Back to the Falls (Gravity Falls)

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//This one shot is written in first person and past tense, from Dipper's perspective//


Welcome to Gravity Falls Oregon. Yep, that's what the sign says. We're going back to Gravity Falls. Been awhile. But the grunkles are back from their trip, so we thought it might be nice to go back and see everyone again. I've been doing some research in my own town, and turns out there are paranormal hotspots all over the world. It'll be great to see some of our friends from this place. I know Mabel is really excited to see Candy again, and I'm glad I'll get to see Wendy again (even if I am stuck in the friend zone). It'll be nice to go back here again. Oh, this is our stop. I'll write a bit more later tonight.

It was great seeing everyone one again today. Mabel was so excited to see Candy and Grenda. And for me It was really nice to see Wendy and Ford. It feela like the rest of the world is changing so much, but Gravity Falls will always be sorta the same. Tomorrow Ford and I are going to compare our research. I mean, wow! He's traveled all over the globe, so who knows what stuff he's found. Well, now we can add journals 4 and 5 to the shelf. I can't wait. Okay, well goodnight. I want to get a head start on the day.


Wow! Ford's research is incredible! We compared notes today, and combined we really DO need to write two more books. Haha just joking. We've found out that there's a whole second dimension full of magical creatures. I mean, of course we know there are other dimensions, but it seems that this one is completely- well, I don't really know how to describe it, but if we could open a portal to it, we could learn so much! But of course Stan would never agree. He's already lost his brother to a portal once, he doesn't want to happen again. But who can blame him?

Mabel also went out with her friends today, even Pacifica came, witch surprised me. But I suppose were all on good terms now. We've grown a lot in the past three years. Okay, well goodnight.


It I die, my journal and all my research goes to Ford, and all my sweaters from Mabel can be added to her pile. Mabel says that waddles goes to grunkle Stan, and her sweaters goes to her friends and her parents, and that her snowglobe collection goes to Soos!!

Well. Turns out we didn't die. You're probably wondering why i thought we were going to die. In short gnomes. Remember how I told you that on our very first day here, some gnomes proposed to Mabel, but she rejected them and we ended up being chased by a giant gnome? Well that happened again. Except this time, we didn't have a golf cart to make our daring escape in. But we managed some how, and it's actually kind of fun. Once you get past the fact that you're being attacked by a giant lawn gnome. Okay, well that whole gnome episode has tired me out. Goodnight.


Not much has happened. We've just been exploring the town and hanging out with our old friends. It's nice. We did but today me and Mabel found something weird. It's a Bill Cipher statue. It's all covered in moss, and looks really old. Almost like a gravestone. I wonder what it means...


Well, This is it. Our last day. We showed Ford the weird Bill Cipher gravestone, so I'm sure if anything interesting happens, he'll let us know. I'm gonna miss this place. But now that Stan and Ford are back, we can visit more often, witch will be nice. Alright, well time to say goodbye. It was nice coming back to the Falls. I'll miss this place.

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