Deku's hidden quirk

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(Izuku'S POV)

I woke up, cause f the alarm. it was morning and I had to wake up so that I could do my morning run. I started changing and walking out of my dorm room. I guess everyone was still asleep. I looked at the door beside mine. at kacchan's dorm. I sighed and walked out. after an hour I started running back to the dorms. I was in the shower when I slipped and fell on my back. 

I hissed in pain. I looked at my hand and saw that I had cut myself. I just washed it off and licked at it so that the blood would stop. after the blood stopped I dried myself and went back to my room. when I was inside my room. I started feeling dizzy and weird. I got sleepy so I went to bed and without realising it, I fell asleep. 

1 hour later: 

(katsuki's POV:)

I woke up and grunted at the stupid sun that was so damn bright. I took on my clothes and walked out. I walked past deku's room. my heart bitted faster. this has been going on since we started at UA high. I still dont know why my heart beats so fast. but its really annoying and I blame the stupid nerd for it. 

he is probably already awake and eating breakfast with the other extras. I walked down the stairs and saw everyone eating. expect deku. he wasn't here. weird. before anyone saw me I went up again and walked back to the dorms. to deku's dorm. 

I knocked but nothing. then I knocked again and harder. but still nothing. I started to get pissed. I noticed that the nerd didn't lock the door. so I welcomed myself in and started walking in. I looked around and saw all the stupid all might figure and wallpaper that the damn fanboy had. I tsk and thought: 'damn nerd ya never changed do you.'

then I heard someone moving and grunting. I looked over at the bed and saw deku under the duvet. he was still asleep that damn nerd will be late for class. 

"oi, ya damn nerd, wake up or your gonna be late for class." all I heard was mumbling but it was a lighter voice. I didn't care much about it since it's deku. I walked up to him and grabbed the duvet and pushed it off him. then my eyes widen and I froze. 


"hm...oh kacchan, what's happening? why are you in my room?" 

"w-what the hell happened to you?" he looked confused. he started touching his face and then looked at his hands.

"w-why are my hands so small?"  he quickly stood up and went to find a mirror. I just stood there frozen. still confused at what the hell just happened. 

deku: "ahhhhh what has happened to my face, my hair, its longer. I- I have b-b-breasts."  deku is a.....GIRL. 

I felt someone grabbing my shirt. I looked at the side and down. and saw deku. she looked scared. but all I could see was her tits. they were touching me. I could feel them. it made me blush and crazily too. she spoke with her light voice juts like a girl. 

deku: "k-kacchan I'm scared. w-what's happening?" 

kacchan: "u-um I-I, w-well y-y-" shit why can't I speak normally this is insane. deku the deku I knew was turned into a girl. and a really cute one too. and not enough with that but her tits is huge like damn. I think I'm gonna have a nose bleed or something. and with that, her clothes don't fit her so they are a little loosen too. so it made her/him even hotter. I sighed and turned to face her/ him- whatever. 

kacchan: "l-lets start with giving you some clothes that fit. and then we can go to the recovery girl. ok? hey, dont worry we will find out what has happened to you. I will be here for you so dont be scared." she hugged me. I was in shock of the sudden action but it didn't take me long before I hugged her/him back. 

my face heated up again. I shouldn't be thinking about this now, but her boobs are touching me. gah, it makes me go mad. she/he thanked me and I just told her that it was fine. 

I told her/him to stay in his dorm room until I came back. I went down to the dining hall. I needed to find the one and only one that could help me. 

"oi, round face. I need to ask you something?" she looked shocked.

round face: "y-you want help from me?" I tsk and nodded. 

we started walking up to deku's room. she asked me what I needed help to but I told her to wait and see. I knocked on deku's door and then deku opened the door. we both walked in and then round face saw deku, her face widened and she was so confused. deku was scared and hid behind me. 

round face: "w-who is that? she looks familiar?" she came closer and closer to deku, deku flinched. 

kacchan: "it's deku. he has turned into a girl. can you see it's him, but with longer hair and  B-Boops." I could feel my face heat up. 

Round-face looked at me in shock, she looked at deku and then at me. and then back at deku. deku got embarrassed and tried to hide his face with his arms. it didn't work. ok, so it seems that deku has turned into a girl but still is the same deku. I explained to round face what had happened. she told us that she could find some clothes that would fit deku. she started walking out with deku. so when they got back. my jaw opened and all I could say is: 

"wow." deku's face was red of embarrassment. but that just made her look even cuter than before.  

deku: "i-is it bad?" she looked at me. 

kacchan: "n-no y-you look beautiful." she smiled a shyly smile. and I smiled back. then I forgot that round face was there. all she did was smirking at us. 

kacchan: "hm...we should go and tell Aizawa what has happened here." they both nodded and we walked out. when we got to Aizawa's office. we asked to talk to him. he came out and looked at us. when he saw deku his eyes widened. confused but serious. 

Aizawa: "what happened? who is this?" was he saying in his usual monotone voice.

kacchan: "it's deku." he looked at me in shock. 

Aizawa: "you mean to tell me that this girl is midoriya?" we nodded. 

Aizawa: "midoriya Izuku a male." he looked even more confused. 

kacchan: "sir I can guarantee you that this is deku."

Aizawa:  "ok if you say so, but what happened?"

kacchan: "we're not sure, you see when I went to wake deku up for school I saw that deku was like this." 

after a long talk with Aizawa, he told us to go to recovery girls office. 

I knocked on the door and she said to come in. I slid the door open and then I and deku walked in.  

recovery girl looked at us, then asked: 
"what may I help you guys with?"

kacchan: "well this may sound weird or some shit-"

recovery girl: "young man langued please." I rolled my eyes. 

kacchan: "I-I'm sorry, well as I was saying deku turned into a girl." she looked at deku. and back at me.

recovery girl: "oh my goodness, midoriya." 

deku: "h-hi." deku shyly said. 

we told her everything that had happened. then she told me it was ok for me to go back to class. I refused I told her that I would stay with deku. deku then touched my hand. I looked at her/him. and deku told me it was ok. so after a lot of refusing and some other bullshit, I went to class. 

but it was pointless for me to go to class, either way, cause all I would think of was deku. what had happened to him? will he always be like this? after class was over I went staright to the recovery girls office. I opened the door to see deku taking some blood test and some other thing too. deku looked at me and greeted me. I smiled at deku and walked up to him/her. I asked the recovery girl what was up with deku. after some tests, they found out that this was deku's quirk. then I remembered that deku got his 'power' from All Might. so he was really a late bloomer. he has a quirk. but then again what was his quirk. 

kacchan: "I'm still confused, what exactly is deku's quirk?" recovery girl looked at me.

recovery girl: "it's gender-bend." what the hell is that.

kacchan: "what the hell is that?"

recovery girl: "I swear to god, you young people do never change. it's a quirk that let him change gender." all that went to my mind was:'Nani'

kacchan: "so what you exactly is saying to me is that deku has a quirk that let him turn into a girl and a male." she huffed and nodded. 

kacchan: "ok, that new. but how does it work?"

recovery girl: "that's the problem, we don't know, but we are gonna do some tests in the lab and see how it happened or how to let him control this quirk." 

we first started with deku telling exactly what he did the day before and the morning. he told us that he went on a morning run as usual and that he went to take a shower. and after that, he went to bed. 

deku: "oh I remember something. I feel in the shower and cut myself on the hand. I sucked the blood out so that it wouldn't get dirty." then she/he showed us the cut, but it was gone. 

then deku started walking to one of the recovery girls trays. he/she took out a knife.

kacchan: "ok, deku I get it your scared, but put. the. knife. down. " deku rolled with his/her eyes.

deku: "no, kacchan listen when I cut myself in the shower I after went to my dorm room again and then I felt dizzy and weird. so without I realised it, I fell asleep again. and after that, I got turned into a girl." she then took the knife and cut her/his fingertip. then she/he put the knife down and started pressing the blood out of her/his finger. and she/he sucked it. he looked at us before talking. 

deku: "I-I guess it didn't w-." before he/she could finish the sentence she fainted. I was right on time to catch her. we laid her on the bed at recovery girls room. 

recovery girl told me to go back to class. but I want to stay with deku. she insisted and told me to go back to class. and it didn't get anywhere to start arguing with the old lady.  

I tsked at her and walked back to class. every one was there looking at me. 

kacchan: "what are ya extras looking at? fuck off." they all went back to their business. then I could hear murmuring in the background. Round face came up to me and asked about deku. I told her that recovery girl says it's a quirk of his and that he might go back to becoming a guy. 

but then she told me that she told the girls in the class and the girl told the boys and now everyone in the class knows. 

she said that she was sorry, then dunch face and shitty hair came walking to me. they asked me if it was true about deku turning into a girl. I looked around and saw that everyone in the class was listening even Ice-hot bastard too. I tsk and told them everything. everyone wanted to see deku like a girl. to be honest she/he was so damn cute. that I have fallen more in love with him. but not like I would let all these scumbags touch him. cause he was mine. 

after school, I wnt to recovery girls office. I wanted to see if it worked. I walked in and saw that deku was awake. and he was a boy. he looked at me and his bright smile hit me like the sun. 

deku: "kacchan it worked I turned back." I went and hugged him. he was a first surprised that I was hugging him but he hugged back. we stayed like that for a while. not wanting to let go either of us. I want to be with him. I want deku to know I love him. I let go just a little and looked him in the eyes. 

kacchan: "d-deku I want to say something." he looked at me confused. 

deku: "what is it?" I breathe in and out.

kacchan: "I-I like you deku." his eyes widened. I looked away not wanting to see his reaction, not wanting to get rejected. but what surprised me the most was his answer. 

deku: "I like you too kacchan." and then I felt deku getting closer to me. until our lips touched. now it was my turn to get in shock. when we parted our lips I could see the blush on deku's face but it's not like I can complain since I'm probably red as deku's red shoes. but the only thing I did was kiss deku again. we kissed for god knows how long. but it felt amazing. 

kacchan: "d-deku do you want to be my boyfriend?"

deku: "yes, kacchan of course yes." I hugged him. and we both walked back to the dorms.

everybody started asked questions about what had happened. deku told them all about his quirk. 

after some weeks deku manage to control his transformation. and he could do it without fainting. 

deku had a big advantage cause he could work as an undercover hero too. as a girl and a boy. 

still deku is my boyfriend and were happy together. and I will always let him know that I love him.

The End.

hello, cutie pie thank you for reading my story it means a lot. so thank you. leave a start and a comment on the stories. love ya all.

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