Chapter 11

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A few days later Harry explained to Rigel and Harry that Dumbledore told the two the mirror was dangerous and they couldn't go back to it.

Rigel was sitting down in the common room looking at Ron. "so uh Ron what did you see in the mirror you looked scared" Rigel asked. "oh uh nothing" Ron said looking away. "are you sure because" Rigel was interrupted. "OH COURSE IM SURE WHY ARE WE EVEN TALKING ABOUT THIS DUMBLEDORE TOLD HARRY THAT ITS DANGEROUS" Ron shouted. "oh ok then sorry for asking" Rigel said leaving Ron alone feeling hurt at his outburst.

once term started Rigel barley talked to Ron. he was still upset about Rons outburst. Ron tried to apologies during one of their breaks when they were skimming the books in the library for 10 minutes Rigel ignored him.

When term started Rigel tried to ignore Ron by focusing on his studies but eventually he had enough and decided to write to his cousin Tonks and ask her what to do.

It was during one breakfast he got her reply. when the letter was dropped in front of Rigel he immediately began to read it.

Dear baby cuz

Glad to hear your turning a few heads at Hogwarts and ooooo I can't believe you already have a crush. As for my advice apologies for ignoring your crush since good chance knowing you you would ignore them for the rest of the year.

Love ya



Rigel was stunned because Tonks gave good advice one time when he was stuck with a math problem her advice was "ignore it and it will go away". Rigel looked and  saw Ron sitting by himself at the end of the Gryffindor table looking away from everyone. Rigel got up from his seat and walked over to the ginger haired by and placed a hand on his shoulder. Ron turned around and saw Rigel standing behind him. Ron smiled at him and Rigel smiled back. Rigel sat down next to Ron "i-im sorry" Ron said to him. Rigel took Rons hand. "i know" Rigel said. Rigel may not know exactly what to do about his crush but at least he and Ron were talking again.

Later Ron, Rigel and Hermione were in the Gryffindor common room, where Ron and Hermione were playing chess and Riguel was sketching. Rigel saw the portrait door open when e looked up from his sketch pad and saw harry enter. "hey harry" Rigel said. "quiet please i need to concentrate" Ron said. "he and Hermione are playing wizards chess" Rigel whispered to Harry. Riguel went wide eyed once he took a look at Harry,s  face. "woah whats wrong with you" Rigel said gaining the attention of Ron and Hermione.

Speaking quietly so that no one else would hear, Harry told them about Snape's sudden, sinister desire to be a Quidditch referee.  "Don't play," said Hermione at once."Say you're ill," said Ron."Pretend to break your leg," Hermione suggested."Really break your leg," said Rigel."I can't," said Harry. "There isn't a reserve Seeker. If I back out,Gryffindor can't play at all."At that moment Neville toppled into the common room. How he had managedto climb through the portrait hole was anyone's guess, because his legshad been stuck together with what they recognized at once as theLeg-Locker Curse. He must have had to bunny hop all the way up toGryffindor tower.Everyone fell over laughing except Hermione and Rigel, who both leapt up and Rigel performed the counter curse. Neville's legs sprang apart and he got to his feet,trembling. "What happened?" Hermione asked him, leading him over to sit with Harry and Ron."Malfoy," said Neville shakily. "I met him outside the library. He said he'd been looking for someone to practice that on."

Rigel rolled his eyes. "i am seriously questioning as to how im related to that spoiled brat" Rigel said. "your not the only one" Ron said. Go to Professor McGonagall!" Hermione urged Neville. "Report him!"Neville shook his head."I don't want more trouble," he mumbled."You've got to stand up to him, Neville!" said Ron. "He's used to walking all over people, but that's no reason to lie down in front of him and make it easier.""There's no need to tell me I'm not brave enough to be in Gryffindor,Malfoy's already done that," Neville choked out.Harry felt in the pocket of his robes and pulled out a Chocolate Frog,the very last one from the box Hermione had given him for Christmas. He gave it to Neville, who looked as though he might cry.

"Listen Neville Draco is a spoiled selfish little stuck up brat who i am tempted to throttle on a daily basis" Rigel said. "not the only one" Ron said. "you were put into Gryffindor for a reason Neville and where is Draco Slytherin the house that has produced more dark wizard than any of the four houses" Rigel said. "your more brave than you think Neville and your worth twelve Draco's" Rigel said. 

Neville's lips twitched in a weak smile as he unwrapped the frog."Thanks, Rigel... I think I'll go to bed.... D'you want the card Harry, youcollect them, don't you?"As Neville walked away, Harry looked at the Famous Wizard card. "Dumbledore again," he said, "He was the first one I ever-"He gasped. "what is it Harry" Rigel asked.

I've found him!" he whispered. "I've found Flamel! I told you I'd readthe name somewhere before, I read it on the train coming here  listento this: 'Dumbledore is particularly famous for his defeat of the dark wizard Grindelwald in 1945, for the discovery of the twelve uses ofdragon's blood, and his work on alchemy with his partner, NicolasFlamel'!"

Hermione jumped to her feet. She hadn't looked so excited since they'dgotten back the marks for their very first piece of homework."Stay there!" she said, and she sprinted up the stairs to the girls'dormitories. Harry and Ron barely had time to exchange mystified looks Before she was dashing back, an enormous old book in her arms."I never thought to look in here!" she whispered excitedly. "I got thisout of the library weeks ago for a bit of light reading.""Light?" said Ron, but Hermione told him to be quiet until she'd looked something up, and started flicking frantically through the pages,muttering to herself.At last she found what she was looking for."I knew it! I knew it!"

"Are we allowed to speak yet?" said Ron grumpily. Hermione ignored him."Nicolas Flamel," she whispered dramatically, "is the only known makerof the Philosophers Stone!"This didn't have quite the effect she'd expected."The what?" said Harry and Ron."Oh, honestly, don't you two read? Look  read that, there."She pushed the book toward them, and Harry and Ron read: The ancient study of alchemy is concerned with making the Philosophers Stone, a legendary substance with astonishing powers. The stone will transformany metal into pure gold. It also produces the Elixir of Life, which will make the drinker immortal.There have been many reports of the Sorcerer's Stone over the centuries,but the only Stone currently in existence belongs to Mr. Nicolas Flamel,the noted alchemist and opera lover. Mr. Flamel, who celebrated his sixhundred and sixty-fifth birthday last year, enjoys a quiet life in Devonwith his wife, Perenelle (six hundred and fifty-eight).

"See?" said Hermione, when Harry and Ron had finished. "The dog must be guarding Flamel's Philosophers Stone! I bet he asked Dumbledore to keep it safe for him, because they're friends and he knew someone was after it,that's why he wanted the Stone moved out of Gringotts!""A stone that makes gold and stops you from ever dying!" said Rigel. "No wonder Snape's after it! Anyone would want it." Rigel said "And no wonder we couldn't find Flamel in that Study of Recent Developments in Wizardry," said Ron. "He's not exactly recent if he'ssix hundred and sixty-five, is he?"

The next morning in Defense Against the Dark Arts, while copying downdifferent ways of treating werewolf bites. Rigel was trying to concentrate on his work but kept getting distracted by Harry and Ron's conversation about what they would do with a Philosophers stone. Rigel was just about done when he saw Blaise Zabini a boy in his year from Slytherin staring at him. Rigel waved at him and Blaise went wide eyed and turned away. Rigel shook it off and continued with his work. what they didn't see was that Ron had saw Blaise staring at Rigel and began to glare at Blaise out of both anger and jealousy because the way Blaise looked at Rigel was the same way Ron looked at Rigel.

"I'm going to play," Harry told Ron and Hermione and Riguel. "If I don't, all the Slytherins will think I'm just too scared to face Snape. I'll showthem... it'll really wipe the smiles off their faces if we win.""Just as long as we're not wiping you off the field," said Rigel.

On the Day of the match Riguel,Ron and Hermione, had found a place in the stands next to Neville, who couldn't understand why they looked so grim and worried, or why three brought their wands to the match. Little did Harry know that Rigel had been secretly teaching Ron and Hermione the Leg-Locker Curse. They'd gotten the idea from Malfoy using it on Neville, and were ready to use it on Snape if he showed any sign of wanting to hurt Harry."Now, don't forget, it's Locomotor Mortis," Hermione muttered as Ron slipped his wand up his sleeve."I know," Ron snapped. "Don't nag." "Ron relax ok nothing bad is going to happen" Rigel said rubbing his back. Ron couldn't help but smile at him.

as the match began the three became more anxious as they watched a angry Snape on the field as the teams marched out  onto the field. "I've never seen Snape look so mean," Ron told Hermione and Rigel. "Look they'reoff Ouch!"Someone had poked Ron in the back of the head. It was Malfoy."Oh, sorry, Weasley, didn't see you there." Malfoy grinned broadly at Crabbe and Goyle."Wonder how long Potter's going to stay on his broom this time? Anyone want a bet? What about you, Weasley?" "oh shut up Draco" Rigel said to the blonde boy. Ron didn't answer; Snape had just awarded Hufflepuff a penalty because George Weasley had hit a Bludger at him. Hermione, who had all herfingers crossed in her lap, was squinting fixedly at Harry, who wascircling the game like a hawk, looking for the Snitch and Riguel was busy resisting the urge to reach over and give Draco a black eye.

"You know how I think they choose people for the Gryffindor team?" said Malfoy loudly a few minutes later, as Snape awarded Hufflepuff another penalty for no reason at all. "It's people they feel sorry for. See,there's Potter, who's got no parents, then there's the Weasleys, who've got no money you should be on the team, Longbottom, you've got no brains."Neville went bright red but turned in his seat to face Malfoy."I'm worth twelve of you, Malfoy," he stammered.Malfoy, Crabbe, and Goyle howled with laughter, but Ron, still notdaring to take his eyes from the game, said, "You tell him, Neville.""Longbottom, if brains were gold you'd be poorer than Weasley, andthat's saying something." Rigel officially had enough with his cousin."I'm warning you, Draco one more word" "Rigel!" said Hermione suddenly,

"Harry " Ron said "What? Where?" Rigel asked. Harry had suddenly gone into a spectacular dive, which drew gasps and cheers from the crowd. Hermione stood up, her crossed fingers in hermouth, as Harry streaked toward the ground like a bullet."You're in luck, Weasley, Potter's obviously spotted some money on theground!" said Malfoy. "THATS IT" Rigel snapped. Before Draco knew what was happening, Rigel was on top of him, wrestling him to the ground. Neville hesitated, then clambered over the back of his seat to help. Crabbe and Goyle pulled Neville off and knocked him out. as Rigel bit down on Draco's arm as Crabbe and Goyle tried to pull Rigel off by his legs he kicked both of them in the face giving them black eyes later in the day.

Rigel punched Draco in the eye and barley dodged Draco's punched. Rigel then head butted Draco in the face breaking his nose. Ron laughed at the scene of Draco getting beaten up "COME ON RIGEL" Ron Cheered. Draco had pressed Rigel against the edge of the stand. Draco accidentally pushed to hard making Rigel fall off the stand and onto the Qudditch pitch. "ow" Rigel said. the last thing he saw was people landing onto the ground and Snape running over to him and someone shouting Rigel.


when Rigel woke up he saw he was in the infirmary. "Rigel tried to get up but ended up hissing in pain.  "back again Mr Lestrange" Madam Pomfrey said coming over to Rigels bed. "uh i was really excited about Qudditch" Rigel said. "you and Mr Malfoy he came in about the same time as you with a broken nose a black eye and bite marks all over his arm. "wonder how that happened" Rigel said rubbing the back of his head. " your going to have to stay the night you badly injured you back but with a help from Skelegrow it'll be fine tomorrow she said placing a cup filled with a strange liquid. Rigel drank it and began to cough. "it tastes horrible. "well healing a injured back is a painful process" the old witch said taking the cup and going away.

as she left Harry Hermione and Ron entered. Ron practically tackled him into a hug. "careful ron he badly injured his back" Hermione said. "oh right sorry" Ron said letting go of Rigel. "so guys whats happened in my absence" Rigel asked. "as it turns out apparently Snape is trying to force Quirrell  to get the stone" Hermione said. "so as long as he stands up to Snape the stone is safe" Rigel asked. "yep" Ron said. "well that stones as good as gone already" Rigel said. Ron couldn't help but laugh at Rigels statement and began to feel a warm feeling in his stomach.

"you ok Ron" Harry asked. "y-yeah" Ron said looking away. "im fine" he said. but he was not he was feeling self hatred shame and possibly a crush

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