4. new☼

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Follow your inner moonlight; don't hide the madness.

— Allen Ginsberg


Bade's friend Liam was one weird guy. I didn't know if he was high, or if he was this energetic all the time but he couldn't stop jumping around. And he got a bit too close to me at times.

Bade had gone somewhere else. I think he needed to go and see whether or not his sister Tally was all right (but my phone didn't have any bars, so I didn't see how he possibly could've been able to call his sis on his phoneeither).

"Are you and Bade a thing?" Liam asked stepping closer to me. "He and Bree aren't one anymore, so he moved onto you?"

I shook my head. "Bade and I are nothing. We're just finding things to do since there's nothing to do."

He nodded, giving me a sly smile. "All right."

I looked around the room we were in. Liam didn't have a bad house. It was more spacious, and modern looking than the one my step dad, Mom, and I lived in; which was currently a rental.

Even if the power miraculously started back up again, and me and Bade were done with hanging out and all that freaking jazz. Could I possibly still go back to the house?

Liam was looking at me weirdly.

From the start I'd already kinda gotten weird vibes from this dude, but he was eyeing me rather weirdly; sizing me up and all.

"Where's your restroom?" I asked. "I really need to go."

"I'll show you," he said.

He started walking, and I followed him.

"Here it is." we stopped at a door and he opened it.

"Thanks," was my only response, before walking into the bathroom, closing the door, and locking it. I needed some space.

I sat on the vanity and listened to some music for awhile from my iPod Nano.


After about twenty minutes in the bathroom, I heard knocking on the door.

I'd been listening to "The Moon Song" by Karen O.

"Solaris, it's me," Bade said. "We're getting the hell out of Here!"

I got up from the ground and unlocked and opened the door quickly. "What happened?!"

His eyes were wide, like he'd been spooked. He scratched his neck. "The guy had some weird thoughts, and I don't know. I think he was high."

"What kind of weird thoughts?" I asked curiously. "Was he talking about rainbows and unicorns?"

He frowned. "Nah. Let's just leave. Besides, I'm starting to get sweaty."

I now noticed the sweat stains on my shirt where my arm pits were. It was really starting to get stuffy.

"Yeah, let's go."

When we walked through the living room to walk out the front door, I saw Liam's body lying on the ground. "He isn't dead is he?" I asked, looking at Bade with surprise. "You didn't do this did you?"

He blushed and scratched his neck again. "No...I think he passed out from the weed, or something like that."

I snickered. "You can't pass out from weed."

"Yeah you can. It happened to this one dude, I know, once."

"Whatever," I said with an eye roll. "The guy weirded me out anyway.


"Do you think your car is going to run out of gas anytime soon?"

Bade put on a thinking face expression. "Yeah, it might. But I'm not low yet, so it's okay."

He continued to focus on the street ahead.

I looked at him and thought about how if we were in school, we wouldn't be like this: talking, and slowly getting comfortable with each other. It amazed me how in hard-luck occurrences such as this, with the power out and everything, people talked to each other a bit more I suppose; everybody wasn't in such a hurry.

"What are they doing?" Bade then queried, when we drove into a neighborhood. Two men stood next to a grill, grilling and socializing. A couple kids were playing with the sprinklers in their swimming suits.

There were blankets out on the lawns people sat on, talking and socializing. There were two little boys playing with a Golden Retriever, and one of the little boys threw a Frisbee.

"Wow," I whispered, "This is one sight to see."

Bade let out a sound of amazement, yet with hints of disbelief. "It's like one giant picnic", he said. "You think they'd let us crash their picnic?"

We looked at each other. We smiled on cue.


I finished the hot dog on my plate and wiped my mouth using a napkin. I looked at the table with the desserts. Contemplating whether or not to grab a slice of cheesecake that sat on the table next to the other assortment of pies.

Bade who sat next to me had already finished his meal, including his dessert.

I took my eyes away from the dessert and thought better of it.

"Solaris, what do you like to do?" Bade asked me all of sudden. We'd sat on the grass, not saying much. We'd been looking at the kids and families who interacted with one another; in bliss.

In this day in age I couldn't believe nobody hadn't started freaking out about the lack of power and electricity.

When Bade and I had gotten out of the car, a middle-aged woman had greeted us with, "Welcome to the neighborhood picnic."

She had went on about how everybody in the neighborhood came together after the power and electricity went off, and with the upcoming pie contest that was supposed to take place among the elderly ladies today that was cancelled because of a turn of events; pies were also brought together.

The lady was very nice, and welcomed us in despite the fact that neither Bade nor I were from this neighborhood.

I looked at Bade, and tilted my head to the side. "I like to study the moon I guess."

He laughed. "You like to study the moon," He stated lamely.

I glared at him. "I like to draw the moon mostly. In it's crescent form when it's waning. But I mostly like the moon when it's in very close up, which they call a supermoon."

He laughed again. "I'm sorry, I've just never known anybody who's all about the moon," he said. "But...my sister Tally likes to study stars and stuff. Like horoscopes and what-not."

I then asked him, "What do you like to do?" Even though I more than likely knew the answer.

"I like to run. I take track at school...but I might not take it next year."

I gave him a black look. "What do you mean you 'might not take it next year', I mean aren't you a star practically?"

"What do you mean?"

I rolled my eyes. "Aren't you practically the school's trackstar?"

He didn't say anything.

"Why do you want to quit?" I then asked. "Did you injure your foot or something?"

No. I just don't love it anymore...and..."

"And what?"

"I want something new. Maybe, it's not taking track next year. I want to spend my school year differently."

"You want change. A good change."

"Yeah. New."



Yes, I'm talking to YOU silent readers.

I reply to feedback.

5 Questions:

☼ Do you think Bade and Solaris are beginning to bond more?

☼ What was up with Liam?

☼ Do you think Bade got in a fight with Liam, and the whole passing out from weed thing was just an excuse?

☼ Who do you like better: Bade or Solaris?

☼ Have you seen a super moon, before?


Author's Note: Today I saw a supermoon. (sometime in November)

A/N: Don't forget to check out our two COMPLETED stories:

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