🪐Chapter Nineteen🪐

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"The return is one of the hardest shots to make when you come back from an injury"


Chapter Nineteen


Mando'a Translations

vod/vode - Brother/Brothers

Vode - Refers to the clones as a whole

Kih'Keldabe - Small Keldabe

Cu'Morut - Saved Survivors (name for the saved clones meant for decommissioning)

Mand'alor - Sole ruler

Haat Mando'ade - True Mandalorians

Udesii - Calm down/take it easy

Nu kyr'adyc, shi taab'echaaj'la - Not gone, merely marching far away

Nibral - Loser/failure

Kyra'tsad'alor - Leader of Death Watch

Aruetii - Foreigner/outsider

Dar'Manda - not an outsider, but one who has lost his heritage, and so his identity and his soul - regarded with absolute dread by most traditional-minded Mando'ade

Ash'amur - Die (said violently, esp. in battle)

Othanian Translations

Vaureh - Combination of the words Brother and Son

Neod - Term of endearment

Jyboki - Damn it

Rowuk - Bitch/bastard


"I didn't think we'd come back here," you admitted to Obi-Wan as you entered Mandalore's atmosphere.

"I had a feeling we would, though I'd hoped it would be under different circumstances."

Your small Jedi cruiser landed just outside the dome city of Sundari, Mandalore's (relatively new) capitol. A guard was waiting for the both of you on a speeder.

"The Duchess awaits you, Generals."

"Far be it for us to keep the Duchess waiting," Obi-Wan sassed, causing you to chuckle.

The Sundari Palace was beautiful, and a work of art. Before the clan wars, the New Mandalorians - specifically those hailing from Kalevala - focused on physical art rather than art in weapons and armor, which was evident in their architecture.

Still, you eyed the windows nervously, hoping that there was beskar somewhere in the structure that would offer protection from snipers.

"Generals," a voice called out in greeting.

"Thank you for meeting with us, Prime Minister Almec," Obi-Wan shook the man's hand first, and you followed. He was dressed in normal New Mandalorian fashion, lacking any form of armor. Not that you were expecting any in the first place.

"I welcome you as a servant of the people. But I am troubled by the false rumors that brought you here. Mandalore would never turn against the Republic. The Duchess Satine values peace more than her own life."

"Oh, I'm aware of the Duchess's views," you stated ruefully, fondly remembering the debates you would have during your year on the run.

"Mandalore's violent past is behind us. All of our warriors were exiled to our moon, Concordia. They died out years ago."

You weren't too sure about that. Kih'Keldabe on Coruscant was still a thriving and vibrant community, there were several Mandalorian clans around the galaxy that had taken in the Cu'Morut , and there were most certainly either clans living in secret within the sector or who had survived their exile on Concordia. Mandalorians were resilient, something people tended to forget up until they were facing one.

"Hmm. Are you certain?" Obi-Wan sensed your doubt through the Soul Bond and spoke up, "I recently encountered a man who wore Mandalorian armor. Jango Fett."

"Jango Fett was a common bounty hunter. How he acquired that armor is beyond me."

You frowned, "Jango Fett was once considered to be Manda'lor by the Haat Mando'ade. He earned his armor as all traditional Mandalorians do."

Almec gave you a tight smile in response, "Well, don't you know your Mandalorian history?"

"Well, Master Kenobi, Master Pavond," Satine interrupted before things could grow tenser, "My shining Jedi Knights to the rescue once again."

"After all these years, you're even more beautiful than ever," Obi-Wan began with a compliment, a common tactic meant to calm down potentially hostile charges. The thought filled you with amusement.

"Kind words from a man who accuses me of treachery."

"I would never accuse you of personal wrongdoing, Duchess. However, a Separatist saboteur attacked one of our Republic cruisers."

"A Mandalorian saboteur," you added for clarification, pulling a holo recorder from your belt to display the video taken before the ship was destroyed.

"You must be mistaken. No Mandalorian would engage in such violence, not anymore," Almec denied vehemently, "Where is this prisoner now?"

"He took his own life rather than submit to questioning," Obi-Wan stated.

"Mandalorians have a complicated history with Jedi, a history with conflicts somewhat recently," Galidraan was still one of the greatest mistakes the Order had ever made.

"Every one of my people is as trustworthy as I am."

"I know we sound defensive, but-"

"Clearly, your investigation was ordered because the Senate would like to intervene in our affairs."

"Our investigation was ordered by the Jedi Council."

Satine blinked, clearly surprised for just a moment before she replaced her neutral mask, "I stand corrected. Generals, perhaps you'd like to join me on a walk through the city."

Obi-Wan stepped forward and offered Satine his hand, as is proper when dealing with someone of Satine's high status. Only a small flicker of jealousy ignited in you before you released it into the Force. The crystal underneath Obi-Wan's robe and the cuff on your ear were reminders enough that you were the one who held his romantic interest. Obi-Wan would always love Satine, as would you, but that love did not extend past the fondness and friendship created by your year together.

The three of you walked through Sundari, the organized sterileness of it all unsurprising but strange. You couldn't help but compare the quiet coordination of the new Mandalorians going about their lives to the lively and bustling streets of Kih'Keldabe. The people of Sundari all seemed to be baseline human, you struggled to find anyone with alien characteristics- even something as simple as colored skin such as yours. In Kih'Keldabe nearly every species was present and welcomed. The people in each place considered themselves Mandalorians yet they were so fundamentally different. It was... strange, to say the least.

"It's so good to see you two again, despite the circumstances," Satine smiled.

"Your peaceful ways have paid off. Mandalore has prospered since the last time I was here," Obi-Wan observed the city with a detached curiosity.

Your thoughts are very loud , Obi-Wan sent through the bond.

Don't tell me you aren't thinking similar things.

Satine worked hard for her people. It... hurt certain groups, perhaps, and it isn't what we think when Mandalorian is said, but that's what she wanted.

I'm well aware of how much she wanted to separate herself from traditional Mandalorians.

"Not everyone on Mandalore believes that our commitment to peace is a sign of progress. There is a group that calls itself Death Watch. They claim the name of the group that hunted me all those years ago and I suspect they're who you're looking for."

"Death Watch is on the rise again?" You questioned, worried for Satine's safety if that was the case. Death Watch was believed to be eradicated years ago, but perhaps they were just hiding like the True Mandalorians. You wouldn't be surprised if that was the case.

"The true members of Death Watch were taken care of when I became Duchess," Satine waved a dismissive hand, "We believe some have taken up the name in an attempt to strike fear into the hearts of the citizens. There are those among us, certain officials, who are working to root out these criminals. It has been an ongoing investigation."

"How widespread is this new movement?" Obi-Wan asked.

Satine scoffed, "It's hardly a movement. It's a small group of hooligans who choose to vandalize public places, nothing more. We shall soon have them in custody. We have tracked them down to our moon, Concordia."

You and Obi-Wan shared a mutual feeling of uncertainty through the bond but decided to trust Satine's judgment.

"I hope you're right, Duchess."

"How goes the war?" Satine suddenly asked, her voice turning slightly bitter, "Jedi leading armies, I never thought I'd see the day."

Obi-Wan's presence in the Force flinched and darkened, his mind likely taking him back to his time on Melida-Daan as a general for The Young. Satine never had the privilege of learning about that. She didn't know why Obi-Wan was the best General in the GAR, she just resented him - and you - for it.

"A peacekeeper belongs on the front lines of conflict," Obi-Wan offered diplomatically, avoiding answering how the war was going specifically because it was a difficult question to answer, "Otherwise they wouldn't be able to do their job."

"The work of a peacekeeper is to make sure that conflict does not arise."

"Yes, a noble description, but not a realistic one."

"Is reality what makes a Jedi abandon their ideals? Or is it simply a response to political convenience?"

Frowning, you replied, "While the Jedi didn't wish to become generals we would not leave the people under our command on their-"



Waving the smoke and dust out of your face, you rushed toward the aftermath of the explosion and began looking over the injured. Waving over Satine's guards, you pointed out those who couldn't stand or walk and ordered them to bring them to safety.

"Hooligans couldn't have arranged an attack of this scale," Obi-Wan called out.

"Then this must be the work of an offworlder."

At what you assumed to be the origin of the explosion was a holo of Death Watch's chosen symbol. This wasn't young kids trying to strike fear by taking up a lost name. Death Watch was never fully gone, they survived, and this was the proof.

"This goes far beyond vandalism. This is a political statement against your government. And against you. You're not safe here. I'm taking you back to the palace."

Taking a look around the site you stood called out, "I want to interview everyone here. Nobody leaves this scene!" A man pushed through the crowd and ran. Well, there was your suspect, "Stop!"

Sprinting after the man, you and Obi-Wan chased him through the rubble of the attack and along the streets of Sundari. After running through a short tunnel, all of you came to a stop as a railing indicated the end of the road.

" Udesii ," you tried to soothe the man before he did something rash. In response, he pulled out a blaster and began to shoot. Well, that was definitely a rash decision.

You and Obi-Wan drew your sabers to deflect the shots and nothing else. One of the shots came back at the man and hit him in the wrist, causing him to drop the blaster. The man, in what was clearly an act of desperation decided that lunging at Obi-Wan was the next best option.

"I don't want to hurt you," Obi-Wan cried as he kicked the man off of him. Satine came running out from the tunnel, "Stay back!"

The man ran to the railing and jumped onto it, "Calhava bru'chun dralshye'ran!" He leaned back far enough to go over the edge.

Grimacing, you ran to the edge and leaped over, landing firmly on your feet next to the dying man. Placing a gentle hand on his arm, you reached out and tried to soothe some of his pain.

"Nu kyr'adyc, shi taab'echaaj'la," you soothed.

Obi-Wan and Satine came out from the bottom of the building, both of them kneeling next to the man.

"Se solu, se kad, se darasuum kote... Kadi, se norm'iim."

The phrase was unfamiliar to you, with the only words you understood being kad , darasuum , and kote. Sword, love, and glory. The accent was heavier, gruffer, and likely Concordian which would explain why you couldn't pick up much from the dialect.

"Ke kadi norm'iim," Satine whispered, and the light left the man's eyes.

"What dialect was he speaking?" Obi-Wan asked.

"He was speaking in the dialect they use on Concordia."

"The two of us should visit there. Perhaps we could accompany the body."

"The Concordian moon is a province with its own governor," Satine sighed and stood, "You'll need me to escort you."

"That won't be necessary," you assured. Satine would be helpful due to her power, but her stance against violence would potentially make things difficult.

"Actually, it will. You won't get very far without me, especially since you've just been involved with the death of a Concordian."

"We didn't kill him," Obi-Wan said defensively.

"I know. That's why I'm still talking to you."


Satine immediately made arrangements for transportation of the body and all of you to Concordia. Within two hours all of you were on a ship and on your way.

"I thought Concordia was an agricultural settlement," Obi-Wan observed the nearly barren surface of the planet.

"Before the end of our wars, they turned it into a mining base. The sheer number of mining facilities here nearly destroyed our forests. They're finally growing back," the pride in Satine's voice was evident. Whether or not her policies were the right thing for Mandalore, it was clear she loved her home.

The ship entered the atmosphere, landing at the governor's residence. He was waiting there to greet all of you, and your heart stopped as soon as you saw him.

He looks just like Tor Vizsla , you sent through the bond.

That man is long dead, Obi-Wan assured.

"Duchess Satine, you are most welcome," the governor greeted.

"Thank you, Governor Vizsla," Satine smiled, and you felt slightly nauseous.

He's family.

You shouldn't judge someone based on their blood.

He's old enough to have participated in the war. If he's Tor's son like I think he is then he would have been trained to take over in his place.

We'll remain wary, but we can't let this cloud our judgment.


"May I present Jedi Masters Obi-Wan Kenobi and (Y/n) Pavond, both of whom are representing the Jedi. Governor Vizsla is one of the officials I spoke of. He's been working to find members of the Death Watch."

"I take it you've heard the rumors about Satine, about how she's supposedly leading Mandalore into an alliance with the Separatists," Vizsla's voice was light and mocking of the situation, which didn't do much to alleviate your fears.

"Our only instructions are to seek the truth," you assured, giving the man across from you a tight smile.

The man who bombed the shrine was moved off of the ship and past all of you. Vizsla took notice, "This was the man who bombed the Memorial Shrine?"

"Yes. He was apparently part of Death Watch."

Vizsla hummed, "A worrisome prospect. If you'll pardon me, Generals, we must attend to the body and see if we can identify this murderer."

All of you watched Governor Vizsla go. When he was a safe distance away Obi-Wan turned to Satine, "I need a favor from you. Please keep Governor Vizsla occupied at dinner."

"Where are you going?"

"Just for a look around. I'd like to see one of these mining facilities for myself."

"You mean you want to determine if they're still operational," Satine was clearly displeased with Obi-Wan wariness, but said nothing outright against it.

"I hope to determine they're not. (Y/n), will you be joining me?"

"I'll stay behind with Satine. It'd be suspicious if both Jedi were absent," you also weren't sure if Satine would be able to come up with a good enough excuse for that either.

Obi-Wan nodded in understanding and reached into one of the pouches on his belt, "I want you to wear this earpiece so that we can stay in contact, in case you run into trouble while I'm gone. I'll be able to speak with (Y/n) telepathically as well."

Satine nodded, putting the earpiece into her ear, "Remember that you are here under my protection. Please try not to cause problems where none yet exist."

"Think of me as searching for solutions," Obi-Wan appeased, moving over to a line of hoverbikes along the wall and picking one out.

"I have to tell you, I'm opposed to all of this."

"I'd be disappointed if you weren't," Obi-Wan smiled, and with that he left.

Be safe, neod

I'll do my best, darling

When Obi-Wan left you and Satin were quick to vacate the hangar to avoid suspicion. Satine, having been there before, led you to Vizsla easily. The guards announced your presence and the two of you stepped inside his office. He seemed busy typing on a holopad.

"Forgive me, Duchess, General, I'm writing a condolence letter to the dead man's family and making arrangements for them to retrieve his body."

"Of course, Governor. Very proper."

"General Kenobi is currently on a call with the Jedi High Council, it is sensitive in nature and due to that he is unsure when he will be able to join us again, but he will do his best to make an appearance in order to be a proper guest," you lied easily, hopefully creating a strong excuse for Obi-Wan's absence.

"I understand, thank you for informing me."

A servant of Vizsla's was quick to lead the two of you into a plush sitting room, beverages and small snacks already prepared and waiting to be consumed. It seemed that the Governor of Concordia was currently too busy to continue entertaining the two of you.

"Obi-Wan said the two of you can communicate telepathically," Satine began, and you nodded, unsure where this was going, "If that is so, why do you wear an earpiece?"

Confused, you reached up to your ear in an attempt to figure out what she was talking about. All you came into contact with was your cuff and your hearing aid. Earpiece? What- oh.

"It's a hearing aid," you explained shortly, turning your head to show your other ear, "I have them in both."

Satine's face flushed in embarrassment for a brief moment before she collected herself, "I apologize. I haven't met many Jedi in my life, but I've never met one who was..."

"Permanently injured?" You offered when she floundered for a word. Satine nodded, seemingly grateful for the help, "There aren't many Jedi who are injured this way. There are a few with prosthetics, Obi-Wan's former Padawan Anakin has a prosthetic arm, but injuries like mine are... rare. Declines in natural senses like this are generally natural to Jedi, not the result of an injury."

"When you and Obi-Wan and your masters came to protect me, you all seemed so... invincible. Even when you gained scratches and bruises it was hard for me to understand how normal Jedi are."

"Normal isn't the word I would use," you gave Satine a tight smile, "And I would give almost anything to allow my Jedi family to be invincible. I've never been more aware of how mortal we are then now."

"Is that where you received your injury? On the battlefield?"

"Yes, it's relatively new. There was an explosion too close to me and it caused severe damage, but I continued to fight. Because I wasn't treated immediately after it happened much of the damage became permanent."

Satine's hands shook but she attempted to hide it by picking up a glass, "You still fight even after all the harm this war has caused?"

"Yes, because I would rather it be me than someone less prepared. Many of the Jedi feel the same way, even if the majority of them have never seen war before."

"It's barbaric," Satine whispered, "And cruel."

"Yes," you agreed easily, "the Jedi may lose themselves during this war," Satine looked up sharply at your admission, "But we will fight in it anyway. We are not generals or warmongers, but we are protectors. I do not think this is how the Jedi should be involved with the war, but it was not my choice."

"You could have fought."

You chuckled at the thought, remembering arguing yourself hoarse with the Council to stop them from handing over the Vode to the Senate- to do so would have been to condemn all of them, whether the Council knew it or not.

"I pick and choose my battles carefully, Satine."

"And fighting a war is one you're willing to let pass by?"

"Yes, because despite what you may think, there are more important things than this war."

"What could be more important than peace?"

Before you could answer, a servant knocked on the door and entered, announcing that dinner was ready. Eager to move on from such heavy topics, the two of you were quick to stand and follow the servant to the dining room.

Vizsla postponed dinner when it became apparent that Obi-Wan wouldn't be joining, stating that it would be proper to wait for his meeting to finish so he could join. In the meantime, Vizsla offered to make drinks. You weren't in a position to refuse, but you were most certainly going to be filtering it out of your system as soon as you drank it.

"Someone is feeding misinformation directly to the Republic Senate, saying that the Death Watch is taking over Mandalore. Who stands to gain from these lies?" Satine questioned.

"Death Watch, of course," Vizsla stated.

"They could not engineer all this," Satine shook her head, still in a worrying denial. You understood her fear of the organization but refusing to acknowledge the potential severity of the situation is what allowed it to grow so bad in the first place, "The problem has clearly grown much larger than we thought, and I suspect some external force helped it along."

Vizsla shook his head, "Hard to believe. It would have to be someone at the highest level of influence among the Separatists."

"But why target me?"

"You lead the Council of Neutral Systems and a planet is historically known for its warriors," you supplied, "Your current stance threatens the Separatists' goals, however, if you were overthrown and replaced with an extremist loyal to them then they would have Mandalore at their disposal."

Satine only seemed more distraught by your words, but she didn't need the situation told to her gently- as it had been for months by those around her. If Satine was told the true potential ramifications of this growing out of control she likely would have stopped it earlier.

"What use would Mandalore have if it is no longer a war-based culture?" Vizsla asked, eyes alight with interest. It unsettled you.

You glanced at Satine, carefully thinking out what to say next. You didn't wish to start an argument in front of another official, "The New Mandalorian government is new, and much of the galaxy still sees Mandalore as a warrior-filled planet, and it holds sway as such. Additionally, with Death Watch on the rise and Haat Mando'ade clans still living outside of the system, the Separatists might see potential here for a return of true- of former Mandalorian culture."

Vizsla hummed, a small smile on his face. He was... satisfied with your answer for some reason, "An interesting theory coming from a Jedi raised in a completely different culture."

"Master Pavond spent a year on Mandalore toward the end of the clan wars," Satine provided an answer to Vizsla's unasked question.

"I see. It is unfortunate that the majority of your time on Mandalore was tainted by the violence, then." Vizsla swirled his drink around in his glass, "General Kenobi's meeting with the High Council is taking a rather long time."

"Due to the war, Council meetings are rather lengthy. I myself am on the Council of Reconciliation, which oversees only a small portion of Jedi affairs. Even our meetings can last a couple of hours."

Vizsla nodded, though you could tell he was skeptical. You hoped Obi-Wan would return soon. It wouldn't do well to gain Vizsla's ire during this investigation.

Darling, I've found myself in a bit of a... situation

Satine's focus shifted, and you guessed that Obi-Wan was talking to her through the comm as well.

"Would you two care for another drink?"

"That'd be lovely," you smiled, Satine nodded along as well.

I've been discovered and am being held by Death Watch.

"Apologies, we're out of ice."

"Sorry to hear that," Satine said slowly, her focus split.

Will you be able to follow the bond to me? There's a tracker in the comm-link that Satine has as well.

"Perhaps we should begin dinner without General Kenobi."

"I don't know if I can do that at the moment."

I'll get there as soon as I can.

"Are you not feeling well, Duchess?"

"Perhaps some fresh air would do me good."

You stood quickly, sensing an out for both you and Satine. Turning to Vizsla you donned your most diplomatic smile and bowed deeply, "I'll escort the Duchess out. Thank you for the drinks, Governor Vizsla. Hopefully, by the time the Duchess feels well again, Master Kenobi will be finished with his meeting and we may begin dinner."

Vizsla gave you a once-over. You refused to cave under his intense stare. Finally, he sighed and nodded, "Of course, I will await your presence here. If something changes please let me know."

"Of course."

You and Satine were quick to leave now that it wouldn't be suspicious, hurrying toward the hangar where the hoverbikes were lined up.

"How do you lie so easily?" Satine asked as you entered the hangar.

"I'm used to having to lie my way out of danger. I'm surprised you don't do it just as well, considering you're a politician and all," sending Satine a wry grin, you sat on a hoverbike and took off before she could reply.

Allowing the Soul Bond to guide you through the rough terrain of Concordia, you periodically glanced back to make sure Satine was keeping up and not losing her way. As you felt Obi-Wan grow closer, you slowed down. An entrance to a mine was near with a hoverbike identical to yours in front of it. Knowing this was where Obi-Wan was being held, you came to a stop in front of it.

They've started a machine meant to crush me. I'm hoping you're close.

We are, we're entering the mine now.

Listening closely for any sign of a machine running, it was actually Satine that heard it first. Your ears would never be as keen as they once were thanks to your injury, even if you could hear just fine now.

"Here," Satine pressed a series of buttons on the nearest control panel, setting off a proximity alarm.

Taking off as soon as the alarm sounded, you soon came across the room Obi-Wan was being kept in. Satine made her way to the control panel, but you had a much easier way of doing things. Activating your lightsaber you slashed the top of the Rayfield and freed Obi-Wan. He dropped, and you pulled him off the machine before he could regain his bearings.

"Always so gentle with me," Obi-Wan teased as you helped him to his feet.

"Don't act as though you don't like things a little rough," you smirked back.

"Look out!" Satine warned as the two Death Watch soldiers ran back into the room.

Using the Force to throw one of the soldiers clear across the room, you nodded in satisfaction when they fell to the ground and didn't get back up. Their helmet must not have been padded well enough on the inside. The second Death Watch landed next to their companion, having been knocked unconscious by Obi-Wan.

Spotting an elevator on the other side of the room, you led the others to it and pressed the button that would take you back up to the surface level.

"For people sworn to peace, you two take an unseemly pleasure in the injuries of others," Satine snarked, clearly dissatisfied with your handling of the situation.

"For a woman sworn to non-violence, you don't seem troubled that I could have been killed back there," Obi-Wan griped back.

"But you weren't."

"Well, you certainly haven't changed much."

The elevator doors opened, revealing an entire camp of Death Watch soldiers, including one waiting for the elevator. Obi-Wan was quick to knock the man out, but that drew the attention of the soldiers around the camp.

"This is not the way we came in," Obi-Wan sent you an annoyed look.

"I didn't think there would be an entire camp of soldiers waiting for us!" You defended yourself, igniting your saber.

Ducking behind a large boulder, you reached down to your boot and removed the false bottom, pulling out your collapsable beskad . Tossing it to Obi-Wan, he sent you a grateful nod. After you replaced the sole of your shoe, you stood and began deflecting blaster shots.

"Stay safe," you ordered Satine, spotting three Death Watch soldiers flying over via their jetpacks. Rapidly deflecting blaster shots, you called to Obi-Wan, "Give me a boost!"

Dropping the beskad , Obi-Wan cupped his hands and crouched. Setting your foot on his hand, the two of you shared a nod and he launched you. Obi-Wan's strength combined with some assistance from the Force easily allowed you to reach the same height as the commandos. Landing firmly on one of their backs, you slashed your lightsaber through their jetpack and pulled sharply on his arm to crash him into another commando. Jumping before the jetpack exploded, you slashed the final commando across the chest on the way down, catching him between armor plates and sending him to the ground.

Landing firmly on your feet, you took a moment to catch your breath. An order must have been given through internal comms because the rest of the soldiers quickly ran to the ships scattered around the camp and took off.

There was a small group that remained. The leader had his armor painted identically to the rest, but there were also jagged yellow-gold lines at the top of his helmet, signifying revenge. A short cape was draped across his right shoulder, which also set him apart from the rest. This was the Kyr'tsad'alor .

The commando you slashed across the chest was struggling to get to his feet, miraculously still alive. The leader drew his blaster and shot the commando dead, uttering a quiet, " Nibral " as he passed.

Obi-Wan stepped away from his protective stance in front of Satine, his eyes firmly on the leader's belt. His lightsaber was there, and even if it wasn't your kyber inside it, you could still hear the crystal crying out for its proper wielder.

The leader stopped a few paces away and removed his helmet, revealing himself as Pre Vizsla just as you had suspected.

I was right.

You can rub it in my face later. We have other things to worry about right now.

"Governor?" Satine asked, clearly shocked and devastated by Vizsla's betrayal.

"For generations, my ancestors fought proudly as warriors against the Jedi. Now that woman tarnishes the very name Mandalorian. Defend her, if you will," Vizsla tossed Obi-Wan his lightsaber and pulled another weapon off his belt, revealing a pitch-black blade bordered by pure white. You couldn't stop the gasp that passed through your lips, "This lightsaber was stolen from your Jedi Temple by my ancestors during the fall of the Old Republic. Since then, many Jedi have died upon its blade. Prepare yourself to join them."

The Vizsla clan held the lightsaber. That's why Tor and subsequently Pre were hailed as the Mand'alor by Death Watch despite not being legitimately voted in by the people.

Obi-Wan recognized the blade as well, based on how he tensed and held both your beskad and his lightsaber tighter.

"Obi-Wan take Satine and go," you ordered, slipping into your starting stance.

"(Y/n) I won't-"

"It wasn't a suggestion. It's clear who he's really after. Go!"

Obi-Wan hesitated for only a moment more. He tossed your beskad back to you and you easily caught it with your free hand. Obi-Wan was quick to usher Satine away.

"After them!" Vizsla ordered his remaining commandos. They nodded and obeyed, not paying you any mind as they passed by.

"You believe you can face me on your own? It is a death wish if I've ever seen one," Vizsla declared cockily before letting out a yell and striking.

Despite clearly being trained in sword combat, it was obvious Vizsla had never had any formal training with a lightsaber. The two weapons were similar, but lightsabers were incredibly light and even more deadly.

Vizsla's combat form was incredibly aggressive, driving you to use Soresu techniques over something duel-based. The man was so focused on the duel that it took him a shocking amount of time to realize you were wielding a Mandalorian weapon.

"You dare wield a weapon of my people, aruetii scum?" He growled, shifting into a series of strikes so fast you worried for a moment that your reflexes wouldn't be enough.

"You dare speak of such things when your clan stole the Darksaber from our sacred home?" You hissed back, "You are a coward, dar'manda ."

Vizsla roared, rearing back and striking so hard you felt the vibrations up the beskad through your arm. Catching the Darksaber between your two blades before it could stab straight through your face, you grit your teeth and tilted Vizsla's arm to the side. With easier access to his wielding arm, you kicked it as hard as you could.

Vizsla yelled in pain, dropping the Darksaber as soon as your kick hit home. Hitting behind his knees to force him to kneel, you placed both your lightsaber and beskad at his throat.

"Surrender, Vizsla, and you'll live."

"Ash'amur," Vizsla's hand shifted, and your eyes widened. Jumping back, you moved far enough that the knife throw meant for your heart to hit your shoulder instead.

Grunting but refusing to allow the pain to overwhelm you, you moved back toward Vizsla. The coward activated his jetpack and flew away. A quick search of the ground around you confirmed that he had taken the Darksaber with him.

We're back by the hoverbikes, Obi-Wan sent through the bond, most likely having sensed that you were done fighting.

I'll be there soon.

Grimacing, you looked down at your shoulder. It was extremely painful, but you wouldn't be able to remove the dagger until you could get proper medical attention lest you risk bleeding out on the way back.

Letting out a sigh, you started the walk toward the front entrance. With medical treatment needed and reports to be made, something told you it was going to be a long night.


Two days later you and Obi-Wan were preparing to escort Satine to Coruscant so she could plead her case in front of the Senate in order to - hopefully - prevent Republic intervention concerning Death Watch.

"But if Pre Vizsla fled, we have no way of learning how widespread Death Watch really is."

"It's obvious the Separatists are supporting the Death Watch," Obi-Wan commented.

Satine swung around, "I disagree. I told you I wanted to stay out of this conflict."

"Just because you wish to remain neutral doesn't mean Death Watch does," you pointed out, wincing as a passing Mandalorian guard bumped into you and jostled your shoulder. You'd received wonderful treatment but the site of the wound was still tender, "Given the current situation, neutrality may no longer be possible."

"I thought you of all people would understand my position in the matter. I want no part in this war!" Satine's eyes narrowed in on something past your shoulder, "Korkie, you should be in class."

A teen around Ahsoka's age stopped in front of Satine, a sheepish look on his face, "I wanted to wish you well before you left."

Satine softened, smiling down at the boy, "Thank you for your well wishes. Have faith that I will do what is best for Mandalore."

"I know you will, Auntie."

Your brows raised. You were well aware that Satine had never had a long-term partner, but that hadn't stopped you from assuming that this was Satine's son when you first saw him. Their delicate features were incredibly similar, and even when Satine mentioned Korkie in the past she never outright said her relation to him. Not to mention Satine's only other sibling was a younger sister who you'd never met before. This child was much too old to belong to the sister, and unless there was another sibling you'd never heard of...

You took note of the child's auburn hair, strong chin, and dark blue eyes, wearily glancing at your husband after taking it all in. Humming under your breath, you tucked your thoughts and theories away to be brought up at a better time.

"Now head back to class, I'll comm you as soon as we arrive on Coruscant," Satine finished her conversation with Korkie and sent him on his way, meeting back up with her entourage to enter the ship together.

"Reporting for escort duty!" Anakin greeted cheerfully, flanked by Cody, Rex, and a mix of 212th and 501st members. He was getting a week of leave once all of you arrived on Coruscant which he was planning on spending with Padmé.

"Oh. Anakin, am I glad to see you," Obi-Wan greeted just as happily. The two of you would also be getting some leave time which you'd be spending together.

Anakin chuckled, "You sound tired."

"The peaceful ways of the locals wore me out a bit."

Anakin nodded, though his face revealed his confusion, "What about you, (Y/n)?"

"I got stabbed in the shoulder," you answered shortly.

"I thought the locals were peaceful?"

You laughed, "Let's go to Dex's while we're on leave and I'll tell you about our Mandalore mission, yeah?"

"Sounds like a plan, Master."

As soon as all of the residents within the ship were settled, you, Obi-Wan, and Anakin met up with the Vode in the cargo deck to discuss the mission.

"You know your marching orders. The safety of Duchess Satine is of the utmost importance. The Death Watch will stop at nothing to assassinate her before she pleads her case to the Senate. Death Watch may be backed by the Separatists, so stay sharp. Artoo, use your scanners to probe for any suspicious droid activity."

R2 beeped in affirmative at Anakin's orders.

"Anything else, sir?"

"No, that will be all."

Obi-Wan's comm beeped as soon as the Vode were dismissed, "Yes?"

"The Duchess and her retinue request your presence."

"Very well."

The three of you plus Rex and Cody stepped into the elevator, riding in silence for a few moments before Anakin spoke up.

"I sense some anxiety from you about the Duchess," Anakin spoke to Obi-Wan, "She couldn't be in safer hands."

"Yes, I know."

"Then why-"

"Never mind. It's all in the past."

"The two of you are close?" Anakin's voice grew slightly suspicious.

"I spent a year along with (Y/n) protecting her, it was inevitable that we'd grow close."

"I know about the mission, I just assumed you'd keep it professional."

Obi-Wan turned to Anakin, annoyed, and raised a brow, "You of all people should be aware of my... personal failings when it comes to those I'm close to and professionalism."

You covered up a laugh with a cough, and the Force was buzzing around Cody and Rex in a way you knew meant they were speaking over internal comms. You'd have to ask them what they were saying later. Despite being the highest authorities among the Vode , and therefore the most serious, they loved gossip.

When all of you arrived at the hall Satine and her retinue were in, she was speaking passionately about the terrible nature of war whilst lounging on a dais at the back of the room.

"War is intolerable! We have been deceived into thinking that we must be a part of it. I say the moment we committed to fighting, we already lost."

"She learned that from Qui-Gon," you whispered to Obi-Wan, who nodded back. Qui-Gon always said that the moment a Jedi drew their lightsaber they had lost as a peacekeeper. It was a rather simplistic way of looking at things considering the complex nature of Jedi work, but Qui-Gon was never one for complex thinking.

"Excuse me, Your Grace, are you suggesting we oppose the war on humanitarian grounds?" Merri k questioned.

"I'm going to oppose it as an affront to life itself. As the designated regent of 1,500 systems, I speak for thousands of worlds that have urged me to allow them to stay neutral in this war."

"And yet some might argue that the strongest defense is a swift and decisive offense," Obi-Wan clearly couldn't hold himself back from debating anymore.

"You are quite the general now, aren't you, Master Kenobi?"

Obi-Wan's Force signature flinched so harshly that even Anakin took notice. Obi-Wan despised being called general but dealt with it all the same. Being called a general as an insult, however? Well, that brought him back to his time with the Young quicker than either of you liked.

"Forgive me for interrupting, Your Highness, I meant no disrespect."

"Really?" Satine rolled her eyes, "Senators, I presume you are acquainted with the collection of half-truths and hyperbole known as Obi-Wan Kenobi? And of course, the Jedi who finds it so difficult to be a proper one, (Y/n) Pavond."

"Your Highness is too kind," insults such as those were much easier to brush off. The two of you had heard them for years.

"You're right. I am."

"Allow me to introduce my fellow Jedi, Anakin Skywalker."

"Your servant, my lady," Anakin bowed, his Force signature tinged with amusement.

"I remember a time when Jedi were not generals, but peacekeepers."

I never had much of an option there, Obi-Wan sent through the Soul Bond wrly.

"We are protectors, Highness. Yours at the moment. We fight for peace," Anakin attempted to appease her in vain.

A little gratitude would be nice, Anakin huffed in the Familial Bond.

Trouble in paradise, Master? Ahsoka asked from her place at the Temple.

Nothing more than the usual ungrateful politician.

Satine has good reason to despise violence, Obi-Wan stated, But I agree that lashing out against her protectors is not the smartest move

We could very well become lax at our duty and allow an... accident to occur if she made us angry enough, you added.

"What an amusing contradiction."

"What Master Skywalker means is that we are acting at the behest of Your Highness to protect you from the Death Watch and the Separatists, who don't share your neutral point of view."

"I asked for no such thing."

"And yet you sorely need it. Death Watch will not be stopped with stun blasts and electric batons," you crossed your arms over your chest.

"I do not remember you as one to use such excuses," Satine hissed.

"I do not remember you as one so unwilling to listen to reason."

Orn Free Taa stepped between the two of you, "I am certain we all agree Duchess Satine and the generals have proven there are two sides to every dilemma."


"Now, in regard to the Senate vote, we think..."

"I think a multitude makes discord, not good council," Satine interrupted.

"Right again, my lady-"

"There may be two sides to every dilemma, but the Duchess only favors hers," Obi-Wan whispered.

It was sadly true. Satine had surrounded herself with people more than willing to do anything to appease her if it meant either keeping their position or rising up. She didn't want to be challenged even if it was for the greater good, she simply wanted to maintain complete control. If she didn't have such good intentions you would be worried.

Obi-Wan took a step forward and you placed a warning hand on his arm. Do you think arguing with her is a good idea?

You act as if the two of you don't do it all the time, Obi-Wan approached the Duchess, "A Republic military presence is the only sure defense against the Separatists."

"Even extremists can be reasoned with."

"Perhaps, if one can be heard over the clanking of their battle droid."

"The sarcasm of a soldier."

"The delusion of a dreamer."

Anakin sent you a semi-panicked look over the edge of his glass and you shrugged in response. You and Satine had always had more confrontations than her and Obi-Wan, but the two of them got heated when they argued.

"Duchess, Master Jedi, it's been a long trip," Merrik soothed, "I think we could all use a little rest and refreshment."

"Hear, hear. Now let us put politics aside until after dinner."



Satine stormed out and you shook your head with a sigh. Perhaps it would have been easier to have another Jedi pair assigned to guard duty.

"You and Satine have a history," Anakin stated as the three of you walked down the hall toward the conjoined quarters you'd been granted.

"Yes, the mission-"

"A romantic one."

You coughed into your hand to hide your laugh. Obi-Wan sent you a glare that you easily ignored. Perhaps years ago you would have been irritated with what had occurred between Obi-Wan and Satine (you were certainly upset at the time), but now you were confident in your relationship and had no need to be jealous.

"Romance didn't have much of a place in our lives during that mission, considering we were running from bounty hunters and Death Watch."

"I don't know Master, that sounds pretty romantic."

Obi-Wan glowered at his former Padawan, "A civil war killed most of Satine's people, hence her aversion to violence. When she returned, she took on the difficult task of rebuilding her world alone."

"Neither of you stayed to help her?"

You shook your head, "She was determined to do it on her own, and despite certain... issues I have with her rule and the way she went about obtaining peace, she cares for her people and did her best."

"But it's obvious Obi-Wan had feelings for her. Why wouldn't he stay?" Anakin shrunk under your withering look, "I'm glad he didn't because you two ended up getting together, but still-"

"It was a young love," Obi-Wan explained shortly, "One that was short-lived. If I had stayed if I had thrown away everything I had fought so hard for due to an infatuation... I chose the Order, and I haven't regretted my decision once."

"Remember what we taught you about love and attachment Anakin," you warned gently, "Loving those around you is wonderful, and having loved ones is okay as well, but even then they shouldn't be placed above the galaxy."

"Of course, Master," Anakin nodded.

It had been a hard lesson for him to learn, as somehow he had gotten it into his head that the Jedi frowned on all love and didn't allow any type of attachment, which simply wasn't true. Lineages disproved that easily, even if the Order didn't want to admit there was love and attachment there. Beyond that, you and Obi-Wan made sure to tell him about your own relationship philosophy when he became more serious with Padmé. Your love wouldn't be placed above the needs of others if it came down to it, that included Satine despite their past together.

Obi-Wan's comm beeped, distracting all of you, "Yes, Captain?"

"General, something's wrong with Skywalker's astromech. Scared him real good, sir. I've also lost contact with two of my men."

"I'm on my way down to assist you."

"I'll go, Master. If there's something dangerous down there, the clones and I can handle it," Anakin assured.

"I'll go down with him, I don't think both of us in a room with Satine when we're already tense is a good idea," you kissed Obi-Wan's cheek, "Good luck."

"You're doing this to irritate me."

Sending your husband a cheeky smile, you followed after Anakin.

"You aren't upset that he had a relationship with Satine?" Anakin asked as soon as the two of you were safely enclosed in the elevator.

You shrugged, "It was before the two of us were together, I have no reason to be. Whatever they had doesn't exist anymore and Obi-Wan won't make any or accept any attempts to restart what was there."

"I don't know how you do it."

"You'll get there someday."

The elevator door opened into the lower deck, you and Anakin stepping out to greet the men and get some more information.

"All right, men. What's the problem? I'm missing dinner."

"We're not sure yet, ser. But there's still no sign of Mixer and Redeye," Cody reported.

R2 beeped rapidly, complaining about how long it took for you to get there.

"I know, I know, but I'm here now," Anakin appeased. R2 spoke of something suspicious, "Well, use your scanners. See if something's out of place."

You trailed behind R2 as he wandered around the cargo deck in search of whatever the issue was. He eventually slowed down and stopped in front of an overturned and empty cargo bin.

"Well, what have we here? Looks like the contents of this box are missing."

"Or it moved on its own," you hummed, suspicious. All the cargo was scanned for life forms before entering the ship, but mechanical things such as droids were allowed to pass, "Fan out but stay alert. We might have some sort of assassin droid in our midst."

Anakin commed Obi-Wan, who answered almost immediately, " What is it?"

"There's a large open container, and the contents are missing. And I still have two men unaccounted for."

Leaning down to Anakin's arm you added, "My money is on some type of droid, perhaps assassin."

"That's not good. Keep things quiet, I'll stay with the senators."

"Got it."

You pointed up at the stacked cargo, "I'm going to look from above while you and the others search the ground, hopefully, one of us will find something."

Anakin nodded in assent and went off with R2 while you climbed your way up the cargo bins. From above you had a better view of the cargo bay as a whole and, while it took a moment, you caught sight of something flashing in the dim light that wasn't armor or a lightsaber.

Slowly approached, you spotted Anakin below as he ignited his lightsaber. He too had picked up on something not being right. Then Redeye stepped into the light, and metal flashed again just behind him. Squinting, your eyes widened at the sight of a spider droid. They were expensive and extremely deadly and you hadn't seen one in years.

Leaping onto the droid from above, you pulled your lightsaber from your belt, activated it, and stabbed the droid through the eye in mere moments. The 501st and 212th members ran around the corner just as a second droid came from the opposite direction. Rather than face all of you, it pried the lift doors open and crawled up before any of you could act.

Obi-Wan there's an assassin droid coming your way through the lift! You warned through the bond, receiving thanks-worry-protect in return.

"There might be one left," the metal of the droid shifted beneath you, and you remember why spider droids were so deadly, "Let's spread out and find it."

"Watch out!" You warned, jumping off of the droid's top before the smaller droids could get to you, "Fire!"

The men fired at the ground in all directions whilst you and Anakin took care of any droids that tried to jump up on you or the others. R2 went after them as well with his taser function (which was most certainly given to him by Anakin and not in his original design), easily taking out several at a time.

When the last mini-droid was cut in half you let out a breath of relief. It was much easier dealing with it in a group than it was on your own.

"Ugh, assassin droid. How did a monster like that get on board?" Rex questioned.

"The real question is, who smuggled him on board?"

You and Anakin exchanged a look. The Mandalorian guards didn't have the authority to approve or declare cargo coming on board. Unless it was one of the scanner droids on Mandalore - highly unlikely - it must have been one of the Senators. You voiced your thoughts to Anakin, who, after checking with (harassing) the service droid in charge of the cargo bay for the manifest, agreed with you.

"We need to tell Obi-Wan. Something tells me our assassin won't give up so easily," you stated, hurrying to the lift with Anakin and a squad hot on your heels.

By the time you got to the main dining hall, it was dark and littered with mini-droid bodies. Obi-Wan was looking at the mess with a contemplative frown on his face.

"One of the senators is behind this," you told him quietly, "Only they would be able to bring such cargo onto the ship without a thorough inspection beforehand."

Obi-Wan's keen eyes narrowed in on a small scuttling figure- one of the droids had survived. He held out his hand and picked it up with the Force, pulling it close, "I have an idea how to expose the turncoat. I'm going to need a dinner tray."

"Dramatic as always," you rolled your eyes and went to speak to one of the server droids about getting what Obi-Wan had requested.

The guests had relocated to a second dining hall nearly identical to the first. You allowed Obi-Wan to enter first, following just behind him but standing back to allow him his moment in the spotlight... he clearly needed it.

"Ah, dessert! Excellent!" Orn Free Taa cheered when he saw the dish Obi-Wan was carrying.

"This morsel might prove too much even for the legendary appetite of Orn Free Taa," Obi-Wan lifted the cloth covering the glass lid, revealing the final spider droid, "Enjoy."

"On second thought, it wouldn't agree with me."

Humming, Obi-Wan turned to the rest of the table, "My theory is our little friend will attack the Duchess and anyone who defends her. Anyone that is, except the traitor who programmed it."

Obi-Wan moved the dish closer to Orn Free Taa. The spider doid crashed against the glass, trying to escape and attack the senator.

"Take it away! Please!"

"Obi-Wan, this line of questioning borders on torture!" Satine cried.

"I assure our pacifist Duchess that all is under control," Obi-Wan soothed, unbothered by Satine's distress, "I'm trying to expose a bigger threat."

Your dear husband moved on to the other senators, who received the same reaction from the droid. The droid was at its most aggressive when moving past Satine but that was to be expected. It was when it grew near the final senator that it finally calmed.

"Interesting. The droid displays unusual hostility toward the honorable Kin Robb, but it seems to like you, Senator Merrik."

"Really, General Kenobi, you're quite clever!" Merrik knocked the dish from Obi-Wan's hands, sending the droid flying first onto a service droid and then onto Senator Farr's back. By the time Obi-Wan had cut the droid in half, Merrik had a hold of Satine and was pointing a blaster to her head.

"You're coming with me," he hissed.

You stepped aside as he walked past you, lifting your comm to your lips, "Anakin! Tal Merrik is the traitor, and he's taken Satine hostage."

"Copy that, but I've got problems of my own right now."

With Anakin now informed, you rushed out the door after Merrik and Satine. Turning to Obi-Wan - who was right behind you - you ordered, "Split up!"

At the next split, you and Obi-Wan headed in different directions. With Anakin and subsequently the troopers now informed about the situation, the escape pods would be the first areas covered. Merrik likely knew this, which meant his plan of escape lied in taking over the bridge.

On your way, the ship shook, and the telltale sounds of metal crunching under the force of another ship echoed. You were being boarded, likely by either Death Watch or Separatist droids. You weren't sure which one was worse.

Moments before you entered the bridge you drew your saber and ignited it. Merrik, with Satine still tight in his grip, turned to you with a smirk, "Come in, Pavond, you're expected."

"Tal Merrik, you are under arrest. Release the Duchess," you knew it was pointless but protocol dictated you said it to sentient beings all the same.

"Hmm. I took the precaution of wiring the ship's engines to explode," Merrik held up a detonator, inching around you, "I press this remote and we all die."

"(Y/n), if you have any respect for me, you will not take such risks with so many people's lives at stake."


"(Y/n), please."

Lips pursing, you slowly followed after the two while speaking into the Familial Bond, making sure to shield from Ahsoka. She didn't need to stress over your mission unnecessarily.

Merrik has rigged the engine to explode. Either someone needs to get on that or we need to catch him by surprise.


At an intersection of two hallways, Obi-Wan ran up next to you, his own lightsaber at the ready. Merrik held up the detonator and went through the same speech he gave you, unaware that you'd already told him everything.

Merrik led the two of you to one of the droid ships that had broken through the ship's hull, "This is Merrik. Stand by to disengage. Say farewell, Duchess."

"(Y/n), I thank you for your friendship even if we'll never see eye to eye," Satine smiled tensely, then turned her gaze to Obi-Wan, "Obi-Wan, I'm smart enough to know when I've lost, and I won't continue to fight. However, you must know how much I loved you. Also, something came from our time together all those years ago. I had-"

"I don't believe this," Merrik interrupted with an annoyed scowl, "A love confession to a Jedi is how you want this to end?"

I'm going to use a dark technique.


I should have done it when this started. Be ready to get the detonator out of his hand.

With your free hand still at your side, you relaxed it from the tight fist it had been in since Merrik had revealed the detonator. Reaching out to the Force, you found yourself basking in a rather dark grey area. Whilst Force chokeholds were inherently violent, they surprisingly required less negative emotions than other Dark Side abilities.

Merrik coughed and gasped for air as his throat closed. Satine, seemingly picking up on the fact that this was her chance, snatched the detonator from Merrik's hand and quickly darted behind you and Obi-Wan. Only slightly surprised, you lightened your grip on Merrik's throat.

"That's enough, (Y/n)," Obi-Wan grabbed your hand, breaking your concentration and subsequently freeing Merrik from your deadly hold.

"Woah, wasn't expecting that from you, Master," Anakin rounded the corner, closely followed by Cody and two other members of the 212th, who were quick to cuff Merrik and check him over for any hidden weapons.

"That was you, Master Pavond?" Satine asked, her posture tense and her voice cold.

"I have much respect for you and your ways Satine, but I must ask that you desist from trying to overrule my ideals with your own. I value your life and the lives of the people on this ship over your respect and appreciation."

Lips thinning, Satine replied, "I see... well, if you'll excuse me, I must get back to the business of diplomacy."

"As you say, Duchess," Obi-Wan responded.

Anakin let out a low whistle as Satine left, "She and Padmé would get along, though Padmé isn't afraid of a little violence."

Obi-Wan sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose, "At least attempt to hide your relationship with her, Anakin. Plausible deniability is what's keeping much of the Council from taking action against us right now."

"I'm great at keeping secrets, Master," Anakin grinned.

You and Obi-Wan shared a dubious look. All of you had grown laxer in hiding your respective relationships as the war went on - there were other things to worry about and many Jedi had grown to love their troops and struggled to hide it - however, blatantly showing and speaking about your relationships was still going a bit too far.

"You are good at many things, Anakin, but keeping secrets is not one of them."

The rest of your trip was spent passively trying to avoid Satine and therefore avoiding confrontation. Anakin graciously allowed you to take over his position overseeing the troopers while he took your spot working with the Senators. Things would remain tense with Satine for a long while, but there were many times during your year on Mandalore where you'd done worse things than choke a man and she still forgave you then. It was a waiting game.

The Chancellor and his retinue were there to greet you on the landing dock, along with several Coruscant Guards led by Commander Fox.

"You're dismissed to spend time with Fox until you get a new assignment," you told Rex and Cody, knowing they were itching to meet with their fourth-in-command. You weren't entirely sure what all of them did when they were together because you had only attended a couple of meetings, but you were sure it was all very official (or crazy, one of the two).

"A job well done, Master Jedi," the Chancellor complimented.

"Thank you, Chancellor."

"Your Excellency."

"I am quite interested to hear how you managed to apprehend such a dangerous criminal. From what I read in the reports it was a rather precarious situation."

"I utilized a Force technique meant to incapacitate him long enough to retrieve the detonator and for the Duchess to escape," you answered vaguely. Most politicians heard "the Force" and accepted whatever you told them. You hoped the Chancellor would be the same way.

"I see," the Chancellor smiled genially.

The three of you stepped off to the side to allow the politicians to meet and mingle. Satine stepped out of the ship last, flanked by several Mandalorian guards. As such approached she gave both you and Obi-Wan a small smile. That meant you were forgiven.

"How ironic to meet again only to find we're on opposing sides."

"The needs of your people are all that matter," Obi-Wan soothed.

"They'd have a hard time finding someone who cares more about them," you added.

"Kind words indeed from mindful and... mostly committed Jedi," Satine's smile turned amused as her gaze switched between the two of you, "I always thought there was something there on Mandalore. I'm happy to see what has come of it."

"Also, something came from our time together all those years ago. I had-"

What was Satine going to say?

Red-tinted hair, blue eyes, strong chin. She called him Korkie.

Korkie Kryze? Or Korkie... Kenobi.


The first couple of hours of your leave were spent in the High Council chambers with Anakin and Obi-Wan reporting everything that happened on Mandalore and on the way to Coruscant. Then, you had your first in-person meeting with the Council of Reconciliation in months, centering around keeping the Jedi from becoming disillusioned with the order. As usual, your suggestions were taken into account but overshadowed by the desire to stick to traditions - even if it was the Order's lack of change that was causing it to stagnate.

After such long and boring back-to-back meetings, you jumped on the chance to go out to Dex's for dinner when Obi-Wan offered. Because Ahsoka was all caught up with her classes, you took her along to celebrate. You and Obi-Wan rarely got to spend time with her without Anakin. As much as you loved your vaujeh , you loved time with Ahsoka on her own.

Afterward, you rode back to the temple together and bid Ahsoka goodnight as she went off to spend the night in the Padawan dorms with her friends. Despite being tired from the events on the ship, you and Obi-Wan weren't willing to pass up alone time you rarely got on the field.

At least you could sleep in tomorrow.


Your comm beeped early in the morning. Groaning loudly, you shifted to reach out and grab it.

"Leave it. If you ignore it they might go away," Obi-Wan mumbled, kissing a line up your shoulder in what you knew was an attempt to drag you into another round.

"I never thought I'd see the day that you'd tell me to ignore a potentially important comm call," you smirked, turning over to give your husband a kiss good morning.

"It's been too long since we had a day where we could do nothing but be together, darling. You'll find I'm not so willing to give that up." Obi-Wan ran light fingers up your leg, his hand settling on your upper thigh when it got there.

"Well, luckily I'm all yours," you leaned in for another kiss when your comm beeped again, and again, " Jyboki ! Rowuk ."

Obi-Wan chuckled as you reached out for your comm and answered after double-checking it was an audio-only call request.


"(Y/n), I require your assistance."

"Mace," you answered neutrally, though on the inside you were fuming. It wasn't Mace's fault, but this felt like payback for the whole "sleeping together as an alibi" thing, "What can I do for you?"

"It's concerning our little... friend in the lower levels. It seems that she has made a rather disturbing discovery."

"I see. I'll be there soon." With a sigh, you got up and retrieved a set of robes, "I don't know what the Zillo Beast could have discovered in the lower levels that would have caused such a fuss."

"Whatever it is, it sounds important," Obi-Wan replied, getting up as well and kissing your cheek, "Good luck. Let me know if you need me."

"I will."

Making your way to the sublevels of the Temple, you weaved your way through the halls until you reached the Zillo Beast's current home. Mace was waiting in the entrance, a heavy-set frown on his face that pointed toward a Shatterpoint headache.

"What's going on?"

"I came down here to check how the Zillo Beast's pregnancy was progressing. She seemed irritated and kept hissing in that direction," Mace pointed to the left, then began walking in that direction, "I wasn't sure what could have been wrong, seeing as it's nearly impossible for anyone to get it. It wasn't until I stepped inside the room that I realized-"

"Woah," the air left your lungs as an intense wave of the Dark Side washed over you.

The room was cavernous, with faded reds painted on the walls. Black symbols in a language you rarely saw were etched into the pillars- the language used by ancient Sith.

"What is this?" You asked, voice barely a whisper.

"The Temple was built atop a Sith altar in hope of neutralizing its dark energy. The hope was that so many Light Jedi would overpower the Dark coming from it. For thousands of years, the shrine has been considered to be dealt with but now..."

"Too many Jedi are dead or away to cancel it out," you finished Mace's statement, horrified, "The Dark Side energy is leaking out, likely affecting the overall energy of the Temple and the Jedi within it."

"And if the Sith is on Coruscant, then they may be drawing strength from this," Mace added grimly, "Your studies as a Padawan were based on understanding the Sith and the Dark Side in order to properly control your use of it. My hope was that you'd be able to contain some of this until the Council can discuss how to go forward."

The Dark Side was strong here, incredibly strong. You felt as though you could smell it and taste it. It was wonderful . It offered your most secret temptations and your wildest dreams.

It offered nothing but lies and false promises. (You told yourself, struggling to get the image of the clones settling down, of you and Obi-Wan raising a family, of Anakin and Padmé having twins, out of your head).

"I will enter meditation and do what I can with it. It may take some time," you sat down in a meditative position, closing your eyes.

"I will join you and lend my strength."

Reaching out to the Light Side that shone dimly through the darkness, you wrapped it around yourself and began.

"Execute Order 66."

Identical faces. No longer individual, no longer unique souls. One. One unnatural unit.

"You were my brother Anakin! I loved you."

Fire. Tears. How. How could you do this to me? You were like my son

"Rex? What's happening?"

Confusion. Fright. If my Masters were here they would make this okay, I can't do this on my own-

"I hate you!"

Hatred. Anger. Suffering. I wanted to save her, this was the only way-

"Those men, my brothers, are prepared to die and take you and me along with them!"

Sadness. A bad soldier. I was supposed to lead and protect them and now I have no choice but to end their lives.

"Anakin, you're breaking my heart."

Fear. Concern. A broken heart. What about the lake on Naboo? We could have been happy if you had just trusted me-

"I got my chip taken out a long time ago."

Betrayal. Hope. Please join me, I can't do this alone and you are my brothers-

"This is the end of Mandalore, Din. We must go into hiding, and we must stay there."

Determination. Resilience. Empathy. I have lost two homes now, I won't lose another one.

Do not fall into despair, my child. You can change this. Change it. CHANGE IT!

The blanket of light you wrapped yourself in was growing brighter, larger. The dark whispers and flashes of pain were not as loud anymore. In fact, they were slowly disappearing. You could hear your own thoughts again, you could remember what you were here for.

You would not allow that future to happen, and the first step towards change was stopping this altar from poisoning the Temple.

Gasping for air, you fell to the ground. Mace landed next to you, groaning and holding his head. You wondered if he received the same visions as you or different ones. Though that would be a conversation for a later time. Bone-deep exhaustion plagued you, and you felt as though you could sleep through the rest of the war.

"It's contained, for now," Mace slowly stood, stumbling slightly on his way up, "What matters now is keeping it that way. The Council needs to be informed."

"I vote, we will tell them tomorrow. I don't think I could handle them right now."

"I'm inclined to agree. Come on, let's get back to our apartments to rest."

You and Mace supported each other and you made your way back up to the residential levels. Both of you probably should have gone to the Healing Halls to make sure you didn't have Force Exhaustion, but your bed sounded better than medical attention at the moment.

"See you later?" You asked Mace when the two of you had to go your separate ways.

"It's unavoidable," was his reply.

"Where have you been?" Obi-Wan was on you as soon as you entered the apartment, "I've been worried sick! You and Mace have been MIA for nearly forty-eight hours!"

"Talk later, sleep now," you waved him off, shuffling through the apartment and dropping onto the bed, drifting off as soon as your head hit the pillow.

You woke up several hours later, ate half of the kitchen, and sat down across from Obi-Wan with a cup of tea to explain what happened in the lower levels. After, he told you about Satine being framed for murder and their subsequent adventure through Coruscant as they worked to clear her name and prevent Republic intervention with Death Watch. The two of you fell into a contemplative silence after that, processing what the other had been through while you were separated.

It was then that you remembered what had been plaguing you throughout the entire mission.

"Korkie is Satine's son." You stated.

Obi-Wan looked up from his cup, a brow raised at your sudden statement, "Yes, he is."

Staring at your husband, you wondered if you should end the conversation there. Obi-Wan went in for a sip of tea and you couldn't hold back, "He's also yours."

Choking, Obi-Wan coughed harshly to clear his airway, "I was going to tell you."

"I'm not upset. I can feel your anxiety from there. Clearly, it happened before we were together. The Mandalore mission was strange for all of us. How long have you known?"

"As long as you, probably. Satine never told me, but I put the pieces together when we met him."

Humming under your breath you asked, "Did you love her?"

"No. I was attracted to her, but I think I fell in love with Mandalorian culture more."

You nodded. That made sense, "You could speak to Satine about it. Or Korkie."

Obi-Wan sighed, "Satine didn't tell me for a reason. She attempted during the mission but that was because she believed she was going to die... raising Korkie on her own was her choice, and I will not force myself into their lives if they don't want me to."

"But you want to."

"Yes. No. I don't know," Obi-Wan's nose scrunched up in frustration, "He's my child , (Y/n), of course, I wish to know him. But it isn't my place, and it won't be until when or if Satine wishes me to be in his life."

"I understand, Obi-Wan," you reached across the table and grabbed his hand, "Whatever happens there, we'll deal with it together, all right?"

"Of course, we always do."

"And even if... even if nothing comes of yours and Korkie's relationship, we still have two wonderful children."

"Wonderful isn't the word I would use to describe them."


"That's more accurate."

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