🪐Chapter Four🪐

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"Freedom, in any case, is only possible by constantly struggling for it"


Chapter Four


Othanian Translations

Ejo - Mom

Gysk - Dad

Kishes - Thanks (informal)

Zyfa hewul niuytfad ly juhnukip - May your journey be fruitful (a way of saying good luck)

Luytrec - Goodbye

Tojen- Sister

Miolka - Greetings (informal form of 'busha miolka)

Ursbi - gender-neutral form of endearment from parents to children

Huettese Translations

Achuta - Hello

Kavaa hopa chuba? - Can I help you?

Dobra stuta Watto - I'm looking for Watto

Wanga Juca - One moment

Myo bukee - My child

Soong eniki - It's okay

Hees hat mu, an he mus chuba - He is very loved and he loves you


In a galaxy full of unique beings, Anakin Skywalker was a very unique being.

The first two weeks of his apprenticeship under you were focused on his own personal healing and catching him up with his studies. Shmi Skywalker had done her very best with him, but you were sure that her education wasn't the best in the first place which carried on and affected Anakin.

There were several hurdles that the two of you had to face during the first couple of weeks of his tutelage under you.

Anakin had trouble focusing on schoolwork without some sort of stimulus, so you tracked down different droid pieces waiting to be repaired that he could fiddle with whilst studying. It worked wonders and his work ethic drastically improved after that.

Because of Anakin's constant need to be doing something, standard meditation was very difficult for him. That sent you to the archives, where you researched different forms of meditation. This is when you came upon something called Iyengar yoga- similar to katas but much slower. This also helped him improve. He was still moving, which allowed him to focus, but the slow methodical movements imitated the effects of meditation.

At night, Anakin sometimes had nightmares. Often they were about the life left behind, but on occasion, they were about stressors in his new life as a Padawan. His Force presence was strong enough that you normally woke up when he did. Like clockwork, he always appeared in your room a minute after waking up, seeking out comfort that you were ready to give.

After the first two weeks, the two of you formed a steady routine and followed it closely. Breakfast, studies, lunch, meditation, dinner, and something fun before bed. That usually consisted of the two of you indulging in holodramas or going on adventures around the Temple to subtly teach Anakin the layout.

By the end of your month together, you had begun to form a training bond with him. It was weak enough that distance would allow it to fade away, but your closeness with both him and Obi-Wan would likely only strengthen the bond. If Anakin was to properly adapt to being Obi-Wan's Padawan rather than yours, you'd have to be there.

On your last day with Anakin, you took him out of the Temple and to Dex's- just the two of you. After that, you led him to the roof of the Temple and the two of you watched the Coruscant traffic go by.

"Anakin, I'm going to tell you something, but I don't want you to get your hopes up," you took the boy's hand as the sun was setting.

"Is something wrong, Mentor (Y/n)?" Anakin always got nervous when you implied a serious topic was going to be discussed- not yet comfortable in his position at the Temple.

"No, of course not, Anakin! You see, after I take you to Obi-Wan tomorrow I have a meeting with the Council to discuss your training so far. But I'm also going to petition them for a mission-"

"You're leaving?"

"Hopefully only for a short while. I hope to petition the Council to allow me to travel to Tatooine and free your mother."

Anakin's breath hitched and his Force presence became unstable. All across the large rooftop, pebbles and stones lifted from the ground into the air. Reaching out, you grabbed Anakin's wrist and squeezed it just hard enough to cause a twinge of pain. Immediately, the rocks fell to the ground.

"I believe emotional control is one of the first things you should work on with Obi-Wan. Force knows he's an expert at it," the second half was said under your breath, slightly annoyed.

"You're going to free my mother?"

"I'm going to try. If the Council doesn't allow me to free her immediately, I will have to make arrangements for a mission to 'pop up'. That will take more time. But I promise you that your mother will be freed."

Leaping forward, Anakin tackled you in a hug. His Force presence wrapped around you as well, screaming thankyou-happy-love-family. The intensity of it brought tears to your eyes, and you knew you made the right choice in telling Anakin the truth.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you," he whispered repeatedly, but his words had nothing on his supernova of a Force presence.

"Consider it a gift Anakin, for being such a wonderful student."


The next morning you helped Anakin pack up most of his things and cross the hall to Obi-Wan's apartment. He left a few things behind in your spare room, practically begging to stay with you on occasion. You had no issue with it and assumed Obi-Wan would be fine with a break every once in a while.

"Good morning, Mentor Obi-Wan," Anakin greeted Obi-Wan with a bow, making you smile. He was already trying so hard.

"Good morning, Anakin. Let me show you to your room so you can get settled."

While Obi-Wan was showing Anakin his new room, you put a kettle on the stove and started brewing a pot of Polta tea. Based on how many boxes were left, you'd have to get some more soon.

"He seems to be settling nicely already," Obi-Wan was very relieved, his nervousness hidden in his Force presence but evident in his body language.

"He is a very adaptable child," you agreed, setting a cup in front of Obi-Wan when he sat at the table, "There are a few things I'd like to go over with you about teaching him."

"Of course, I hoped for some advice."

"The first thing is that he is easily distracted in his studies if he doesn't have something to mess with. I've been giving him droid parts but I'd recommend a more permanent solution- an item of sorts that he could use while working," Obi-Wan nodded, hanging onto every word, "He also doesn't take well to traditional meditation. We have been learning Iyengar yoga together. He knows many of the movements and should be able to go through those without my help. The effects seem to be the same as meditation for him, so I suggest allowing him to do that."

"I will take the chance to learn the form as well."

That caused you to smile, "I assumed you'd wish to learn. If you follow Anakin's lead it should be easy to pick up on. Anakin also has nightmares. I'm not sure if he will seek out comfort at first, but let him open up on his own time. If he comes to you for comfort then allow it."

"Comforting him may lead to-"

"Attachment, I'm aware. Anakin is a very emotional child, and he'll constantly be seeking reassurance and comfort. He needs to be given it to keep him stable. His Mind Healer believes that a sudden withdrawal of affection could lead to a resentment of whoever withdrew from him- which would be you, and that would make for a very hard apprenticeship."

Obi-Wan still seemed a bit hesitant, but he nodded all the same, "I understand."

"Related to being emotional is masking and concealing. He has difficulties with it due to his powerful Force presence. You know I don't like how much you conceal your emotions, but I also believe that some lessons in that area will help Anakin control his abilities. But these lessons can't come off as lectures against feelings. That will also lead to resentment." Obi-Wan nodded again, "He has a Mind Healer appointment this Taungsday and you can schedule the next one after. I'll hopefully be leaving soon to free his mother but I'll stop by before I leave."

Nodding once again, Obi-Wan seemed a bit overwhelmed. You reached across the table and took his hand, "You'll do great, Obi-Wan. Remember you aren't alone. There are many in this Temple who will help you with no judgment, including me- who lives right across the hall in case you forgot."

Obi-Wan chuckled, and you felt relieved you made him feel a bit better. He got stuck in his own head so easily that sometimes you worried you wouldn't be able to pull him out. But you'd never stop reaching for his hand to yank him out of the void.

Anakin nervously walked into the dining room, and both you and Obi-Wan sent him a smile, "Are you all settled, young one?" Obi-Wan asked.

"Yes, Mentor. All of my things are unpacked."

"Then I believe we can begin your studies. I assume you can show me where you left off with Mentor (Y/n)?"

"Yes Mentor," Anakin nodded and went back to his room to gather what he needed.

"I have a meeting with the Council soon," you told Obi-Wan, catching the time on the clock in the kitchen, "With a bit of luck I'll be off before the day is over."

"There's no such thing as luck," Obi-Wan chided gently, causing you to roll your eyes, "I hope the Council agrees to free Shmi Skywalker. Slavery is a fate I would wish upon no one."

Those months stuck in the mines still haunted Obi-Wan at times, leading him to the Room of Waterfalls more often than not, "Talk to Anakin about it. I know you don't like to discuss it, but it'll help him see you as more than a teacher who doesn't understand his past."

With that final piece of advice, you took your leave. The elevator up to the High Council chambers saw you consumed by plans and contingencies for every possible scenario. Hopefully, the Council would grant you immediate permission to embark on your mission- if that were the case you'd have to quickly find a place for Shmi to stay. If they voted on it you'd have more time to find a permanent residence. If they denied your mission request you'd have to orchestrate a mission in which you were requested specifically. It was too soon for your family to do so again. Perhaps Queen Amidala? The two of you became fast friends during the freedom celebrations on Naboo, so she could request you under the guise of further negotiations with the Gungans-

"The Council is ready, Knight Pavond," the Council Padawan on duty informed you.

Blinking, you realized you were standing in front of the door to the council chamber. You couldn't remember exiting the elevator. It must have been instinctual.

"Thank you, Padawan."

The doors slid open and you stepped inside. Council Members Yoda, Windu, Yaddle, Eeth Koth, and your former Master Plo Koon were present. You assumed the others were preoccupied and seeing as how this wasn't a high urgency session they weren't needed. You needed direct approval from either Master Yoda or Master Windu to avoid a vote- which would likely take more time than you originally thought to orchestrate since half of the Council wasn't present.

"Welcome Knight Pavond, we do," Master Yoda greeted.

You bowed respectfully to the Council members in front of you, "Thank you for your swift approval of a meeting. I've come with a specific mission request."

"You've come directly to the Council for this?" Master Windu questioned.

"Yes. I believed that this was a more sensitive mission that the Council would wish to approve directly. I wish to travel to Tatooine and free Shmi Skywalker from slavery."

The council members immediately became contemplative, even your old master seemed to hesitate at the statement.

"This is related to the Skywalker boy," Master Koth stated the obvious.

"Yes. But it is also more than that. The Jedi Order has become so entrenched in Republic and Senate politics that it has been neglecting nearly all duties taking place outside of the Republic. Slavery of all kinds runs rampant in non-Republic territories and yet nothing has been done. I myself was taught the danger of slavery due to being a desirable race, and yet I heard nothing of what the Order has done to stop it in recent years."

"Neverending slavery is," Master Yaddle pointed out.

"Yes, but is that an excuse to let it slowly infect the galaxy? Slavery is most common in the Outer Rim, but it is present in the Mid Rim and Core Worlds as well. Beginning with the obvious slave trades and moving on to the more secretive ones is a step in the right direction. The Jedi can't keep condemning innocent lives through their inaction."

The council contemplated again, and you grew nervous. Your speech was impassioned but impulsive. Obi-Wan would have articulated your thoughts perfectly, spurring the Council into immediate action, but you weren't The Negotiator. Your Master and the Younglings who heard your tales called you the Sword and Shield. Weapons were no good in front of the Council.

"This is a matter the Council as a whole should reflect on further," your master stated, "What you are here for, specifically, is to free Shmi Skywalker."

"That is correct, Master."

"Attached the boy is to his mother," Yoda said, and you resisted the urge to scoff. A month ago he dropped off files allowing a relationship between you and Obi-Wan - a datapad you shoved in your nightstand drawer and were determined to forget about. Just because the Force wasn't speaking of Anakin's attachment to his mother didn't mean it should be condemned.

"His mother was all he had for nine years. I am not suggesting we house Shmi Skywalker ourselves, nor am I suggesting we allow Anakin to continue regular visits and contact with her. No matter your feelings of Anakin's love for his mother, we should not condemn an innocent woman for such trivial things. Watto is not the worst owner out there, but each day that passes could have her sold to a much crueler master."

"Where are you suggesting Shmi Skywalker will be housed?"

Naboo was the first place that came to mind. Anakin was considered a hero there, and Queen Amidala would readily take in Shmi- but something about that gave you pause. Shmi would travel to Naboo in the future, yes, but she could not live there permanently. Not yet.

"Othan," you decided, seeing it as an obvious choice, "The Council is aware of who my family is. I will contact them and have the proper arrangements made." The Council was still unsure and you were growing frustrated, "I should remind you that I am under no obligation to do as you say. I am a Gray Jedi due not only to how I use the Force but because I am willing to separate myself from entities such as the High Council. I remain at the Temple and follow most of the rules because I choose to. The Force needs me here, but it also wishes to see Shmi Skywalker freed. This meeting is a courtesy."

"The Council approves this mission. You may leave for Tatooine when you are ready," Master Windu said as soon as you finished your impromptu speech. He must have sensed a shatterpoint around the conversation, and based on the way he relaxed it had faded with your temper.

Only once before had you threatened to leave the Order, and that was soon after Obi-Wan became a Padawan and the Melida/Daan situation went down. The Council was hesitant to send help because of Master Qui-Gon's report and in retaliation you threatened to leave and help Obi-Wan yourself, taking the two of you down a path separate from the Order. 

Despite the Council's everlasting unease concerning your brushes with the Dark Side, all of them were also keen on keeping your power close and firmly in their favor because Gray Jedi were historically powerful.

"Thank you, Masters," you bowed, fully aware the Council never really had a choice.

Leaving the Council chambers with a satisfied smile on your face, you made the way back to your quarters. Once inside, you quickly pulled out a bag and began packing. Along with several items of clothing you also went into Anakin's room and took one of the pillows from the bed. It carried the faint scent of Temple issued cleaner and the woodsy scent Anakin always managed to have.

Opening your nightstand drawer, the Special Circumstances datapad stared back at you. Frowning, you pulled it out and set it on the highest shelf in your closet. You didn't want to think about that. Going back to your nightstand, you located your holocom and punched in Zena's comm code.

"(Y/n)!" Zena answered almost immediately, seemingly in the middle of getting her hair done, "You called at the perfect time. I'm getting ready for a state dinner and getting ready for it is always dreadful. No offense, Darala."

"None taken your majesty," someone spoke just slightly out of frame, "The process can be tedious for us as well."

"I can imagine. I just sit here and let it happen and I'm miserable," Zena returned her focus to you, "So, what are you calling for? Just checking in?"

You winced, feeling slightly guilty for what you were about to ask - and on such short notice too, "Actually, I'm afraid I must ask for a favor. You know the student I took on for the last month?"

"Anakin? Yes, I remember him stumbling in on a call once. Very adorable," Zena smiled.

"I'm about to go on a mission to free his mother from slavery. The thing is that it's a bit last minute and I haven't planned out a place for her to stay-"

"Say no more!" Zena looked off-screen and seemed to be typing something, all the while not bothering those working on her hair, "Othan regularly takes in freed slaves and helps them get back on their feet. We have several villages consisting of just former slaves, actually. All of them support each other and feel secure due to our military. Would you like her to be sent to one of those villages?"

Thinking the offer over, you asked, "Are any of them close to the capital? If Anakin were to ever come with me to Othan, I think he'd like to have easy access to his mother."

"There's one that's quite close, yes, just a couple hours away in a ship. I'll speak to Ejo and Gysk about setting something up. By the time you arrive everything should be ready."

Relief flooded through you, and you were suddenly very thankful for your family, "Kishes! I'll stay in touch. Hopefully, I'll be done with the mission in around six days. I should be able to make it to Othan in eight if everything goes right."

"I'll see you then. Zyfa hewul niuytfad ly juhnukip. Luytrec."

"Luytrec, tojen."

With that taken care of, you finished packing in record time. When you were zipping up your bag, a knocking came from your door in a tune you recognized.

"Master," you greeted your former master warmly, stepping aside so he could enter your apartment, "Have you come to say goodbye?"

"Yes, and also to apologize."


"I have spoken before of the merits of loved ones, and yet I did not defend when you petitioned to save Padawan Skywalker's mother. I regret to say that like the rest of the Council, our rocky introduction to him kept me wary."

"There's nothing to be wary about. Anakin does have great potential for the Dark Side, yes, and he feels things very deeply, but I believe this is because of his powerful Force Presence. Anakin has the potential to be a powerful Jedi as well, but he needs a good support system in order to do that. Me, Obi-Wan, his mother, and I hope one day the Council, will be there for him."

"I will begin reaching out to make amends and will suggest my fellow Council members do the same."

"Thank you, Master, that is all I could have asked for. Now, if I want to get back within two weeks I should leave soon."

Surprising you, Master Plo pulled you into a gentle hug. You froze for a split-second before melting into it. Physical affection wasn't overly common between the two of you, but it happened often enough that you were comfortable with it.

"This will be your first mission as a Knight. Even before starting it, you have sparked discussions within the High Council about our inaction on non-Republic planets. For that, I am already proud of you. May the Force be with you."

"And you, Master."

Your Master left, and you were right behind him. Crossing the hall, you knocked gently on Obi-Wan's door. He opened it quickly, his eyes darting to the bag over your shoulder.

"You were approved for the mission," he smiled, standing aside in invitation.

"Yes, though it took some convincing. I'll be leaving tonight, and I'll be gone for two standard weeks if all goes well. I promised Anakin I would see him before I left."

"He is in his room, tinkering with a mouse droid I believe."

"How was his first day of lessons?"

Obi-Wan frowned, thinking deeply, "I believe we have a long way to go before we will be a strong Master-Padawan pair, but I have faith that we will get there. The month spent with you was needed by both of us, but it will also affect things now."

"I assumed it would, but both of you needed to heal before coming together," you put a comforting hand on Obi-Wan's arm, "I know you will be a powerful pair once you gain your footing. Have patience and be willing to listen."

"You always give such wonderful advice."

"Perhaps I'm attempting to take the Negotiator title from you," you smiled teasingly, "I'll go say goodbye to Anakin."

Anakin was, as Obi-Wan said, working on a mouse droid when you entered his room. He looked up from his work when he felt your presence, eyes wide with hope.

"I will be going to collect your mother and I should be back in two weeks."

"Really?" Anakin easily abandoned his work and crowded you in the doorway, "The Council approved the mission?"

"They did. I helped them realize how rampant slavery has become and how quickly it should be taken care of. I'll be taking your mother to my home planet, Othan. They take in many past slaves and help them recover."

Anakin deflated slightly, "She's not coming here?"

His disappointed reaction had been expected, so you already knew what to say, "Shmi isn't a Jedi, Anakin. On occasion we house people temporarily if they have nowhere to go, but your mother needs a home. I'm going to make sure the two of you will be able to speak to each other, and I'm sure trips to see her can be arranged on occasion."

"Will she be happy there?"

"My family and I will make sure that she leads a happy life, I promise."

Anakin perked up again, seemingly satisfied with your answer, "You have a family?"

You laughed, "Of course I have a family, all Jedi do. Normally younglings are given to the Temple as small children, and they grow up without knowing their parents. But I'm a bit of a special case."


"My parents are the King and Queen of Othan. My older sister is supposed to become Queen one day, but if something happens to her then I'll have to take over."

"So you'll have to leave the Jedi?"

You held back a wince, unsure how to tell Anakin that you technically didn't belong to the Order and would still be a Jedi, "It likely won't happen, Anakin. My family is very well protected. In any case, the sooner I leave the sooner I get to your mother."

Nodding, Anakin hugged you quickly, "May the Force be with you."

"And you, Anakin," running an affectionate hand through his hair, you stood and left Anakin's room.

"Two weeks?" Obi-Wan asked when he caught sight of you.

"Two weeks," you confirmed, "I'll be back soon. Don't be afraid to comm me if you have questions about Anakin or just want to talk."

"Of course."

The two of you shared smiles and you left. In the hangar, a ship had already been prepared for your journey with food, medical supplies, and a thousand peggats. You assumed it had been taken from the Temple treasury. It would be more than enough to buy Shmi Skywalker her freedom.

Getting settled in the shop, you went through your hyperspace calculations and input them, taking off. Once out of Coruscant's atmosphere you entered hyperspace, mentally preparing yourself for six days of doing next to nothing.


Despite the overbearing heat of Tatooine, it was a relief to step off of your ship. The last six days were full of reading, going through katas, and meditating. Hyperspace travel was always terrible when you were on your own. Now, you could have whooped with joy as you walked into the dry air.

Mos Espa was a cluster of small buildings in the distance, a generous walk away. You could have flown closer, but you didn't want to draw too much attention to yourself. You'd even changed out of your normal clothes into plain brown trousers and a white tunic- flowy to counteract the heat and inconspicuous to avoid trouble. On top of that was a thin brown cloak with a hood to cover your face.

According to Anakin and Obi-Wan, Shmi worked at a junk shop owned by a Toydarian. So, you pulled your hood further down and began to look around Mos Espa. The hood was drawing attention, but you'd rather have stares than attempted kidnappings.

When the reality of your situation crashed down on you, you nearly stopped in the middle of the street. You were incredibly capable and strong in the Force for a multitude of reasons, but you were also an Otha traveling alone on a Hutt controlled planet. Your blue skin could be passable as a number of different species, but your pointed ears would give you away in a heartbeat. The hood stayed on.

Eventually, you spotted what looked like a junk shop. Figuring it wouldn't hurt to look around, you stepped inside. It was a bit of a mess but seemed to be organized at the same time. Exploring the main area, you kept an eye out for anyone. There was a vaguely familiar presence here, similar to Anakin's- much weaker, but still undoubtedly connected to Anakin.

"Achuta," you greeted the woman in Huttese when you finally found her, unsure how much Basic she knew. You quickly learned that Anakin knew more Huttese than Basic after you took him as a student, so Shmi would undoubtedly be the same.

"Achuta," Shmi Skywalker greeted you with a smile that was tight at the corners, obviously eyeing you with suspicion, "Kavaa hopa chuba?"

"Dobra stuta Watto."

"Wanga juca," Shmi quickly left and returned with a Tydarian a few minutes later.

"What do you want, eh?" Watto asked in Basic, making you wonder if it was his first language or if he assumed you knew it better than Huttese.

"I want to purchase your slave," you got straight to the point. Shmi tensed from behind Watto, but you could worry about reassuring her once she was free, "For 300 peggats."

It was a more than fair offer. One peggat equaled 40 credits, and able-bodied slaves could go for around 2,000 credits depending on the market and what they were being sold for.

"500," Watto countered.

"400, final offer," you declared. It was equal to nearly 16,000 credits and Watto would be a fool not to take the offer.

"Deal. One moment and I will get the transmitter," Watto flew off, leaving you alone with Shmi.

"Don't fear," you told her, pushing a mild Force suggestion into the words to help her relax, "I will explain when we are away from here, but you are safe."

When Watto gave you the remote controlling Shmi's slave chip you gave Watto the 400 peggats and that was that. You led Shmi out of the shop and to the Mos Espa street.

"You have things you wish to take with you, I assume?" You asked, and Shmi nodded, "Then let's go get them."

Shmi led you to the area of Mos Espa that held the slave quarters, stepping into a specific home. You trailed after her, observing it curiously. There were little knick-knacks nearly everywhere, some of which you could just tell were either made by or from Anakin.

"Shmi," you called out to the woman before she could retreat into the bedroom. She dutifully turned back around to face you. You pulled your hood down, finally able to give her a smile, "I'm sorry if the idea of being sold frightened you. I didn't wish to broadcast why I was here or who I was. My name is (Y/n) Pavond and I'm a Jedi Knight. I'm here on behalf of your son."

For a moment Shmi just stared at you, then she let out a loud sob and fell to her knees. Rushing forward, you sat down in front of her and slowly wrapped your arms around her, giving her a chance to back away if she wished to. Like her son, however, she seemed to draw comfort from physical contact.

"I thought I would never see him again," she whispered through her tears, "I was prepared to live out the rest of my life here."

"I'm sorry you were left to assume that. The Jedi Anakin lefy with didn't report that Anakin was a slave to the Council before he was killed."

"Master Jinn is dead?"

"He died on a mission a little over a month ago protecting Naboo. While his Padawan was mourning I taught Anakin, now he has been taken on by Knight Obi-Wan Kenobi. He is doing well, both in his training and out. You raised him well."

Shmi nodded, seemingly unable to come up with the words, "Myo bukee... myo bukee."

She slipped into Huttese easily like Anakin too.

"Soong eniki, Shmi. Hees hat mu, an he mus chuba."

The two of you stayed there until Shmi calmed down. She ran her sleeve under her eyes to collect the tears and stood, offering you a hand that you were quick to take.

"Thank you. I apologize for my outburst."

"It was to be expected. You've just been freed from what I assume has been lifelong slavery," you held up the chip transmitter, "I'll be giving this to someone on Othan that can permanently disable your chip. You won't have to worry about it again. Now, I'll help you pack your things."

Shmi didn't own very much which wasn't surprising. She had a few outfits, small pieces of jewelry that looked hand-carved, and several items you assumed to be from Anakin. Her entire life fit into two medium-sized bags.

"May I say goodbye to some of the others?"

"Of course, Shmi."

When the two of you stepped out of Shmi's former home, you pulled your hood back up to once again hide your features. It was a short walk to the first place Shmi wanted to visit, and you stood a bit away to give her privacy with the Lothalite she was talking to. They exchanged tight hugs and Shmi moved on to another home. This one held a family - two parents and two children.

"I'm ready," Shmi was once again wiping tears from her eyes when she walked up to you.

"My ship is a bit of a walk from the edge of the city, will you be able to make it?" You asked and Shmi nodded in response.

During the walk back to your ship, you told Shmi about where you would be taking her and the options she would have once she got there. Seeing a mind healer was mandatory and free for all former slaves coming to Othan, but aside from that, there were many choices they could make. There were schooling options or employment systems based on skills they already had or wanted to learn. On top of that was the temporary housing at the beginning and the introduction to handling money for permanent housing.

"It's a bit overwhelming," Shmi admitted sheepishly as the two of you walked onto your ship, "I'm afraid I'll be very lost throughout the entire process."

"Many others feel the same way. You won't be alone. Where you'll be brought is a village specifically for past slaves, all of them will have led similar lives and they will be more than willing to help you. You will not be alone, Shmi. Now, let me show you where you'll be staying. It's a two day trip to Othan which will hopefully help you process things."

"Yes, time to process sounds nice."


Two days later, you landed on the edge of the village Nalov - which was a play on the word naleve which roughly translates to 'choices' - and met your family on the landing pad. Shmi walked next to you but slowed down when she noticed the authority and elegance your family projected.

"Who are they?" She asked quietly when you backtracked to speak to her.

"My family- the royal family. Queen Venna, King Lerus, and Princess Zena. Don't worry about formalities, they are very kind. Miolka!"

"Miolka, ursbi!" Your mother greeted you with a quick hug, "We are happy to see you here, and you as well, Shmi Skywalker. A transport is ready for you. It will take you to the integration center where you will meet with your Support. They are the person who will be helping you directly when it comes to settling in."

"Thank you, your majesty."

"Phaxis will lead you out. Zey are fluent in several languages including Huttese if at any point you find Basic difficu-"

Your comm, which had been mostly silent for the trip, suddenly buzzed on your arm. Sending the group around you an apologetic look, you stepped to the side and answered.

"This is Knight Pavond."

"(Y/n), I apologize for interrupting your mission, but I'm afraid I'm in need of advice."

If Obi-Wan was actively seeking out help then it must have been a serious problem, "What's wrong?"

"Nothing is 'wrong' per-say, but I'm afraid Anakin has been a bit difficult. I think he's been counting the days to keep track of your mission because he speaks in Huttese more often than not and I don't recognize many of the words but the ones I do pertain to his mother."

Glancing back at Shmi - who was speaking to your sister - you suddenly had an idea, "Can you put Anakin on the comm for me?"

"Of course, give me a moment."

While Obi-Wan was collecting Anakin you made your way over to Shmi, taking the comm off your wrist and holding it out to her, "It's for you."

Hesitantly taking it, Shmi held the device close, "Hello?"



"Does this mean you're with Mentor (Y/n)? Are you on Othan? What's it like? There isn't sand there, is there? Cause visiting you wouldn't be as much fun if there's sand..."

Laughing lightly, Shmi continued to converse with her ecstatic son, a happiness shining in her eyes you hadn't yet seen.

Something in the Force brightened. You didn't have master Windu's ability to see Shatterpoints, but your instincts told you that saving Shmi Skywalker had changed things for the better.

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