You cheated first

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(prologue :)

Deku and kacchan are together, they are in like their third years of high school. and are happy together. they are really in love. it's almost time for graduation. but then the problem starts. it's something that all love story has...


(katsuki's POV)

I was in bed cuddling with my cute cinnamon roll. deku was still asleep I dont want to wake him up, he is so freaking cute when he sleeps. I pulled deku closer to me and kissed his forehead. 

I heard a buzz coming from the phone. I thought it was mine, but it was deku's. I tough it would be fine to see who it was. so I did. I picked up his phone. and looked at the screen to see who it was. and guess who. 


why the hell is he texting my boyfriend. I locked up deku's phone. lucky for me I knew his password. it wasn't hard either it was 'All Might.' you damn fanboy. I went to messages and saw went to Icyhot bastard. I looked at the text. 

todoroki: "hey midoriya good morning. I was wondering if you would come with me to the new cafe that they are opening." I could feel my blood bowling. what the H***K, this bastard think he can ask my deku to go to a cafe. it's practical a DATE. I was furious. I started scrolling up to see their former conversations. and my eyes narrowed as I keep on reading. 

todoroki: "hey thank you for today it was really fun, remember dont tell anyone." huh dont tell anyone what? what are you talking about? 

deku: "of course I won't tell anyone."  

I looked down at deku. still sleeping. what the hell are ya hiding deku? what can't you even tell your own boyfriend? 

I stood up from the bed. and took on my clothes. I walked out of the room. I went to the bathroom. I started washing my face. then someone walked in and.

"morning bakubro." I tsked.

kacchan: "how many times do I have to tell you to stop calling me that shitty hair."  

shitty hair: "oh what happened, were midoriya keeping you up all night." I looked at him with a cold glare, while he just smirked at me. 

kacchan: "fuck off."

shitty hair: "but man what happened you seem even more irritated than normal. are you ok?" there's no problem in telling shitty hair, right maybe he can help. 

kaccha: "I'm angry cause I think that deku is cheating on me. with half and half bastard."

shitty hair: "wow, slow down, what? how? why?"  

kacchan: "today deku got a text from Icy-hot to meet up at a cafe."

shitty hair: "That doesn't mean anything bakubro. he could have meant let's hang out, like bros." 

kacchan: "yea, but I looked through their other conversation and there it stood, thanks for today and dont tell anyone. and deku agreed." 

shitty hair: "well...well that could mean anything, not...not like it means that they are having an affair. dont miss judge the situation."

kacchan: "but I still want to know what the secret is." shitty hair started making a weird face, I think he was thinking of something.

shitty hair: "I got an Idea. if they are gonna meet up today, just follow them. like, be a shadow."

kacchan: "that wasn't a bad idea hair of brains." shitty hair just rolled with his eyes. I thanked him and walked back to my room. I opened the door and deku was already up. he looked at my direction and smiled. 

deku: "good morning kacchan. where were you?" I closed the door and walked up to him. 

kacchan: "I just went to wash my face., I didn't want wake ya up since you looked so cute in your sleep." deku started to hide his face under the pillow. 

deku: "stop...stop it kacchan." I started changing to my uniform. I and deku walked together to school that was like 5 min away from the dorms. 

kacchan: "hey, deku let's go to the park after school." he looked at me confused.

deku: "huh, why do you want to go to the park?"

kacchan: "do I have to have a reason to wanting to be alone with my boyfriend?" 

deku: "hehe no I guess not, but I can't." 

kacchan: "oh what are you going to do?"

deku: "nothing special, just some stuff at the mall."

kacchan: "with who?"

deku: "oh just...just me."

kacchan: "fine. do you want me to come with you?"

deku: " it's fine. you dont need to come...come with me." we'll see about that.

kacchan: "ok, deku. gimme a kiss." he chuckles and leans in closer to give me a kiss. 

I will find out what your hiding. even if it means I have to spy on you. 

time skips to after school:
I said goodbye to deku. and slowly saw that he walked away, I started following him. I was not far away from him, but far away so that he would notice my presence. after like 15 min with walking. he started walking into a shop. it was a cafe shop. I walked closer and closer. and looked through the window. I saw that deku walked up to a seat, I looked closer and saw that Icy-hot bastard was already there. I saw that Icy-hot stood up from his seat and hugged deku. deku hugged back. I could feel my self getting annoyed. DON'T HUG MY DEKU, YA DAMN HALF N HALF BASTARD. 

I wanted to go in there and punch the guy in the face. maybe give him some explosion to his face. 

but I was a rational person so I staid still, and kept on spaying on them. I saw them talking and laughing.  what is so funny. then I saw it, that icy-hot bastard stretched his hand and touched deku's hear. why the hell are ya touching my man? keep your filthy hands away from him. 

then deku stood up and took a seat right beside icy-hot. they both were really close, I didn't see what they were looking at but all I could see was how close they were sitting.  I could feel a pain in my chest. what is this feeling? it feels like my heart is shattered in millions of pieces. they looked so happy. I can feel something wet on my cheek. I reached my hand to my face. I could feel the straw. was...was I crying. why...why am I crying. 

why does it hurt so bad? NO, stop it katsuki. you arent a crybaby. stop crying. if deku doesn't care about you then...then he doesn't care. 

I looked down at my hands. and could see a tear fall on my palms. I looked in through the window and saw them smiling. the rage came back. if deku doesn't love me anymore then fine. fine by me. 

I started walking away. I walked back to the dorms. I walked back to my room, but before I entered my room. 

"hey, bakugo, whats up." I looked at him. and he looked at me. it was shitty hair. 

shitty hair: "what happened, your eyes are red and swollen, did....did you cry?" 

I didn't think, I didn't care. all I wanted was this pain to go away. to make me forget. to make me forget him. I walked closer to Kirishima. I pushed him to my room. he was confused. but before he could say anything. I kissed him

he was in shock. I pushed him to the wall. we had a full make-out session. we found our way to the bed. I pushed him down. I took off my shirt and pants. I started kissing Kirishima again. I started taking off his clothes off. 

fuck. I know, I know this is wrong. but I want to stop thinking of deku. he hurt me. he doesn't love me. he never did. all we ever did was just fake for him. I...I love him. 

I started kissing Kirishima's chest and took off his boxer. I could hear his moan. I took off my boxer too. I stuck one finger in. then another one and the third one. until I knew he was getting wider. then without hesitation stuck it in. he screamed. of the pain and pleasure. whatever I did. deku's face kept on popping to my mind. it was like I was hallucinating.  his smile, his face. I kept on thinking that it was deku. but it wasn't. I banged it in a few times before we both came. Kirishima and I both went unconscious. I don't remember when I fell asleep, but I did.

I woke up to hearing a loud. BANG.

my eyes were half opened when I looked at where the sound came from. my eyes widened. 

there he stood. with shocked eyes. I looked down and saw Kirishima sleeping, naked. then I looked at me and I was naked too. I remembered I with Kirishima. 

I saw that there were something on the floor. it was two drinks. spilt on the floor. I quikcøy stood up. 

deku: "oh...I'm...I'm sorry, I was disturbing your cuddling time with Kirishima. I'll...I'll leave you guys alone." then he quickly walked out. 

kacchan: " deku wait, WAIT." I quickly took on my pants and shirt. I ran after him. I ran after him. I saw him running in the direction of the park. I used my quirk. 

then I was right behind him. I tried grabbing his hand. at last, I managed to grab him. 

deku: "Let. go. of. me. know." I have never seen so much hatred in deku's eyes. it was like his eyes were on fire. I flinched at his word. but I still didn't let go. 

kacchan: "please just let me explain I-"

deku: "explain what kacchan, how you cheated on? how can you be this cruel kacchan? I trusted you. I how can you do this to me? and with Kirishimaa of all that matters." 

kacchan: "hey, dont blame all this on me, you cheated first." he raised one of his eyebrows and looked at me like he knew nothing.

deku: "what the hell are you talking about? when did I cheat on you?"

kacchan: "don't play dumb with me, I saw you and texts with each other, and I saw you together at the cafe today, you have cheated on me all this time with Icy-hot bastard." his eyes narrowed. he looked at me with furious. 

deku: "do you know what we talked about? we talked about how todoroki was gonna ask momo on a date, and what they would do. Since todoroki like momo. he asked me for advice one day and didn't want me to tell anyone cause he wasn't ready to tell her. he asked me for advice and showed me pictures of a restaurant he wanted to take her to. that I was cheating on you." and now I have done it. I looked down in shame, no word could be said to fix this. 

kacchan: "I'm... I'm so sorry." 

deku: "you''re sorry, sorry for what katsuki? for that, you didn't trust your own boyfriend, for going through someone else privet things, for spying on me. or for having sex with your best friend." I...I have no words. what can I say? 

deku: "let's break up kacchan." my eyes widened in shock of what just came out of his mouth. 

kacchan: "what want break up?" I tried making eye contact but he didn't look at me. I grabbed his hand, but before my hand touched his he slapped my hand away. he looked at me with this broken look. it tore me apart to see him like this. I regret everything.

deku: "dont touch me. just. just leave me alone. I dont want to see your face." he started walking away. I could feel raindrops touching my skin. I fell to my knees. started crying my eyes out.hoing it was all a nightmare, that when I woke up I would be in bed with deku and cuddle with him and could give him all kisses overall on his face.  but that wasn't the case, cause what I was facing was way worse. cause how many times I tried to close my eyes and opened them again it was the same. it was the same. all I could see deku walking away from me. 


"deku, no. dont leave me. NOO." 

I didn't go back to the dorms that night, I didn't know what to do. deku was my everything. he meant the world to me. and now he was gone. he wasn't mine. what am I supposed to do now?

I just walked around the town like a zombie. thinking about deku. how I hurt him. how stupid I was. 

without me releasing it was already morning. I didn't know what time it was cause I didn't bring my phone with me. 

after a while walking, I ended up at the playground I and deku played at when we were kids, I sighed and walked past it. just looking at the damn place made me think more of him. I wanted to cry, but there were no more tears left to cry cause I had been crying all night. 

"bakugo, bakugo. stop." someone was calling me. I turned around and saw. 

kacchan: "Aizawa sensei? what are you doing here?" I said with no emotions in my voice. he looked like he was out of breath, was he running?

Aizawa: "I was looking for you? someone in your class told me you didn't come back at night and they were worried for you. do you care to tell me why you were wandering out here?"

kacchan: "I-" I looked down at my feet again, not wanting to explain or say anything.

Aizawa: "it's fine, just lest get back to the dorms." I only nodded, we started walking back. we were silent, not speaking. he followed me to the dorms and when we got there, everyone walked up to me and started asking questions, I just walked right past them. not wanting to talk.

I walked up to my room. I unlocked it and walked in right after I locked my door again. I went straight for the bed. I looked up to see the wall, the wall was filled with pictures of me and deku, happy. 

I stood up and walked to the pictures I took them down from the wall and put them in a box, and then hid the box in my closet. 

I then throw my self into the bed. starting to drift to sleep. 

"hey, kacchan come on." 

"deku were are we going?"

"It's a secret, just don't take your blindfold off."

"ok, ok." 


"you can take the blindfold off now, kacchan," I started pulling the blindfold off. the first thing I could see was deku standing beside a big tree, and under were all kinds of food, candles, music. deku started walking to me and pulling me to sit down beside him. we were feeding each other and dancing to the music that was playing. I could see his smile, his cute smile. I leaned in to kiss him. 


I opened my eyes, to see that I was in my room. 

" was just a dream." I stood up a little slumber, I opened the door. and their raccoon eyes stood.

"hi bakugo, I was wondering if you wanted to come down and watch a movie with the whole class."

 kacchan: "no." I closed the door and walked back to my bed. oh god, I wanna disappear. why can't I just disappear? now I have to live my life without deku. he was everything for me. 

I don't know when I fell asleep, but I did.

(after some months)

it was the night for graduation. everyone was getting ready to say goodbye to the school and speeches.  one from principal Nezu, all might and the big three that is me, Icy-hot and d...deku. 

deku and I haven't spoken since the incident. I have tried to talk to him, but he just pretend that there is somewhere he has to be, or he has to call someone. the excuses started to get old but he kept on with the excuse until we were done in school. it made me mad, but I have no right to be mad, I know what I did was over the line, but I want to be with deku, nothing more. I want deku to give me one more chance. 

we all were lined up. with dresses and suits. after All Might and Nezu were over with their speeches it was the big three's turn. we walked up. one by one. 

icy-hot: "I just wanna say that these three years have been crazy. we have been going through countless of adventure here in UA, and I know that we will be going through more. we have all been growing in this last three years. I just want to say thank you all for this three years, its been so great to be here, and I can't believe that after this night we all in 1-A and the other classes say that we are finally managed to become heroes. that's all thank you." wow when did half and half bastard become so cringe. 

deku: "h-hey, In my whole life people told me that I couldn't become a hero, that I was useless, that I would never become a hero. I was walking through every day keep thinking that maybe I am useless that I would never become a hero, that I should just listen to what everybody around me keeps on saying to me. but you know what, I didn't after everyone kept on telling me that I would never in my whole life becoming a hero or achieve anything, I just want to say to them....suck it bastard. I have finally become a hero, and I will keep on fighting since I had someone that believed in me, and that's all I needed. in these three years, I have fought to make my dream come true. to become a hero. and now it's finally here. thank you all for supporting me and helping me I am grateful." I-I dont have anything to say. not one word.

deku started backing off from the mic and now it was fucking my turn. well, it's now or never.

kacchan: "before I started at UA, I thought, wait, no wrong I knew that I was the best. I thought that I would be the best in class, that I would become the most powerful hero that has ever lived. oh, boi so naive I was. I learned that it doesn't matter whether your best in class or the worst. it doesn't matter if you come from a wealthy family or a poor. it doesn't matter if your father or mother is someone big. the thing that matters is what you want to become. you can't keep going to become something if you don't have the passion, the motivation. I wanted to become a hero since I was in kindergarten, I wanted to become more powerful than all might himself. I didn't just want to talk big. I wanted to show people that I could and would become the greatest hero. I trained every day and studied, I didn't make any friends in middle school or any other places, cause UA thought that friends would be a waste of time. but I was damn wrong. I found out when I started here, that you can't do this alone. you gotta have someone you trust someone that you can have as a partner or as a sidekick. it doesn't matter. oh god for fuck's sake that I am trying to say is, you can't win without someone by your side." 

I wanted to scream out deku's name, just yell out to everyone in this room that I love deku. but what I regret is: "that was all." and I started backing off, from the mic. the applause was heard. we walked down from the stage. deku went to four eyes guy and round face. 

I didn't have the nerve to go up to him and talk to him. I want to say that I'm sorry for letting you down, for not trusting you, for letting you go. I sighed and went back to the bakusquad. 

after the party was over we started walking back to the dorms. I was walking a little slower since I noticed deku talking to someone on his phone. I thought it was his mom. when he was done he started walking back to the dorms with everybody else. but I stopped him. I was gonna talk to him this time, and nothing is gonna stop me. 

he was first a little in shock. but then he saw me and his facial expression changed and let me tell ya what it wasn't a welcome home kacchan face that I wanted to see. no, no it was 'what do you want' expression. he quickly looked away, like if he was disgusted by me, this broke my heart. but I couldn't let him know.  deku spoke first. 

deku: "what do you want, bakugo?" damn.

kacchan: "c-can we talk?" he sighed, and looked at his phone. 

deku: "you have exactly one minute, Talk." um, ok. 

kacchan: "I-I'm sorry deku, I didn't want it to end like this, I wanted to be with you, I was stupid I did some stupid thing-"

deku: "some."

kacchan: "ok, a lot. b-but just know that I truly love you and that I can't give up on us. if letting you go is what I have to do to make you at least talk to me, then that is what I will do. but before I let you completely go." I quickly grabbed him and pulled him closer to me. "Izuku Midoriya I love you." he didn't look at me but I could see that he was shocked. I let go of him and started walking away before he could see my tears. I went to the nearest alley and started to let it all out. and it didn't stop for a while. sobbing, sniffing the whole pack. I was bursting out. 

kacchan: "he...he is re...really gone. I couldnt....*sob*....get him back. " nothing meant anything to me now. I have to let him go. he will find someone he loves much more, and have a happy family, and...and he will forget me. 

I started walking back, not listening to what anyone had to say. I went to my dorm room that was cleaned together. I took off my dress and went to bed.

(3 years later)

"GET EVERYBODY OUT OFF THE BUILDING, IT WILL COLLAPSE ANY MOMENT." I started running in. it wasn't safe so I had to get every fucking people out of the building. I looked around and saw a little girl and a boy there. I ran up to them. they were crying. I lifted them up telling them to shut the fuck up. and ran outside. I laid the kids in a safe place and heard someone else inside. I was ready to go inside when one of the cops stopped me telling me it was too dangerous. I just scoffed him away and ran inside. I looked around and it wasn't on the first floor. I started running up to the third floor. I ran to one of the rooms, hearing a woman screaming. 

I saw her and ran up t her. I started lifting her up and was ready to run down the stairs but then I saw the concrete blocking the way and almost hitting us. I looked around and the only way out was through the window. 

kacchan: "ok, lady listen you need to hold to me tight. this will be a little rough." then she squished even harder, and I started using my fist to make the window break. the woman started looking down and started screaming and yelling. she made me go out of balance. Is slipped and we both fell out of the window. I quickly grabbed the woman and switched our sides so that I would be the one smashing first.  

is this really how I'm gonna die, I haven't even seen deku in all these three years. wow, my life sucks.' this damn woman won't stop screaming or punching me. I accidentally lost the grip of her. 

I tried to catch her but she keeps punching and kicking. I screamed at her to stop kicking and punching. then I saw a tongue starting to catch her. but right before that, the bitch kicked me in the face and I went unconscious. I'm not quite sure what happened after that, but I could hear a voice. 

"kacchan, hey kacchan can you hear me." I slowly opened my eyes, the sun was blinding me, it was hard to see cause my eyes were still blurry, but what I did see was this mop with green messy-hair. it wasn't hard to guess who it was. 

"d-deku? is that you?" 

"oh thank god, your ok, you got a real god hit to your head. are you feeling any pain or dizziness?" I started making fake growl and hissing noise. 

deku: "kacchan, what hurts? are you ok?" deku automatic leaned closer in, he didn't realise how close we were, but my face was all red. I could feel his warm breath against my skin. I didn't say anything just look into his eyes. like if I was hypnotised. he didn't say anything either, just standing there still. he still looks as cute as ever. the same green eyes, the same freckles. I leaned in, I was expecting deku to push me away but he didn't. well, then  I heard someone call deku's name. 

deku quickly stood up and looked at the direction of the voice. Is stood up too. it was frog girl. 

frog girl: "ciro...are you guys ok?" 

deku: "yea...yea we're fine."

frog girl: "that's good to hear...ciro." 

then I felt it, someone was pulling on my pants, I looked down and saw two kids, it was the two kids I saved out of the building. I bent down so that I would be at their high. I could see that they both were a little shy. 

little girl: "um...hero Ground Zero, thank you for saving us." I grinned. and patted them both on the head. they both smiled. and gave me a hug. I was surprised at first but I hugged them back. 

kacchan: "next time be more careful, its dangers. ok?" they both nodded and ran off. I just watched them slowly disappearing. I stood up and turned around to see that both deku and frog girl was looking at me, with a smirk on their faces. 


deku and frog girl: "N...nothing."

after a while frog girl left, and deku and I was left alone. it was first awkward. I couldn't come up with anything to say. 

deku: "um, kacchan isn't your agency on the other side of the city, what are you doing here?" 

kacchan: "well my agency is moving to hear for a month, for a mission."

deku: "oh, do you have a place to stay?"

kacchan: " but I was just thinking of staying at a hotel or something like that." it got quiet again. 

deku: " you want to stay at my place?" I stopped. did I hear right? I must still be dreaming. this got to be a dream. I started pinching my hand, to see his I was awake. and I was. 

kacchan: " mean like living with you?"

deku: "I...I mean like until you have to go back to your agency. and just if you want to."

kacchan: "yea..yea that would be great. well, I mean since you insist and I dont have anywhere else to go." deku started to chuckle. it made my heart skip a beat. I smiled at him. I can't believe that after three years he still manages to take my breath away. I missed him so much. 

after everything was done and we were both finished we both walked back. I was nervous the whole way to deku's house. my heart wouldn't stop beating so damn much and my hands wouldn't stop sweating. we arrived at deku's house it, deku took out his house key, and we both walked in. we both took off our shoes and jacket. and deku started showing me the room I would be staying in. he showed me around and told me were everything where. I looked around and saw some picture hanging on the wall. I walked closer to the pictures and looked at them. it was some pictures with deku and his mom. and some with him alone. one with the whole UA class. 

and then the last picture surprised me a lot. it was one with me and deku when we were together. we were hugging and smiling. 


"come on kacchan. I wanna take a picture of us." 

kacchan: "I'm coming."I and deku were on a beautiful beach. I walked up to him and hugged him. I placed the camera on a rock and then took a picture of me and deku together. I started lifting him up. deku just laughed and took his legs around my waist. I looked at his eyes, his beautiful eyes. I leaned in and the same did deku. we kissed. I could feel his soft lips on mine. 

kacchan: "deku I love you so damn much." deku chuckle. 

deku: "I love you too kacchan." 

 (End of flashback:)

damn it, damn it.

why do I have to be so stupid? I loved him. I love him so damn much. 

deku: "kacchan, are you ok?" I turned around and saw deku standing at the door frame. 

kacchan: "yea...yea um...I'm fine just remembered something. do you need help with anything?" 

deku: "oh no it's fine I was making dinner do you want some?"

kacchan: "wait, your making dinner, when didi you learn to make dinner?"

deku: "I...I can only make katsu-don."

kacchan: "yea that was your favourite." 

deku: " remembered?"

kacchan: "of course I remembered. I can never forget something you like." I smiled at him. and he smiled back at me. we both went quiet again. well before I remembered what I said. my face immediately turned red. why did I say such a cringe line? I looked at deku to see that his face too was red. 

kacchan: "do you smell that?"

deku: "smell what?" 

kacchan: "it smells like burned vegetables." his eyes widened.

deku: "shit, the food." he started running to the kitchen, and I was right behind him. we walked into the kitchen and it was full of smoke. I  opened one of the windows in the kitchen. deku took the vegetable away from the heat and he showed me the food. yea that was no longer eatable. we looked at each other and then burst out in hysterical laughter.

we looked at each other. and kept on laughing. 

kacchan: "I guess you really can make food huh deku."

deku: "argh give me a break kacchan. making food is really hard." 

kacchan: "tsk, watch and learn deku." I started heading for the fridge and took out the leftover of all the vegetable and started cutting them. deku looked at me in amazement. that made me smirk. I started putting all the vegetable together and took out some meat and made that and some rise. I made deku help me. I made him cut the vegetable. but I had to show him how to cut it right. so Iw as standing behind him. and showed him where he was gonna put his hand, and how he was gonna cut it. it actually felt really nice to be this close to deku. I got closer and closer until there was no space between us. 

deku didn't notice since he was so focused on making the vegetable. it was really cute. 

I looked at him in awe until he turned around and started looking at me. our noses touched. deku's face immediately turned to a dark red colour. and so did mine. but we didn't move. we just stood there, like if we were glued together. I looked at deku's lips and back at deku's eyes. I bite my underlip. I slowly leaned in. our lips barely touched before the devil called. 


deku went back to reality and slipped out of my grip. 

deku: "I'll...I'll go and opened the door." I nodded. he started walking away. and I mentally screamed at myself. I was this freakin close to kiss deku. this fucking close. 

I didn't bother finding out who interrupted me, so I kept on cutting vegetable. when I was done. deku came back. 

kacchan: "hey can you get the table ready?" 

deku: "ok."

I was done and so was deku. we started eating and I asked him what he had been doing in the past three years.

he said that he has been doing hero work so nothing much.

kacchan: "are you dating anyone?" he looked at me, then back at his food. before speaking.

deku: "No, I don't" he looked at me again, when saying that. I dont know why but I was holding my breath in. 

deku: "and what about you, kacchan?" I looked away, but then back at him. 

kacchan: "No, but I'm in love with someone." I could see that deku's face turned a little disappointment.  

I stood up, I walked to deku. I turned his chair around so that he would face me. he looked at me in the eyes. I leaned in so that we were eyes to eyes and he couldn't turn away. 

kacchan: "do you want to hear who I'm in love with, deku?"

he didn't say anything just breath, in and out. I leaned in a little more.

kacchan: "I like-" I stopped myself and just kissed him. his soft lips. he didn't push me away, actually, he kissed me back. deku stood up, his hands went around my neck while my hands went to his waist. the kiss was filled with passion. everything stopped.

it felt right like this is where I'm supposed to be. with deku. with my deku. I pulled deku closer, there was no space in between us. 

kacchan: "I love you, I couldn't stop thinking about you in all these years, you were the only thing in my mind. I thought I would go crazy. don't...don't *sob* leave me, not today, not tomorrow, not ever." I looked him in the eyes. he hugged me. before he spoke.

deku: "I missed you too, so much. I' couldn't concentrate, all in my mind was you. I tried staying angry at you..but I couldn't. I still loved you. and I will always love you kacchan." 

I hugged back, and hard. 

but then I backed off a little so that I would face him again. 

kacchan: "will...will you be my boyfriend? Izuku Midoriya."

he didn't say anything, the only thing I could feel was something touching my lips. it was deku. he kissed me

deku: "does that answer your question?" I started to chuckle. 

kacchan: "I didn't hear you quite right? can you repeat your answer." I smirked, and deku just giggle. it was so damn cute. deku leaned in and kissed me again. let me just tell'ya that I'm on cloud9. 

deku: "did you get my answer now. " I smirked and hugged him. 

kacchan: "I love you do damn much, I will never ever live you again. you're stuck with me now and forever."

deku: "yea, let's stay together forever, just you and me." 

word: 6000

thanks for reading my 'short story'. it means a lot.  leave a like and comment on the story.  to be honest I don't know if this actually is any good at all but I used a long time on this so, yea. 

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