🪐Chapter Eighteen🪐

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"The return is one of the hardest shots to make when you come back from an injury"


Chapter Eighteen


Mando'a Translations

vod/vode - Brother/Brothers

Vode - Refers to the clones as a whole

Aliit - Family

Vor entye - Thank you (lit. I accept a debt)

Othanian Translations

Vaureh - Combination of the words Brother and Son

Ciorah - Daughter


"How long do you think it will be before you land?" You flinched as an explosion rang out from behind you, "We're in dire need of reinforcements."

"We are entering the atmosphere now, you can expect us very soon," Obi-Wan assured, his worry flitting across the bond.

When the Council had sent you to Geonosis before any of the other generals, you thought they had all lost their minds. Originally, you weren't even supposed to be a part of the attack. With 4 generals total participating in the attack, plus all of their forces it should have been easy, but according to Masters Windu and Yoda, information had come in implying that there was some Sith artifact there assisting the Geonosians. Therefore, as one of the few Jedi with experience in all things Sith, they rerouted you from the campaign you were meant to go in in order to handle that situation.

However, intelligence failed to give an exact location or description of the artifact- leaving you to land on the frontlines with no idea of where to go from there. All you were going off of was your determination to keep your men alive. As far as you could sense, there was no overtly Sith presence on the planet, just the General darkness that normally came from such places. Intelligence was likely wrong and your men were paying the price.

Another kriffing thing intelligence was wrong about was the resistance the Geonosians would give. As the main location for the droid factories of course it would be terrible, but this was insane and you feared for your entire battalion. It was crucial that the others arrived, and soon.

"Hang in there, Master," Ahsoka tacked on, her own worry coming through much stronger and fraying your nerves. She wasn't yet used to shielding against multiple people, but she was learning quickly.

Ending the call, you didn't take much time to collect yourself. Drifter was at your side and the rest of the Kanez had formed a loose circle around you to perform tighter cover while you made the call. All of them were anxious to return to the official battle.

"Go," you waved them off, drawing your saber and following them into the fray.

For a moment you considered using a Dark Side technique. It'd be so easy to tap in and take out the Geonosian Forces threatening your aliit, to give them a moment to breathe and count the dead and treat the injured. But reinforcements were coming, and you weren't used to using the Dark Side. It'd take you out of the running for a good portion of the battle so you could recover. Your men didn't need that.

So instead you threw everything you had into protecting your men as you were. Blocking blaster shots left and right, darting across the front lines in an effort to protect as many of your vode as possible, and cutting down any enemy who was unfortunate enough to get close.

You bit back a cry of shock as a cannon shot landed right next to you, throwing you across the battlefield. Struggling to push yourself up, you didn't hear anything over the ringing in your ears. Someone was grabbing your arms, pulling you to your feet. Lifting a heavy hand to run it along your neck, you grimaced when you saw the deep blue blood on your fingers. Your ears were bleeding, which helped explain why your hearing wasn't improving.

Several taps on your shoulder caught your attention. Looking over at the trooper carrying you, you quickly identified him as Sparrow due to the two intricate birds on either side of his helmet.

Hearing loss, he tapped out in dadita against your shoulder. You tried to nod, but your head just weakly rolled forward before you gained control of your neck again, Might be serious

The ringing was still persisting. You were pretty sure it was serious like Sparrow suggested. That wasn't good.

We're beginning our descent, Obi-Wan announced through the Soul Bond.

In the sky, you spotted a plethora of gunships heading toward the surface. Many were shot down during their descent, and you tapped a short request into Sparrow's rerebrace about tracking the fallen ships and checking for survivors. He assured you it would happen as soon as the troops were able.

Others will land here, Sparrow set you down at the center of your base of operations, where you were using a thoroughly destroyed gunship as a bit of over, Will be safer soon

Nodding, you sat still while the medic quickly got to work. The fact that he didn't immediately start on your ears either meant they either weren't that bad or there was no helping them at the moment. Considering the ringing was only now starting to fade and yet all you could hear was the louder explosions, you leaned toward the second.

After patching up a gash on your leg and resetting your left shoulder - that you hadn't realized was dislocated - Sparrow began to look at your ears.

We've been hit, we won't be able to meet you at the landing zone! Anakin sent through the Familial Bond. It fell silent for a few heart-wrenching moments before he spoke again, We're alive. Joining the fight, can't talk more

Letting out a small breath of relief, you winced when Sparrow accidentally pressed against your ear, sending waves of pain straight to your brain.

"Gen... noi-e induced... lo-... can't tell... permanent," Sparrow's voice sounded distant, though from what you could pick up it seemed like he was actually yelling. At least you could hear something.

Around you, gunships began landing and tanks slowly made their way around you. An official barrier had been formed. From one of the gunships exited Cody, who made a beeline toward you. He and Sparrow spoke briefly before Cody began speaking on his comm to someone. Drifter, maybe? Your commander was off somewhere coordinating troopers.

I've been hit as well, I don't think this is going to be a good landing. Darling if- Obi-Wan's side of the Soul Bond abruptly cut, though you could sense that he was still alive if in a lot of pain.

Shooting up, you winced at the sharp ache that shot through your skull. Sparrow was making motions that came off as a scolding while simultaneously trying to get you to sit back down.

With both of your hands free you used Galactic Sign Language to tell Sparrow that Obi-Wan was hurt. Sparrow nodded once, looked around, and called out a few names you couldn't catch. Two men you recognized as Boil and Waxer from their presences in the Force stepped up.

Five kliks east, Cody signed to you, and you knew he was talking about Obi-Wan's gunship. He made two motions you didn't recognize then pointed at Boil and Waxer respectively - that was their sign names, then - will be your ears. Stay alive

Nodding once you turned to Waxer and Boil and motioned for them to follow you. Loud explosions were clearer now, along with nearby blaster shots. Yelling that wasn't directly next to you was unclear, however, and even Waxer and Boil's conversation escaped you at times.

With your lightsaber ignited and clenched tightly in your hand, you kept away any stray blaster bolts that were aimed at the three of you. The direction you were headed in was away from the heaviest fighting, so there wasn't too much resistance during your run aside from cannon blasts that shook the ground but weren't strong enough to throw you again.

The downed gunship came into view, and you knew immediately that Obi-Wan was in there, along with only one other clone. The others hadn't survived. Forcing the gunship doors open with the Force, you winced at the sight of your husband. He was just as injured as you were, likely worse.

Obi-Wan's mouth moved in a greeting then continued to move. He motioned to the alive trooper next to him.

I'm afraid, my dear, that I'm not able to hear your lovely voice at the moment, you said through the Soul Bond, standing back as Waxer and Boil helped the two survivors to their feet.

And why is that? Obi-Wan sent you a confused look as all of you began the painstaking journey back to the barricade.

A cannon shot landed a little too close, I'm pretty sure Sparrow said something about noise-induced hearing loss. It's been a while and I still can't hear anything that isn't loud. I'm not certain about recovery.

Reassurance-worry-concern traveled through the bond. You sent back similar emotions, eager to get Obi-Wan back to a medic for treatment. Troops quickly joined you in your effort to get back, providing cover fire until all of you were safely behind the barricade.

General injured? Cody signed as he spoke, which you were thankful for. You still wished to be a part of this campaign, it'd just be more difficult now.

Needs medical attention, you responded, knowing Obi-Wan must have said something completely different.

Would you like to try to hear from my ears, my Dear? Obi-Wan asked as Boil set him down against a stack of crates. Helix was quick to approach and began treating Obi-Wan injuries while Trapper was escorted to the official medical area.

We've never done anything like that before.

It seems similar to a visual projection. Give me a moment, Obi-Wan's nose scrunched up in concentration for a few moments before you were able to hear those around you speaking again.

"We just have to make sure we're still here when they arrive."

"Run point with Drifter, Cody. The two of us aren't exactly able to run this operation from the frontlines. We'll do what we can from here," you heard your voice say. It sounded a bit off, but not being able to truly hear what you were saying and hearing your voice through someone else's ears was bound to be weird.

"Understood, General." Understood, General.

Running a gentle hand through Obi-Wan's mussed hair, you brought your foreheads together in a brief keldabe kiss. The two of you had faced worse odds before. Perhaps you weren't as injured, but that wasn't the point.

"Ink!" You called out to your trooper as he walked past, ushering him over so Obi-Wan could hear and subsequently so could you, "What's the status?"

"Not good, General," Ink stated, signing along so both you and Obi-Wan could easily understand. Word must have spread that you'd experienced trauma to your hearing, "We're getting slaughtered out there."

Contemplating for only a few moments, you knew there were few options, "Order the men to fall back to this location. We need to fortify this area and conserve lives."

"Yes, Ser," Ink saluted and ran off to spread the word.

Do you think that's wise?

They're pushing us back anyway. At least now we're controlling how far we're going when.

The men were quick to fall back, instinctively forming a circle around you and Obi-Wan. It was sweet on paper but slightly irritating considering their lives were in much more danger.

The Geonosians were closing in, and it wouldn't be long before you were overrun. Lighting your saber, you lent a hand to Obi-Wan as he staggered to his feet and lit his saber as well, a scowl overtaking his features. The two of you would fight to the end.


A bomb dropped down on the Geonosians from a Republic ship, several more ships following and doing the same. The men cheered and, bolstered by the promise of reinforcements, ran back out to join the fight. Obi-Wan let out a sigh of relief and slowly lowered himself back to the ground, showing just how injured he was.

Two familiar Force signatures were fast approaching, the third being one you were less familiar with but one you still recognized. Ahsoka, Anakin, and Master Mundi ran up to you and Obi-Wan with their remaining men behind them.

"Masters," Ahsoka knelt down next to Obi-Wan.

"Well, what happened to you?" Anakin asked sarcastically.

"I might ask you the same question."

"We're all a bit beat up," you added.

Master, you're slurring a bit, do you have a concussion? Anakin raised a brow.

Noise-induced hearing loss, possible concussion I guess. Might be permanent. We don't need to focus on that right now.

Ahsoka and Anakin seemed worried, but you had to set that - and your own worries - aside in favor of the mission. You'd be able to get proper treatment once this battle had calmed down and you were no longer needed.

Drifter approached and set a hologram on the ground, displaying a close-up view of the Geonosian stronghold and shield generator.

"Our combined forces should be enough to destroy the shield generator. Anakin, you'll need to take a small squad through the shield generator to get as close as you can to their gun emplacements. From there you'll be able to temporarily jam their scanners so they are unable to target the incoming tanks. Once the tanks knock out the generator, Master Mundi can bring the rest of the troops in with the gunship."

"Consider it done, Master."

"I'm coming with you," you informed Anakin. Anakin's hands made some aborted Galactic Sign movements. He picked up verbal languages easily but had always struggled with forms of communication that required movement.

If Obi-Wan can hear you then I can hear you.

"Oh good," Anakin let out a sigh of relief and moved so he was standing closer to Obi-Wan, "Master, you obviously can't hear much right now, and going so deep into enemy territory would be dangerous."

Let me hear through you. I'm coming no matter what.

Huffing, Anakin crossed his arms. He seemed to have realized that you weren't going to give up no matter your current status, "Fine. Obi-Wan, how do I do it?"

Obi-Wan gave a short explanation of how he did it and Anakin nodded. He closed his eyes and for a brief moment, you could barely hear again. Then the world shifted and you were hearing through Anakin's ears.

"You good, Master?" Ahsoka questioned, grabbing your sleeve right where your vambrace ended. Sensing that she wanted reassurance and comfort, you smiled and put a hand on her shoulder.

"I'm alright Ahsoka. Now, let's go get this mission started."

Anakin gathered some of his men and you did the same, gathering together Burner, Clik, and Screech from the Kanez along with a few of your troopers you ran into along the way. With your infiltration group pulled together, all of you settled behind a cluster of rocks, well hidden from the enemy.

"Begin the attack."

The group took off. The sprint to pass through the shield was long, and despite your fast pace and even faster reaction times, many men were quickly lost due to the heavy fire you were under.

As soon as Ahsoka's splinter group joined with yours, you kept your eyes on her. She was still much too young for all this war and death, and now she was your ciorah and as much your responsibility as she was Anakin's, if not more.

"Let's jam their scanners," Anakin ordered as your squad ducked behind a large boulder for cover, "Droid poppers."

The three of you withdrew a single droid popper each and, with some help from the Force, threw them directly at the Geonosian cannons. In a few moments, they activated and jammed the cannon's sensors.

"It's working!" You announced, "Send in the tanks."

The Republic tanks quickly knocked out the enemy weaponry and the shield generator, allowing Master Mundi and his forces to land. The battle was quickly over after that, with the few remaining Geonosians being smart enough to surrender in the face of defeat.

The last bits of the battle were left to the troops, while a gunship was called in to take three out of the four Jedi Generals away for further treatment. You, Obi-Wan, and Master Mundi were all injured in one way or another, and it wasn't wise to continue fighting when it was so clearly being handled.

With Obi-Wan's arm slung over your shoulder, you helped guide him to the awaiting gunship. Ahsoka and Anakin walked alongside the two of you, "secretly" acting as guards. They weren't as subtle as they liked to think.

"So, Master, what was your total?" Ahsoka questioned.

"Not now Ahsoka," Anakin rolled his eyes.

"Come on. Are you afraid you lost this time?"

"Fine. Fifty-five, that's my count. And you?"

"Sixty. Looks like I won."

You and Obi-Wan exchanged looks, wondering where Anakin and Ahsoka's competitive natures had come from. You blamed it on their sibling-like relationship. Even you and your sister bickered from time to time.

"But I called in the airstrike, so, tie."

"You're impossible," Ahsoka rolled her eyes and went off, presumably to help with the clean-up.

Get well soon, Masters

Thank you, Soka'jes

We'll see you again soon, Ahsoka

Clik stepped up next to you and wrapped Obi-Wan's other arm around his shoulders to take some of his weight off of you while supporting Obi-Wan at the same time. He'd taken a blaster shot to the side and while it wasn't serious, Sparrow still wanted him to get official treatment anyway. He had a soft spot for Clik since they were batchmates.

"I expect to see all of you back here by the time I've destroyed the main factory," Anakin stated.

"We shall do our best," Obi-Wan assured.

"Sixty-five, Skywalker," Master Mundi announced suddenly.

"I'm sorry?"

"My total. Sixty-five. So what do I win?"

Anakin's lips quirked up in a smile, "My everlasting respect, Master Mundi."

Chuckling, you added, "It really is quite the prize, Master Mundi. A very rare bestowment."

The gunship doors closed and it took off. The Gray was currently closer than The Resolute and less likely to be engaged in active battles so that's where all of you would be heading. It would also be good for all of the men with you to have a chance to stop at the Aay'han room to mourn the many vode lost that day. This battle had been an absolute massacre until reinforcements had arrived, a fact you set aside to ponder and process later.

When the gunship docked on The Gray, medics were already waiting with hover stretchers for each of you. You weren't in dire need of one but you weren't going to complain about getting off your feet for a while.

In the medbay, all of you were led to different areas to be treated for your injuries. Master Mundi and Obi-Wan would both likely end up in a bacta tank for a few hours to speed up their healing process so they could be ready to return to the field sooner than their injuries would normally allow. You, on the other hand, had a much different injury that bacta likely wouldn't fix.

Obi-Wan, I don't need your ears anymore.

Understood. I'll see you when I'm out of this blasted tank

Resisting a smile, you winced when your hearing suddenly went out again. Switching between hearing through someone else's ears and hearing barely anything was disorienting.

Hello, General, the medic treating you - named Brace - greeted in sign, his mouth moving along with the words, I will check your ears first

Brace approached with the proper equipment and you allowed him to look over your ears, letting out a sigh of relief when one of the first things he did was clear the dried blood away from each side. He took a few notes after looking at each of your ears before moving back to the foot of the bed.

Thank you. Now I will test your hearing. Raise your hand if you hear anything

Waiting for the test to begin, you watch Brace fiddled with some equipment. It was when he set the device he was holding down and made a mark on his datapad that you realized that the test had already started. Determined to listen more closely, you focused as Brace messed with the device again. When he set it down and made another mark on the datapad, you knew you'd failed again.

This continued another three times before you finally - mercifully - heard something. It was an irritating ringing that you were sure was annoying the other patients in the medbay. Raising your hand to show you heard it, Brace nodded and made one final note in his pad before returning his attention to you.

The damage was not helped in time because of the battle. Bacta will help some, but you will need other help.

Hearing aids?

Yes. We have some on board, but they match our ears. It is the best we can do for now

It is okay

Next, Brace put a swab soaked in bacta in each ear, the cold sensation causing you to shudder. You laid back and closed your eyes. The swabs were going to stay in your ears for two hours to heal what could be healed, and then you'd be fitted with a hearing aid.

This was fine. It was okay. Several Vode in your battalion had hearing aids due to similar injuries and they performed just as well as their brothers. This would not harm your relationships or your ability in the field. It was just another thing to have on your ears, like your cuffs. No one would look down on you for being injured in the field, they would call you lucky for living.

You didn't feel very lucky at the moment. You would still be capable, this wouldn't ruin your relationships. Why didn't you feel okay about this? This had to be okay because if it wasn't then your men would see that you were panicking and they would start to panic and-

A small prick in your neck caused you to flinch. Brace stepped back, an empty hypo in his hand. You were growing drowsy. You couldn't find it in yourself to be mad at your medic. You were going into some sort of shock and your exhaustion from the day didn't help. You needed this rest.

Approximately two hours later you awoke when Brace was gently pulling the swabs from your ears. As you blinked slowly, trying to wake yourself up, you were happy to realize that you could hear a bit more. It wasn't much, but Drifter was speaking to Brace just a few feet away from you, and it didn't seem like a private conversation based on their body language. It was still coming off as a low murmur when you should have been able to make out what they were saying, but it was something.

Doing alright, General? Drifter asked when he noticed that you were awake.

Okay as I can be, you responded with a sardonic smile.

Brace stepped up with two small items in his hands, holding it out so you could get a look at them. They were in-the-ear hearing aids, one with a small purple dot on the front and the other with a white one. Brace held the purple one up to his left ear and the white one up to his right. You nodded in understanding.

Brace slowly walked you through how to activate the hearing aids, which wasn't very difficult. A battery had to be inside for them to work, and you had to close the battery door before they could be turned on. There was a small sensor built in that you could press on to turn them on and off.

Brace slowly put the first one in your ear, pausing at certain times to tell you how to better fit them since they weren't made for your elongated ears. The sound came through, and for a moment it felt a bit overwhelming. Going from your ears, to not hearing, to Obi-Wan's ears to Anakin's ears back to Obi-Wan's ears and then not hearing again was a multitude of shifts that had thrown off your senses. Hearing through your own ears again was another shift, but more familiar.

You did the second on your own. It took a few twists and shifts of the angle, but eventually sound came through. Now you were hearing through both ears. The shifts of patients in the cots and low mumbles of conversations throughout the medbay were wonderful.

Something about this was slightly off. You weren't sure what it was, but you instinctively knew that you weren't hearing as you once were. You could hear just as well as you once did, but that didn't mean you were perceiving and processing sounds the same way. It would take some getting used to.

"You with us, General?" Drifter questioned, his hands signing along.

"I am," you smiled, "I can hear everything just fine, though they are a little uncomfortable."

"The medics will be working together to see what we can come up with," Brace assured you, "We're meant to visit Othan after this campaign for a supply restock so you'll be able to get proper ones there."

"I can't wait," you stated. The hearing aids were nice but kind of itchy and you could tell they weren't made for you, "Am I cleared?"

"Until you're called down to the surface again I'd like for you to take it easy and more rest wouldn't be a bad idea, but yes, you're cleared."

Sliding off of the cot, you spoke with Drifter briefly about the status of the men on the ground and the death count. He handed you a datapad with the reports and paperwork you either needed to look over or fill out before taking his leave.

Instead of leaving the medbay, you pulled a chair over to the bacta tank that Obi-Wan was healing in. Reaching out for the Soul Bond and giving it a small poke, you received a sluggish reply.

Opening up the first document, you got to work.


While you were sitting at Obi-Wan's side there was a brief, panicked conversation between Anakin and Ahsoka in the Familial Bond about where she was when the main factory apparently collapsed on top of her and Barriss Offee. Thanks to the bond, Anakin managed to stay calm and found Ahsoka much faster and easier - preventing potential injuries from oxygen deprivation. A report came in soon after that about the factory being successfully destroyed and Ahsoka and Barriss being sent away to rest and heal from their injuries.

Soon after that, both Obi-Wan and Master Mundi were taken out of the bacta tanks - looking and feeling much better than they had. The two of them took some time to prepare themselves to go down to the surface again, and then Master Mundi took a transport to the main base of operations whilst you and Obi-Wan went to meet up with Luminara.

"A hard-won victory," Obi-Wan announced as he stepped out of the transport.

"Indeed. And a costly one. We suffer a great many losses in these battles. Too many."

"There are more battles every day with no sign of the war slowing down," you added, frustrated by the lack of progress.

"Has there been any sign of Poggle?" Luminara asked.

"Nothing. We have clone squadrons spread out all over the area, but no hits yet."

"I'll go out and find some clue as to where he went," Luminara said, walking toward a spare hoverbike.

"I'm sure the troops can handle-"

"Poggle has too much information about the Separatists to let him get away."

"Very well, Master Unduli."

"Just make sure to leave a bit of strategic planning for me when I come back, Masters. I'd hate to feel left out," Luminara smiled, then took off.

Sighing, you turned around and walked back to the transport, "Does something feel off about this to you?"

"Something has felt off this entire time. I'm unsure if it's because of what happened here when the war started or if it's something else," Obi-Wan ran a hand over his beard, lost in thought.

From there the two of you left to meet up with Master Mundi, who was simultaneously looking over star charts and reports of his troops on one of the star destroyers.

"Master Unduli left to look for Lord Poggle on her own," you informed the elder master, "She believes she will have better luck than the troops."

"She looked to be heading in the right direction," Obi-Wan gestured to the map of Geonosis pulled up, "Poggle's forces seem to have come from the northern hemisphere, Master Unduli's last contact came from the northwest, although according to out latest intel there isn't much in that area."

The three of you continued going over reports together and discussing future supply runs. When Anakin finished coordinating the clean up on the ground, he met up with all of you on the star destroyer. Eventually, a comm request came in from Luminara's code.

"Masters," Luminara bowed her head in greeting, "We've discovered what appears to be a munitions container in the northwest region."

"It could just be debris," Master Mundi pointed out.

"I don't think so. There was no battle in this area."

Captain Buzz spoke up from out of frame, "It looks like Poggle was on a direct course, 11 mark 72, that way."

"Headed directly for the Progate Temple."

"That makes no sense. Nothing in the temple could have survived the munitions we used in the first wave of our attack. Why would he risk exposure to go there?"

"Perhaps there's something there we missed the first time, and something the Geonosians were careful to keep hidden," you suggested.

"Yes, well in any case, Master Luminara, I'm tracking a sandstorm that's heading your way," Anakin warned.

"No matter. Poggle is out in the open, and I intend to grab him before he can get off-world."

"I advise against it. You might get lost in the storm. Then we'd have to find both you and Poggle."

"I feel it is a risk worth taking."

"As you wish."

The storm came in fast and brutal, messing with the ship's sensors and knocking out visibility through the viewports. All of you recalled your men before the storm reached its worst point, not eager to make them continue working in such dangerous conditions.

Anakin was quiet and introspective as the storm came in, likely reflecting on his early life on Tatooine. The reason he was invited to the Temple was because Qui Gon and Padmé were trapped with him and his mother during a sandstorm.

"Credit for your thoughts?" You took a seat next to him, bringing him out of his daze.

"I was thinking of my mother," Anakin admitted, quietly so the others wouldn't hear.

"You can visit her soon. The Gray is meant to stop at Othan for a restock and I need better hearing aids. You can tag along."

Anakin hummed and smiled a bit at the thought. Then he frowned again, "We're a family, aren't we? You, me, Obi-Wan, and Ahsoka?"

"I should hope so considering I call you vaureh and Ahsoka ciorah. I think all of the Jedi are just one big family, even if it's harder for some people to admit it. You're well aware that our little family does things differently, though. What brought this up?"

"When Ahsoka and Bariss were trapped under the factory, there was a moment where I didn't know Ahsoka was alive and I was panicking. Master Luminara told me that I had to be willing to let go of Ahsoka, even if it was upsetting. But she's like my sister, how could I let go of her?"

Humming, you thought carefully about what to say next, "Luminara's words were poorly timed and articulated, but she had a good point somewhere in there, Anakin. War is terrible and dangerous, and I honestly don't know if we're all going to survive. Obi-Wan and I allow and encourage this family dynamic because it's love rather than attachment. If you hold on to the people you love to the point of obsession, to the point of refusing to let them go, then a line is crossed. When the time comes for us to pass into the Force, whenever that time may be, we can mourn and be sad, but we cannot allow that sadness to cloud our judgment and force our hand into making decisions that will only harm those we have left. Do you understand?"

"I think so. Thank you, (Y/n)."

"Of course, Anakin. I will always be here for you."

"... Master Luminara has been gone for a while. Something must have happened."

"Patience, Skywalker," Master Mundi advised, having heard what Anakin said, "It's a delicate operation. I'm sure we'll have more information soon."

Anakin nodded, but Master Mundi's words hadn't really done much to calm his nerves.

"I must admit, I am troubled that we've not heard from her," Obi-Wan agreed with Anakin.

"Let's not start worrying yet. Luminara's not one to take unnecessary risks."

Sighing, you took a cursory glance back out the viewport window, "Perhaps not, but war changes us all- especially when we feel we are so close to a victory like this."

The cockpit fell into a contemplative silence. You sat down in one of the nearby chairs, reaching up to absently fiddle with your left ear's new hearing aid. The ill-fitting shape was bothering you, causing your ears to itch and constantly reminding you that the hearing aids were there.

A loud ringing noise emitted from the hearing aid. You winced and tapped at the hearing aid a few more times in an attempt to stop the feedback. Eventually the ringing died down, and you let out a sigh of relief. Anakin was staring at you with a contemplative look on his face. You made a note to not let him anywhere near your hearing aids. Considering how he'd given R2 a flamethrower, you weren't sure you wanted any of his "completely necessary" modifications.

The central consol blinked, indicating an incoming call. Obi-Wan was quick to answer it, and Luminara popped up.

"Master Kenobi. We tracked Poggle to the Progate Temple, but now there's no sign of him."

"Go no further until we can send support. The storm is making things difficult. We can barely read your transmission as it is."

"Are you sure he went into the temple?"

"Yes, we saw him enter, but I think he's gone down into the catacombs below."

"Those catacombs go on for miles. I fear we may have lost him. Get yourself out of there."

Garbled screaming filtered through the speakers. Luminara released her lightsaber to face an unseen enemy. The transmission cut out.

"Master Unduli? Master Unduli!"

"We've lost the connection."

Anakin frowned, and hurried toward the exit.

"Where are you going?" Obi-Wan asked exasperatedly, well aware of what Anakin was planning.

"Take a guess!"

"Anakin the gunships can't handle the winds or the sand," you pointed out, "I know you don't want to, but for the sake of Luminara's life and our own we're going to have to wait."

Anakin grumbled, but stopped trying to leave. Instead he sat down next to you again, crossing his arms over his chest and pouting.

"We must be patient and trust in Master Unduli."

"We'll leave as soon as the storm lifts."


As soon as the storm showed signs of stopping, you, Anakin, and Obi-Wan were making calls to set up a team in order to investigate the Temple and hopefully track down Luminara.

By the time it was safe to travel once again, a gunship was prepared along with an available squad of 212th troopers.

"Stay alert, everyone," Obi-Wan cautioned.

"Spread out and look around, men."

"General," Cody called out, waving the three of you over, "Buzz is dead."

"Any sign of Luminara?"

"No, sir."

A shudder rolled through you. Something wasn't right here, though you couldn't place what exactly was wrong. The Force was dark, but the vast majority of the planet was as well due to being so wartorn.

"There was a struggle," Obi-Wan stated, eyes searching the ground until he came upon Luminara's lightsaber, "This isn't a good sign."

"Poggle didn't do this," Anakin's eyes trailed up, pointing at a high point, "But maybe that did."

"That is one ugly bug."

"I haven't seen one that looks like that before."

"It's likely made to represent the Geonosian Queen. We've never located her in any of our campaigns on the planet, many within the GAR have called her a legend and nothing more. If this temple is dedicated to her, however, then I wonder..." Beneath the queen was an opening leading further into the temple. Igniting your lightsaber, you stepped forward, "This path is our best bet. Come on."

Anakin and Obi-Wan were just behind you, the glow of their lightsabers combined with the lights on the men's helmets providing enough light to be able to see clearly. The main path was on an incline, and each turn only took all of you further down. These weren't normal hallways, these were catacombs.

"This leads to a dead end," Cody warned, observing the scanner on his wrist. He looked around for a moment before kneeling in front of a smaller opening, "This one goes the furthest down. I'd say it's our best bet."

"I'll go first," Obi-Wan entered, you behind him and Anakin behind you.

All of you crawled for a short time before emerging in another larger pathway, this time with many more options in where exactly you could go. Being so deep underground when the Force was already clouded was messing with your ability to seek out Luminara's Force signature. Based on the way Anakin and Obi-Wan would systematically pause and then frown, they were facing the same issues.

"Continuing to go down the steepest tunnels might be best, they likely lead to a hideout of sorts," you advised, turning to Cody. He glanced at his scanner for a short moment before pointing at a tunnel that thankfully wasn't as small as the last one.

Along the way Obi-Wan's comm beeped urgently. Without hesitation he answered to reveal Luminara.

"Master Kenobi! If you're following me, you must leave this place. Just get out! I repeat, fall ba-"

"She must be close by. Come on!"

The group sprinted down the path, eager to find Luminara before she suffered a worse fate than simply being captured.

Quiet clicks and hisses caused you to stop. Slowly waving your lightsaber around in an attempt to find the source, you nearly leaped out of your skin at the sight of the rotting, but somehow alive, carcass of a Geonosian. The same noises sounded from behind your group. You were surrounded.

Blaster shots did little against these unnatural creatures, though dismembering their bodies with a lightsaber worked well enough. You caught sight of two troopers getting dragged away by the bugs, and sliced off the Geonosians arms, then their heads to prevent them from taking the men away.

Arms wrapped around your middle, lifting you up into the air. Throwing your head back, you gagged when your skull made impact with the Geonosians face and nearly went straight through due to how decomposed it was. Swinging your saber behind you, you got the Geonosian in the stomach. A quick flick of your wrist cut the Geonosian in half.

"Vor entye," the troopers called out in the midst of shooting at another set of Geonosians.

"Not necessary," you called back.

"Back everyone, back!" Obi-Wan ordered, "Take out the tunnel supports, it's the only way!"

The men shot at the supports until the tunnel collapsed on the creatures, giving the rest of you the chance to crawl back through the smaller tunnel to safety.

"What were those things? We couldn't kill them," Anakin panted.

"I've heard stories of a Geonosian hive mind so powerful, so strong, that it can maintain its connection with its warriors even after they have died."

"And you think that's why we couldn't kill them? Because they're-"

"Already dead, yes."

"That can't be true, that's impossible!"

Shaking your head, you corrected, "It's unnatural, not impossible. Bringing something back to life goes against the laws of nature, but these creatures aren't alive, their bodies are simply... still in use. They're puppets for the queen."

"We're going to need reinforcements," Obi-Wan lifted his hand to motion to two troopers to search for a signal, but you grabbed it and brought it back to his side.

"You'd be sending your men to die, Obi-Wan," you explained quietly, knowing the men could probably hear you but trying to keep it on the down low anyway, "Our strength is in our numbers right now. We have no idea where those things could be hiding. Sending men to find a signal alone would be dooming them."

Sighing, Obi-Wan thought your words over before nodding. You, Anakin, and Obi-Wan exchanged grave looks. All of you were on your own.

"Every moment we waste puts Master Luminara in greater danger," Anakin crossed his arms, "We need to keep going down."

As silently as possible your group moved through the tunnels that seemed to be the fastest path to the lowest parts of the catacombs. Luckily, none of you came upon any more of the undead Geonosians while trying to locate Luminara.

"The air is warmer here," Obi-Wan observed, "We must be getting close."

"Forget the heat," Anakin grimaced, covering his nose, "It smells down here."

"Both of you be quiet," you hissed, sending them warning glares.

"I'm just saying. This planet is rotten from the inside out," Anakin held out his arm to stop any of you from walking further. There, inside the large and tall room, was the Geonosian queen surrounded by her undead minions, "I've got a bad feeling about this."

"There's the queen."

"Any sign of Luminara?"

"I see her. She's suspended near the throne."

"And Poggle?"

"He's speaking with the queen."

"Good. You take the soldiers, I'll take the queen."

You and Obi-Wan exchanged a look before Obi-Wan spoke, "Must you always rush into things?"

Anakin's eyes narrowed, "You don't actually want to talk to the thing, do you?"

"Matter of fact, I do," Anakin gave Obi-Wan a disbelieving look, "Anakin, don't you wonder why they took Luminara captive? Why not just kill her?"

"She's leverage. She's a hostage."

"For what? They've made no demands nor is there anything of value they could get from us. There's something else going on here and those zombies must be a part of it," you argued.

Anakin huffed, "Fine, we'll try it your way."

"So glad you agree. Cody, set your men up around the perimeter. These creatures live in darkness. The light from your helmet should blind them temporarily. Turn your lamps on at my signal. They should create enough confusion for us to get Luminara out of here."

"But what happens when the bugs pursue? You've seen them in action, ser. We can't kill them."

"We'll have to bury them. It'll at least slow them down. Shoot out the support pillars and this whole place will collapse."

Once Cody nodded in understanding the three of you stepped out of your hiding place and approached the queen. The undead, while not pleased at the sight of you, made no move to attack or subdue you. They wouldn't until the queen gave her orders.

"How did you know they wouldn't just attack us?" Anakin asked.

"Because I make observations, while you think with your lightsaber," Obi-Wan sassed, drawing a quiet chuckle out of you.

"Well, that quick thinking of mine is usually needed when your observations get us into trouble."

Not wanting their bickering to get in the way of the mission, you cut in, "The queen took Luminara hostage when the safest option would have been to simply kill her. She wanted a Jedi, and now she has three more. We need to find out why she wanted Jedi in the first place."

"Well, when this doesn't go as planned, which it won't, I'll be ready."

"That is so reassuring," Obi-Wan rolled his eyes.

"I thought I told you not to follow me, Masters," Luminara admonished when the three of you stopped in front of her and the queen.

"Yes, well, we took a lesson from Anakin and decided not to follow orders."


"You," the queen spoke in Basic, her voice grating and causing you to wince as your hearing aids gave feedback, "You are the creatures that attack Geonosia. Why have you come before me?"

"Your Majesty," Obi-Wan plastered on a false diplomatic smile, "It is a pleasure to finally meet you. I am Obi-Wan Kenobi, and this is (Y/n) Pavond and Anakin Skywalker. It is our sad duty to inform you that your rule is at an end."

"You not dictate to me, Jedi! My empire is forever!"

"I'm afraid it does not appear that way, Your Grace. You shall release the Jedi Luminara and submit to Republic law."

"I no submit to you!" Three live Geonosians lifted their blasters at the queen's screech.

Anakin's hand went to his lightsaber but you grabbed it before he could make contact, "Patience, Anakin." The Geonosians took your lightsabers from your belts.

"Majesty, destroying us shall only make the Republic's judgment of you harsher."

"No, Jedi. No! I no destroy you, I devour you! I control you. I had but one Jedi before young Poggle bring me, but now I have four! Now, watch as my child enters your Jedi friend. And once inside, her mind becomes my mind, her thoughts, my thoughts."

A small egg with a worm inside was passed to Poggle, who brought it up toward Luminara's face.

"It's a sort of mind control, a hive mind. She thinks she can possess us."

"Great. Find out everything you wanted to know yet?"

"No, wait, I want to see how it works."

"I don't think Luminara wants to see how it works."

"No, I don't."

"I'm curious. The more we know, the better."

"I disagree," Luminara called as the egg was moved closer.

"Come, now, the nose or the ear?" Obi-Wan waved his hand dismissively, "Which do you think it will enter?"

Anakin sighed, "I think the nose."

"I'll say nose as well," you mused.

"I hope this is part of the plan!"

"Isn't it always? Cody! Now!"

The 212th stationed around the perimeter turned on their headlamps, successfully blinding the queen and the undead Geonosians. The three of you summoned your lightsabers, igniting them and fighting off the slowly recovering undead. While Anakin freed Luminara you pulled a pair of cuffs from your belt and put them on Poggle's wrists, lifting your saber and motioning for him to move along.

Fighting your way through the thrall, you startled when Anakin suddenly screamed- "Obi-Wan, look out!"

Anakin grabbed the worm clutched in Obi-Wan's hand and threw it to the ground, stomping on it until it stopped moving.

"What? Anakin, no! What are you doing? I was going to study that!"

"Study the bottom of my boot. Come on, let's get out of here!"

"Take out the supports!"

The Vode shot out the supports, collapsing the room and hopefully killing the queen in the process. As soon as the supports were down your group sprinted out of there, not eager to get caught in the backlash of such an action.

"They're still coming!" Cody warned.

"This is our way out!" Luminara pointed up.

"Better start climbing."

With a boost from the Force you leaped up, grabbing onto the side of the tunnel and pulling yourself up further. The zombies were hot on your tail, but debris falling from above you luckily took most of them out on the way.

A cloud of dust coming up the tunnel was your only warning before a strong gust of air pushed you and the others straight up out of the tunnel and back into the temple. Landing firmly on your feet, you took only a moment to catch your breath and do a mental count of the others before moving on.

The temple collapsed entirely as soon as all of you made it out, hopefully taking out the queen with it.

"All things considered that went better than I expected," Anakin commented as he coughed due to the dust in the air.

"I wish we could have gotten one of those worms. Knowing how the queen controls her minions could have proven valuable."

"Well, hopefully the secret is buried with her."

"It might be a good thing you didn't bring that back," you informed Obi-Wan, "Remember when you brought back that flower from that festival in order to study it?"

"That wasn't a mistake. The pollen from that plant led to a rather nice week sequestered away together," Obi-Wan smirked at the memory.

Anakin groaned, "You two are disgusting. Come on, let's get back to base. And don't even think about flirting along the way!"

Sending Obi-Wan a smirk, he nodded in return. The two of you would go out of your way to bother Anakin on the return trip. 

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