Chapter 10

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Christmas was coming. One morning in mid-December, Hogwarts woke to find itself covered in several feet of snow. The lake froze solid and the Weasley twins were punished for bewitching several snowballs so that they followed Quirrell around, bouncing off the back of his turban. The few owls that managed to battle their way through the stormy sky to deliver mail had to be nursed back to health by Hagrid before they could fly off again.No one could wait for the holidays to start. While the Gryffindor common room and the Great Hall had roaring fires, the drafty corridors had become icy and a bitter wind rattled the windows in the classrooms.Worst of all were Professor Snape's classes down in the dungeons, where their breath rose in a mist before them and they kept as close as possible to their hot cauldrons.

"I do feel so sorry," said Draco Malfoy, one Potions class, "for all those people who have to stay at Hogwarts for Christmas because they're not wanted at home."He was looking over at Harry as he spoke. Crabbe and Goyle chuckled."ill have you know im staying here because Aunt Andromeda and Uncle Ted are going to visit my cousin Tonks whos in Auror training in America cousin dearest" Riguel said adding the final touches to his potion.

When they left the dungeons at the end of Potions, they found a large fir tree blocking the corridor ahead. Two enormous feet sticking out at the bottom and a loud puffing sound told them that Hagrid was behind it."Hi, Hagrid, want any help?" Ron asked, sticking his head through the branches. "Nah, I'm all right, thanks, Ron.""Would you mind moving out of the way?" came Malfoys cold drawl from behind them. "Are you trying to earn some extra money, Weasley? Hoping to be gamekeeper yourself when you leave Hogwarts, I suppose that hut of Hagrid's must seem like a palace compared to what your family's used to."Ron dived at Malfoy just as Snape came up the stairs."WEASLEY!"Ron let go of the front of Malfoy's robes Rigel pulled Ron away from Draco."He was provoked, Professor Snape," said Hagrid, sticking his huge hairy face out from behind the tree.

"Malfoy was insultin' his family.""Be that as it may, fighting is against Hogwarts rules, Hagrid," said Snape silkily. "Five points from Gryffindor, Weasley, and be grateful it isn't more. Move along, all of you."Malfoy, Crabbe, and Goyle pushed roughly past the tree, scattering needles everywhere and smirking."I'll get him," said Ron, grinding his teeth at Malfoy's back, "one of these days, I'll get him " Ron said. "dont let him get to you Ron hes not worth it" Rigel said rubbing Rons back.

"I hate them both," said Harry, "Malfoy and Snape.""Come on, cheer up, it's nearly Christmas," said Hagrid. "Tell yeh what,come with me an' see the Great Hall, looks a treat."So the three of them followed Hagrid and his tree off to -the Great Hall, where Professor McGonagall and Professor Flitwick were busy with the Christmas decorations."Ah, Hagrid, the last tree -- put it in the far corner, would you?"The hall looked spectacular. Festoons of holly and mistletoe hung all around the walls, and no less than twelve towering Christmas trees stood around the room, some sparkling with tiny icicles, some glittering with hundreds of candles.

"How many days you got left until yer holidays?" Hagrid asked."Just one," said Rigel. "And that reminds me Rigel,Harry, Ron, we've got half an hour before lunch, we should be in the library." Hermione.

"Oh yeah, you're right," said Ron, tearing his eyes away from Professor Flitwick, who had golden bubbles blossoming out of his wand and was trailing them over the branches of the new tree."The library?" said Hagrid, following them out of the hall. "Just before the holidays? Bit keen, aren't yeh?""Oh, we're not working," Harry told him brightly. "Ever since you mentioned Nicolas Flamel we've been trying to find out who he is." Harry said.

"You what?" Hagrid looked shocked. "Listen here I've told yeh drop it. It's nothin' to you what that dog's guardin'.""We just want to know who Nicolas Flamel is, that's all," said Hermione."Unless you'd like to tell us and save us the trouble?" Harry added. "We must've been through hundreds of books already and we can't find him anywhere just give us a hint I know I've read his name somewhere." Hermione said

"I'm sayin' nothin, said Hagrid flatly."Just have to find out for ourselves, then," said Ron, and they left Hagrid looking disgruntled and hurried off to the library.They had indeed been searching books for Flamel's name ever since Hagrid had let it slip, because how else were they going to find out what Snape was trying to steal?

The trouble was, it was very hard to know where to begin, not knowing what Flamel might have done to get himself into a book. He wasn't in Great Wizards of the Twentieth Century, or Notable Magical Names of Our Time; he was missing, too, from Important Modern Magical Discoveries, and A Study of Recent Developments in Wizardry. And then, of course, there was the sheer size of the library; tens of thousands of books; thousands of shelves; hundreds of narrow rows. Hermione took out a list of subjects and titles she had decided to search while Ron strode off down a row of books and started pulling them off the shelves at random. Harry and Rigel wandered over to the Restricted Section.

"What are you looking for, boy?""Nothing," said Harry.Madam Pince the librarian brandished a feather duster at him."You'd better get out, then. Go on out!"they left the library. Rigel, Harry, Ron, and Hermione had already agreed they'd better not ask Madam Pince where they could find Flamel. They were sure she'd be able to tell them, but they couldn't risk Snape hearing what they were up to.Harry waited outside in the corridor to see if the other two had found anything, but he wasn't very hopeful. They had been looking for two weeks, after A, but as they only had odd moments between lessons it wasn't surprising they'd found nothing. What they really needed was a nice long search without Madam Pince breathing down their necks.

"harry i got to do something can you tell Ron and Hermione i went back to Gryffindor tower" he asked. Harry nodded. Rigel smile and began to walk back to the tower. "oh cousin" said a voice that immediately made Riguel roll his eyes. "What Draco" Rigel asked his cousin. "my mother and father said its fine if you want to spend Christmas with us" Draco said. "no thanks i already have plans" Rigel said. "and what are they" Draco asked. "im spending it with my friends " Riguel said. "what like weasley" Draco said. "his name is Ron" Rigel said walking away. "why are you hanging out with him your a Lestrange and hes a poor pathetic weasley" Draco asked.

Rigel slowly turned around and pulled out his wand. " Flipendo" he cried the jinx hit Draco in the chest sending him flying back. "dont talk about him like that" Rigel said to his cousin on the floor before leaving.

Rigel went to his dorm and went into his chest taking out a half finished T-shirt. he took out a needle and orange and gold thread and began to continue sewing.

when he was done he admired it. the t-shirt was orange and gold with the gryffindor crest on it. he took out some wrapping paper and began to wrap it. when it was done he put it back under his bed until Christmas.

as he went into the dormitory he saw Harry and Ron sitting in the good arm chairs. "why did you leave the library" Ron asked. "i had to finish something that couldn't wait" he said sitting on the couch. "what is it" Harry asked. "wait and see harry wait and see" he said.


The Christmas holidays so far had been fun. Rigel spent most of it outside reading and when they left the common room Ron and Harry. one time after a snowball fight he passed out on the common room couch with Ron falling asleep next to him. when Harry saw this he giggled at the boys and left them be.

on Christmas eve as everyone slept Rigel put his presents under the tree tree carefully and walked quietly back up to his bed. as he got back under his covers he smiled thinking of the morning.

when he woke up he saw that harry and Rons beds were empty he smiled at them and walked down to the common room and saw the weasley twins, harry and Ron. "merry Christmas boys" Rigel said. "aww the little Lestrange is finally up" George said. "oh ha ha" Riguel said.  Rigel smirked at one of the gifts. "hey Ron theres a present over there for you" Rigel said pointing to the present. Ron picked it up and unwrapped the gift and went wide eyed. Rigel smiled at him. "woah thats a nice T-shirt" Harry said. "thank you" Rigel said. the boys turned to him. "d-did you make this" Ron asked. "sure did im good with a needle and thread" he said. riguel suddenly hugged him. "awwww are little brother is hugging Riguel" Fred said "so cute" George said. ron ended the hug.,

"i-i got you something" Ron said handing him a small badly wrapped present. Rigel unwrapped it and saw 5 pink hair bands. "your hairs always getting in your way so i got you pink hair bands" Ron said. Rigel put one that had a butterfly and put it in his hair. "thanks ron" Rigel said. "hahahahahahahaha" the twins burst out laughing. "yeah boys keep laughing and i wont help you with your charms homework anymore" Rigel said to the twins.

the twins quickly shut up at that. "well be good" they both said. Rigel went and unwrapped the rest of his presents, "he got a book of advanced charms from Hermione, some chocolate frogs from Tonks, a pair of black and pink jeans from his aunt Andromeda and uncle Ted he had jsut finished unwrapping everything until only two parcels were left. one was wrapped in green wrapping paper with black snakes on it. "no need to guess who this one is from" Rigel said. he unwrapped it and saw a picture of couple who looked like they had just gotten married. the women was wearing a black wedding dress with black onyx jewelry. the man was wearing black dress robes and was kissing the bride on the cheek.

Rigel went wide eyed. "whats that" Harry asked. "a picture of my parents im guessing on their wedding day" Rigel asked. "woah you really do look like your mum" Fred said. "just what every boy wants to hear" Rigel said putting the picture down and picked up the other parcel.

it was wrapped in pink wrapping paper with black hearts. Rigel unwrapped it and saw a black and gold container. Rigel opend it and saw what looked like a folded up map. "whats that" Ron asked. "i dont know" Rigel put it on the ground and unfolded it. from it a small picture tree appeared with branches sticking out with names on it and pictures of people. "whats that" George asked. "its cool"  Fred asked. Rigel saw on it the Lestrange crest .

"its my family tree" Rigel said. Rigel saw some of the pictures looking burnt along with the branch they were on. he figured it meant that those people were dead. he saw one branch had his father and mother on one branch and below it it had a picture of him. "defiantly your family tree" Ron said.

Rigel carefully folded it back up and put it back into its container. "i- im going to go back up to my dorm" he said leaving the room and heading back up to his room. Rigel put the picture of his parents next to his bed and put his family tree in the trunk. he heard a knock and turned and saw Ron standing in the door way. "you ok" Rigel asked. Rigel nodded. "yeah just a bit overwhelming " Rigel said. Ron wrapped an arm around Rigel. "theres still one more present for you downstairs" Ron said. "ok sorry i just needed a minute" Rigel said as he and Ron left the room. "its ok Rigel" Ron said as the got back into the common room. "Rigel went wide eyed at the sight of harry with no body. "WHAT THE MERLIN" Rigel shouted. "someone sent Harry a invincibility cloak" Fred said. harry took off the cloak revealing his body. "and why are you guys wearing sweaters with the first letter of you name on it" Rigel asked. "oh mum makes them every year" Fred said. "seems like you got one to" George said.

Rigel saw a package sitting on the chair. he opened it and saw a red sweater with a big R on it. Rigel put it on. "i like it" Rigel said. "at least someone does" George said looking at ron. "can i help it if i hate maroon" Ron said pouting. "What's all the is noise.Percy Weasley stuck his head through the door, looking disapproving. He had clearly gotten halfway through unwrapping his presents as he, too,carried a lumpy sweater over his arm, which Fred seized."P for prefect! Get it on, Percy, come on, we're all wearing ours, even Harry and Rigel got one.""I -- don't -- want said Percy thickly, as the twins forced the sweater over his head, knocking his glasses askew."And you're not sitting with the prefects today, either," said George. "Christmas is a time for family."They frog-marched Percy from the room, his arms pinned to his side by his sweater.

Rigel couldn't help but giggle at that scene.


the entire day had been brilliant in Rigels opinion after the Christmas feast was one of the best things he had ever ate. when Night came around Rigel happily welcomed sleep feeling incredibly happy of how today had turned out

The next day, Harry told them about a magical mirror that he saw his parents in. He had gone out while they were sleeping using the invisibility cloak to try to find a book on Flamel in the restricted section."You could have woken me up," said Ron, crossly."You can come tonight, I'm going back, I want to show you two the mirror." said Harry. "i dont know harry this whole thing seems weird" Rigel said. "what do you mean" Harry asked. "a mirror that shows the dead ive never heard of anything like that" Rigel said. "oh something you've never heard of now i have to see it" Ron said. "uh fine ill go to" Rigel said already regretting it.

So he went with them, the three of them under Harry's cloak. It was freezing and Apollo kind of regretted coming along. Harry seemed to be taking them in circles."I'm freezing Harry," said "can we please go back to our nice warm dormitory" Rigel begged."No!" Harry hissed. "I know it's here somewhere."Ron started moaning about his cold feet, when Harry spotted something. "It's here just here yes!"The three boys pushed the door open. Upon entering the room Harry threw the cloak on the floor and went to the mirror. Rigel couldn't shake the feeling that something is wrong. Harry smiled in front of the mirror as if he saw something beautiful, he motioned for Ron and Apollo to stand next to him so they could see his family.

T "See?" Harry whispered."I can't see anything." Rigel said. "Look! Look at them all... there are loads of them....". "I can only see you." Ron said "Look in it properly, go on, stand where I am."Harry stepped aside, but with Ron in front of the mirror, he couldn'tsee his family anymore, just Ron in his paisley pyjamas.Ron, though, was staring transfixed at his image."Look at me!" he said."Can you see all your family standing around you?""No -- I'm alone -- but I'm different -- I look older -- and I'm headboy!""What?""I am -- I'm wearing the badge like Bill used to -- and I'm holding the house cup and the Quidditch cup -- I'm Quidditch captain, too and and."and what" Riguel asked.Ron didn't answer Ron looked pale and saw Rigel saw his hand tremble a little bit.

Ron tore his eyes away from the sight to look at harry confused at Harry."D-do you think this mirror shows the future?""How can it? All my family are dead let me have another look " Harry said.

"You had it to yourself all last night, give me a bit more time."Ron said "You're only holding the Quidditch cup, what's interesting about that? I want to see my parents.""Don't push me " Rigel got in between the boys. "guys knock it off" Rigel said. the two turned to him. "you go" Harry said. "what" Rigel asked. "you look at the mirror" Ron said. Ron moved aside and Rigel moved into the spot Ron was in.

Riguel went wide eyed at what he saw. he saw his parents smiling at each other and in between them him and all three were giggling and smiling. "what do you see" Ron asked. "m-my parents and we look normal" Rigel said. Riguel felt like crying at this scene he knew this would never come true his parents would spend the rest of their lives locked away. Ron rubbed his back. Rigel smiled at the boy and looked back to the mirror as it began to change. Rigel went wide eyed and smiled a little bit. "what do you see now" Harry asked. "not telling" Rigel smirked.

Ron threw the cloak back over them as the luminous eyes of Mrs. Norriscame round the door. Ron and Harry stood quite still, both thinking the same thing did the cloak work on cats? After what seemed an age, sheturned and left."This isn't safe she might have gone for Filch, I bet she heard us.Come on."And Ron pulled Harry and Riguel out of the room.

When they got back to their room and got into their beds Rigel couldn't sleep. he was smiling slightly at what the mirror showed him. he touched his lips. what he saw in the mirror was something he never could have imagined. he saw a older version of himself kissing......................................................Ron

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