O My Heart (Lightningbreeze songfic pt2)

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A/N This is for my friend on RPN! Their user on here is @TheDiscs So go follow them! Also this a a sequel to my first songfic on here; Try Everything. So If you haven't read that you should do so first.

Character info:
Lightningnolegs, you know him from before. Adventurous and wild gay with long cream fur and broken legs.
Breezefur, somewhat annoying and aggressive black bisexual tom who pretends he's straight. His dad was *cough cough very cough cough* abusive and mean, and was (sorry!) totally homophobic. But he's dead now. Yay! But Breezeyboi still be scarred for life and so won't admit that he's gay for fear of his dad who sometimes haunts his dreams like in this sonfic. Don't worry no abuse or anything is mentioned it's all pretty good & very sweet at the end

P.S. All singing done as narration (I guess, don't know what else to call it) is in bold, and when Breezefur is actually singing it's in bold and italics. Also you can skip some lines if you need.

Start the song here.

Breezefur was in a large wheat field. Open sky. In front of him was a puddle, and when he looked at his reflection, all he saw was his father looking back at him. Charredclaws was dead. So why did Breezefur still feel like he was living in his shadow?

He began to run, the shadow of his father chasing him.

Oh my heart, it's a fish out of water
Oh my heart, it's a fish on the rocks and it bakes in the bad sun
Oh my heart, it's a rock in the gutter
Oh my heart, it's a rocking great bolder and stuck in the gutter

Breezefur now lept from rock to rock over the great wide expanse of the ocean.

And I throw my heart back to the ocean
But it don't go far it come back floating

He sees a cat's heart floating in the sea.

And I watch it wash up with the dead fish
But it ain't quite dead it just is lifeless

Hos dream transitions back into the wheat field, where a tornado Is beginning to form. The shadow of Charredclaws begins to gain on Breezefur, and Breezefur finds himself inside a house that's getting sucked up into the spinning winds.

Oh my heart, it's a house in tornado
Oh my heart, it's a house in the sky in the eye of tornado
Oh my heart, it's a roof in el niño
Oh my heart, it's a roof made of straw in the jaw of el niño

The straw roof of the house turns into a great big fleshy heart, and the house flips upside down, causing Breezefur to land on the heart. He tries to run away but only ends up running in place, and shadows surround the house.

And I pour my heart a new foundation
But it don't set hard it just stays shaking
And I scratch my name I scratch my name in
But it don't set hard it gets mixed back in

The heart roof opens up and spits Breezefur out into a strange place, as a yellow brick road unfolds before him. He sees stilts and pillars built around him as part of a house, but walls crumble around him as he runs, always followed by the shadow.

Bum, bum, bum
Bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum
Bum, bum, bum,
Bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum
Bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum
Bum, bum, bum

Cubes fold around and he climbs a pair of endless stairs, only to be shot back again to the sea and the sky.

Oh my heart, it's fish out of water
Oh my heart, it's a rock in the gutter
Oh my heart, it's a black in a rainbow
Oh my heart, it's so damn cold

He climbs into the sky on a black rainbow, before ending up in a charred forest, faced with a wall of blue flames. He keeps running.

And I throw my heart into the fire
'Cause I want to set my heart on fire
And I watch it try befriending embers

His body is surrounded by flames.

But the ice don't melt in mid December

As he passes through the flames the shadows melt away and in a blur of warm colors he ends up right back where he started- in the wheat field in front of the puddle. 
He looks in at his reflection, expecting to see his father like usual- but instead he sees a different cat- himself. And he comes the the realization that he isn't his father. He is Breezefur.

Oh my heart, it's a fish out of water
Oh my heart, it's a fish on the rocks and it bakes in the bad sun

Breezefur wakes up from his dream in the cool moonlight and leaves the den. He sees Lightningstorm sitting on a cliff of the mountain. Breezefur sits down next to him and they both silently stare at the moon, till' Breezefur finally whispers something the other's ears. 

"I love you too."

A/N Special thanks to JustHeretoHide on RPN for suggesting to use a song by Mother Mother, and of course, thanks to all my amazing friends from The Forest! (You know who are uwu)


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