🪐Chapter Twenty-Five🪐

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"Betrayal is the only truth that sticks"


Chapter Twenty-Five


Mando'a Translations

vod/vode - Brother/Brothers

Vode - Refers to the clones as a whole

Aliit - Clan/family

Othanian Translations

Vutojan - Platonic soulmate

Rowuk - Bitch/bastard

Kif - ass


Tapping your pointer finger against the table, you found yourself struggling to pay attention to Obi-Wan's words. Normally you'd be hanging on to everything he said, especially since it'd been nearly a month since you saw each other in person, but something was... off, and it was distracting.

Why did the Chancellor call Anakin away during such a crucial time? Especially when there were other Jedi on Coruscant who could guard him? Why had General Krell specifically been sent in when he had a terrible track record? How was this all connected?

"Cody also mentioned that communications with the 501st and Master Krell have been down due to enemy interference."

You perked up, "Communications are out entirely?"

"Yes, I'm afraid we haven't been able to send or receive any transmissions from them for quite some time. We are still distracted on our end and won't be able to travel to see what's going on for quite some time."

"I can check in on them," you offered, "We're currently waiting for an assignment and we aren't very far from Umbara. In any case, from past reports, it sounds like they could use the backup."

"It would be wonderful if you could check in with them. Something doesn't feel right about what's going on."

"Yes, I feel the same way. We'll arrive in a couple of hours and I'll report in once we figure out what's going on. May the Force be with you."

"And with you."

Ending the transmission you turned to Drifter, who was standing off to the side the entire time. Even if the conversation was more romantic and personal than simply catching up in regards to your most recent campaigns, he'd still be there. Your vutojan was more trustworthy than anyone else, as he'd proven time and time again.


"I'll inform the troops and send out orders to set course for Umbara," Drifter fell silent for a few moments, "Something is wrong."

"I know," you closed your eyes and reached out in the Force. None of the active-duty clones were Force-sensitive that you knew of - though there were one or two that you had suspicions about - but that didn't mean there weren't bonds you could use to check in on the, "I sense great suffering but I can't tell if it's just the campaign or something else."

Umbara was a planet stuck in constant darkness. The Umbarans had adapted early on to operate better in such conditions, but the clones and Jedi were not made for such things. The darkness and eerie atmosphere left you tense and uncomfortable, even with the comfort of your men around you. The Kanez and one other platoon were being sent down first to survey the area, and then other teams would be sent down as well if it was deemed necessary.

"Attention General Krell this is General Pavond reporting in. I will be landing in T-minus two minutes in the main bay."

There was no response, but the message clearly went through. You hummed under your breath, suspicious and anxious. Your two ships landed with no problems and opened up to reveal the normal operations clones enacted when taking over an enemy base.

You sent your additional platoon out to assist in the operations and subtly get some information about what was going on.

However, there was an air of darkness around the base that made you nauseous. The palpable relief that the troopers released as you walked past when you knew they'd been taught about shielding was another red flag. They were too exhausted and scared to properly shield their emotions, which was another aspect of this mission that was quickly draining you.

Unable to track down a familiar Force signature, you simply called out to the nearest trooper, "Vod! I'd like a status report of what has been going on since General Skywalker was called away."

The trooper nodded and dutifully began recounting everything that had been going on. The stories were... grim to say the least. Behind you, the Kanez were unable to hide their horror and anger. Master Krell was either woefully incompetent or he was purposefully causing casualties. You didn't know which one was worse.

"He's ordered the execution of two officers for disobeying his orders- but what they did led to a victory! General Krell's plan would have killed almost all of us, they allowed this campaign to push forward," The trooper seemed desperate to emphasize that the troopers had done nothing wrong, though it should have been well known by this point that you'd never make assumptions when it came to the Vode, "They may have saved this campaign, General."

"Has this execution already occurred?" You asked, stomach dropping, there were only so many clones the troops would disobey orders for, and you knew all of them personally.

"No, General, but I believe it's going to happen soon."

"Take me there, quickly."

Your group sprinted through the base, clones jumping out of the way to avoid getting trampled. Eventually, the trooper stopped and you rushed toward the scene. It was a tried and true execution, with a line of brothers being forced to kill their family.

"Stop!" You yelled, but a symphony of blaster shots went off anyway. Your breath left your lungs, and you looked at the ground expecting to see two dead Vode, but all you saw were scorch marks on the wall behind them.

"General!" Fives and Jesse called out in unison, though they didn't move from their execution position on the ground.

"On your feet, I was told of your actions and despite disobeying orders there were no grounds to order your deaths," you waved your hand and their cuffs deactivated and fell to the ground. Then you turned to the stricken clones who had purposefully missed, "You both saved your brother's lives by not doing as told, very good, all of you."

Rex rushed over, relief obvious on his features as he rested his fist over his heart in greeting. It was much more formal than normal greetings with the Vode, but you just saved two of his brothers so you assumed it was an official recognition. As Cody's - the Vode'alor's right hand it was only proper he did so.

"General Pavond, General Krell ordered their execution for the disobeying of his direct orders," a clone argued from the side, the only one who hadn't been firing a blaster.

Turning, you were met with the faint impression of determination, fear, and blank slate. Oh. Yes. Whoever this clone was they had at some point been reconditioned. Likely within the last sixth months if you were able to pick up on their clear mind so easily. You'd only met a couple of reconditioned clones before and all of them were as obsessed with following orders as this one was.

"What's your name, soldier?"

"Dogma, General," Dogma gave a sharp salute in greeting.

You reached out and placed a hand on his shoulder, "You were not created to blindly follow orders, Dogman, especially at the expense of your brothers. Jesse and Fives disobeyed orders, yes, but they also saved many lives. It's not fair that they should lose theirs as a result. I hope you can come to understand that."

Dogma seemed hesitant but nodded in what you hoped was understanding. If he had truly been reconditioned like you thought he was then it would require a lot more work before he came to be a fully-fledged individual. While you knew Anakin would enjoy helping Dogma find himself as he himself did after being freed, you didn't think it would be good for his mental state at the moment. You would put in a request to have him transferred to your battalion after this campaign.

Rex set a hand on your shoulder, squeezing tightly and drawing your attention away from Dogma. There was a sense of panicked urgency in his eyes that only worsened the bad feeling you had, "General Krell is killing us, General. I've been... I don't know how to avoid treason while protecting my brothers at the same time."

"I understand, Rex. I came here to check in because communications were down and I'm glad I did," you gave the clone a reassuring smile, before turning to address the troops present, "Spread the word, I'm opening an official investigation into the actions of General Krell. Until this issue is resolved I will be taking charge of the 501st."

Everyone let out a breath of relief at your statement. There was no chance you'd allow them to continue to work under Krell after everything you had learned.

"Do you have that authority?" Drifter asked quietly.

"I may not be a High General or High Council, but I'm a Major General ranking directly below Obi-Wan, meaning in emergency situations I can gain control of any unit under the 7th Systems Army. Now, I need to speak with General Krell."

"Yes, Ser," Fives and Jesse nodded and led you away from what could have been their graves. Had Krell even allowed the men time to properly take care of their fallen brothers? Your instincts told you no. You'd have to organize something to allow them that chance.

When you arrived at the command center with Rex and Drifter by your side, Krell was standing at the viewing window observing the courtyard. You assumed he was watching the now canceled execution. He was masking his Force signature. Perhaps to many, it seemed normal, but you were adept at searching such things out because you yourself masked your signature around other Force-sensitives. Something was extremely off here.

"I do not appreciate you going against the orders I have given to the men under my command, General Pavond," Krell said in lieu of a proper greeting, "I was not aware you would be joining the campaign."

"Master Kenobi expressed concerns over communications being down and I offered to check-in. What I have heard from the troops is concerning. Men who have pushed this campaign forward and saved countless lives were ordered to be executed- brothers were forced to leave their family behind with time to mourn."

"The clones," he spat the word like it was a curse, and the troopers all collectively shifted uncomfortably, "Don't know how to follow orders. They were made to follow orders- and to die. They have no need to mourn when they are simply achieving their purpose."

Biting back your anger, instead of releasing it to the Force you allowed it to fester within your mind. You would need it.

"It has become clear in the short time I have been here that you are unfit for command."

Krell puffed up, obviously trying to make himself larger and more intimidating. Perhaps it would have worked if you hadn't faced down enemies who could crush him in their sleep, "How dare you? What I do with my troops is none of your concern. I am doing what needs to be done to win this battle."

"They are not your troopers. You were temporarily assigned to take command due to General Skywalker being indisposed. I am now relieving you of that command."

"You don't have the authority!"

"I am a Major General, a rank above you and I am giving an order only a High General or High Council member could object to - neither of which are here. Additionally, Pong Krell, you are under military arrest due to negligence of duty and potential purposeful harm to those under your command. Come quietly Krell, or I swear to the Force you will regret it."

Krell's hand went down to his lightsaber in response to your obvious challenge.

"Generals! There's an incoming message."

"Patch it through," Krell ordered.

"General, the Umbarans have stepped up their offensive. We're holding them off but their squadrons have ambushed one of our platoons seizing weapons and uniforms. We believe they may be planning to launch a massive attack."

"Identify yourself, trooper!" Drifter barked out as soon as the clone was finished speaking. They said nothing and the hologram dissipated, "General, it is standard policy that we identify ourselves with either our name or our identification number when we call into command with a large report."

"Silence, clone!" Krell hissed, "Captain Rex prepare your platoons to move our immediately."

Holding up your hand to stop Rex from sending out any orders, your eyes narrowed, "Transmissions have been down for nearly twenty-four hours, that is why I came here. Why are they now conveniently back online?"

"The transmission must have been short-range."

"Or a ruse in order to lure our men out into the field in order to mercilessly kill each other. I will not allow this mission to continue. Drifter, send our additional platoon to the location of the call. Rex, gather some of your men as well. Tell them to keep their helmets off at all times and remain on high alert. If they encounter anyone in Vode armor they are to announce themselves. Understood?"

"Understood, General," Drifter nodded and left to lead the mission.

Krell scowled, "You are sending your men to die and giving this battle to the Umbarans! I gave my orders to send out platoons to fight back!"

"You have been stripped of your command, you hold no power here," you snapped back, "Now you will remain in this room under guard until Drifter reports back, am I understood?"

Krell crossed all four arms over his chest but did not argue further. It was the best you were going to get so you commed the Kanez and requested they come up to the command tower in order to guard Krell whilst you waited for Drifter to return.

"Clik I want you working on the origin of that call, I want to know who made it and where it came from," you ordered your best slicer.

"Understood, General."

Stopping next to Burner, you leaned in and whispered, "Don't take your eyes off of him, and don't be afraid to stun him if he so much as looks at you the wrong way."

Burner nodded and you left the command tower to wait in the courtyard for Drifter and your additional platoon to return.

Whilst in the courtyard you gathered additional reports to be used when you gave your report to the Council. The best-case scenario would be Krell being removed from the field permanently and Temple bound. As long as the Senate or Chancellor didn't try to interfere with Jedi matters as they so loved doing nowadays you had no doubt such a wish could be achieved.

Nearly two hours later Drifter returned, this time with a platoon covered in sun-yellow paint. They were 212th, meaning a part of Obi-Wan's men.

"Waxer gave me a rather concerning report, General. Tell them what you told me."

Every clone in the group had their helmet off and at their side. While it took away some of their safety, in the end, it was likely what also stopped them from firing upon each other before it was too late.

"General Kenobi sent us on a scouting mission separate from the main campaign. While out we received a short-range message from General Krell with coordinates. He warned us that they would be wearing clone armor in an attempt to ambush us. If the captains hadn't come with their helmets off we would have shot without hesitation.'

You let out a slow breath. Your fears had been confirmed. It was never about stopping the Umbarans. Krell had made a sick game out of this campaign. He wanted to see how many clones he could kill at once. He had ordered them to kill their brothers for no other reason than his own malicious nature.

"General... I almost killed my aliit," Waxer's breath hitched as he said it, and you pulled him into a tight hug to provide the comfort he so desperately needed. Activating your comm, your eyes trailed over your shaken family over Waxer's shoulder.

"Burner, prepare the men."

"Understood, General."

Pulling away from Waxer you gave him a small, reassuring smile and then stepped back to speak to the men in front of you.

"General Krell is now officially under arrest. I want him brought in alive for interrogation, but no harm shall come to you for any harm that comes to him. He tried to force you to harm your aliit, to break the tenants you live on. It is time that you show him you are more than just clones. You are brothers, you are individuals, and you're going to bring this rowuk down. Oya!"


"I want half of you with me and half of you to remain down here in case Krell attempts to make an escape. Let's go."

The ride up to the command center was tense, and the atmosphere was even worse once you got inside. The Kanez stood with their blasters at the ready and their fingers on the triggers. The troopers went inside first and provided a more secure perimeter, and then you stepped inside flanked by Rex and Drifter.

"Pong Krell this is no longer an investigation into potential wrongdoings. You are under official military arrest and Jedi detainment for the harm you have committed against the Vode. Anything you say will be recorded and presented to the High Council while they decide your fate."

"You have gone so far as to turn against your fellow Jedi?" Krell asked calmly, turning away from the window to face you.

"For my men? I would do anything. Explain to me why you ordered the men against each other," you pulled your saber from your belt and lit it. If it came down to a fight Krell was at a natural advantage. He had four blades to your one and was naturally larger and stronger. You would have to think this through carefully. You had your beskad in your boot but you'd need time to retrieve it, the men were in much larger danger and would require protection as well.

"It is such a shame you appeared when you did," Krell sighed without giving a true answer.

"Surrender, Krell."

Krell hummed and threw out his arms to initiate a giant Force push that sent the men closest to him flying backward. You were expecting such a move and braced yourself against it, only sliding back a few feet rather than flying into the closest wall.

"You dare to attack me?"

Krell lit his sabers and the battle began. The men fired rapidly but such shots were easy to block with four blades and at such a close distance. You watched for the opportunity to strike and leaped forward, meeting one of Krell's blades head-on.

"You're weak compared to me, Pavond. I will not be undermined by a half-developed Jedi and creature bred in a laboratory."

Pulling back, you spun your saber until it hovered at your side, "You should really speak more kindly about yourself, Krell."

Krell growled and made a beeline for the observation window. You yelled into your comm, "He's coming down!" You temporarily shut off your saber so you could undo the fake sole of your boot and retrieve your beskad, "I need medics at the command station immediately! I want some to stay on the ground as well!"

While the remaining men would need to take the elevator down, you jumped out the same window as Krell and braced yourself for landing using the Force. The first thing you noticed when you touched down was Krell's Force signature. He was no longer hiding how dark it had truly become.

"You've Fallen!" You accused, pointing both of your blades at him and drawing his attention away from the Vode.

Krell laughed and lunged forward, you ducked under his first strike and met the second, "This war has only made me realize how weak the Order has become. Once this campaign fails, and I have killed you, Count Dooku will see that I am worthy to be his next apprentice."

Jumping back from Krell to take a moment to catch your breath and center your mind, you let out a shocked laugh. Your instincts were crying out for blood, for justice. You were inclined to give in to them. Especially when someone as stupid as Pong Krell thought that he knew the true power of the Dark Side and could become an apprentice within it.

It was hysterical, truly, and you knew you had given into the Dark Side when your desire for justice turned into a longing for revenge drenched in amusement at his words, "You think you've touched the Dark Side Krell? I'll show you the Dark Side."

All the anger over the unnecessary pain caused to your brothers, your friends, and your family, washed over you in a tidal wave of darkness and aggression, and rather than fight it you allowed yourself to get caught in the current.

Krell's eyes widened when he sensed the drastic change in the Force. Some of the men shifted nervously as well but they didn't falter, and you had never been more proud of them.

Grinning, you tightened your grip on your blades and struck. Krell's larger size didn't matter when he was too slow to catch you, and his four blades were no match to your skill either. You were such an idiot for being so worried earlier. Truly, if you had just given into the Dark Side as soon as this mission began much of this could have been avoided.

Oh, well, there was no use thinking about it now. "Stay in the present, Padawan", as Qui-Gon always used to lecture Obi-Wan. Staying in the present certainly didn't save his life but it could save yours.

With the men keeping their blasters trained on Krell and shooting when you weren't in their way, plus with your merciless attacks it was easy to notice when Krell began to falter. When he began to realize he had been doomed from the start and he was simply too stupid to admit it.

"This is for my family," you whispered, bringing your beskad down in a righteous show of justice and cleanly cutting off one of Krell's arms. If you did it with your saber the wound would have been cauterized immediately. You wanted him to fear death, you wanted him to think that he was going to bleed out surrounded by the beings he hated most.

Perhaps you should end it right here and now. He certainly deserved it. Just as many of the Separatist war criminals you had killed did. Just as you did with the Sith Acolyte Hecatize, who had threatened only one vod. Krell was a threat to all of them.

Rearing your arm back, it was only a voice calling out to you that stopped you from beheading your foe, "(Y/n), we need him alive! Don't fall into the dark again!"

Snarling, you turned off your saber all the same. A lost arm would have to do for now, "Stun him."

Four stun shots hit Krell square in the chest, knocking him out instantly. You felt the steady presence of the Kanez around you - minus Sparrow and Screech, and Ink, who you knew were alive at least - Rex, Fives, and Boil were there as well. Each one lending a bit of their own weak light to help bring back yours. It felt impossible to come back to the Light Side after Hecatize - in fact, you had absolutely no desire to. This time felt different. The men were supporting you, helping you in a way they had never done before. It cleared the darkest of the thoughts from your mind and allowed you to think straight enough that you acknowledged your desire to be more Light again.

Sucking in deep breaths, you closed your eyes and reached out to the Light Side of the Force. It seemed to shy away from you, but you refused to let it go. When you finally got a grip on it, you heaved yourself out of the dark depths surrounding you and settled into a murky gray as you normally did after Dark Side use.

The nausea you'd been feeling this entire trip finally was too much to handle, and you turned to the side and expelled the contents of your stomach. It was a side effect you were used to by now and you simply wiped your mouth before straightening up again. Being a Gray Jedi was absolutely terrible at times. Even if you knew it was the right path, the path that would save you and your family, you couldn't help but think there had to be a better way than constantly switching. Wasn't the point of being a Gray Jedi to not have to switch between the different sides of the Force?

"Are you alright, General?" Bonus clasped your shoulder, and you appreciated the support.

"Fine. I'm assuming my slip will not be... downplayed in your reports?"

"You've always been crazy strong, General," Paints started.

"Yeah, and Krell was so mad it was throwing him off," Burner continued.

"It's no wonder you beat him, even if the fight was hard," Clik concluded.

You'd never loved your men more. Their loyalty was unmatched, and it only made hatred rise in you again when you looked back at Krell. Sparrow was treating his lost arm, tying a tourniquet around the shoulder so he wouldn't die of blood loss.

"Wasn't exactly a slip, though," Bonus chuckled, "You told him exactly what he was going to get and he couldn't handle it. The Dark Side is terrifying and really badass."

"Only on you, though," Clik amended when you shot Bonus a withering look, "Cause we know you'd never hurt us and you hate using the Dark Side anyway."

"Mostly because it makes me feel like kark," you sighed, closing your eyes as if it would chase away the potential migraine that was forming. Another side effect of switching sides of the Force so rapidly, "Take Krell to holding. Clik, you're with me. Let's see if we can get communications figured out and contact Obi-Wan. How are Screech and Ink?"

"Stable, but they'll take a while to heal, General. Screech nearly lost his arm."

Nodding in understanding, you closed your eyes and took a moment to wish the fallen clones well as they drifted off and joined the Force. They had done a great service that night not just to you but to their aliit as a whole. You would be sure that they were remembered for that.

Krell was a traitor, Obi-Wan, he turned to the Dark Side and was going to sell out this campaign to prove himself to Dooku

Oh dear, Obi-Wan's voice was disturbed, Waxer's platoon hasn't returned yet, are they-

Fine. Krell tried to make the clones kill each other by lying to them. I stopped it. Krell is in custody and I'll interrogate him soon

Good. I'm sorry you had to deal with that but I can't imagine how much worse it could have been if you hadn't arrived

I can't either. I don't... I was so close to Umabra. Why would the Chancellor send Krell as a replacement instead of me?

I don't know darling, but that's something we can't focus on right now

Right. We're still working on getting communications back up so I'll use the bond if I have anything else to tell you

Good luck

You allowed yourself an hour to assist with the wounded men and create a list of those that were lost over the course of the campaign. Surprisingly, Dogma was by your side the entire time assisting you. You assumed he felt guilty about being so loyal to Krell and was now trying to make up for it since you had assumed command. There wasn't time to talk to him yet but you would be sure to do so later. Guilt in clones was never good.

When that hour was up you went down to holding with Rex, Fives, and Jesse. Krell was immediately wary when you arrived and you smirked.

"What's wrong? Were things a little too dark for you, Krell? I'm afraid the Dark Side isn't as wonderful as what you thought it was."

"You have Fallen and yet you call me the traitor," Krell scoffed.

"I'm not a traitor, Krell, and I haven't Fallen either. But what I am doesn't matter. Tell me, why did you do it?"

Krell smiled, it was sadistic and joyous at the memories of the pain he caused, "Because I could. Because they fell for it. Because they're inferior."

"And why did you Fall, Krell? You were once a great Jedi."

"I'm no longer naive enough to be a Jedi, and it seems neither, are you. There are new powers rising. I've foreseen it. The Jedi are going to lose this war and the Republic will be ripped apart from the inside. In its place is going to rise a new order and I will rule as part of it."

"Execute Order 66."

"You were my brother Anakin! I loved you."

"Rex? What's happening?"

"I hate you!"

"Those men, my brothers, are prepared to die and take you and me along with them!"

That day in the Sith Temple - it was months ago now. You had visions about the end of the Order but by the time your meditation was complete you had forgotten them, they had drifted away into the Force like sand in the wind. But now they were coming back one by one, each one more devastating than the last. Is this what Krell saw that caused him to lose faith in the Order? This was what the future held if you could not change it like the Force had been urging you to do since you were a child.

"You're wrong. The future is always in motion."

Krell barked out a laugh, "Don't tell me you believe the nonsense that Yoda spews. Even he does not understand the visions he receives."

"I know it's the truth because I'm the one who is setting the future in motion," you were confident in that now. That's what Mother Talzin told you on Dathomir as well. You weren't meant to exist, your people, and your planet wasn't meant to either. The Force created it all for this period in time. Because you had to change it, "I'm changing everything, and I'll continue to do so. You put your faith in the wrong person, Pong Krell. Even if you lost faith in the Jedi and the Light Side of the Force, you never should have lost faith in my power."

Subdued, Krell seemed to deflate, "It is of no matter now. The Umbarans are on their way and they will kill you all and free me."

Even that he wasn't certain of anymore.

"I have all I need. The Force weeps for her lost child, Krell. I hope her cries are deafening to your ears."

Allowing the platform to bring all of you back out from detainment, Clik was already waiting for you on the main floor.

"We managed to repair the transmitter. It looks like it was sabotaged. A message from General Kenobi came through. They were successful in the capital, however, the remaining Umbarans are on their way here."

Thanks for the warning, you sent to Obi-Wan sarcastically.

Helix stuck me in medical for some broken ribs, I've been distracted

Bless that man for taking care of your stubborn kif, wish me luck

Jedi don't need luck

You resisted the urge to roll your eyes in front of your men and instead handed out orders, "I want men all along the perimeter armed and prepared for a full-scale attack. Jesse and Fives, you two know how to operate the Umbaran ships so I want you in the air. I'll call down some reinforcements from The Gray as well."

"Krell sabotaged the transmitter," Rex stated the obvious, "He's been against us since the beginning."

"If the Separatists get to him he'll turn over all our information- the defense codes, everything. He'll strike a crippling blow to the Republic," Fives added.

Jesse cut in then, "Something has to be done! We can't risk the possibility that he might escape."

"As long as Krell's alive, he's a threat to every one of us," Tup concluded, "General? What would you like us to do?"

That was the question, wasn't it? Krell has to be executed for the safety of the entire GAR. Despite your confidence in your men, the chance couldn't be taken. Still, the Dark Side whispers were gone from your mind now. Krell had Fallen, and it was your duty to take care of him as the lightest Jedi present. And yet...

"I can't kill a fellow Jedi. Whether or not he's Fallen I've known him since I was a child. He assisted padawans in training and once led a group to their Kyber crystals. I took an ethics class with him... it'd be like killing a vod who turned to the Separatists. Rex you... well, you know what that feels like."

Rex nodded tensely. He and Cody had been the ones to deal with a traitor at the beginning of the war, and they'd worked tirelessly ever since to reassure their brothers and keep up their confidence in the Jedi.

"I will kill him if I must, but I pray to the Force there is another option."

"There is General," Rex set a hand on your shoulder. He was shaking, "I'll do it."

"I can't ask you to do that, Rex."

"I'm offering."

Biting your lower lip anxiously, you nodded your assent and joined the men in their second descent to the detainment level. You couldn't kill Krell yourself but that didn't mean you couldn't watch- just to be sure he was actually dead once it was over with.

When the platform stopped Rex pulled one of his pistols from its holster and took in a deep breath, "Turn around. Step toward the wall." Krell followed the order. "On your knees."

Jesse dropped the field. Krell laughed, "I see my fellow Jedi doesn't have the guts to kill me themself, even if they took one of my arms. Captain, you're in a position of power now. How does it feel?"

"I said. On. Your. Knees."

Krell slowly dropped to his knees, "It feels good, doesn't it? But I can sense your fear. You're shaking. Aren't you? What are you waiting for? The Umbarans are getting closer."

"I have to do this."

"You can't do it, can you? Eventually, you'll have to-"

A shot went off, but it didn't come from Rex's blaster. Spinning around, you saw Dogma with his own raised. You hadn't even noticed him on the platform. You were too distracted.

Dogma's gun clattered to the ground when he himself seemed to realize what he had done. Five's put a hand on his shoulder to steady him as he swayed as if he might faint.

"I... I had to. He betrayed us."

"He did," you confirmed, reaching out in the Force and wrapping a metaphorical blanket around Dogma. He slumped when the comfort surrounded him, and then passed out completely.

Fives knelt down next to him and took his pulse, "He's fine, I think it was just too much for his mind to handle."

"He broke through the reconditioning and moved against a commanding officer," you knelt down and ran a gentle hand down Dogma's face, "I'm going to put in a request for his transfer to the 377th. Rest assured he will face no consequences for his actions. He did what neither of us could, Rex."

Who would have thought?


Twelve hours later and the battle was finished. Obi-Wan had sent extra troops to assist on top of yours, so the remaining Umbarans were either deceased or in custody. The Battle of Umbara had been won with minimal casualties after your arrival and you could not be more grateful for that.

The first thing you did after the battle was complete was file the paperwork for Dogma's transfer. He would do good with the 377th, perhaps even the Kanez - though that potential assignment would come later. Then you made your rounds to the members of the 501st, 212th, and 377th. Morale was low but not as bad as it could have been, and though it felt vain to say you were confident your presence helped.

The last group you visited was Rex, Fives, Jesse, and Tup. They had been hit the hardest since they were at the forefront of it all. Not to mention they had lost Hardcase during their mission to destroy the Umbaran airbase.

"What's the point of all this?" He asked, "I mean, why?"

"I could give you plenty of answers, Rex, but I don't think any of them would satisfy you, nor would they bring your brothers back. All I know is that this war will end one day."

"And what will happen to us then? We're soldiers."

All of them looked so hopeless when he said that, so lost. They were soldiers and they had never been given the chance to be something else. It broke your heart when you thought about it, and filled you with determination to make sure they could live normal lives after the war.

"Then you'll get to live. The Order will take care of you, never doubt that. You were born for war but you've become so much more."

"You're right about that," Rex laughed humorlessly, "I can't be upset about our creation, but I can be upset about why... right?"

"You- all of you- have every right to be upset about anything you like. I can't stop you, in fact, I encourage it. It's good for you to not repress those emotions. This is a war, I feel millions of lights in the Force die every day and I fear there will be nothing left of any of us when it's over. But we keep fighting."

"Why is that?"

"Hope. It's like the sun. If you only believe in it when you can see it then you'll never make it through the night."

The men reflected on that for a few moments before Jesse asked, "You read that somewhere or..."

Chuckling, you shook your head, "No, it's whispered to me sometimes by the Force when I feel like all is lost. It's not my saying, it belongs to someone else. Someone I have yet to meet." 

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