🪐Chapter Twenty-Nine🪐

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"Don't be afraid to leave it all behind"


Chapter Twenty-Nine


Today marked two years of the clone wars. Two years of senseless fighting and death on the part of the Jedi for the reunification of a corrupt senate. Every day those close to you died and every day you lost your faith in the Republic more and more.

How were you celebrating this momentous occasion? By leaving behind and subsequently losing everything you had ever known.

It began, of course, on a mission. Quinlan had called in a favor you owed him. Since the beginning of the war, he and Master Tholme had been covertly looking into the senate and the mystery behind the creation of the Vode. As thanks for their continued work, you assisted them with Shadow work on occasion. Today you had taken down a budding slave ring in the underground.

Officially you were on leave due to medical reasons in order to keep the mission top secret, and now because of your and Quinlan's quick thinking and good undercover skills, you had an extra two days off before your "medical leave" was over and you had to return to the front.

So in spite of the fact that the day would live in infamy as the beginning of the end for the true Republic and the current Jedi Order, you were actually in quite high spirits. The Force, forever a cruel master, seemed to laugh at you for this and revealed a devastating newscast as soon as you came up from the lower levels.

Ahsoka Tano: Wanted for Terrorism

Pulling your comm from your pocket, you immediately messaged Obi-Wan. You had closed off the bond when you were undercover, but now that it was open again you could see everyone else was already shielding. Could no one in this family communicate?


"What the nersh is happening?" You cried out, ignoring the strange looked you got from a passerby, "I leave for a week and all of the sudden Ahsoka is wanted for terrorism?"

"The Council believes that Ahsoka bombed the Jedi Temple. It killed many workers and injured even more."

"You know as well as I that she wasn't behind that."

"Yes, however, the only people who are able to see sense are Kit and Plo. Everyone else is completely convinced she has done it. There is evidence pointing to her guilt but it's all circumstantial. Just a few hours ago she was supposedly seen Force choking out the prime subject in her cell. An hour ago she managed to escape. She's currently on the run and Anakin is out looking for her."

"He's going to destroy their relationship in the process. Obi-Wan, please do your best to convince the Council that she is innocent."

"Rest assured I'm doing everything I can. The Council is... I don't understand what's going on. They've completely lost their way."

Frowning, you ended the call with a simple, "I'm going to find our daughter."

Slipping into a dark alleyway, you closed your eyes and reached out into the Force. The bond was still slightly shielded, but you poked it anyway. Ahsoka lowered her shield just enough to send impressions through, but not enough to reveal her location. The fact that she didn't trust you broke your heart.


Ahsoka, I know you didn't do this. I swear to you that everything is going to be okay, but I need you to trust me. Please, tell me where you are.

Everything fell silent for a few moments, and you worried that you had come on too strong and scared her away. But the bond opened up even more, and her bright presence was allowed to shine through. It was too bright and pure for her to have committed such a heinous act, and you had not yet taught her how to mask her signature. Why had the Council not taken note of this?

I'm in the lower levels. Barriss just contacted me with a clue, I'm going to go investigate with Ventress.

Don't, Ahsoka! That is a terrible idea. Wait for me to come and get you.


Trust me.

... alright. I'll be waiting.

It was easy to find transport into the lower levels, and now that you knew Ahsoka was with Ventress it was even easier to find the strange combination that their Force presences made. They were ducked in a dark and dingy alleyway, hissing at each other. Their partnership, however temporary, was fraught with the tension of their past relationship as enemies.

"Ahsoka," you reached out and pulled her into a tight hug, "Oh, my dear, what happened?"

"I'm being framed," Ahsoka said desperately as if you wouldn't believe her, "I don't know what's going on. Everything I've done has only made me seem more guilty. Even Anakin... he was scared of what I could do. He's trying to bring me in. I- I don't know what to do. Barriss said there could be something in an old warehouse. I want to go look at it and see if it's true."

Running a gentle hand over her montrals, you looked up at Ventress, "Thank you for looking after her."

Scoffing, Ventress crossed her arms over her chest, "Both of us were abandoned by your precious Jedi Order. It seemed only fitting that we team up for the quest that you seem so hesitant to go on."

Keeping Ahsoka tucked in close to your side, you admitted something Ahsoka had clearly not yet considered, "I understand that you trust Barriss and that the two of you are friends, but you cannot trust her."

Biting her lip, Ahsoka asked, "You aren't suggesting that she's the one who framed me?"

"Ahsoka, don't you find it strange she has these miraculous clues for you? Or that it was clearly someone with the Force behind this, and strong abilities with a lightsaber? I don't wish to accuse your friend Ahsoka, but-"

"She's the most likely suspect aside from me," Ahsoka concluded, eyes growing red with unshed tears, "She's my friend, I thought I could trust her."

"I know, I know."

"I could kill her if you wanted?" Ventress offered awkwardly. Ahsoka snorted, wiping her tears with the edge of the cloak she was wearing, "I am bound by no code."

Shaking your head, you responded, "Killing her wouldn't solve anything. We need to be careful about this. We have no proof of her involvement, and I'm not even entirely sure that she is the bomber, but that's something we'll have to find out. Ventress, can you go investigate the warehouse on your own and see if there's anyone waiting there?"

"What's in it for me?" Raising a brow, implying that both of you knew the secret she and Quinlan wanted to be kept, she sighed, "Fine, fine. Don't expect that trick to work forever, Pavond. I'm growing tired of it being used against me. I will contact you when I have answers."

Lowering her mask, Ventress gave a two-finger salute and went off into the night. Giving Ahsoka one last squeeze, you leaned down and pressed a kiss to her head. You were making the plan up as you went, but the conclusion was already clear in your mind. It had been a long-time coming, but your recent meeting with Satine only confirmed that you needed to expedite things. This would provide a proper excuse and it would save Ahsoka.

"Ahsoka, I need you to listen to me very carefully. I am going to call Anakin and Rex and report that I have you in custody."

Ahsoka reared back as if you had slapped her. You were expecting this, but it still hurt, "Master-"

"Listen, Ahsoka. I am going to call them and they will take you into custody. You will be brought before the Council for a verdict. I swear to you, you will not be punished by the Council, but you cannot ask me how I know. Do you understand?"

Ahsoka clearly didn't, but she was too panicked and too trusting of you to speak up, "Yes, Master. I... I trust you."

"Good," you couldn't resist pulling her into another hug as you activated your comm, "Anakin, I have Ahsoka. We're on level 327, I'd like transport back to the Temple."

"I didn't know you were a part of this, Master," Anakin sounded both relieved and disappointed, probably because he believed that you thought Ahsoka was guilty as well.

It took mere minutes for Anakin and Plo Koon to appear with the Wolf Pack close behind. Wolf didn't hesitate before shooting Ahsoka with a stun blast. You caught her before she could hit the ground, holding her close.

"They sent you on this mission, Master? You followed the will of the Council knowing Ahsoka could never commit a crime like this?"

Your former master remained silent, his entire aura tinged with guilt. Good, you wanted him to feel guilty for the pain and stress he and Anakin had put Ahsoka through. Hunting her like they were lotchcats and she was their prey. You were disappointed in both of them for not taking the time to actually listen to her.

Carrying Ahsoka onto a transport ship, you passed her off to Comet and Sinker with strict order to hold her tight and make sure she didn't get jostled around. They weren't happy with you either, because in their minds you were defending the person who killed some of their brothers. You wouldn't be able to win at any point here, but that wasn't what mattered. The momentary pain and loss would be far outweighed by the future you were saving.

When the ship was nearing the Temple, a call came in from Master Yoda that Anakin quickly answered.

"Captured, she has been?"

"Yes, Master Yoda."

"Without incident?"

"She was spotted with Asajj Ventress, but she wasn't at the scene when we arrived," Anakin sent you a look. He wanted answers, and he would get them when you got to the Temple where you could speak privately, "We don't know why they were involved. I think there's more going on than we know."

"Did the Council ensure that a full investigation occurred before Ahsoka's arrest?" You asked.

"The investigation was carried out by Commander Tarkin," Mace appeared next to Yoda.

"On what grounds?"

"Because clones were killed in the attack he claimed it was a military investigation."

You could have strangled both of them, you wanted to. The Dark Side swelled up within you and your mask was slipping. Anakin and Plo were shifting uncomfortably beside you, and finally, your Master placed a grounding hand on your shoulder. No matter how upset you were with him, years of comfort wouldn't disappear in a day.

"Did you forget... that the Order maintains full rights to the clone army? They would only be able to step in if natborn military soldiers were harmed. Unless you wanted them to step in to take the issue of your hands?"

"A serious accusation that is."

"Am I incorrect?" The line remained silent, and you had your answer. The Council was so whipped by the senate that they now didn't even care about handling their own internal investigations. This whole mess could have been avoided! "We're done here."

Shutting off the com, you shut your eyes and sucked in a deep breath. It'd be fine. Everything would be fine. You had a plan, you just needed to trust in the Force and wait for its whisper. Your rage and sadness could wait, even if at the moment it felt overwhelming.

As soon as the ship landed at the temple your wrist comm pinged. Quickly separating from the group you answered the call, unsurprised to see Ventress on the other line.

"Someone knocked me unconscious and stole my lightsabers," she growled out, "They used the Force to do so. In the factory, there were the same explosives used in the bomb at the temple. It was a setup. Be careful, Pavond, you're dealing with someone dangerous. Also, I want my sabers back."

"Dealing with Darksiders now, Master?" Anakin spoke from behind you, arms crossed.

"When they hold useful skills and information, yes," you responded bitingly, "Ahsoka received a tip from Barriss Offee, I intercepted before she could investigate herself and had Ventress go instead. There were explosives there, and it's safe to say that if Ahsoka was found with them her fate would have been sealed."

Eyes widening, Anakin quickly responded, "Barriss Offee is a Padawan, she wouldn't have the skills-"

"Don't doubt the power of any potential enemy, Anakin, it could get you killed," you advised, biting the inside of your cheek in thought, "Everything Ahsoka has told me has pointed to a Force user she is close to, Barriss is the most likely suspect. She has no reason to suspect that we're onto her, and we need to go and capture her before anything else happens-"

The Council has decided to expedite the trial at the behest of Commander Tarkin. He wants us to banish Ahsoka from the Order so she may be tried by the Senate. I suggest you and Anakin hurry so she has some form of support.

"We need to go, now," you grabbed Anakin's wrist and pulled him behind you toward the rarely used trial quarters within the temple.

"Master, I don't understand-"

"The Council moved up Ahsoka's trial so the Senate can try her for treason instead," you responded shortly.

"But she just got here. She's recovering from a stun blast she won't even be fully able to understand what's happening," taking a short detour, you pulled Anakin behind a large pillar in the entrance hall.

"Listen to me, Anakin. The Order has always been flawed, but I've kept my faith in it because they still believe in the power of the Force and the Light Side. Ever since the war started the influence of the Senate over the dealings of the Temple has grown out of control. They are too frightened to act as an independent organization, and this is where it has landed them as a result."

Face twisted with several conflicting emotions, Anakin whispered, "Chancellor Palpatine-"

"- is a politician in search of power, I told you that many years ago and I know you remember that conversation well. He's also one of the few with the ability to direct the Order. Many of our current issues are thanks to him. I've done my best to attempt to fix things during my time here, but I'm afraid I've failed. What happens next, know that it is the will of the Force, and it is for the best."


"Come on, we need to hurry," you pulled Anakin out from behind the pillar and began to run again.

Out of breath and struggling to catch it when the two of you stopped in front of the guarded doors, the Temple guards looked the two of you over with detached curiosity.

"Anakin Skywalker and (Y/n) Pavond here to speak to Ahsoka Tano," you told the guard when you could finally breathe again.

The doors opened, and you rushed inside to comfort Ahsoka. She was sitting in silence surrounded by Temple guards, shoulders hunched and posture tense. Anakin was right behind you, and while you could feel his intense gaze burning into your back, he still kept his focus on Ahsoka- because he made several mistakes today but he was still a good master and brother.

"I can feel the tension from here," Ahsoka finally spoke up, looking at a pacing Anakin, "You're not helping."

"I'm sorry, Snips. I just, I don't know what to do."

"It's okay, I don't either. Master?" Ahsoka, who had been so faithful and who had turned herself in by your request, looked at you with wide eyes.

You hadn't seen before how much she had grown, but you saw it now. The age was in her longer lekku, but it was also in her eyes and in her spirit. She had grown well, and you were more proud of her than you would ever be able to express.

"It's going to be okay, Ahsoka," you assured her.

A chime resonated through the room, signaling the beginning of the trial. Ahsoka took in a deep breath and walked forward to the platform at the center of the room which would take her up into the tribunal chambers. You and Anakin both stepped onto the outer platform and were carried up with Ahsoka, though she was raised even further when your section stopped. Isolated, and alone, she faced the Council.

"Tell me you have a plan, Master," Anakin whispered to you.

Closing your eyes, you steadied your breathing and sunk deep into the Force. The trial proceedings faded into the background in favor of the gentle musings and whispers of your true Master. It was the Force who had been speaking to you so strongly the past month, who had warned you of what was to come, and who was now going to tell you when it was time.

The lights of the Council members were bright, Obi-Wan sticking out to you due to his familiarity. Ahsoka was just as bright, with much-untapped potential. Anakin's supernova was familiar next to you. The Temple was full of light, and they were even clearer to see now that you and Mace had cleansed the Sith shrine in the sublevels. You dared not go further than that, too scared to feel the darkness hovering over Coruscant and the galaxy like a cloud. The Temple was safe, and you wanted to stay here forever.

Now, my child.

"Ahsoka is innocent. I am the one who bombed the Temple."

The light and comfort were gone, and instead, you were returned to your senses in the dark and oppressive tribunal chamber. It had fallen completely silent, and all eyes were now on you.

(Y/n) what are you doing?

Master, I can't let you take the blame for this!

Is this what you were talking about earlier?

Your mind was filled with so many thoughts aside from your own that you were forced to slam your shield up, even if it meant alarming your family even more. More than ever, you needed to be able to think and navigate your way through this moment.

"There is much more proof condemning Ahsoka," Master Koth finally broke the silence.

"The evidence concerning Ahsoka's involvement is circumstantial. There is no proof that it was her who killed the other suspect, or that it was her who killed the soldiers. And that is because she didn't do it at all, I did. I know her well enough that it was easy to manipulate her into framing herself. Ahsoka has maintained her innocence because she truly didn't do it. I did, and I'm confessing to it. I accept my fate at the hands of the Council."

You met Obi-Wan's eyes. It was easier to look at him than at the rest of the Council. Even though they were wide with shock and disbelief, and you could still feel him poking at your shields desperately so he could speak to you about what in Sith's Hell's you were doing, it was still better than the knowing glances the Council was exchanging. It was hard to discern if they knew you didn't do it, or if they had been waiting for this day. For you to snap.

"Why confess now?" Mace asked, hands steepled beneath his chin. By the tone of his voice, you knew he was aware of your innocence, but he wouldn't be able to stake his case for you. None of them could because the Senate wanted a criminal and that's what they were here to give them. This trial wasn't for any sort of true justice.

"I've returned to my senses. The Council is aware of my Force predispositions. The war has stressed me to the point of teetering on the edge of insanity. Many members of the Council can attest to the fact that I have nearly lost my way many times, and I finally did when I created and set off those bombs in a moment of weakness against my own mind."

The Council asked no further questions. Obi-Wan lowered his head in defeat, as did you. Though this loss of a battle would result in the unchallenged victory in the war. It was hard to remember that now, however, facing the conflicted gazes of so many people whom you considered to be friends.

"Master (Y/n) Pavond, it is the decision of this Council that you are hereby banished from the Jedi Order," Master Windu's voice carried throughout the room with an authoritative decision. They would have come to that verdict no matter who was on trial, as the Senate demanded.

Despite the horror you should have felt you felt nothing. The Force swirled around you and filled you with contentment. Ahsoka, so old yet still seventeen, still a child, was saved. Your plans could now truly begin.

"I accept the Council's decision. As a Gray Jedi, binding myself to a single entity for so long has gone against my beliefs and I stayed anyway due to my own fear of the unknown, but I am not the only one who has made mistakes. The Order no longer contains peacekeepers for all peoples. It hasn't since the slaughter of the True Mandalorians on Galidraan in which we allowed past prejudices to condemn a people and have done nothing to help them since. Everyone in the Order is a pawn in a game that will destroy us all. You are blind in your bias, I have none," something rose in your throat- an urge, an instinct ingrained into your bones. Your voice wasn't your voice anymore, but the voice of millions, the voice of one, "Take heed of my words, for they may just be your last warning. The Order must continue to thrive, but it cannot thrive as they have been. Change must come, or it will be the end of the Light."

The Council shifted uncomfortably as you came back to your senses. Blinking, your hand came up to rub your sore throat. That was the voice of a seer, of a true prophet of the Force. The urge had never come before and it would never come again. The Force's message had been delivered and you were to be the deliverance.

"Master Ti pushed past your warning, likely because it made her as uncomfortable as the rest, "Your battalion-"

"Is still mine to command. I'd look at the wording of my assignment papers carefully, Masters. Despite no longer being a member of the Order I am still a Jedi, and that is all I need to be to remain a High General of the Republic," even then, you had known that this day would come. You retained control of your men and therefore still had links to your family.

"Then your troops and military titles remain," Master Plo said before anyone could argue. He knew better than anyone that the 377th was your family.

Emotion swelled within you. The Order was your family too. Brothers and sisters, aunts and uncles - you thought of Plo as a second father - who had made mistakes and were stubborn in their ways but were still a part of you. This was what the Code meant when it spoke of attachment, for you knew you had to let them go for the good of the galaxy.

"You leave all you have ever known due to your crimes. Your path no longer belongs to the Order. You will be turned over to the Republic courts where you will await the punishment they see fit for you. Henceforth, you are barred from the Jedi Order."

Despite the tightness in your throats and the burn behind your eyes, you still held your head high, "My path never belonged to the Order, despite your desperation for it to."

With that, Ahsoka was lowered from her platform and the trial was over.

"What the kriff was that, Master?" Ahsoka pulled you into a bone-crushing hug, "What were you thinking?"

"That you have yet to be knighted, and I do not need the Order to know who I am," you smiled, taking in everything you could about her while you had the chance, "My path diverged a long time ago."

"What kept you here?"

"My family," you cupped her cheek affectionately, "I told you that everything would be okay, Ahsoka. I have no doubt your faith has been shaken in everything you thought you knew, but I beg of you to truly think of who you are and who you wish to be before you make any further decisions."

Anakin was hovering over you, too unsure to say anything, though he finally seemed to settle on, "We're going to find who did this."

Chuckling, you responded, "I know you will because I already gave you all the answers you need."

The Temple guards were pushing in close, it was time to leave. Giving Ahsoka and Anakin one final hug, you went with them without argument. You were transferred to the holding facility within the Vode headquarters, the same one Ahsoka escaped from at the start of all this.

"I know you didn't do this," Fox whispered to you as he and Thorn guided you to your cell. High-profile commanders for a high-profile criminal, "You would never kill any vod."

You were glad to see that the Vode still had faith in you, "I'm glad you know that, Fox, however, I'm afraid I'm going to do something soon that will still upset many of you."

"You don't have to worry about him, you have to worry about Kote," Thorn chipped in, swiping his card to unlock your cell, "I'm sure you'll have visitors soon so we'll send them right through. Good luck, General."

The first person to visit you, surprisingly, was not anyone you knew personally. It was Senator Odorah from Othan, coming to speak to you about the trial. Your defense was blessedly simple. Because you were an active member of Othan's royal family you were automatically granted diplomatic immunity. If the Senate wished to challenge said immunity, they would be losing one of their most important trade planets as a result. You thanked her profusely for that information, and she assured you that she would be present at your trial as your representation alongside Padmé- with whom you were unsurprised was involved.

The next person to visit was obviously Obi-Wan. He was harried, hair tousled and cheeks flushed as if he had run the entire way here. You knew the more likely case was that he had taken an open-top speeder here and broken several laws along the way.

The two of you stood in silence and stared at each other for a few moments, unsure what to say. You weren't sure if Obi-Wan was angry with you for what you did, and therefore you weren't sure how to go about things as a result.

"Thank you," were the first words to come out of his mouth, leaving you struck dumb, "You protected our daughter when I couldn't. My darling, I'm so sorry. I spoke to the Council before the trial about bending to the will of the Senate and they wouldn't listen to me. I was terrified Ahsoka would be left alone- I was already talking to Dex about setting up a new identity for her, and yet you stepped in and saved her. You lost everything today."

Nodding, you stepped forward into Obi-Wan's outstretched arms. The confidence and bravado were finally fading, and you promptly broke down. Obi-Wan muttered reassurances into your ear and gently guided you over to the bench so the two of you could sit down.

"I had to do it," you kept repeating. It was the truth, the Force told you to do so and even without its influence you would have spoken up to save Ahsoka, but the truth didn't help, did it?

"I know, darling, I know. You're so brave," Obi-Wan kept brushing his hand through your hair in slow, soothing motions. It was enough to calm you down to a somewhat operable and coherent state, "I'm so sorry it had to be this way."

Clutching the back of his robes, robes that once you changed out of you wouldn't be able to change back into, you told him quietly, "I've known this was going to happen. Not in this way but... something is coming, Obi-Wan, and I cannot be a part of the Order when it occurs."

"The Force has shown you?"

"Yes, and if I tell you everything will change for the worse. I'm sorry Obi-Wan," you were sorry for many things now because you knew what was coming and you had to allow it to happen.

"It's going to be alright, my love. I will trust in the Force just as I trust in you. I spoke to Senator Odorah when I was coming in, the Senate will be unable to do anything to you. You will be safe."

"For now, I'm afraid the Vode may kill me once this is over," you admitted.

Confused, Obi-Wan asked, "They all know you're innocent, why would they do that?"

"Because I finally know who my student is meant to be."

"I have a bad feeling about this..."


In the early hours of the next morning, you were woken up and escorted to one of the courtrooms within the Senate. Commander Tarkin was there seeming rather pleased with himself, you couldn't wait to wipe the smirk off his face.

Chancellor Palpatine was overseeing the trial, along with Mas Amedda at his side. Many prominent senators and the council had come along as well. When you were brought forth, Padmé and Odorah stepped out together as your defense.

"(Y/n) Pavond, you have been charged with sedition against the Jedi Order and the Republic itself. This court will decide your fate."

"We move to have (Y/n) pavond acquitted of all charges," Odorah spoke up before anyone else could, tone formal but clearly bored. If any of the politicians here had bothered to do their research they would know there was no reason for this trial in the first place.

"For what reason?" Chancellor Palpatine asked, brow raised.

"(Y/n) is an active member of the Othanian royal family, and therefore holds diplomatic immunity concerning all crimes within the order and the Republic as long as the royal family holds them under protection, and I assure you they do. There is no reason for this trial, and therefore the charges must be dismissed."

"General Pavond committed treason against the Republic and must be charged," Commander Tarkin insisted.

Padmé then asked, "I suppose you're willing to take the fall for the soured relations between Othan and the Republic once this is over, then?"

"Chancellor!" Anakin burst through the door with Ahsoka at his side and several Temple guards behind him.

"I hope you have a good reason for interrupting our proceedings, Master Skywalker."

"I am here with real evidence and a true confession from the person who committed the crimes Ahsoka was accused of and (Y/n) confessed to. Barriss Offee, member of the Jedi Order, and traitor. Tell them the truth."

"I did it because I've come to realize what many people in the Republic have come to realize, that the Jedi are the ones responsible for this war. That we've so lost our way that we have become villains in this conflict. That we are the ones that should be put on trial- all of us. And my attack on the Temple was an attack on what the Jedi have become, an army fighting for the dark side, fallen from the light we once held so dear. This Republic is failing! It's only a matter of time."

Every single word she said was true. Perhaps her statement about the Jedi being responsible for the war was a bit contrite, as it was much more complicated than that, but everything else struck a chord within you.

"(Y/n) Pavond you are cleared of all charges. Barriss Offee shall be put to trial immediately-"

"Barriss Offee has not yet been banished from the Order, Chancellor, and until she is, the Republic courts cannot touch her," you stated calmly. The Republic courts would never get the chance. She would be thrown from the Order and straight to you, as you would request- and the Council would have no choice but to accept.

"Very well, once the Council reaches their decision, Barriss Offee shall face the decision of the Republic courts," the Chancellor was confident that the Council would expel Barriss because they would be given no other choice. How disappointing.

Leaving the courtroom with your head held high, you were immediately summoned to the High Council chambers. When you arrived, the council was gathered together and speaking quietly, though they fell silent when you stepped inside. Anakin and Ahsoka were there as well, both with sour looks on their faces. The Council must have tried to apologize, though at this point it did little good.

"The Council was wrong to accuse Ahsoka, and it was wrong to accept your false confession in her defense," Master Plo spoke first, true sorrow in his voice. You could forgive him in time, for you knew similarly to Obi-Wan he was often pulled along by the will of the Council.

"You have shown great strength and resilience in your determination to protect Ahsoka and prove her innocence."

"This is the true sign of a Jedi Master, but more than that, it is the sign of a High Council member."

"This was your final trial. Now we see that. You have proven that you will always do what is right and shall follow the will of the Force. As the season comes to an end, new seats will become available on the High Council, and we'd like to offer one to you."

"Back into the Order, back home, you may come."

They offered me knighthood, Ahsoka said into the bond, I happily declined.

She wasn't ready, but the Council was insistent on making it up to her somehow. It seems to be a common thread in our lineage, Obi-Wan added bitterly.

We want you back Master, but I know you said that this was always meant to pass...

"I will not be returning to the Order, nor will I be accepting a seat on the High Council. I meant what I said in the tribunal chambers. I will keep my men, and I will keep my faith in the Force, but I can no longer be a member of the Order. That time has passed," you said, much to the disappointment of the council, "I do, however, have one last request to ask of you instead."

"What more can we offer you than reinstatement and a seat on the Council?" Ki Adi Mundi asked skeptically.

"Barriss Offee has lost her way, her actions were ones of a desperate child. I wish to take her on as a student. I know better than many what it is like to struggle with thoughts such as hers, and therefore I am one of the only ones who may be able to get through to her."

"Decision of the Council, her fate is."

"Is it?" You asked with a raised brow, "Chancellor Palpatine made it very clear of what he expected at my trial. I'd like to save her from that fate."

Mace, head of the Order and one of your closest friends despite how much of a hardass he was, made the decision for the entire Council, "We shall allow it, but you are taking full responsibility for Barriss. No resources of the Order will be available to either of you, and she will be expelled from the Order all the same."

Bowing your head in silent thanks, you gave the Council one final look-over before turning on your heel and leaving the chambers. Your family had given you full access to their Coruscant apartment, and you would be able to stay there whenever you need. You now had full access to the royal funds as well. You were no longer a member of the Order, which meant you could fully step into your role as a royal- for now.

Ahsoka, Anakin, and Obi-Wan caught up to you before you could enter the lower levels of the Temple. None of them had much to say, as each of them knew you weren't going to change your mind and that in the end, this was for the best.

"How could you- Barriss framed me and you're taking her as your Padawan?" Ahsoka asked incredulously, angrily.

Sighing, you responded, "I don't expect you to forgive me for this, Ahsoka, and I don't expect you to forgive Barriss either. She betrayed you, and that pain and mistrust will remain for the rest of your life, however, Barriss acted out in desperation and a need for radical change. She is stuck in a very dangerous place right now, and if I don't help her she will either Fall completely or lose her mind being stuck in between. No matter what she has done, she doesn't deserve that suffering."

"You're going to adopt her, aren't you?" Obi-Wan asked, "In order to protect her from persecution?"

"It will be the only way to fully protect her, so yes. That does not mean any of you need to treat her like family. That must be earned, and she may never reach that point. None of you have any obligation to her."

Anakin scoffed, "Of course we do, she's still gonna end up being family. We've become friends with worse people over the course of this war. Just know none of us are going to go easy on her if we train with her, and we aren't going to be nice to her either."

"I wouldn't expect you to be. All I ask is that you don't antagonize her to the point of proving her view of the Order. I realize this decision is impacting and hurting all of you in some way, and I'm sorry, but this has to be done."

Obi-Wan was the least affected, as you spoke to him about it the day before. He had his own concerns and issues with it, but he knew what it was like to feel the temptation of the Dark Side and he also knew what it was like to have a problem student, so he was choosing to support you. Ahsoka and Anakin would take more time. You would gladly give them that, as it was the least they deserved for what you were doing.

Looking at Ahsoka, you awaited her verdict. She was invariably going to be affected the most by this decision, "I... I don't understand it, and I don't like it, but everything you've done so far was to save me and I can't forget that. I can't forgive Barriss, but I can forgive you."

That was all you wanted. You gave each of them a tight hug and bid them a temporary goodbye. You would inevitably see them again on the battlefield, and you would still have opportunities to see them outside of the Temple, but you knew the distance would still be extremely difficult for all of you.

For the good of the galaxy.

Barriss was in the detention levels, sitting in the corner of her cell with her head leaning against her knees. From here, she didn't look dangerous or deranged. You knew she was quite the opposite, and you wouldn't forget that.

"Barriss," you called out softly, catching her attention.

"What do you want?" She asked defensively, clearly expecting some kind of scolding. That could come later, right now you needed to start off with building trust. The start of your mentorship would inevitably be rocky, but you could still do some damage control beforehand.

"Barriss Offee, I have come here to ask you to be my student. Should you accept, I shall help you find your way in the galaxy, whether you wish to embrace the Dark Side or the Light," as you spoke you released your true Force signature, allowing her to see why and how you could help her through this.

"A Gray Jedi," she stood, coming forward and pressing her hands against the glass, "You're supposed to be a myth."

"I am, yet I'm standing right here. Do you accept, Barriss?"

Seeing as her other choice was prison or execution, she quickly accepted, "Yes, I shall become your student."

Smiling at her answer, you motioned to the Temple guard beside you to open the door, "Good. We leave tomorrow. Tonight you can rest. If you try anything Barriss you will sorely regret it."

Nodding quickly, Barriss followed closely behind you as you led her out of the Temple. Any nearby Jedi stopped, stared, and whispered, and you knew the news would spread throughout the ranks of Jedi and Vode alike in mere hours. You would have a lot to answer for when you left the next day, but for now, you would focus on your Padawan.

"How about some food? I know a good place," you offered. Dex's was where family matters happened, and Barriss would soon be your daughter.

"I could eat."

There is still more to come, the Force whispered, and as you smiled at Barriss you tried not to think of what was soon to pass.

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