Tea party (Gravity Falls)

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A/N Hi! This story features my OC Esther. Don't use her or claim her as your own. Also, this oneshot takes place during Weirdmegedon 3, before they finish the cipher circle.


Esther Brook:

Dark ginger/ginger girl with reddish-brown eyes. She likes photography and is kinda weird, but adventurous and creative too. Her symbol on the cipher wheel is Bill Cipher's eye.

Oh man!! Meant to post this way earlier, but for some reason it didn't post and i didn't see till now. I AM SO SORRY FAM!!!

"Bill! What have I told you about taking over dimensions?" Esther says in a reprimanding tone. "Oh come on Eyes! You could rule with me. I know you want want to bestie." says the one-eyed demon in a singsong  voice. "No. I will be in a place of power one day," As head of the Photographers club. Says and thinks Esther. "But not like this. Now let Stanford pines go." She finishes. Doing as he is told, Bill drops Ford, and the sound echos through the room, as the golden figurine crashes to the ground with a thud. "Hold on-" Dipper cuts in, not noticing Ford. "Do you two.. know each other?" He's shocked, but at the same time, not so. "Oh yea. We go waaaay back. Isn't that right, Billsie?" "Estherrr don't call me that!" Bill says, turning red. "Especially," He whispers, "in front of my friends." 

"Ok, so who's side are you on Esther?" Dipper says asks with a hint on annoyance. "Whoa dude, don't worry, i'm on your's... Pinetree." She snickers. "Look, we may be friends, but i don't approve of his ambitions any more than you do. Like when we were having tea last week..." "-You were will Bill  last week? Really?" Dip questions. "Yes. Now let me do my flashback!"

FLASHBACK  Brought to you by: Esther's stuffed animals                                  

"Knock Knock Brickhead!" Esther smiled, knocking on Bill's two dimensional door. "Ahh Eyes! you're here! What took ya so long?" He laughed, opening the door. "I got it all set up, teacups, plates, scones... Oh! and my own special blend of tea! Hope you like it." Bill invited her inside and she pulled up a chair. Everything was set and the scones looked delicious. 

She put one on her plate, while bill poured the tea, witch tasted like gold rainbows, and static electricity, as well as a lot of other things she couldn't quite place. But overall the tea was good. "Mmm delicious. Can you send me the recipe Billsie?" Esther chuckled, sipping the golden liquid. "Not a chance Eyes. Hey, do you think i could blow up time baby?" He asked. "Bill! I thought we said no more evil. What did I tell you?" She said in a mother-like tone. "Evil is bad, it corups your brain, Love people, Love. Gosh your like my mother." But worse. Bill said, half rolling his eye. "Right, now who's going to blow up time baby?" Esther asked him. "Not me." Bill said sadly.


"Uhh.. Esther?" Says, waving his hand in front of her face. "Oh, right sorry." Esther snaps back to the present. "And hey, Eyes, turns I can kill time baby. How 'bout that?" Bill says. Esther ignores him. "Alright. Now stop this at once Bill. You should know better." She says now fully back from her flashback. She acts like his mother. Dipper thinks. "Your not my mom Eyes. I can do what I wish." Cipher says. "But I know her. Do you want me to get Nancy? 'Cuz i will." Dipper wonders how in the world Esther knows Bill's mom, while Mabel tries to figure out what her friend was thinking when she spaced out.

Blue flames spark from Bill's hands. "Fine. have it your way Cipher." His friend says. "Everyone! NOW!" Dipper and Mabel take their spots on the Cipher Wheel, holding hands with the others, and Esther steps up the the eye in the middle of both the circle and the drawing of Bill Cipher's face. "I'm going  to miss you friend. REALITY IS AN ILLUSION THE UNIVERSE IS A HOLOGRAM BUY GOLD BYE BILL!" She yells, jumping onto the eye and revering Gravity Falls back to normal. Or as it can be...

A/N Thanks so much for reading! I've wanted to write something about Esther ever since i created her (yesterday), so i'm glad I finally did. Please leave a like and comment if if you enjoyed this! BYE!


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