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(Neil comes in his car to the office.....he parks his car.....Takes out a gift from his car and goes into the office in style....smirking......)

( As Neil enters the office...He greets all with a smile...)

RIYA: Neil sir....Avni ma'am has asked for you about for 2 times.......

NEIL : (acts shocked and smiles)...Arey wahhh. kya bath hai...

RIYA : Actually there is a meeting in the conference please you are requested to go there....(Neil thinks)

NEIL : Arey Avni recalled me and called me.....and I didn't even get a hiccup ...(laughing)...strange na....Now pakka I should go and meet her for sure.....(he starts going to the conference room)


(In the conference room where Avni is giving a presentation on the statistics of  Groove channel... Satish,Ali, Lovelene, and others are in the conference room)

AVNI :(giving a presentation using projector..)...

(suddenly Neil opens the conference room door and comes in with a big smile....all look at him)

NEIL : Arey why is it so dark .....where is the light...ohhh..(he switches on the lights...) Kya Baath hai meeting is going on ahhhhh......conference ahhh....Actually, I don't have the habit of coming into the conference room naaa......So chair, table, person, I can't  see anything(says seeing Avni and sits down on the chair...Avni glares at him...) ....Arey what all are seeing me...Play play..You guys continue....Madam (to avni) continue.....(Avni glares at him)

SATISH : Yaar Neil your such a jolly person....So you came right...... let's take a break for some time....Avniji let's take a break... let's have coffee...(he calls Riya inside)(Avni sits in her chair...)

(Riya comes inside..)

SATISH: Riya a conference is going we all are very tired so we need some coffee...(Neil keeps smiling at Avni..and she keeps glaring)...

RIYA : (she asks everyone about what they want and notes down)

RIYA : What will you have Ali? (she asks blushing)

ALI: I will have a juice yaar...

RIYA: sure...and Neil sir coffee right....

NEIL :perfect...

RIYA :And Avni ma'am what would you like to take....(before Avni answers....she is cut by Neil)

NEIL : Black coffee....for madam...(all see him)...Satthu sir now don't say I don't know how to handle relations...(Satish smiles...Avni glares Neil...Neil keeps smiling sleeplessly...)...Arey I mean professional relation.....Before stepping into this office only, Avni madam did full research on me.....So I  also researched in detail about madam as I  stepped out of office....(he smiles and smirks at Avni)....Maybe you guys read her biodata....but I can tell you all her life data...(Ali gets nervous and Avni is confused..) So our new CEO is from Bhopal...She loves being a topper in everything and she is stubborn too....She drinks Black coffee and eats pasta with tadka....(Avni glares at him)...Should I give more details or is it enough...(Ali sees Avni glaring neil)....

(two bands guys in the conference room talk slowly who are sitting beside Ali)

RICKY : strange yaar....It looks like Neil knows Avni more than anyone knows her ....

RONNIE: yes yaar...

(Ali hears their talks and glare at them ...they stop...)

NEIL : So black coffee....(he says smiling at Avni but she ignores)

SATISH:(laughing) wahh  Avniji....Black coffee without milk.....that's crazy..(avni smiles awkwardly..) the way, don't you feel Black coffee is too bitter....

NEIL : Arey you might have heard this old saying...Zehair ko Zehair hi kaththa hai...(he says looking at Avni)...(he raises his eyebrows and smiles at her...she ignores...Lovelene observes this)

AVNI: I must say your research is very good Mr Neil ....but it is outdated....I left black coffee 3 years back only.....So Riya a green tea for me, please...

RIYA: sure maam ...

(Avni and Neil glare at each other....but Neil has a smile on his face....)

(soon all get their refreshments)

SATISH : So let's start our work....

AVNI : (stands up to start): So where were we....

NEIL: with Neil....(she glares at him.. he  points to the screen where his photo is put up with his show details....)

AVNI: (she keeps explaining ....And Neil keeps staring at her with a smirk...)

(Neil takes his phone and does something....Suddenly Avni's mobile rings with an SMS)

AVNI: Excuse me...(she checks the phone...)(She sees a message from Neil saying " Cheers baby..." ). (Neil keeps staring at her observing her reaction....) (She glares at Neil while he shows his coffee cup signing cheers....)

(She ignores him and continues with the presentation....)

(Once again Neil does something on his phone and Avni's phone pings...)

AVNI :Excuse me...(She opens her mobile...She sees a message from Neil saying .." You are looking smoking hot Ms Akadu....)...(Neil smirks looking at her she gives him a glare....)

(She ignores)

AVNI : Thank you all for now....Any questions....

NEIL : (Neil raises his hand..)..I don't have any questions but I wanted to tell you something....What Satthu sir....Madam is talking about taking our company to new heights and you gave her such a cold welcome (Satish is confused) should have given her a gift yaar...(Neil takes out a gift and pushes it towards Avni on the table...)...(all keep watching )...

SATISH :(laughs nervously) Avniji the thing is that....I love all these things about Neil...He is my golden boy.....But actually, we all had to bring a gift for your welcome but none bought...buts it's ok you think this gift as from our side and please take it.....If we bring or Neil it's the same na...

NEIL : No....This gift is only from my side....Actually it's something special.....

SATISH : ha ya that's what...he means to say that this is from our side...Avniji you please open the

(Avni starts opening it glaring at Neil....while Neil keeps smirking....)

(As Avni opens the box and is shocked and she glares Neil and Neil keeps smirking )

( Avni takes out a blue colour Men's shirt....which was in the gift...she keeps staring it....All others are confused ...but Neil is smirking..and Ali is nervous.)

( Avni reminds the past....)


(Avni's Flashback)

{At the night time......Avni who is wearing jeans and top and a scarf around her neck goes to the football court and sees Neil practising football alone .......Avni goes towards him...

AVNI : (cutely..) What is this stupidity Neil....Its so cold here and you will catch cold yaar...

NEIL : (still practising): I won't listen to anything till you won't do the thing I told you to do...

AVNI: Neil....I am not coming...

NEIL : Ok ....(still playing)

AVNI : Neilllllll......(She goes towards him)...Acha see I came......(cutely)

NEIL : (he goes close to her.) So you finally came.....(he wraps his hands around her)

AVNI : Neil in the middle of the field ....somebody will see us yaar...

NEIL : So what....I love you....You can kiss me anywhere...(he smiles)...So what did you think are you gonna kiss me or should I leave....

AVNI : This is blackmailing yaar...(she says like a small child)

NEIL : Ok blackmailing is correct ....(He goes close to her holds her hands...starts removing her shawl...)

AVNI : Neil...someone will see us yaar....

NEIL : (moving closer...) nobody will see us, baby...I am there na..(both get lost in each others eyes....)

(Neil took her scarf and put it upon their heads....Neil was staring her lovingly...while she put down her gaze as she couldn't stop blushing...She closed her eyes as she could feel his hot breath against her lips....Neil placed his lips on hers closing the gap between them....Neil placed his hand on her cheek and kept caressing lovingly ....His other hand was on her waist pulling her more close....Her hands were one on his shoulder and another running through his hair....Both felt heat inside their body and both were only cloud9....The kiss started slow and turned out faster as they both reciprocated equally.....They broke the kiss due to lack of air...They rested their heads against each other.....Avni kept blushing......)

NEIL : I love you Avni ...Thank you for making my first kiss and my life so memorable.....(Avni kept blushing)

(Avni hugged him )

AVNI: I love you too Neil....And thank you too for making my first kiss lovely.......

NEIL : So cheers to our first kiss.......(Both hugged each other happily)......

Next day Morning....

(Neil was continuously sneezing..Neil is wearing a vest and a pair of short ....)

AVNI : I told you na ....that you will catch a cold....(she brought Vicks and starts applying it on his nose...He wraps his hands around her neck....)

NEIL : Don't you think that you behave a lot like mom.....

AVNI : Arey stop talking and let me apply this....

NEIL : (putting his finger on her lips..) shhhhhhhhhh(and moves closer to her..).(he was about to kiss her when she says...)

AVNI : arey see there..(trying to get away)

NEIL : no ways koi bahana nahi chelega....(and pull her closer......and then he sneezes...)

AVNI: (She pushes him and starts laughing..) Mujhe tumse sardhi ka gift nahi chahiye....(laughing)....Chalo now wear your clothes or else your condition will worsen.......

NEIL : ha tho give me na......(Avni thinks..)

AVNI : One min I will come...(she goes...)(she comes back with a new blue shirt...)

NEIL : Is this mine....

AVNI : I took it for you yesterday.....It's not so branded but I thought it will look nice on you....

NEIL : (he pulls her close..) So let me tell you something...."Tumhare pyaar ka brand sare brands se zyadha costly hai"........(she blushes)

AVNI: Acha you will feel cold... now wear this soon...(she makes him wear is and buttons the shirt...)

NEIL : I am looking hot naa..(he winks)

AVNI :theek hai...(teasing him)....Ok, bye(and starts leaving and laughing)...

NEIL : Arey where are you going...(he pulls her closer and both laugh.....He kisses her forehead and hugs her....).            }


( Avni's thoughts or memories are broken....She comes back to the real world....)

(Avni is staring at it...)

SATISH : (to Neil) this looks too big and it looks like a men's shirt too......Avniji I was thinking that this shirt looks too big ....and how can Avniji wear it.... Neil you always get all crazy things....Avniji obviously you won't wear this shirt better do one thing .....give this shirt to me..(laughs)...(Neil smirks seeing Avni....Avni feels awkward)

SATISH : Chalo ....meeting over lets all of us go....(all start leaving ... Neil still sits there only and is smirking looking at Avni....Avni keeps checking something in her laptop....)

(all leave....Neil stands up....)

NEIL : Few memories and few talks....never leave us alone easily.... especially those which are very know, its good that you came to this office....because your spicy and poisonous memories never used to leave me....I would always be clueless on what should I do...(goes in front of Avni).....And now you are here... so now all your memories.....each one, one memory I will give all of them back to you with interest ......By doing all this I will become light and you will become heavy.....(both keep glaring at each other.....)

(Neil leaves the room....leaving Avni in a pool of emotions...)


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