull on fire and says, "Initiating J.W.P.S.S.T. Override Protocol." She installed it on her laptop to hack into the lasers, but for some reason, the system won't let her. She has a dumbfounded look before Wolf asks, "Did it work?" "Just give me five minutes." Tarantula spoke before working on the system. On the other side of the stage, Diane called up Professor Marmalade onstage as Shark spoke through the comms, "The pig is on the move. I repeat, the pig is on the move."

Wolf talks to Tarantula, "Webs, the curtain's going up any minutes!" Tarantula was trying to figure out the override and says, "It's not letting me in." Wolf grew anxious and says, "Check your system preferences." Snake adds, "You probably need to download a driver." "Try rebooting!"Wolf adds, but Tarantula spoke, "Oh my gosh, you fixed it." Both Wolf and Snake asks, "Really?" "NO!"

Tarantula yells, but she suddenly hears a knock on the door and hears Chief Luggin's voice, "Hey, Larry. Come on, open up. What did we say about locking doors?" Tarantula gets scared and whispers, "Oh, no, no, no. Terry, I got a situation here." Teresa spoke through the comms, "Copy that. I'm on my way." In the vents, Piranha was holding onto Snake's tail for so long that his stomach was starting to act up before saying, "Hurry up, guys."

Tarantula cracks her knuckles and says, "Time to turn this baby on beast mode." She pressed a button on her laptop and four more keyboards appeared on the sides. "Eat it, J.W.P.S.S.T!" She said before going all hacker mode to complete the override. Back in the vents, Piranha's stomach gurgles more as he mutters, "Please, not now." Wolf and Snake heard his gurgling and tries to get him not to do it. On the other side of the stage, Marmalade was giving a speech until they hear a fainted fart from nowhere, but he carries on. Piranha's fart traveled through the vents and into the computer room where Tarantula was in.

Tarantula was still working until she smelled something and turns to see Piranha's fart from the vent and whisper/yells through the comms, "Piranha! Are you kidding me?" "Sorry!" Piranha apologized through the vents before Tarantula continued working on the override, but the farts is filling up the room, so she had to hold her breath and continued working before Luggin spoke through the door, "I'm starting to get mad here, Larry." She takes out a lot of keys and looks for the one for the computer room. The stage starts to rise up, making Wolf and Snake scared to get caught, and Tarantula passed out from Piranha's fart and Luggin managed to find the right key and unlocks the door, but before she could go in, a voice says, "Hey, is this the ladies room?!" She turns to see Teresa with a nervous smile before answering, "Oh, uh, you need to take a right at the end of the hall, ma'am." Without her noticing, all of the fart exits the room.

Tarantula regains consciousness and continues on the override and it became successful, shutting down the lasers. Back at the stage, Diane announced, "And now, it is my honor to award Professor Marmalade with the Golden Dolphin!" The curtains rises up, but to everyone's shock, the Golden Dolphin was missing. "No!" Diane said, Marmalade adding, "No!" Teresa, on the other hand, says, "Yes! I mean, yes. Ok thank you, bye now." She quickly leaves the area, making Chief Luggin confused, but she shook it off and enters the computer room, finding the Golden Dolphin gone through the monitor. She screamed and heads out.

As Diane tries to reassure the crowd, the Bad Guys and Teresa makes their way through the crowd and are heading to the exit as Wolf says, "Nice work, everybody. Now let's make like a wolf and get the pack out of here." Piranha nods and says, "Ah, wordplay. I don't get it." Suddenly, Professor Marmalade gets to the microphone and speaks, "Diane, Diane, if I may." He turns to the crowd and says, "You have to understand. I didn't bring hope back to the city for an award, I did these good things because of how they made me feel." As the Bad Guys and Teresa secretly snuck out, Marmalade continued, "That tingly feeling I get, that shiver up my spine, the wag in my tiny tail."

Wolf suddenly stopped at that last part and turns his head back to the stage, taking off his glasses as Marmalade continues, "Because, you see, being good just feels so good. And when you're good, you're loved." Wolf smiled softly, until his tail starts wagging out of control. He tries to stop his tail from wagging, the others noticing his strange behavior and tries to tell him to keep walking, but one guest turns around and took notice of Wolf. When Wolf finally stopped, his fake mustache fell off, revealing his identity before the guest yells, terrified, "It's the Bad Guys!" The rest of the guests screamed before Chief Luggin pushed aside and yells, "Arrest them!" Out of nowhere, police officers bursts from everywhere and surrounds the Bad Guys and Teresa. Luggin got in front and says, "They stole the Golden Dolphin!"

She then notice Teresa and gasps loudly before saying, "And they're kidnapping the governor's sister!" Wolf grows nervous and says, "Ok, this.." he motions to Teresa, " exactly what's going on, but come on. You can't prove that we stole anything." Just then, the Golden Dolphin fell out of Shark's dress, a little silence fell before Shark says with a high-pitched voice, "My baby!" He grabs the Golden Dolphin as Chief Luggin cracks her knuckles and says, "On your knees, Bad Guys. With your hands up." Snake got in front and says, "Never! We're out of here."

Wolf then takes out a grappling hook from his suit and shot it up in the air, catching the rail of a window. Shark looks at Teresa and says, "Sorry, Terry." Teresa got confused before Snake quickly wraps himself around her, preventing her from moving and Shark grabs the wrapped up Teresa in his arms. Teresa struggles to get out and yells, "Seriously? I am so sick of being the damsel in distress!!" Wolf smirked at the officers and says, "So long, suckers!" The Bad Guys clings onto Wolf while Shark still holds Teresa "hostage" but as Wolf pulls the trigger of the grappling hook, instead of the group being pulled up, his pants ripped off of him, revealing his underwear. Everything gets awkward for the Bad Guys and Teresa was annoyed and embarrassed right now as Wolf nervously said, "Well, this just got a little weird."

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