🪐Chapter Twenty🪐

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"Time waits for no one"


Chapter Twenty


Mando'a Translations

vod/vode - Brother/Brothers

Vode - Refers to the clones as a whole

Ad/ad'ika - Child

Adenn Cabur - Merciless Protector

Ashnar entye - Someone has a debt

Gar buir - Your parent?

Gar serim - Yes, you're right

Or'ilor - Midday/lunch

Me'vaar ti gar - How are you? (lit. what's new with you?)

Naas - I'm fine (lit. nothing)

Jettii - Jedi

K'olar - Come here!

Ret'urcye mhi - Maybe we'll meet again

Othanian Translations

Nersh - Fuck


The Council was sending Vode children to take a tour of your cruiser today.

The Council was trusting you with impressionable children.

You were sure this was all a ploy to get you to take a Padawan, but you couldn't bring yourself to care as a squad of Vod'ika stepped onto your ship guided by one of the Kamino guards.

"Hello," you greeted all of them warmly, "I'm Jedi Master (Y/n) Pavond or General. Any variation of those titles will do just fine. I'd like to welcome you all to The Gray. Today I'll personally be showing you how a Jedi Cruiser operates."

The cadets burst into excited whispers at that, and you caught several Adenn Caburs being passed around before the Kamino Guard shushed them.

"First and foremost, however, I believe all of you have some introductions to make. If you haven't discovered your name that's just fine, or if you'd like to keep it private that's okay as well."

The group fell silent, each too nervous to speak up. Despite your reputation as The Merciless Protector of the clones and their rights as sentient beings, that didn't mean that the ingrained fear from the Kaminoans left as soon as they saw you.

"Impact, General," the Kamino Guard spoke first, ending his introduction with a salute.

Bolstered by their escort's statement, the cadets seemed much more confident and one of them soon spoke up.

"I'm Jax, General."

"Hotshot, Ser."

"I go by Whip, General."

"I'm Lucky, Master Pavond," your eyes met Lucky's, and you raised a brow at the strange feeling you received from him. It wasn't good nor bad, but it was very determined, and not in the same way as the other cadets.

The introductions continued until the rest of the cadets had been introduced. You gave them all a smile and a thank you for sharing before leading them to one of the observation decks with control over the guns. Along the way you pointed out different operation areas such as the Nat-Born barracks and one of the artillery rooms.

"Welcome, Cadets," Admiral Hashar greeted as all of you approached. She had always been good with children, "I have a demonstration and activity that all of you will hopefully learn from. Burner, if you will."

Burner, who was manning one of the guns, released a target disk and efficiently shot it down moments after its release.

"Despite Burner making it seem easy, moving targets are one of the most dangerous things you can encounter in space."

"What do you use for targets, Admiral?" Jax questioned.

"Mechanical skeet packed with explosives. Your training so far would have included extensive blaster training, however, shooting into space is inherently different which is why you'll be practicing today. Since you asked the first question, you can shoot first."

Jax nodded and sat in the seat Burner just left. After testing the controls to see how it worked, he gave a nod to Admiral Hashar, who gave the signal to Burner to shoot off a target. Jax drew close to shooting it but ultimately missed.

A couple more of the cadets went, shooting close but missing all the same. That is, until the cadet who introduced himself as Lucky went. He hit the target on the first shot, and when Burner released a tri-attack shot as a challenge, he hit each one without problem.

Lucky slipped out of the seat, allowing the next cadet to go, however, instead of joining the others he stepped closer to you.

"Ashnar entye," he whispered. If he was any quieter you wouldn't have been able to understand. Your formerly enhanced hearing thanks to your kind's ears had degraded after your injury.

Brows furrowing, you looked over the small boy again. It clicked then, why his Force signature seemed so different from the others. He wasn't raised as a Vode, he was raised as a Mandalorian.

"Gar buir?" You asked, just as quietly.

"Gar serim," Boba's tone was mocking as if calling you an idiot without outright saying it. You rolled your eyes at that.

"Or'ilor," you replied, focusing back on the cadets as they practiced.

After each of them has gone through and practiced on the targets, you gathered them all together again, "Our chef bits has prepared something extra special for all of you in the refractory, let's get you all charged up before we take you to the training halls to work with some of our top soldiers."

The cadets were bursting with excitement at the idea of having something special to eat. From what you had heard from the Vode, the food on Kamino was bland and only made to give them the nutrients they needed to become proper soldiers. On your last stop for supplies, you gave Bits the chance to pick up whatever he wanted to make for the cadets during their visit. You weren't exactly sure what he was making yet but he promised it'd be amazing.

As the cadets entered the refractory, you placed a hand on Boba's shoulder. From across the room you caught Drifter's eye, who was supposed to assist you in watching over the cadets for the rest of the day. Signing to him that you had business to take care of, he nodded and made his way over to the cadets.

"Come, Boba, my office isn't far," you ushered the boy out of the refractory and down the hall. Any Vode who passed you didn't bother asking why you were dealing with a cadet alone, as the general assumption would likely be that he was a troublemaker or had a lot of potential and you were scouting him ahead of time.

As soon as the two of you were safe in your office he began speaking, "My buir owes you a life debt. You stopped Mace Windu from beheading him at the Geonosis arena."

"He does, though that doesn't explain why you infiltrated a cadet tour."

"I'm here to accept the debt on behalf of my buir."

Brow raising, you asked, "Does Jango know that you're doing this?"

"Buir wouldn't approve of me taking on a debt for him, but it's upsetting him, I can tell."

"Boba, he must be worried sick!" You passed your long-distance comm to him, "Call him, now. If he thinks the Republic kidnapped you, how many people do you think he'd kill to get to you?"

Boba scowled, but began typing in Jango Fett's comm code all the same. It rang twice before Jango's fully armored figure appeared on the screen.

"Boba! Me'vaar ti gar?"

"Naas, Buir."

"He's with me, Fett," you called out, drawing the bounty hunter's attention to you, "He infiltrated a cadet tour in order to offer himself in place of you in order to repay the life debt you owe me."

Jango let out a long-suffering sigh that you yourself had used many times when Anakin or Ahsoka did something stupid.

"Boba, my debts are my own, they are not yours to pay. You are not even of age yet!"

"I almost am!" Boba said petulantly, "It's bugging you, Buir, owing a Jedi something. I thought I could help."

Jango's voice softened, "This is my battle, Boba, and when Master Pavond wishes to ask me to repay my debt I shall do so. This is not your burden, ad'ika. Now, I'm coming to pick you up, where are you?"

"I'll send you our coordinates, although you might want to hurry. I'm on my way to rendezvous with Master Koon and he won't be as willing to ignore the outstanding warrants for your detaintment and interrogation as I am."

"Noted. I'll be there soon, take care of my ad, jettii. Don't steal him to raise in your Temple."

"The Jedi aren't child snatchers, Fett," you rolled your eyes, "He will be completely safe here until you arrive, you have my word."

Jango nodded and ended the call. Sighing, you ran a hand over your face. It was supposed to be a simple day full of wide, curious eyes, and making sure the cadets had some fun to counteract the hardships of their childhoods.

"What are you going to make my buir do to pay off his debt?" Boba questioned.

"I don't know yet, Boba. The easiest thing would be to make him tell me about yours and your siblings' creation, but I don't think he knows much more than we do... the Force tells me to wait, and so I will."

"The Force stinks," Boba groaned.

"The Force is similar to your Manda," that quickly shut Boba up, "And I listen to it over anything else."

"Does it actually talk to you?"

"In a way. It talks to every Force sensitive a bit differently, giving us advice or guiding us... I think if we listened to it a bit better we could have avoided this war, or perhaps we could have ended it by now."

"Mandalorians like war a lot," Boba stated, "And some of them were started for stupid reasons, but some of them were invetiable and had to happen to make the will of the Manda known. Maybe this is like that?"

"Maybe," you sighed, "I'm sure the cadets are still in the refractory, let's go meet up with them so you can get a treat, yeah?"

"I'm not a child."

You chuckled, "You are, Boba, and that's okay. Enjoy being one, before you know it you'll be all grown up and hating it."

It was on your way back to the refractory that the ship shook and alarms started blaring.

"What's happening?"

"Status report," you spoke into your comm, immediately receiving an answer from Clik.

"We were struck by a long range missile, damage is minimal. A ship is approaching, not Republic and heavily armed."


"Doesn't look like it.

"Nersh," you hissed. This spelled trouble, especially because you weren't sure what you were dealing with, "Send out fighters and take that ship down, try to establish contact if you can."

Mere moments later the ship shook again- then it tipped. Yelping, you grabbed onto Boba to keep him close and steady.

"What in Sith's Hells was that?"

"They hit one of the engines! The damage report is still coming in but it seems extensive- I don't think we're going to be able to get it back online and the other can't support us. What are your orders?"

"Evacuate the ship, I want everyone off as soon as possible whether they're in escape pods, fighters, or support ships. I won't leave this ship until they're gone. Bonus and Ink, I need you at my office as soon as possible."

"Copy that, General."

"Boba, as soon as Ink and Bonus get here I want you to evacuate with them."

"What? No! I'm not leaving you."

"That is an order, Boba!"

"I'm not one of your soldiers!"

"No, but your buir is trusting me with your safety and I'm not going to let you get hurt," you spotted Bonus and Ink running up the hall, stopping with brief salutes when they reached you, "This is Boba Fett, why he is here can be explained later. Your main priority is keeping him safe and making sure he is safely evacuated."

"Yes, General."

"Stay safe, and may the Force be with you."

"And with you, General."

Bonus and Ink put a hand on each of Boba's shoulders and quickly led him away. With that taken care of you made your way to the bridge. Admiral Hashar was still there, rapidly sending out orders to speed up the evacuation efforts.

"Nearly everyone is off the ship, General, it's just the primary bridge staff that are still here."

"Good, then it's your time to leave, Admiral."

"It's my job to go down with the ship, General," Admiral Hashar shook her head.

"You're too valuable to us to give up your life for a ship," you shook your head, "Your honor will not be challenged if you leave, please, evacuate so we can continue serving together."

Admiral Hashar nodded hesitantly and sent out a final batch of orders to the bridge crew. As all of them were leaving, you sent out a call for all troops to report in. The cadets were safe, the natborns were fine, and your soldiers had escaped. Ink and Bonus checked in as well, confirming Boba was safe.

With confirmation of the safety of your troops, you were ready to find a remaining ship and evacuate yourself.

Incoming Comm Request

Pausing, you contemplated for a moment. You had already checked in with your troops so it couldn't have been them, perhaps...

"Who is this?" You asked immediately after answering the call.

"And here I was thinking Jedi were supposed to be polite," a mocking voice drifted through, a face you were all too familiar with seeing on wanted posters popping up, "Aurra Sing, perhaps you've heard of me. There's a pretty price on your head, you know. Most bounty hunters are too scared to go after a Jedi, but I quite like the challenge."

"You're going to fail."

"I don't think so," Aurra looked off to the side then laughed just as the ship shook again, "Oh dear, it seems as though you'd been caught in Valqor's orbit. It just so happens that the planet's pull is so strong that any attempt to fly a smaller ship out without proper precautions will result in you being pulled right back in."

"This was a distraction."

"And you so beautifully fell for it. See you soon."

Slamming your hands against the counsel in frustration, you sent out an all call to your units and hoped that someone would be in range to pick it up.


"Bonus! The attack on the ship was orchestrated by the bounty hunter Aurra Sing. I'm trapped in Valqor's orbit and I'm not going to be able to escape. She intends to cash in a bounty on my head. Send word to Master Plo about this situation."

"Understood, General. We'll send rescue teams as... hold... away..."

"Bonus?" You called as the transmission cut out, "Bonus? Nersh!"

Closing your eyes, you sent a quick prayer to the Force. This isn't how you were going to die, not in a ship crash and not by Aurra Sing's hand.

One of the engines was completely gone and the other wouldn't be strong enough to get the ship out of the atmosphere, but there was one other option.

Going through the Hyperspace calculations in your head, you quickly input them into the computer. Without giving yourself time to doubt your plan, you activated the hyperdrive. The ship groaned and jerked, and for a moment you feared that it wouldn't work-

The familiar blue glow of hyperspace overtook the viewing windows. It worked. Though there were still several alerts going off concerning the struck engine, and you weren't sure you'd go as far as the coordinates of Master Plo's ship, it was worth a try.

Letting out a sigh of relief, you sat down in the nearest chair and closed your eyes. You wouldn't allow yourself to sleep in case something happened, but you would allow yourself to rest.


"We need to go after them!" Boba insisted for what felt like the hundredth time, pacing the small area of the transport ship he had been forced onto by the clones referred to as Ink and Burner.

"Our orders are to keep you safe, that means trusting the general to get out of this mess," Ink shook his head, eyes glued to a scanner on the front of the ship, "Whatever shot at the ship doesn't stand a- vod, k'olar!"

Burner rushed to Ink's side, eyes wide as he looked at the scanner, "They went into hyperspace."

"And the attacker followed."

"What's happening? I demand to know!" Boba shoved his way between the two in order to look at the scanner, "Where did Master Pavond go?"

"We don't know," Burner and Ink exchanged a look that Boba didn't understand, "We need to contact the rest of the Kanez and begin a search. With a destroyed engine the ship won't remain stable, whatever coordinates the general put in won't hold up."

"We need to go after them!" Boba insisted.

"We don't even know where they are, Boba. We'll have to wait until one of the Jedi tracks them down."

Huffing, Boba crossed his arms over his chest. His entire mission had gone askew and he didn't know how to get it back on track, "I need to contact my father, give me the comm."

"Brat," Ink muttered, though it was clear he didn't care whether or not Boba heard. Boba internalized his anger at that. It wasn't worth the fight.


"Buir, there's been a complication."

"I'm listening."


Jedi Master Plo Koon had been having a good day. He'd led the Wolfpack through several training exercises meant to increase their flexibility, the atmosphere in his room had been readjusted so he could once again operate comfortably within it, and he was looking forward to a visit from his Padawan - of whom would be coming with several Vode children that he was eager to meet.

This good day, of course, had to be ruined by a call from Admiral Hashar of The Gray.

"Admiral, to what do I owe the pleasure?"

"General Koon, I'm afraid I have bad news. The Gray was targeted by a heavily armed ship and one of the engines was destroyed. General Pavond stayed behind to ensure evacuation efforts were successful, but moments ago they were caught in Valqor's orbit and subsequently activated the hyperdrive in order to escape. We do not know where they have gone."

Plo's mind was clouded with fear for a short moment before he released it into the Force, "I see. I will contact the Council and organize rescue efforts immediately. Please continue making your way to my ship."

"Understood, General."

"Is your ad going to be okay, General?" Wolffe asked. Wolffe had a soft spot for (Y/n), as did most Vode, but he was also one of the few who were unafraid to use familial terms when referring to Jedi lineages.

"I do not know, but I will keep my faith in the Force. (Y/n) is strong, and they will prevail."

"There's another incoming call, General," one of the cockpit operators called out, "It's from an unknown ship."

"Let it through."

A Mandalorian helmet appeared on the console, the markings matching that of Jango Fett, "Master Koon."

"Jango Fett, to what do I owe the pleasure of your call?"

"My son snuck onto Master Pavond's ship in an attempt to repay my life debt. They made sure Boba was evacuated, even while he insisted on staying with them. Now I owe a debt on behalf of my ad as well, and for that reason, I'm offering my assistance in the search."

"As soon as you approach my ship protocol dictates I detain you to be brought to Coruscant for detainment and questioning."

Fett pulled his helmet off, revealing a face Plo Koon was greatly familiar with. The determination in his eyes was even the same look he often saw on his men.

"Your ad saved my own. Arrest me if you'd like, but allow me to assist in the search before you do so. From one buir to another."

Plo Koon only had to think over the offer for a few moments before he answered, "I will send you the coordinates of my ship and send out orders to avoid any incidents. I expect you to be here soon."

"I will be."


The Gray was knocked out of hyperspace half an hour into the trip. It had lasted much longer than you thought it would and for that you were thankful. Though you were significantly less thankful when you realized you were approaching an unidentified planet and fast.

Moving to the controls, you rapidly opened all flaps in an attempt to slow the ship down, reversing the remaining engine's thrust as well. Fire overtook the viewport, blocking you sight of the world below you.

It was a terrifying few moments before the ship slowed down. And it was after another few moments of relief when you realized the ship shouldn't have slowed down as much as it had.

The fire was slowly fading from the viewport, and it was then that you spotted guide ships pulling you down to the surface. Pulling up the ship's maps, you realized you were in the Tion Cluster, specifically on the planet Voss.

Incoming Comm Request

Accepting the request, you were greeted with the sight of three Voss, all wearing similar outfits consisting of short-sleeved bodysuits and capes. You assumed they were the higher authority of the territory you were closest to.

"This is Jedi Master (Y/n) Pavond, Major General of the Grand Army of the Republic," you said formally when the holocom popped up, "I am requesting permission to land. My cruiser was damaged in a recent battle and it requires repairs before I can continue on."

"And your intention?" The Voss in the middle asked. Their voices were slightly cybertronic, similar to droids in a way. You were uncertain if it was your faulty comms or not.

"To repair my ship and leave immediately after. I have no desire to harm your people or disturb your everyday life."

The three didn't step aside or even look at each other, but your gut told you they somehow all came to the same conclusion.

"You have permission to land, Jedi Master (Y/n) Pavond," the one on the right began.

"Your ship will be guided to the landing pad you may use during your time here,"
the one in the middle continued.

"A representative of Voss-Ka will meet you at the landing pad to discuss your situation further," the one on the left concluded and the call ended.

It had been a very long day full of many turns, and this was one you weren't expecting. From being targeted by bounty hunters to accidentally landing on a planet you'd seldom heard of was not how you were expecting things to go.

The ship shuddered as it hit the landing pad, making several sounds you knew weren't good. You were going to leave the repairs to the Voss mechanics.

Without much more fanfare, you quickly made your way to the bottom of the ship and opened up the ramp. Waiting for you on the landing pad was a single Voss representative. There were either guards somewhere you couldn't see or the Voss people were confident in your good intentions.

"Greetings Jedi Master (Y/n) Pavond," the Voss greeted you with a traditional vow, "I am Bera-De."

"Kind greetings, Bera-De, you may address me as Master Pavond. I thank you and your people for your kindness concerning this situation. Once I am able to contact my associates, I will be sure that you are properly compensated for your time."

"We do not ask for compensation, Master Pavond," Bera-De assured you, motioning for you to follow her to a nearby speeder, "Many years ago the Republic had an embassy here, though it has since died off and the Republic has not returned since. It has been a very long time since Voss has been visited by a Jedi."

"I didn't realize there was an embassy here in the first place." Voss had been mentioned in ancient texts, but there had never been an excess of information on the planet, its people, or its culture.

"Yes, many years ago during our great war one was established. Jedi came as well, as peacekeepers. They taught our people many things, and gave us a basis to expand our knowledge," the speeder stopped in front of a large building, "The Three have requested a meeting with you."

"I see." The Three must have been the three leaders you spoke with over the comm. There was no reason to be discourteous and deny a meeting, so you once again followed Bera-De as she led you into the building and through its halls.

"I present Jedi Master (Y/n) Pavond," Bera-De introduced you to the three beings sitting at the end of the room, then left.

"Master Pavond, it is a great honor to meet you. I am Gonte-Lon," the one on the left stated - blue skin, which you knew meant masculine pronouns.

"I am Nen-Si," the one on the right bowed their head, blue skin as well.

"And I am Sonn-Mer," the one in the middle with red skin - feminine pronouns - concluded, "As Gonte-Lon, it is a great honor to meet one of the Force's favored. We have been waiting."

"You have been expecting my arrival?" You couldn't help but ask, though you had many other questions as well.

"Our Mystics foresaw it," Nen-Si said as if it explained everything, "And the Force spoke to us of your journey here. Tell us, Favored Child, why does the Force speak of you so?"

"I am lost, but I know the way," the Force curled itself around you. You felt it settle over your shoulders like a warm, comforting blanket, "I trust in the Force, and it trusts me to do what it wishes. One day I will be one with the Force, and I will greet it as my oldest friend and my guiding light."

The Three stood in silence, staring at you. It was slightly disconcerting. Then, Gonte-Lon spoke, and you realized they must have been speaking telepathically, as you could do with Obi-Wan, Anakin, and Ahsoka.

"You shall have the honor of meeting with a Mystic at the Tower of Prophecy so you may understand the Force further. This, the Force has made sure, is essential."

Bera-De stepped into the room again, though you weren't sure how she knew it was time to guide you once again. You bowed deeply to The Three, thanking them for their assistance and for the honor you were giving in meeting them and one of the Mystics who ran their society.

"No thanks are necessary, Favored One."

"Those you love will sustain or destroy this galaxy."

"And you shall prevent much suffering if you know the way."

The Three stood in unison and bowed to you. Bera-De led you away from the room, back through the magnificent capital building and to an awaiting speeder.

They ask of (Y/n)'s own Force use and offer them the honor of meeting with a Mystic at the Tower of Prophecy to see how they work. The ride was long, and gave you ample time to take in the Voss landscape. It was beautiful, with a setting sun in the background and ample trees filtering the light. You didn't understand how a planet like this could have remained untouched for so long, but you were somewhat glad it was. The war hadn't affected these people. Yet.

"We have reached the Tower of Prophecy. I will escort you to the door, but I can go no further. I shall wait here."

"I understand, thank you."

Bera-De left you at the door, and as soon as you tapped your knuckles against it to knock, it swung open. Humming in surprise, you took a slow step inside. The door shut behind you, and the entrance hall you were in lit up.

"Welcome," you jumped, not expecting the presence of a male Voss in front of you, "We have been expecting you."

"For you long?" You found yourself asking.

"Long enough. My name is not yours to know, and for that, I must apologize."

"There is no need to apologize for what you can not do. You have allowed me into your sacred space to teach me. I am extremely grateful."

The Voss hummed, pupil-less eyes seeming to take in every inch of you, "Your soul has a similar bearing to our own. You walk the line between Light and Dark. I understand why the Force loves you so."

"Because I use both sides of the Force?"

"Because you hold balance within you, a balance which is hard to achieve and maintain, and yet here you are. Come, there is a meditation room waiting for us."

The meditation room was plain, with comfortable cushions laid out on the floor. It vaguely reminded you of the temple, which would make sense if the Jedi had taught the ancient Voss.

"Sit and assume the position you find most comfortable," the Voss sat cross-legged in front of you, "Enter meditation, and I shall join you."

Closing your eyes, you sucked in a deep breath and reached out to the Force. The blanket that had been wrapped around your shoulders earlier returned and became all encompassing. Letting down your mental barriers, you allowed yourself to become at peace within the Force.

"You have seen the future before," the Mystic's voice rang throughout your mind, "Although you did not understand."

"I am confused about many things."

"The future is not set in stone, it never is. The Mystics of Voss see a guaranteed future and either nurture it, or destroy it in order to allow our society to thrive. Other Jedi see the future differently, they do not understand."

"Will you help me understand?"


The inky darkness of your mind lit up without warning, an insurmountable number of what seemed to be stars filled the darkness, forming a galaxy within your mind. Some of the stars were dim - barely able to be seen - others were bright. There was one, in the distance, a supernova orbited by two other stars.

"You see the Force's Child," the Mystic spoke, and your consciousness was moved closer, "Those lights are two of those he loves most, strong in the Force."

"Anakin, Obi-Wan, and Ahsoka."

"Those are their names, yes. There is much suffering in their futures if you are not careful. Allow me to teach you."


Cody snapped awake, a strangled gasp falling from his lips, a name following soon after, "Voss."

General Pavond had been reported missing several hours ago and, because they were already running on no sleep, Helix had forced Cody and his general to rest before continuing the search efforts.

Standing, Cody didn't bother putting on his uniform. There wasn't time for that. Cody knew where the general was.

"General Kenobi?" Cody knocked gently on Obi-Wan's door.

"Enter," Obi-Wan called. He was sitting at the small table in his quarters with a holo-pad and a cup of tea in front of him. Cody wondered how much sleep he'd actually gotten, "How may I help you."

"General Pavond is on Voss. I don't know how I know, but I am one hundred percent sure of it, General."

"Voss is a little-known planet. How did you become aware of it?"

"A dream, or at least, I think it was a dream. It felt like I was flying through the galaxy, sir, but the stars were people. I saw the general there, and I knew."

Obi-Wan's eyes widened for a split second before he contained his shock, "I see. That is something we will discuss later, Cody. For right now, I'll need you to put on your armor while I contact Master Plo."

"Understood, General."

'Oh, and one more thing, Cody. I need you to call Anakin and ask him how to activate the adjustment he made to the hyperdrive."

"The adjustments that will fry it within two trips?"

"Yes, we will need to travel quickly. For once I will set aside my hatred of fast flying."

The "I'm only setting it aside for the love of my life" was left unsaid, but clearly heard all the same.


"Bob'ika, we've located the general on a planet called Voss. The rest of the evacuated ships will be rerouted to Master Unduli's ship in the meantime. I will make quick work of this and see you soon."

"I understand, buir," Boba ended the comm call from his father and turned to Burner and Ink, "Are we going to go, or are you going to continue sitting there like di'kut."

"We're doing this for our general, not for you. Out of all our vode you're our least favorite," Burner hissed, starting up the hyperdrive.

"Save me your weak insults and get to work."


"I have a feeling Boba is going to go to Voss," Jango sighed as soon as the call with his son had ended.

"Children have a way of doing the opposite of what we wish them to. It is part of their charm," Plo Koon mused in between handing out orders in preparation of their arrival at Voss.

"You raise a lot of kids?"

"Raise many? No, very few in fact. But I was a finder for the Jedi for many years. It was my duty to find Force-sensitive children in danger and bring them to the Temple where they would be safe."

"You mean you don't kidnap ad'ika?"

"No, far from it. We speak with their parents about the potential burdens of having a Force-sensitive child. If they wish to give them to the Temple to become a Jedi then we will take them when it is time. If they wish to keep them we will return when their Force abilities begin showing to show them how to control their power. Sadly, there are many planets that view the Force as something to be feared, and as such Force-sensitive children are placed in danger that we must rescue them from."

Jango hummed. He'd never heard that before, though he supposed it made sense. The people complaining about Jedi being child-snatchers were either anti-Jedi or the scum of the Earth. Jango had simply never thought about it that way before.

"You consider Master Pavond to be your child, don't you?"

"Yes, I do."

"Did you find them?"

"I was one of the Jedi who approached their parents, yes. (Y/n)'s situation is unique and was treated as such, but a Force bond was formed early on in their life that carried on to their time as my Padawan."

"I thought Jedi weren't supposed to love."

"Jedi are meant to love all things, it is obsession we warn against. Older generations don't understand this philosophy well, and therefore instill the fear of all emotions within younglings. It has been a long battle for change, but I have hope."

"Hope does nothing."

Plo Koon shook his head, and Jango wasn't sure but he thought that the Kel Dor was smiling under his mask, "Hope is everything, Jango Fett, and one day you shall understand why that is."


The Voss Mystic had taught you much, and you felt as though you had a better grasp of your former visions and felt confident in your ability to interpret future visions as well. Despite your eagerness to share what you learned, you were also exhausted. It was your exhaustion that you would blame your temporary slip-up on in future accounts, as as soon as you walked out of the Tower of Prophecy with goodbyes and blessings of goodwill from the Mystic who taught you, you found yourself facing the end of a blaster.

"Did you think we wouldn't have put a track on your ship to keep track of you?" Aurra Sing hissed, "I knew you were slippery when I took the bounty, but chancing hyperspace just to get away from me is something else."

"Forigve me for trying to avoid my own murder."

Aurra Sing chuckled, "You're mistaken there. You're worth much more alive, and that's how we're going to deliver you, unless I find you annoying, of course."

"You seem so confident in your abilities and yet you had to bring along three friends," you motioned to the three extra bounty hunters behind Sing.

"Shut up," Sing hissed, "I'm not stupid enough to go against a Jedi alone. Now hand me your lightsaber and I won't have to blast a hole through your attractive little face."

"Away from the Jedi, Sing!" An expertly aimed blastershot hit Sing in the hand and knocked the blaster out of her hand. Taking advantage of her momentary confusion, you activated your lightsaber and held it at her throat.

"I thought you'd be itching to kill a Jedi, Fett," Aurra hissed, careful not to get too close to your blade.

"Jedi are too much work," was all Jango said, "They're much easier to work with than fight."

And from the sky came two Jedi cruisers, along with a much smaller transport ship that lagged just behind the others.

I found you, darling, Obi-Wan sent through the bond.

It seems we can speak again as well. The Force kept us apart for a time.

Do you know why?

I have some ideas. Come down here and I'll tell you, you looked up at The Negotiator and smirked, knowing Obi-Wan would quickly be boarding a transport ship to get down to you.

"Buir!" The transport ship landed and Boba Fett sprinted out from it. Behind him were an extremely annoyed Ink and Burner.

"Bob'ika I told you to stay away."

"You didn't say that! You just said the ships were supposed to go to Master Unduli's cruiser," Boba huffed.

"How touching, but I'm afraid it's time to leave," Aurra dropped a small pellet on the ground, and smoke poured out.

Deactivating your lightsaber so you wouldn't hit anyone on accident, you used the Force to clear the smoke away. By the time all of you could see again, the heavily armed ship was in the sky, flying away.

"My ad's debt is repaid," Jango stated, "And one day I'll repay mine and owe you nothing. Would you like that day to be today?"

No, you knew that it wasn't time, "Fly away quickly, Fett. I'm looking forward to reuniting with Obi-Wan and my master. Perhaps I'll be so overjoyed and distracted I won't notice you leaving.

"Ret'urcye mhi, jetti," Jango wrapped an arm around Boba's shoulders and led him away.

"You're really going to let him go, general?" Burner asked.

"It's not his time, but don't worry, it will come."

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