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( Avni is walking towards to parking area after she left the office.....She is heartbroken and has tears in her eyes.....She keeps recalling Neil's words and feels bad)

(Avni gets into her car and starts driving home...she has tears in her eyes...her eyes depict pain....While she is going home...She sees few kids playing Holi and one of the kid throws colour on Avni's car window...Seeing those kids play Holi ....She recalls her past ...her first meeting with Neil....)

(Avni's flashback.....)

{              Avni with spectacles gets out of an Auto happily in front of the college gate and watches the name of the college lovingly........She takes out her luggage from the auto and moves towards the entrance....She sees a holi party going on  in the campus, where all are enjoying singing and dancing ...She keeps watching them until suddenly Neil comes and picks her up on his back and keeps taking her although she keeps protesting against him...He throws her into a pool full of coloured water......She stands up in the pool. ...and slowly clears the hair falling in her face........She sees Neil in front of her spraying water on her using a pipe........He is full-on in funny mood sprinkling water on her. enjoying himself.....while she keeps hiding her face due to water spray on her...and keeps protesting to stop....She rubs her eyes to see the guy clearly....Where she sees him drinking thandaiii happily....She keeps glaring at him......Soon Avni starts searching for her spectacles which fell into the pool....Neil keeps dancing happily...Neil sees Avni crying inside the pool .......He jumps into the pool and searches for her spectacles and soon finds them...he goes in front of Avni and makes her wear her spectacles without her permission....He then says..

NEIL :(in a soft flirty manner) It's Neil's holi whatever you want ...hate Or love...But do it with all your heart.....and Badde badde colleges me essi bhigi bhigi bathe hothi rehthi hai......(Avni starts feeling awkward)..(Neil tries to give her a friendly hug...but she pushes him...)

NEIL:Awww it's ok....(he gives a million-dollar smile and jumps out of the pool and leaves....leaving Avni glaring at him....).           }

(Avni's thoughts about her first meeting with Neil come to an end and she drives back home.....)


(Neil and Ali are sitting on the beachside and talking....)

(Neil has a small whisky bottle in his hand which he keeps drinking..and Ali has a guitar in his hand..)

ALI: ( Ali was about to say something ....but is cut off by Neil..)

NEIL : I don't want you to talk philosophy .....

ALI: Yaar Neil...From where did philosophy come from right now.....I am your best friend na...I can always think about your well being right...And whatever happened at the party that was not right....Yaar come on yaar...3 years is a very long time....Wounds get healed and people change.....Even she changed yaar...She has moved on in life...She forgot everything...You can also forget na yaar Neil and move on in your life....It's not a big deal...And I saw in that party, the way you caught her hand...Yaar if somebody else sees what would happen.....

NEIL: What would happen ...So what....Ali you know me very well...What did she think, that she will come and I will compose a welcome song for her ahhhh...and  I will shake hands with her and say nice to meet you ma'am, Lets work in peace and harmony......Is it(he says angrily shouting ) .....My foot....

ALI : See Neil...try to understand...once see from my point of view na....

NEIL: No yaar I don't wanna see....I don't wanna see anything....She came to me to show me na how much big she has become ...enough....... let her go to hell...

ALI: Acha leave all please relax and chill down.... let's not discuss this....

NEIL: Ali yaar you decide yourself that are you on my side or on her side......(Ali is shocked)

ALI : Neil yaar...your dividing friendship yaar...(neil starts leaving from there..)

ALI: Neil...Listen to me, bro....I will drop you Neil........ wait...(Ali runs behind Neil.....)


( A big mansion is shown.....)

(Swetha and Prakash are giving send off to few business clients....)...(clients leave...)

(Swetha sees that Neil came home....)

SWETHA: Neil.....Neil you came home early did a good job...come let's all of us have dinner together....(Neil walks off towards the dining table ignoring his mom...)

SWETHA: See I made your favourite dal....(He angrily takes a plate and starts serving himself fastly....Swetha is shocked to see him)

PRAKASH: Sir...Neil sir...(He comes towards Neil)(in a sarcastic way) This is a home...It's not a Punjabi wedding buffet counter.....Where you fill your plate and start eating while standing....(Neil eats ignoring his talks....)And you can see wooden things around you right ....Those are called chairs where people sit on that keep the plate on the table and then eat.....This all might feel very odd for you...What to do...This is called discipline and manners...

NEIL: That's why I came home fast mom....because I miss these discipline and manners lessons a lot...(smirking)....

PRAKASH : (saying Swetha): Arey what are you seeing my face.... won't you go and get sweets ahhh....we have 2 good news....1st good news is your son has met his ex-wife today after 3 years......(Swetha is stunned)....and 2nd good news is that your ex-daughter in law has come to your son's company as his boss....(he says laughing sarcastically while swetha  is shocked)....women's empowerment......

NEIL :(sarcastically)  So you got to know everything na....Did she come and take your blessings dad.......(he smirks leaving Prakash angry)

PRAKASH: (sarcastically): Daughters never go empty-handed....I gave her 2 crores after the divorce...If she would want my blessing ....I would give that also...You know na she was such a gold digger.....(Neil stops eating ...puts his plate on the table and leaves from there angrily and goes to his room and starts throwing things......Swetha tries to stop him but fails....)


(Avni is in her room lying on her bed with tears in her eyes recollecting what Neil said in the office....especially his behaviour and when he accused her told her that he hates her.....)

(Neela comes into the room and sees Avni lying on her sofa in the dark ...she switches on the light....Avni suddenly gets up )

AVNI: Arey maa didn't you sleep till now....(turning her back so that Neela doesn't see her)

NEELA :So how was your first day at the office.....

AVNI : It was nice...People are good...It was fine...

NEELA : Baccha ....Did you tell anyone about you and Neil...(she asks nervously....Avni suddenly feels sad ...)

AVNI : No ma ...That is not required...Whatever was over 3 years ago...why to give importance to it now....(says sadly having tears in her eyes and cries...)

NEELA :(consoling Avni)  Baccha Did I ever stop you from crying...Crying is not a bad thing baccha....Because of how much you try to suppress your feelings....the pain keeps increasing...It's better if that pain goes off through the tears.....(Avni hugs Neela and cries...)

NEELA : Baccha I know all this is very hard .....But still, there is time, there are many jobs offers for you....You leave this job.....

AVNI : Leave it....only because he is in the ma....It implies giving him more importance than required na....I don't want to beat him or make him lose.......I just want to win over myself ma...... U know what ma ....I went to the office today ....I felt bad.. I cried...Maybe tomorrow again I might feel bad....But till day will come where I will get used to it.....and then Neil will just be a name for me in the office and nothing else....Tomorrow will be a new day ma....(with a ray of hope)....


(In Neil's room)

(Neil is very frustrated and is trying to remove his shoelace)

( Swetha comes in with food)

(Swetha sits beside him)

SWETHA : Leave that Neil...Come on here eat your food beta....

NEIL : no mom ... I don't wanna eat...My stomach is full with your husband's insults.....

SWETHA : (to lighten up his mood) Arey does anyone remove their dad's anger on panner ahhh....what is the mistake of panner in this  beta.....U know what I myself made this panner for you...come on open your mouth.(and tries to feed him)

NEIL : (pushes her hand and shouts....)...Arey mom I don't wanna eat ... mom can't you see anything except eating, drinking and panner ahhh...Please go from here mom....(Swetha feels sad and leaves)

(Neil realises that he took out the anger on his mom and regrets...he goes behind her....)

NEIL : mom listen to me....(He hugs her from behind) felt bad ahh mom...I am sorry yaar....

NEIL : (he comes in front of her and wipes her tears ) (to lighten her mood )arey Mom .....When God sends women to earth na didn't he tell you guys that these eyes are for seeing but not for crying......

SWETHA : And didn't he make you guys understand that this mouth is not meant for talking bad but for eating food also.....

NEIL : Acha i am really sorry mom...(cutely by catching his ears)

SWETHA : (she melts..) Now at least can I feed you...

 NEIL : (laughing)ohhh hoooo.....You know what got this stubbornness from me only....

SWETHA : Now you shut your mouth and let me feed you...(she feed him lovingly and he eats happily )

(while feeding )

SWETHA : Acha tell me one thing ...How is Avni..(she asks with so much love)....(he gets sad listening to her name)

NEIL : Avni is more than fine mom....When she came to the office today ...I was not totally ready to welcome her.....But tomorrow will be a new day....Tomorrow she will come again....and I welcome her in full Neil Khanna style....(He smirks)........


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