3. do i know your name?☽

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Lady Moon, Lady Moon, where are you roving?
Over the sea.
Lady Moon, Lady Moon, whom are you loving?
All that love me!

Richard Monckton Milnes Houghton


Lars and I split up a long time ago. He'd said he was going to go and see if he could score some MJ from this one dude named Cyan Denver. He told me that I could come over to his house later, "around 5 or 6 maybe".

I thought that I'd have nothing better to do without Lars. But not only was it surprising that she came with me, but it was also surprising that I found it a relief when she'd agreed to come with me. We didn't say anything.

Silence settled between us.

Besides, there weren't much cars in the streets due to the black out (well technically, it wasn't a black out yet, we were still in broad daylight). There were a lot of walkers though.

As I drove down the road, moving to the left a moment before passing a boy and girl who looked to be in our grade, I then attempted small conversation with her. "So, how was the last day of school for you?"

She looked at me with an unimpressed face expression; her lips pressed tightly together and both her eyebrows slightly furrowed. She shrugged. "I don't know. With the power turning off, it was cut off pretty short. Don't ya think?" She then went back to staring out the window, with her arms crossed.

I wondered what was up with her negative and distant attitude. Bravely, I continued my attempt of having a small conversation with her.

"So, where do you live?"

"I told you I didn't want to go home."

"Yeah, I know. I was just curious."

She looked apologetic. "Okay. I'm sorry. I live in one of the houses past Gallagher Street."

"Oh, okay." I focused on the road.

Not that I was thinking that offering to take her home had been a bad idea, but this wasn't working as much as I initially hoped it would. She didn't look one bit impressed that I was taking her... Where was I taking her? If she didn't wanna go home, then where the hell was I taking her?

I didn't know what it was. But there was this voice inside my head that kept repeating "Take her somewhere... Treat it like a date." I chuckled abruptly, causing the person in the passenger's seat to jump in surprise, which almost made me run my car into a nearby mailbox.

Quickly, I pulled the car to the side of road and killed the ignition.

We sat in silence for a moment.

Note: that it wasn't too awkward, though suspense hung in the air, waiting for one of us to come out and say something.


She disrupted it.

"What were you laughing at?" she asked, her voice sounding small. She wasn't staring at me, and she didn't seem weirded-out by what I did, that had caused her to jump. But the next thing she did, clearly showed to me what she was thinking.

She then began to laugh.

Her laugh... It was amazing to hear.

She was staring at me now, her hand over her mouth. "You... Looked... So... Stupid... Yo--" her head was down on her lap now. She was laughing hard. Really hard. To the point where I could see her shoulders shaking.

I sat and waited for her to get through with her laughing; my elbow on the window sill. I had to admit though, I'd looked like a maniac laughing with a laugh that could rival the joker's, then driving like a maniac for a second there, before almost wrecking into a mailbox.

"Your... Face... When the car... Almost..." she was attempting to speak, but she stopped trying, so she wouldn't choke on her saliva. Her laughing was way better than the "don't talk to me" persona she'd just been giving me awhile ago.

After about five minutes, she stopped laughing. When she managed to regain some composure, she frowned at me a little, and asked, "Why're you staring at me like that? Is there something on my face?"

She was about to put down the sun visor mirror, when I grabbed her wrist. It wasn't a yank, nor was it very forceful. But that didn't stop her or me from blushing. I pulled back my hand quickly, and said to her, "There's no need for you to do that. There's nothing on your face."


I decided to go to this one guy's house.

I knew him from track. He was pretty chill, and always spoke of how his parents were never home. He also told me he had a home theater, and his parents kept a bar down in the basement.

I think his name was Liam.

"So, where are we going?" She asked as I drove into the neighborhood that was filled with the nice houses that all looked similar in design and style.

I looked at her. "We're going to this-one-guy-from-track -I-know's house," I replied.

She eyed me warily. "Do you even know his name?"

"Yeah, I think it's Liam."

"The guy from Canada."

"Yeah, the guy from Canada."

I think Liam was from Canada. But I wasn't too sure. Maybe I was mistaking him for that other guy who was going out with this one girl who was known for dating a lot of guys (her name was Gwen).

I looked at the girl in the passengers seat, and realized something.

I didn't know her name.

I've always referred to her using a pronoun.

I knew how bad this would look, and I'm pretty sure she would think I'm the biggest douche for doing this. But I had to ask.

"What's your name?"

She took her eyes off the window, and looked at me confusedly. "Huh? What'd you say?"

I sighed, and put on a rye grin. "Eh, What's your name? I never asked."

She laughed and covered her face. "Wow....and we sit together in Chem."

I blanched. I swear I did. "Oh, I'm sorry. I just thought..."

She shrugged, and gave me a small smile. "It's okay. I'm not really memorable. But my name's Solaris."

I smiled back. "Nice name," I said, "cool name."

How was that not memorable?


Yes, I'm talking to YOU silent readers.

I reply to feedback.

5 Questions:

☽ Do you think Bade and Solaris are beginning to bond...a little?

☽ Do you like Bade so far?

☽ Where would you go, what would you do if your whole town had no electricity?

☽ Do you think Solaris is begging to ease up?

☽ What do think will occur in the next chapter?


A/N: Don't forget to check out our two COMPLETED stories:

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