Soft Todoroki #1

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A/n: For my cousin's sake >:3

You wake up in the middle of the night, panting. It was almost as if you were breathless or having an anxiety attack. As dar as you were concerned it might as well have been. You had dreamt about one of your missions that had scarred you to the point where you couldn't bare to be away from your soba-loving softie. Luckily, he doesn't mind and wishes to be close to you as well. You look over at the sleeping boy and your eyes well up a little. Even so, you stop yourself and just turn the other way and put on your headphones and listen to Montero on your phone. You flinch, gasping softly, as you feel someone pull you close to them, arms around your waist.

"What are you doing up, Snowflake...?" you hear a gentle, sleepy voice. "Nightmares, uncomfortable... pain?"

"N-no, Shoto. I'm... I'm fine... I can handle it..." you respond as best you can so he doesn't worry. He could tell something was bothering you by the way you spoke.

"You dreamt about it again, didn't you..." He buried his head in the crook of your neck, wanting to make you feel comfortable and the least bit safe.

"...... yeah.." You gave in.

"You want to have some of my soba for a midnight snack?"

"Yeah...." You blushed, hearing him chuckle softly.

"Your music... it is loud... The lyrics...."

"IGNORE THE LYRICS." You frantically tried to stop his commentary. He laughed softly and you couldn't help but smile.

"I will get the soba. Do you wish for it to be a Breakfast in bed? I am unsure of what it is called." You chuckled as he sat up, throwing the covers off him and getting out of bed.

"Sure. Hey, Icy Hot?" You were so embarrassed by what you were about to say.

"Yes, Snowflake?" he turned and stopped at the door frame.

".... Thank you..." His smile warmed your heart.

"You are welcome, my Snowflake." And with that, he left the room and came back with the soba. You both shared his favorite dish and just watched movies until you both fell asleep. He held you close, making himself the big spoon, and gave you a small, soft kiss on your cheek before burying his face in your hair or neck and falling asleep. 

A/n: I sent this to my cousin one time and I had to add this XD: 

"I realize you would die of embarrassment from something like this, so let's say you panicked in the morning and just jumped out the window 😂" 

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