Chapter 1

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I wiped my face with the sleeve of my sweater, being very careful that the dust from the explosion didn't enter my eyes. This is why I hate Chemistry class. I don't even how a simple experiment could explode.

"Not again." I heard my Chemistry teacher, Mr Jerry, say with irritation, "Brianna, this is the third time this month that you've caused another explosion. Are you even listening to my instructions?"

"Yes, I was but-

"Just go to the school nurse." He ordered as I opened my eyes a little. Everyone stared at me as I grabbed my bag and walked out of the classroom. Luckily, there was no one in the hall to make fun of my bad luck.

The day wasn't even over yet and I was already heading to the nurse's office.

But I knew it was too good to be true. The girl's bathroom door opened revealing three giggling girls coming towards my direction. I bowed my head lowly, trying not to make eye contact. They suddenly stopped giggling and I felt their eyes on me. I picked up my pace and walked faster.

"Isn't that the Black cat?" I heard one of them whisper to the other. Even though they were at the other end of the hall, I could still hear them. It's either that they are really bad at whispering or they  wanted me to hear them.

"Yeah, it is her. She must have had another science experiment gone wrong." She replied as I finally passed the whispering group.

"How can someone be born with so much bad luck?" One of them queried. I've asked myself that question a million times but it's never answered.

"Luckily, the bad luck was given to her." They snickered as I quickly entered the nurse's office.

Miss Kate, the school nurse, looked up from the book that she was reading and sighed heavily. I was her regular patient, so it was natural for her to be tired of seeing me hurt all the time. Miss Kate got up from her seat and patted the clinical bed, indicating that I should sit on it. I nodded my head and proceeded towards the bed.

"What happened this time?" She asked, bringing out the wipes in her purse. I didn't reply as I kept my gaze on the ground. She tilted my face upwards with her finger and wiped the dust of it, "Lemme guess. You mistakenly tripped and landed in a bag full of charcoal? Or you fell face first into a mud pit?" I shook my head with a forced smile. She stopped wiping my face and brought out a bandage from her bag, "There's just a little cut on your left cheek." She placed the bandage on my cheek and smiled at me.

"Thank you, Miss Kate." I said, getting up from the bed.

"I've told you a million times to call me Kate. Miss Kate makes me sound like an old lady." She said jokingly as I nodded at her. I picked up my bag from the floor, "How do you always get hurt anyway?"

"It's a normal routine for me. It happens so much that I'm used to it." I shrugged as I heard the bell ring. I thanked her once more and walked out of her office into the hallway that was now crowded with students.

This was literally a normal day for me, Brianna Jules, a.k.a The Black Cat. The unluckiest teenager in Midgewood High. I'm so used to the names that it doesn't affect me anymore but it still doesn't help that I'm bullied everyday.

I kept my head low as I roamed through the halls. I planted my feet firmly to the ground as I walked, trying as much as possible not to trip over my own feet. People murmured and snickered as I passed them. I honestly didn't care because it was getting annoying.

Suddenly, the worst happened. I tripped over my two left feet and fell into the week's dirty gym clothes, both male and female. I pushed myself out of the basket and pulled a sock out of my mouth. Everyone in the hall burst into laughter and took pictures of my present state.

I ran into the girls bathroom and locked myself in the first stall. I didn't lock myself in there to cry. No. I've cried a million times but crying doesn't change anything, so there is no use. I locked myself in the bathroom to hide from the outside world. I don't like being laughed at, so I'll rather stay in this safe haven.

The bell rang again indicating it was time for the next class. I heard feet muffle outside the girls bathroom. Everyone was obviously rushing to their next class. I wanted to go outside immediately but I felt it was more reasonable to wait for about five minutes before going to English class.

After it felt like five minutes had passed, I exited the girls bathroom and roamed through the empty hallway. I sighed as I glanced at the clock on the wall. This was supposed to be the last period for the day but it will feel like forever.

I dragged myself to English class and opened the door to be greeted by Mrs Diane. "Welcome to class, Brianna. I didn't know you were the most important person in the world..."

I already knew what she was going to say because she uses the same statement on everyone that arrives late to class. "Good afternoon to you too, Mrs Diane. I apologize for arriving late, I was in the nurse's office...again." I said as I plopped down on my seat with a bored expression.

Mrs. Diane ignored my comment and went back to teaching about phrases. I wasn't even listening to half of the words she said. I was too busy staring at the angel in front of me.

He had light chestnut brown hair, light blue eyes that reminded you of the ocean, light skin, pink plump lips and his name is Gabriel. Can you see why I said he's an angel? I mean, his name is Gabriel! He is literally every girl's crush in Midgewood High.  He has the cutest smile, he's so kind but unlike me, he is very lucky. He can be walking on the street and just find a suitcase full of money just lying there. I can't even talk to him without saying something super embarrassing, tripping on my own two feet or accidentally stepping on his toes.

He glanced at me as my eyes quickly went back to the notebook in front of me. I felt my cheeks burn with the colour red. I glanced up at him and saw that he was smiling at me. I felt my lips pull to a wide grin as my hands began to tremble with excitement.

He's smiling at me! He's really smiling at me!!!! My mind was going crazy with excitement as my attention was drawn back to Mrs Diane.

"So we are going to have a pop quiz..."

"When?" James asked as the class giggled at his joke. He loves annoying teachers but he's still intelligent.

"I was getting to that, James." Mrs Diane gritted through her teeth, "The pop quiz is today."

Everyone, including me, groaned in annoyance. She loves giving pop quizzes, it's like in her DNA. She distributed papers to every student in the class. I frowned at the piece of paper placed on top of my desk.

"Oh, thank goodness she only set questions on what we learnt today." I heard someone say behind me. I face palmed myself mentally as I sighed in defeat.

I was definitely going to fail. I wasn't even listening to one word that she said.

"This is only to access if you were listening today. You can begin." I heard Mrs Diane say as she watched all of us keenly. I took a glimpse of the clock and I saw that we only had 15 minutes left. I grabbed my pencil for my pencil case and started shading random answers. I already expected an F- on this quiz, so my hopes weren't high.

I don't even think it was up to 10 minutes when I heard Mrs. Diane say, "Time's up. Pass your tests to the person in front of you." I sighed heavily as I did as she said.

I took a glimpse at the clock and noticed that there was still 7 minutes left. Mrs. Diane sat on her table and started marking the tests. I looked around and saw that everyone was discussing with someone else.

I glanced at Gabriel and of course he was talking to his girlfriend, Taylor. Why won't someone as perfect as Gabriel have a girlfriend as perfect as Taylor? I mean, she has a perfect smile, a pretty face, brown eyes and blonde bouncy hair. She's so kind and sweet, I could never match up to her.

I frowned as I saw Taylor giggle and twirl her hair while Gabriel winked at her.

I wish I had her life.

The bell suddenly rang as everyone got up from their seats and exited the class. I picked up my bag and was about to walk out of the class when Mrs. Diane called my name.

I turned to face her as she handed me my pop quiz. It had an E+ written on it in red ink. It's better than an F. "Brianna, you are not very good in English...and every other subject as I have been told." She said as I rolled my eyes a little. I know I was bad in...most subjects but she didn't have to rub it in, "So the school board decided that you should get a tutor. I personally picked the best student to teach you." I looked around the empty classroom and looked back at her.

"So who's my tutor?" I asked as the door opened to reveal Timothy. He's the nerd of my class, always has his nose in a book, is always bullied by the football team, basketball team, baseball team.... basically anyone who is into sports bullies him. But on the bright side, he's a good looking nerd. 

I stared at him as he broke into a grin.

"Sorry, Mrs. Diane. I was...uh..."

"Whatever." Mrs. Diane said interrupting him, "This is who you'll be tutoring."

Timothy smiled at me as he extended his arm for a handshake. I only nodded my head at him, seeing how he hesitated to shake my hand. He obviously didn't want my bad luck. Timothy awkwardly placed his arm on his side as he frowned a little.

"Um, okay, so, Timothy, I want you to teach Brianna all she needs to know about English and all the other subjects which aren't as important." Mrs. Diane mumbled the last part as Timothy chuckled. I just stood there awkwardly, staring at the two as they conversed.

"I'll teach her all she needs to know." Timothy said as he adjusted his glasses on the bridge of his nose.

"Alright then, you're excused." Mrs. Diane waved her hand at us as we walked out of her class.

The halls were still filled with students as I kept my eyes glued to the ground, not really interested in starting a conversation with him. He didn't even seem like he wanted to talk to me, so I guess we were even.

"So, do you wanna start today or...?" I heard Timothy say as we walked together. I don't actually know where we were going, I was just following him.

"Uh...sure. I don't see why not. We can head to the public library, it isn't too far from here." I shrugged as we exited the school building and walked down the street.

I brought out my phone from my pocket and quickly texted my grandma.

I'll be coming home late.

She replied back quickly.

May I know why?

I chuckled inwardly because I expected her to take a whole hour before replying. If she replied this quickly, it meant that she wasn't doing anything serious at this particular instant in time.

I have a tutor.

As quickly as it left, the reply came back.

Alright. But don't come back too late. Love you, my little cupcake.

I rolled my eyes at her usual behavior.

Love you too, my honey bear.

"Brianna! Look out!" I heard Timothy yell as I turned back to him. His face was pale with horror as I handed him a confused look.

Suddenly, I felt my body jerk forward a little bit as I came face to face with a car. I was literally standing in the middle of the road.

I was on the floor as I saw the driver of the car come out of his vehicle with a worried look on his face. "Are you okay, kid?" He asked anxiety lacing his voice.

I nodded as I got up from the ground I was sitting on, "I'm fine."

He let out a sigh of relief before saying, "Please be more careful next time."

I handed him a tight smile before walking towards Timothy's direction. He let out a sigh of relief as he noticed that I was walking perfectly fine and not wincing in pain.

This happens to me all the time, but I partially blame my texting. You know what they say, don't text and walk.

Timothy was about to say something but I cut him off by walking straight to the library. I didn't want his sympathy. I mean, I face this constant problem everyday. So no matter how bad the situation is, I'll always find a way to get out. I just pretended like nothing happened.

That's how my life has been and that's how it will continue to be.

Full of bad luck.


Here is the first ever chapter of BLB. What do you think?

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Till the Next chapter...


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