🪐Chapter Twenty-Eight🪐

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"Without enemies you become lazy"


Chapter Twenty-Eight


The Dark Side of the Force was teeming with energy. Aside from the normal darkness that tainted the once pure light, there was something else. Something twisted and broken. Obi-Wan felt it too, that you were sure of. His strong connection to the cosmic Force had alerted him to the change and he was having trouble sleeping and focusing as a result. You weren't sure how to help him aside from drugging him to be sure he slept - which you had teamed up with Ghost Company to do a few times so that he could actually rest.

Now, however, the reason behind such a drastic change in the Force was becoming clear. Obi-Wan had just called you from his short leave on Coruscant to report that Darth Maul was alive and slaughtering innocents in his name. He insisted on going alone, as Maul had ordered, to prevent more needless bloodshed.

An hour later Mace and Yoda contacted you, insisting that you secretly follow Obi-Wan in order to ensure his safety on his mission. You didn't appreciate being ordered to keep secrets from your husband, but you weren't going to argue against protecting him either.

So you took the smallest and fastest ship on The Gray to Raydonia where Maul made the call from. You landed far from the village in the coordinates and traveled the rest of the way on foot - cautious. It was unlikely that this was not some sort of trap, as even though Darth Maul seemed to be deranged, he was still highly intelligent and skilled enough to have killed a Jedi Master.

Closing your eyes, you reached out in the Force in search of Obi-Wan, finding him toward the center of the village ahead of you.

Is Master Obi-Wan going to be okay? Ahsoka sent through the bond. She was assisting a rebel cell on a solo mission but was actively being kept updated. She was also shielding from Obi-Wan, the smart girl she was, so she wouldn't distract him.

Master Obi-Wan is going to be just fine, he's defeated Maul before when he was just a Padawan, Anakin replied confidently from the front lines.

I'll make sure he makes it out okay, you assured, stepping foot in the village.

It was desolate, practically a ghost town. A small voice whispered in the back of your mind that it was empty because everyone who resided there was already dead. You pushed the thought away, not wanting to think of such things when your focus needed to be on the battle you knew was coming.

At the very center of the village was a fire large enough to illuminate several blocks. Smoke rose into the air and entered your lungs, clogging them and making it hard to breathe. And there, at the center of it all was Obi-Wan, Savage, and Maul. You were too late, and Savage knocked Obi-Wan unconscious as his lightsaber was taken.

You had to tread carefully. Maul had killed a Jedi master and Savage was strong and brutal enough to counteract any lack of experience he previously had. Going in, lightsaber alit would be a death sentence for you and Obi-Wan.

Something pinged at the back of your senses, a familiar presence in the Force growing closer. The only reason you took special notice of it was because it was a Dark presence, and there were few familiar ones that you could pinpoint like that.

"Ventress," you whispered, slipping back into the shadows and regretfully leaving Obi-Wan with Maul and Savage. Maul would want to torture Obi-Wan before he killed him, so you knew you had time. It was only a matter of how much time you had before Maul finally grew bored and enacted the final stage of his revenge.

Following the distant light in the Force, you tracked Ventress down to a ship in the forest. Though she was nowhere to be seen, you knew she was right above you, hiding - though her presence was loud and clear. She was doing it on purpose to play with you.

"Ventress, I hope we aren't going to play this game all night?"

"What do you want, Pavond? Don't tell me you and Kenobi are fighting again and you've run off on a retreat."

Snorting, you spun around when you heard light footfalls. She had landed gracefully behind you, amused, but clearly impatient.

"I need to ask a favor of you."

"I don't do favors," Ventress stated plainly.

"You will for this. You worked for Dooku, I'm assuming the name Darth Maul means something to you?"

Ventress tensed, and you knew you had her attention, "What of him? He was a failure of an apprentice and died at the hands of a mere padawan."

"He didn't die, and now he and Savage have just captured Obi-Wan. I imagine to torture him and eventually kill him. I know there's a rather large bounty on Savage's head, I'm guessing that's why you're here. So you can receive your award and I can receive my husband, safe and sound."

"Husband, huh? I thought the two of you were just fooling around like Skywalker and the Naboo senator," Ventress smiled when she was given the new information, "I suppose that makes sense, given what Quinlan has told me so far."

"How's it going between you two? I never expected that to happen."

Rolling her eyes, Ventress dodged the question, "We're here to save your love life, not for you to question mine."

With that, the two of you took off. The village was rural and did not have any type of port, so Savage and Maul's ship stood out easily. When you got there it was in the middle of takeoff, but some quick assistance from the force allowed the two of you to easily get on before it fully entered the sky.

Masking your Force presence completely, the two of you snuck aboard and quickly found Maul and Obi-Wan. Obi-Wan looked terrible, and you mourned that fact. He had just completely recovered from the Hardeen mission and now you'd have to force him to go to the medbay again.

The two of you scoped out the area and exchanged similar looks, shaping out a plan through hand signals. Ventress was knowledgeable in galactic sign, it seemed.

"I will make sure you stay awake long enough to feel every single out. Your death will be beyond excruciating. You will suffer as I have suffered!"

What a wonderfully villainous speech. Maul had mechanical legs now, which wasn't a surprise considering Obi-Wan had cut them off the last time they had met. You wondered how exactly Maul had survived that, and how deranged he had become since then.

Motioning to Ventress, she stepped out from her hiding place and announced her presence, "What a surprise. My former servant, still an animal. And you have a friend now."

"My brother."

"A brother? Looks like he's half the man you are, Savage. How unfortunate. I was looking for a challenge, not some wretched castoffs from the Nightbrothers clan. What a disappointment."

She slunk back into the shadows again with a cackle. Maybe all Dark Siders were just inclined to be dramatic - though there were a couple of Light Jedi that were just as drama-focused.

"Who is this, brother?"

"A Dathomir witch. She betrayed me."

"She knows too much, destroy her."

The two quickly left the cabin in pursuit of the open door where they assumed Ventress had gone. Instead, the two of you jumped down and kneeled next to an unconscious Obi-Wan.

"Hey, Obi-Wan, we don't have time for this," you patted the side of his face gently, then more harshly when it became clear that wasn't going to do it.

"Ventress?" Obi-Wan looked at her in confusion, then at you, "(Y/n)?"

"The Council sent me, now we're even," you helped him to his feet.

Shaking his head in amusement, Obi-Wan looked to Ventress and asked, "When did you become the good guy?"

"Don't insult me. Your spouse now owes me a favor, considering their influence it seemed wise to take it."

Obi-Wan sent you a nervous look and you shrugged in response. It was impossible to know what Ventress would want and when, but you were willing to take the risk in exchange for Obi-Wan's safety.

"The witch and the Jedi," Savage and Maul seemed to have caught on to your ruse.

"Here for our taking."

Ventress unhooked one of her lightsabers and handed it to Obi-Wan, "I want that back."

"That's fine, red's not my color." That was such an obvious lie you almost laughed. Obi-Wan had red armor during your mission on Mandalore and he looked absolutely irresistible in it.


"More than ever."

"Like you even have to ask."

The three of you made an amazing team, which shocked you. When one of you faltered the other was quickly there to pick up the slack. Early in the fight, Ventress lost her lightsaber grip, and you stepped in to defend her while she searched for it. Eventually, Obi-Wan was able to retrieve his from Maul and he returned Ventress'.

Maul and Obi-Wan left the storage you, and you watched them go anxiously.

"Go! I can handle this!" Ventress shouted confidently, and you chose to trust her.

Jumping up into the hall that Obi-Wan and Maul disappeared into, you caught sight of Maul's monologue to Obi-Wan, "... you stood helpless and watched. How did that make you feel, Obi-Wan?"

Obi-Wan released a flurry of angry and harsh attacks, slipping into his former form of Ataru to do so. Even in the confined space, he was still able to hold his own and use the form to his advantage, but he was faltering. You could see it in his stance and in his eyes. The mention of Qui-Gon had thrown him off.

"Acknowledge and release your emotions, Obi-Wan," you urged, stepping up next to him, "You've made your peace, don't allow Maul to take it from you."

Maul's gaze latched onto you with keen interest. He took in a deep breath through his nose as if he was scenting the air, and then he grinned. It was unhinged, and dare you say joyous. Thrown off by such an unnatural expression, you were nearly sideswiped when Maul came rushing at you.

"You reek of my former Master. Darkness festers within you and you don't even realize it. I sense power, oh so much power that you refuse to use. It will be your downfall."

Darth Sidious. You reeked of Darth Sidious and of the Dark Side. How? When would you have interacted with the infamous puppet master of the entire war? How could darkness fester within you when you had spent your entire life learning how to control yourself?

"(Y/n), look out?"

Narrowly avoiding a blow that would have decapitated you, you raised your saber to block the second blow. Then you feinted to the left and attempted to swipe right, though Maul saw right through the tactic and easily blocked.

He had easily thrown the two of you off, and you weren't sure if either of you was going to be able to recover in time to finish the fight. Both of you were unprepared and now woefully outmatched. Not in numbers, and perhaps not in power, but in sheer will. Maul would have his revenge, and it didn't matter what he had to do to get it. He was like a caged animal and neither of you was ready to face such a thing.

The two of you were corralled back to the main storage room where it was clear Ventress was struggling as well. The good teamwork between all of you earlier had faltered. It was time to cut your losses and leave with your lives.

"We're outmatched," Ventress stated the obvious.

"You want to run? I learned from watching you."

"Funny. The cockpit?"

And when the two Dathomirians struck again you called out, "Now!"

The three of you backed up toward the door, and with a large Force push from both you and Ventress they were thrown back far enough to allow Obi-Wan the time to separate the pod from the main ship and take off.

"That was cutting it a little close," Ventress said amusedly.

"You do know, it's not over."

"I know."

"They'll be after us all now."

"I can handle myself, Kenobi."

Silence fell upon the pod. Obi-Wan guided it back to the planet's surface where all of your ships were waiting, though he parked near the village since it was closer to yours and his. Ventress would have to deal with the walk to hers.

"Ventress," you called after her when she hurried off the ship, rushing to catch her before she disappeared again, "When you were working for Dooku did you ever meet Darth Sidious?"

Clearly shocked by the sudden question, Ventress shook her head, "No, I only heard his voice when I was spying on his and Dooku's meetings. I cannot tell you his identity."

"No, it's not that. Maul said that he could feel Darth Sidious on me as if I had been branded. None of the other Jedi have sensed it beneath my masked signature. Can you tell me anything more?"

Focusing on your figure, Ventress' eyes grew glassy as she slipped into the Force to observe you beyond your physical appearance, "There is a presence, though I can't say who it belongs to. It's strong and dark, but clearly covered or hidden somehow. Maul must have sensed it because he recognized it. I wouldn't have known if you didn't ask. Aside from that, there's the usual turmoil that follows you around. It's a miracle you haven't gone crazy riding the line like you are."

"I'm aware," you responded blandly, not having received the answers you so desperately wanted and needed, "Thank you, Ventress."

"Do not forget that you owe me one, Pavond."

"I won't," you gave a short wave goodbye and walked back to where Obi-Wan was waiting for you, "Are you alright?"

"As alright as I can be knowing I didn't truly avenge my Master," Obi-Wan's smile was tight and bitter, "The Force kept Maul alive for some reason, and I need to know what it is."

"Sadly, I think we're just going to have to wait," pecking his cheek, you pulled him in for a gentle hug, "We'll figure this out together, alright? The first thing you're going to do when you get back to the Temple is go to the Halls of Healing, alright? I'll know if you don't."

Obi-Wan held his hands up in surrender, "Alright, alright. I'll allow Master Che to look me over if it will appease your mind. And I shall see you soon, darling."

"Of course, you will, my love."

The two of you went your separate ways and you set the ship on auto-pilot, desiring sleep more than anything. A short rest would be nice, and perhaps an even longer one once you got back to The Gray."

"Your emotions betray you. Your fear and yes, your anger."

"Don't listen to him Obi-"

"And now the perfect tool for my vengeance is in front of me."

"Remember my dear Obi-Wan, love is your greatest strength."

Snapping awake, your gaze immediately went to the controls. Shutting auto-pilot off you set course for Mandalore. You could make it in a couple of hours easily. Sending The Gray a message that your return would be delayed and you'd update them further soon, you sank into your seat.

Deciding that meditation was your best option, as it would hopefully provide more insight, you quickly slipped into it and reached out to the Force for answers and guidance.

The Force blessed - and cursed - you with many more visions, a guide of sorts with no true answers for your questions.

Satine Kyrze was destined to die on Mandalore, a symbol of a fallen regime and a tool for revenge. That would not change, it could not change. You were not sure how or why you knew that so concretely, but you did. Satine Kryze would die, but the consequences of her death were yet to be seen.

Mandalore would fall, and the once great warriors would be spread across the galaxy and hunted out of fear for their skill and their knowledge. You saw one great warrior, perhaps thirty years in the future, who could perhaps save Mandalore. But by then the planet and the people would be nearly extinct.

But maybe...

You were quickly allowed into the palace once you announced who you were. Satine was waiting on her throne when you arrived, her advisors lined up at her sides. She seemed bored before, but she perked up when she saw you.

"Duchess," you bowed your head to Satine respectfully.

"Master Pavond, I was unaware the Council was sending you."

"This is not a matter sanctioned by the Council, I'm afraid it is much more serious than normal Jedi matters."

"Leave us," Satine ordered, and all the guards and advisors left the room, "What troubles you, (Y/n)?"

"Your death," you got straight to the point, as trying to go around it would simply waste precious time that you didn't have, "Your inevitable death."

Satine paled and she sat up much straighter, "Don't tell me you're the culprit, my friend."

"Of course not, Satine. No matter my issues with your views you know I wouldn't dare go that far."

"Then who?"

"A Sith. I have reached out to the Force and your death is unavoidable, no matter what action is taken" and necessary to save Mandalore, if things went according to plan, but you didn't say that, "I've seen the moment, but not the events leading up to it. Only a sense of the destruction after."

"Then why warn me if it cannot be stopped? Shall you doom me to spend my last days in misery?"

"I'm afraid I must ask one more favor from you. Your death will mark the end of Mandalore if allowed to play out how I foresaw it. However, there is a way to save your planet and people."

I hope, you thought to yourself, The Force wasn't very clear about what to do after Satine's death but this feels right.

"I will do what I must. But there is something I must ask of you in return," Satine hesitated, "My nephew Korkie..."

"I know, Satine, and he will be okay. Now, let's get to work."

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