🪐Chapter Twenty-Six🪐

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"Those who deny freedom to others deserve it not for themselves"


Chapter Twenty-Six


Your master was calling. Once this would not have been unusual, you would have been elated to speak to your master too, but things had changed. The war had cut down the time the two of you could see and speak to each other, and half of that time was Council-related business. So when you saw his name on the ship's communicator you were happy, but not hopeful that it would be a fun catching-up session like you wanted it to be.

"Master, to what do I owe the pleasure?"

Your master sighed, and that meant things were already off to a rough start. From next to you, Drifter raised a brow. He also knew that this wasn't good.

"I'm afraid I did not call with any good news. The Council thought it would be best if I were the one to give this mission request to you."

Oh, that was terrible news. If the council of all people was trying to break it to you gently that meant this mission request was going to be terrible one way or another. Whether it was emotionally or physically draining, or a mission that would annoy you to no end. The Council had ways of trying to ease people into these types of things.

"What mission does the Council request I embark on?"

"Please understand, my former Padawan, that the Council argued that you be left off this mission. It was the senate, particularly the Chancellor's office that insisted you be put on the roster. We do not wish this for you."

It was still getting worse. Again, if the Council was trying to separate themselves from the mission instead of maintaining their neutral, unbothered stance then it would be horrible. Anxiety was curling around in your gut and the Force was swirling.

"You're killing me with the suspense Master, what is it?"

"Yesterday, a colony of Togrutas was captured from the planet Kiros, this was discovered after Obi-Wan, Anakin, and Ahsoka traveled there."

"Yes, they told me about that." Ahsoka was absolutely devastated that such a thing happened to her homeworld, and you did your best to comfort given the distance between the two of you. You wished you could have been there but you were finishing up a completely different battle at the time, one that had only ended early this morning.

"The colony was captured by Zygerrian slavers working with the Separatists, and a mission has been ordered to infiltrate the Zygerrian Empire to rescue them."

Your heart sank. You now knew why the Council was trying to separate themselves, and why your former master was so upset, "Please don't tell me-"

"It has been requested that due to your unique... position concerning slavery you join the mission."

"That's the official statement they gave? What a load of bantha crap. We both know it's because I'll be a good distraction. The Zygerrians will be too surprised to see me to suspect anything."

"I suspect that is their true reasoning, yes. I am sorry, dear one. I always did my best to shield you from the horrors of slavery when you were young, though I know you still had encounters that I was unable to stop. Going into the heart of a slavery empire is the last thing I want for you."

"I know, Master," you appreciated the sentiment but it still wasn't very comforting. Still, your discomfort had to be ignored in favor of the lives of the Kiros colony, "I accept the mission. Who shall I be working with?"

"Anakin, Obi-Wan, and Ahsoka were offered the mission and they accepted immediately, so you shall be with them." Anakin couldn't have been doing any better than you were. You would have to be sure to keep an eye on him throughout the mission and after as well, slavery was a giant trigger for him for good reason, "I shall send the rendezvous coordinates now."

"Thank you, Master."

"I am truly sorry, my child."

"I know you are," was all you could say in response, "May the Force be with you, Master."

"And with you. Please be safe."

Ending the transmission, the silence on the bridge felt overbearing. Many of the officers were elsewhere handling the end of your last campaign, but those that were there were openly projecting sympathy and comfort into the Force, as they had learned to do over time despite being about as Force-sensitive as a rock.

"Set course for the rendezvous point," you ordered, your voice much shakier than you would have liked it.

"Yes, Ser."

"General?" Drifter asked quietly, concerned.

Sucking in a deep breath, you spun around and forced a smile onto your face, "I think I'm going to go to the training room."

Word must have spread through the comm channels because every clone you came across was leeching their silent support for you into the Force, though they gave you a wide berth. When you got to the training room it was nearly empty, aside from the Kanez who tried to act natural when you arrived. You sent Drifter - who had followed you the entire way - an accusatory glance but he shrugged it off and went to join his brothers.

On your last visit to the Temple, you had ordered some advanced training droids to keep up with your Katas, as your normal forms had become much more modified to fit battle combat during the course of the war and you didn't want to forget the traditional movements. You activated all of them and lit your lightsaber.

Though the droids were meant for instruction they also were programmed with a combat mode, which is what you set them to. Each of them had four arms and four miniature blasters filled with small, harmless electric bolts. You dropped into the opening form for Soresu and began. While Soresu suited you perfectly at first, you quickly found yourself becoming restless. Restless and endlessly angry. So you switched to Djem So and the droids accommodated, amping up the number of shots and their response times.

You weren't sure how long you went through the Djem So katas before they also weren't enough anymore, but the anger was simmering and making you feel like you needed to crawl out of your skin. So when one of the droids got close enough you slashed off one of their blaster arms. It felt good, really good causing destruction to something. So you slashed off another arm, and another, and another, until the droid was all out of blasters. But you didn't stop there, you sliced the droid in half and the halves in half.

Then you turned to the other three, and one by one cut them all to pieces. Your throat was starting to hurt, and you weren't sure when you started screaming but that felt good too so you didn't stop that either. It was when the last droid was destroyed, and you were slashing at nothing but the scraps of metal and bolts on the ground that you turned off your lightsaber, falling silent.

Panting, you stared down at the scorching mess in front of you. It still didn't feel like enough, and it wasn't until you sunk down to your knees in front of it that you realized you wanted to do this damage to yourself, so you could feel something other than anger and sadness.


The first sob caught you completely by surprise. You had no plans to cry over this or do anything else of the sort. You were just going to release those feelings to the Force and focus on the mission, but here you were all the same.

A familiar form sunk down next to you, not reaching out but providing their safe presence. Then several other bodies did the same around you until you were surrounded and could no longer see the results of your rage. Rather than feeling cornered, you felt completely safe and secure, and you let everything out then.

While your throat still hurt it didn't stop you from continuing to scream about how it wasn't fair, about how no one in the Senate understood what it was like being so scared all the time, and how you had feared for your life and safety every day because you knew who was out there. One of the first conversations you could remember was your creche master warning you against leaving the middle of the group during outings, and it was then as a child that you realized you were different, and not in a good way. It was then, as a child, that you learned the world was dangerous and anything that happened to you would be because of something you couldn't control.

The Vode sat there and listened, nodding along but never interrupting. And when you finally tired yourself out and had a headache because of how hard you cried, Paints reached out first and helped you lay down with your head in his lap. Drifter was right there too, and Clik and Burner, and the rest of the Kanez you could sense but you were so tired and your eyes were closed so you couldn't see them.

"We've got you, general. You're safe."

You wanted so desperately to believe them, and a foolish part of you did, but the much more logical part knew you were about to face the very source of your fear, and you slept uneasily.


You woke up in your bunk early the next morning, your muscles sore but tingling which was a telltale sign that bacta had been applied at some point - specifically at your joints. It was likely Sparrow, and you were never more thankful for your medic.

Slowly sitting up, you grimaced, pressing a hand to your head. It was a raging headache because of how much you had cried and screamed yesterday. Just as you were thinking about how you wished for a pain hypo, a quiet knock came from the door.

"Enter," you called, clearing your throat when you realized how hoarse your voice sounded.

Speak of the dark god and he shall appear, Sparrow stepped inside with a canteen and hypo in hand. He handed the canteen to you first, and you were relieved to find it was water, which was refreshing for your throat and would help with your headache.

"Good morning General, we have an hour until we arrive at the coordinates. I have a pain hypo for you to relieve what the bacta hasn't and to help with the headache I assume you have."

"You're a lifesaver, Sparrow," you tilted your head to the side to give Sparrow access to your neck as he pressed the hypo in. It was a slight pinch before it was over, and you just had to wait a few minutes before it would kick in, "About yesterday..."

"It was an appropriate reaction to the news you were given," Sparrow dismissed your attempted apology, "As clones, we were told from a young age to keep our emotions in check, but that doesn't mean we don't feel them. Many times we've wanted to do or have done something similar to you. Just know that in the future if you feel as though talking those feelings through would be more productive, then any of us would be more than willing to listen to you. Consider it repayment for all you have done for us."

"Thank you, Sparrow, I appreciate it more than you know. Now, I desperately need to step in the sonic before I do anything else."

"Of course, contact me if you have any health concerns."

When Sparrow was gone you rolled out of bed and noted that your outer tabards and boots had been taken off. Your boys had taken good care of you. You weren't sure where you would be without them, especially given the news you received yesterday.

You quickly cleaned yourself up in the sonic and prepared yourself for the day. You finished off the water you had been given and made a quick stop in the mess hall for your morning ration bar and to refill your water. The clones that were there watched you carefully, and while it slightly irritated you, you also understood that they were just concerned for your health.

After you were finished with that you made your way to the bridge to check in with the officers and make sure the ship was still on schedule. As expected everything was fine. Part of you was hoping there had been some sort of malfunction that would slow you down. But the Force wasn't on your side with this one, sadly.

You spent your remaining hour checking up on the rest of the crew and making your way through the paperwork you didn't finish when the campaign ended. When the hour was up, The Gray pulled up next to The Resolute and The Negotiator. You boarded a small transport ship with Drifter, Sparrow, and Clik. None of them would be coming on the mission with you by your insistence, but they insisted on a compromise so you were allowing them to stay with you until the team departed for Zygerria.

When the ship docked Fives was there to guide you to the conference room where all of you would discuss your strategy. Anakin, Obi-Wan, Ahsoka, and Captain Rex met you in that room, several holograms set up showing different points of discussion.

"Obi-Wan," you greeted your husband with a tight smile, before moving on to Ahsoka and giving her a tight hug, "I'm so sorry, Ahsoka. Rest assured we will do everything we can to get your people back. Ani, how are you feeling?"

"Angry, unbelievably angry," Anakin admitted without much shame. Perhaps once he would have been scared to share his feelings for fear of being kicked out of the Order, but with yours and Obi-Wan's union, the formation of your familial bond, and his relationship with Padme he had come to recognize the merits of admitting his feelings, "And scared."

Patting him on the arm, you admitted, "I am too. Let's do our best to focus on the mission and we can work this out together afterward, yes?" Anakin nodded, "Alright then, what's the plan?"

Obi-Wan's lips tightened, and you knew that whatever plan he had come up with would work, but it wouldn't be pleasant for any of you.

"Because Anakin has intricate knowledge of the workings of slavery and the slave trade, he will be posing as a slave owner and trader in order to infiltrate the Queen's palace. Rex and I will be acting as Zygerrian guards and slavers, and Ahsoka... will be acting as Anakin's slave which he wishes to sell to the queen."

"No, absolutely not," you shook your head, "Ahsoka will not pretend to be a slave."

"I can do it, Master!" Ahsoka insisted.

Hurt flared across the familial bond, and you sighed. She was young, eager to prove herself, and woefully unprepared for the mission that lay in front of her despite her war experience, "Ahsoka, this isn't me doubting your skills. You are a teenager and should not be put in such a dangerous and potentially traumatic position. You've fought in many battles, but this is a battle you should never have to be a part of."


"If the queen or a higher up wishes to... test you, you would either be raped or have your cover blown."

Ahsoka's mouth snapped shut. The mood within the room became even more tense and somber as the severity of the situation sunk in. It had sunk in for you yesterday, and it had likely sunk in for Anakin when he realized who was behind this. Obi-Wan was an expert at compartmentalizing, and even if he had realized what this mission could become he would never let himself truly feel the impact of it. Ahsoka, on the other hand, was fresh-faced when it came to slavery, outside of passing comments and her lessons at the temple. Now, there was no choice but to accept what was to come.

"What do you suggest, then?" Anakin asked, tense but clearly relieved that someone had spoken out against the original plan.

You had been thinking about how to work this since the night before, and the answer was glaringly obvious despite your hatred of your own idea, "Obi-Wan, Ahsoka, and Rex will work to free the prisoners, Ahsoka can work in the shadows while Obi-Wan and Rex pose as Zygerrian guards. Anakin, your role will remain the same. I'll act as the slave."

Obi-Wan paled and his alarm rang strong through the bond, "(Y/n), no! They'll never let you leave!"

"I've faced worse before, Obi-Wan. I have as much knowledge about Anakin about slavery, I'll be better undercover in that role," you argued, every word of which was true.

Obi-Wan, while likely seeing the merit of your improved plan, still didn't agree with it, "We're entering the heart of the slaving empire and you want to offer yourself up on a silver platter? You're sentencing yourself to a fate worse than death."

"Perhaps, but I'm rare enough on the market to turn eyes away from any mistakes we potentially make, and I'm valuable enough that it would make sense for a powerful and influential slave owner to own me. It would also endear Anakin to the queen, showing that he wants to impress her."

Anakin didn't seem to be able to hold himself back anymore, "What if they try to assault you?"

You thought for a few seconds, "Anakin, you'll be there to buy not sell. You want your favorite slave to have a 'companion' of sorts. You're a possessive owner, you don't like to share."

"(Y/n), you must realize people will still try," Obi-Wan frowned.

"Of course, they will, but Anakin and I will stick together so he can supervise and prevent anything that potentially happens. Ahsoka, don't listen to this next part," Ahsoka immediately zoned out at the heavy Force suggestion behind your words, "Inside, simply keeping a tight hold on my chain should be enough, but if you need to prove that I belong to you-"

"No, absolutely not."

"It may be necessary to keep our cover and to keep me safe. I don't like it any more than you do, but it's a must in this case. I give you permission if you must, Anakin."

"I won't defile you like that." the "and betray Padmé" was left unsaid.

"Would you rather do it to Ahsoka? Or let someone else do it to me? Anakin, we must complete this mission, and something like this will come with consequences for both of us. I realize none of this is easy for you, but this is a sacrifice we have to make. You once said you wanted to become a Jedi in order to free slaves, this is your chance to do so."

Anakin nodded silently once. It was the best you were going to get so you accepted it and turned back to the others. The rest of the session was overcome with a dark and anxious atmosphere, as this was unlike any mission you had undertaken before - well, the others had never undertaken a mission like this. Since becoming a knight you had gone on one or two slavery operations with Quinlan and therefore had the most experience with how to go about these types of things.

By the time the strategy session was done, it was retirement time for the ship. By the time all of you woke up the next morning you would be on the edge of Zygerrian space and the mission would begin. Ahsoka went off with Anakin and Rex, and you instructed the Kanez with you to head back to the ship and watch over the 377th while you were away. They nearly refused to leave, but when you threatened to drag them back to The Gray by their ears they were more than happy to head back.

From there, you went to the room that you and Obi-Wan normally shared. He was sitting on the bed, arms crossed and a frown on his face. You knew that look, and you weren't in the mood to deal with it.

"Please don't, not right now."

"I didn't say anything."

"You didn't need to, I know that face. You were about to lecture me about how dangerous this is and you were going to try to change my mind - only to get frustrated when I didn't change my mind."

Clearly, you were right because Obi-Wan huffed and looked to the side. Sighing, you toed off your boots and sat down next to him, wrapping your arm around his shoulder and pulling him close to press a kiss to his temple.

"It's going to be okay."

"Things rarely end up okay, especially on missions like this. I don't understand why the Chancellor's office insisted that you and Anakin be sent on this mission. Even the Council disagreed!"

"I know."

"Neither of you deserves this. You shouldn't have to go through this, and Ahsoka shouldn't have to either."

"And you?" Obi-Wan hesitated to answer, "You're so quick to defend others and so slow to defend yourself. You don't deserve this either, Obi-Wan, but this is what we have, and we have to deal with it now. We have each other, and that is what matters."

Turning to face you, Obi-Wan reached up and cupped your face. His thumb brushed a gentle trail across the adieb on your cheek. Leaning into the touch, you closed your eyes and allowed yourself to bask in the safety and love that you felt.

"Obi-Wan," you whispered, reopening your eyes and meeting his, "Love me gently, please."

And Obi-Wan, sweet Obi-Wan, your Obi-Wan, did just as you wished. He guided you closer and pressed your lips against his. The two of you came together again, and a third time before any further moves were made. You reached out and slowly removed Obi-Wan's layers of tabards one by one until his entire torso was bare. He soon found it fit to do the same to you, and removed your clothing as well. Though he took his time with you, and occasionally paused to press a kiss or a small bite to a newly revealed piece of skin. Every time he did so it made your breath hitch, as every time with him felt new and exciting and just wonderful.

By the time you were completely bare, you felt the slightly tender spots that hinted toward marks tomorrow. The idea of such an obvious sign of your and Obi-Wan's devotion right before you were to be paraded around like a piece of meat spurred you on further, and you eagerly pulled and tugged at Obi-Wan's bottoms until those too were discarded.

The room was quiet, the only sound being that of your breathing of whispered reassurances to each other - said like an oath against each other's skin as you came together. And you soon did become one, as Obi-Wan was thorough but quick in his preparation before entering you, and you gasped out Obi-Wan's name like a prayer as he did so.

Just as you had asked, Obi-Wan loved you gently. During the course of the war, sex had become fast and desperate, as neither of you truly knew if you would see each other again after that. But this was perfect and reminiscent of better times together.

Obi0Wan brought you to your very peak and guided you back down even when he was lost in his own pleasure. He pressed gentle kisses against your skin and whispered to you how well you were doing, how proud of you he was, and it was exactly what you needed to hear.

And when the two of you were once again clean and tangled together in bed, you reached up and brushed your thumb across his cheek, where his adieb paint once rested.

Tomorrow you would be an object, a piece of meat to be gawked and leered at. But there, in that room, you felt loved, and seen.

The next morning the two of you woke up at around the same time and got ready together in companionable silence. You made a stop at the mess hall for breakfast and spent time with some of the members of the 501st. Every time you talked to them you were reminded that they were most certainly Anakin's men.

Then you met Ahsoka, Anakin, and Rex at the docking bay where your shuttle and disguises were waiting. All of you silently took them and changed, ready to begin this mission and end it just as quickly.

The slave outfit you were given was just as exposing and dehumanizing as you were expecting it to be, and it would leave no doubt in anyone's mind that you were a pleasure slave - as the marks Obi-Wan gave you the night before would also hint toward that. They would help further your cover if anything.

Anakin offered you his cloak as the four of you stepped onto the ship, and you gratefully wrapped it around yourself to protect your modesty for the ride to Zygerria. Ahsoka kept on glancing at you and quickly looking away, pale and in distress. You moved over to sit beside her and pulled her into a side hug.

"It will be alright, ursbi. I am strong."

Ahsoka nodded and leaned into the comforting touch you were offering, "I know I am not as strong as you, and I was excited to be in your place. I'm... ashamed of that, even if the feeling was temporary."

"You did not truly understand the nature and dangers of this mission when you felt that, Ahsoka. Now you do, and your guilt shows that you have already grown from this experience. I am glad it is me and not you who is playing the slave."

And that was completely true. As much as you hated this mission and your role in it, you would do it over and over again if it meant keeping Ahsoka safe. She was your child, and one of the lights of your life. You would die for her just as you would face slavery for her as well.

Finally, you entered Zygerria's atmosphere. The number of ships coming in and out of the planet was sickening, each one of them would likely be bringing or leaving with a slave.

"It looks like Zygerria is a popular place these days," Anakin commented bitingly.

"Whatever is happening is attracting plenty of high-class scum," Obi-Wan agreed.

Anakin smoothly landed the ship in one of the public docking bays. You took in a deep breath and stood, dropping Anakin's cloak onto the chair and stepping into the mindset of the slave you were meant to be.

Obi-Wan, Rex, and Anakin were dressed as Zygerrians, while Ahsoka was dressed as a merchants apprentice, or at least, what Anakin could remember of merchants apprentices from his short-lived time in the trade before being bought by Watto.

"Let's just hope the information our spies gave us about the Queen is accurate. Remember, I'll keep her occupied while you locate the missing people of Kiros."

"How do you plan on keeping the Queen occupied?"

"With my magnetic charm, of course," Anakin's smile was tight as he attempted the joke, but at least small chuckles were spared in the wake of it, "Hold on to this, will you, buddy?"

You, Obi-Wan, Anakin, and Ahsoka tossed R2 your sabers for safekeeping and to keep your cover in case you were discovered. Then the four of you disembarked and entered the palace city. The entire atmosphere made you sick.

"Ugh! How can a civilization this advanced still practice slavery?" Ahsoka asked bitterly as she got her first true look at slave culture.

"It makes them wealthy and powerful at the expense of others. Before the Hutts bought my mother, she was sold in a market just like this. The two of us were sold together once after that."

Placing a hand on Anakin's shoulder, you tried to play it off as an affectionate touch so it wouldn't be suspicious to the already numerous eyes on you.

"She is safe and free on my planet, Anakin. Slavers will never touch her again."

The reminder seemed to make Anakin feel better, and some of the tension in his shoulders left. Up ahead was a small group of twi'lek slaves ranging in ages, and one of the males fell to the ground from what you assumed was either exhaustion or malnourishment. From the state of him, it could be either.

The Zygerrian guiding him wasn't pleased with that, "Get up, you useless skug."

"Master, the bonds, they are too heavy."

"Tell it to my whip," the guard pulled his weapon, and Ahsoka was gone from your side in seconds. She grabbed the Zygerrian's wrist before the hit could land, a scowl on her face.

"You don't want to do that."

"You dare touch me!"

"Excuse my seller apprentice," Anakin smoothly stepped into his own character, "She's new and still being trained. She hasn't earned respect for the true masterminds behind the trade yet."

Two more Zygerrins - guards this time - ran forward at the apparent altercation. The Zygerrian looked over Anakin, then looked over to you. His eyes lingered on all the skin your outfit purposefully failed to cover and his expression became lecherous.

"Hmm. What have we here? You wear Zygerrian armor, but you are not one of us. Not to mention the expensive commodity you have with you. Who are you?"

Anakin reached out and took hold of the chain connected to the atrocious collar around your neck. For both of you it was a twisted sense of security, for the Zygerrians it would remind them who you "belonged to", "I've come for an audience with the Queen."

"Then you have an invitation? We can't just let anyone in to speak with Her Majesty."

"No invitation, but I do bring news, news the Queen will be eager to hear."

"I doubt that, you're nothing more than a brigand with expensive taste."

"I wouldn't say that, especially when the Queen learns you prevented her from hearing the news about Bruno Denturri."

"Halt! Cease all hostilities. This man is to be escorted to the palace, by order of the Queen," a monitor droid stepped in before things could get worse, and behind your back, you motioned for Rex, Obi-Wan, and Ahsoka to slip away into the crowd.

Guards escorted you to the ornate palace, where slaves were tittering about under watchful eyes, too scared to even stop and look at you. The queen sat on a gaudy throne with birds surrounding her.

"Make certain all preparations are complete for this evening," the queen took one look at you and Anakin and added, "And fetch refreshments."

"My Queen, I present Lars Quell."

"Hmm. So, you are the man who claims to be acquainted with Bruno Denturri?"

"Yes, Your Highness. However, when I spoke with him he failed to describe your beauty," Anakin's resentment and disgust flowed thick through the bond, though it just blended in with the rest of the negative feeling none of you could seem to release into the force.

The queen chuckled, "Really? And did Bruno speak of my intense hatred of him? Or did that escape his memory as well?"

"He needed not speak of it, Your Majesty. In fact, Bruno Denturri will not be speaking ever again."

"What do you mean?"

"Bruno Denturri is dead by my hand. Here is a slave from his palace, compensation for my efforts."

Anakin tugged on your chain and you turned your head away in shame you didn't need to fake. He tugged once more and you exclaimed, "You killed my master! I have no words for you."

The queen looked you over with the same lustful gaze that had been directed at you your entire time on this planet, "You impress me, Lars Quell. An Otha is quite a prize. And to have defeated Bruno Denturri in combat, you must be quite the warrior." The queen stood from her throne and slowly made her way down the stairs. You dipped into a bow as she did so, only rising when he was right in front of you. She walked in close circles around you, brushing a hand over your shoulders and pressing a thumb into one of the marks Obi-Wan had left on your the night before, chuckling when you flinched away, "The slave is certainly of fine stock, although I see there is damage to the ears which is a shame - good Othas are hard to find these days. Still, Bruno always knew how to choose them. What is your price?"

Anakin had been staring at you the whole time, his face tight with poorly suppressed rage, then when the queen turned to him his features smoothed out and he smiled, "With respect, how can I price the beauty of this slave, when I look upon the magnificence of Your Highness, whose beauty would make the brightest star seem dull by comparison."

The queen seemed to love flattery and flowery words, "Lars Quell, you flatter me."

"No, Your Majesty, however..." Anakin leaned in to whisper something to her and you were never more grateful for your damaged hearing.

"Lars, stop it. Stop it! You are a bold one, aren't you?"

"My reputation precedes me then."

"Perhaps we can find a way to put a price on your slave. Come, walk with me."

As Anakin and the queen continued on, much too close to be professional, you trailed behind them at a respectful distance for a mere pleasure slave. As the queen continued to spew nonsense, you had to resist the urge to take your hearing aids out so you would be spared the lecture.

"Slavery is the natural order of things," the queen recited as a twi'lek slave hurried over with refreshments for the queen and Anakin, "The weak deserve nothing more than to kneel before the strong, bound to our service. I will need men with your talents to spread our ways across the galaxy."

The slave slipped a dagger from her sleeve and lunged forward before you could warn her against it. Anakin grabbed her before she could reach her target, forcing her to drop the knife.

"Let me go!" She yelled, pulling away and falling back.

"You dare raise a hand against your master? Clearly, you require further processing."

"No! I won't go back there," the poor girl stepped up onto the ledge. You reached out, desperate to save her-

"Wait! Stop!"

She jumped off without hesitation. You brought your hand up to your mouth in shock. Death was freedom for many slaves, and they chose it over life, but she... right in front of you...

I could have let her kill the queen and it would have been over, Anakin's conflicted voice flitted into the bond.

It will never be over, trust me Anakin. Her death means another will step up in her place, though that didn't stop you from wanting to be the one to enact it, to make her beg for mercy before you finally gave her sweet release just so she could understand a fraction of what her slaves went through day to day.

The queen tutted at the scene, "Such a waste. But perhaps she was more trouble than she's worth. But you, Lars, you are proving quite resourceful. Name your price, any price for the Otha slave. It seems I am in need of a new servant."

"It is with deep regret your majesty that I must tell you that they are not for sale. I came to Zygerria in hope of giving them a companion of sorts, you know how desperate they are to fuck," Anakin had his hand on your chain again, and he used it to pull you forward until you were pressed against his side, "Perhaps you may still gain some use from them. Imagine us, together, with them in the middle - doing anything we ask."

Revulsion rolled through the bond like a tidal wave, equal amounts coming from you and Anakin. He was playing the part well, however, and that is what you asked of him.

The queen seemed delighted at the idea, "You are a man of many surprises. It pleases me. I wish you to be my guest at the slave auction, and to sit at my side."

The Zygerrians have discovered me, Rex is still safe undercover. Do not tell the others and do not jeopardize the mission for my sake. I'm going to be fine. I love you, Obi-Wan sent the message through your Soul Bond quickly, and he fell silent and put up a strong shield just as fast. Any probing you tried to send back was denied, and you realized it was because he didn't want any of the pain he would undoubtedly be facing to filter through.

Clenching your jaw and your fist, you struggled to stay in character. If Anakin and Ahsoka discovered Obi-Wan had been captured then they would do anything to free him, but the mission came first. It had to.

The queen led Anakin away once again, and you slipped into a light form of meditation that would allow you to step back from reality without jeopardizing your awareness. It was the only thing you could think of to keep yourself from falling apart.

The rest of the day was just as torturous, as Anakin was invited to lunch with the queen before the auction began, and the two of them spoke of slavery and different values as if it was the weather. You still hadn't received a reply from Obi-Wan, and it was only the persisting existence of your bond that proved he was alive. You were beginning to grow desperate when the queen guided Anakin, and subsequently you, to her viewing box above the arena where the auction would be taking place.

"Your Highness, Zygerrians, and guests from a thousand worlds, our auction begins with slaves of unmatched quality and impossible quantity. I give you Togruta from the Kiros System!" And there was exactly what you were searching for. The Kiros governor was pushed into the arena, and he limped out to the sound of uproarious cheering, "This handsome sample represents a lot of numbering, no less than 50,000 beings." Familiar beings in the Force pinged in your peripheral, and you spotted Rex and Ahsoka hiding out near a pillar, "Note the compliance. Virtually untrained in combat. There will be no rebellion from these slaves."

"So where do you keep 50,000 slaves, like the people of Kiros?" Anakin asked casually. The queen smiled and seemed nearly ready to answer before the man you now knew to be the Zygerrian prime minister Atai Molec hurried inside the box.

"Your Majesty, I have urgent news," you couldn't hear what he was whispering but you knew it was related to Obi-Wan. Would he be put to auction as well? Sold off and memory wiped as it had almost been once when he was a padawan?

The queen listened intently and waved Molec away when he was finished, turning to Anakin and vaguely saying, "All will be revealed in time," she then stood and walked to the edge of the balcony, "Before we begin the auction, I would welcome a most special guest, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Jedi Knight!"

He looked terrible and severely beaten. When you reached out this time, he finally answered - this time in the familial bond.

I'm sorry, but we must continue on with the mission. Do what you must.



No! I will not hear it. We must free the people of Kiros.

"Down with the Jedi!"

"The Jedi are not so tough."

"My friends, my good friends, do not fear the Jedi. They are no different from others we have forced into submission, for they have forsaken their ideals to serve a corrupt Senate. Every Jedi has become a slave to the Republic. The Jedi Order is weak, and we will help break it," the queen held out a whip to Anakin, and ordered, "Teach the Jedi his place."

Anakin picked up the whip and nodded once before leaving the box and heading down to the arena. Anakin stopped behind Obi-Wan, hesitating.

Do what you must Anakin, I can handle it

Anakin activated the whip.

"Prove to me you are a slaver. Swing that whip, or die beside him."

I can't do it


Bowing deeply, Anakin said, "You leave me no choice, highness," and sent a salute to the box. Then he used the whip against the closest guard.

R2 chittered excitedly and released Obi-Wan, Ahsoka, and Anakin's lightsabers. The queen seemed shocked, but not entirely so as she yelled, "Guards, subdue them!"

"(Y/n) the queen!" Obi-Wan yelled up to the box just as R2 released your saber as well.

You killed the guard next to you and the two behind you with their own deflected blaster shots. Then you turned to the queen and held your saber against her throat, almost nothing holding you back from cutting her head off right then and there.

Just like you did to the Sith acolyte-

Do it

Do it

It is well deserved

You will do right by the slaves

Free them

Free yourself

Allow her to suffer as they have suffered

Just as you brought your arm back to swing your saber and decapitated her, something pricked your bare arm. Glancing down, you saw a sizable dart sticking out. The effects were immediate, and you stumbled back, instinctively turning off your lightsaber so you wouldn't harm yourself.

Your balance went first and you were on the ground, your vision was going next, though your hearing was mostly intact. That was a curse, as you could hear the queen walk over to you and whisper in your ear, "You're mine now."

Then it was all black.


You woke up in a lavish bed, groggy and sore. Sore- you assumed the worst and immediately looked yourself over. You were still completely dressed and there were no signs of assault anywhere on your body. The soreness was likely an aftereffect of the dart. You thanked the Force for that.

Your former collar had been switched out with a new one, one that you knew had electric shock capabilities. There was something poking at your neck too, which you knew to be an injector of some kind. Likely for aphrodisiacs.

"Ah, you are awake, good, I was hoping you would," the queen stepped inside the room with little care for whatever state you could have been in. Anakin was right behind her, and since he no longer had a part to play he didn't bother trying to hide the anger and disgust on his face.


"Silence, Skywalker, it is not your time to speak," the queen fished a remote out of the flowy fabric of her dress and pressed one of two buttons on it. You flinched at the familiar feeling of a needle entering your throat, "In one hour they will be desperate for relief, and while I would nothing more than for us to provide it to them - training is required. I suspect this simple act will break them down, and we shall remake them together."

Anakin was shaking, and so were you. Your assumption was correct, drugs had just been released into your system to heighten your libido and increase your aphrodisiac production in order to make it easier for the Zygerrias to assault you. If you had any food in your stomach you would have thrown it up, but you hadn't eaten since early that morning - or perhaps it was the day before. You weren't sure how long you were out.

"Oh, and one more thing," the queen approached, and when you tried to get away the collar released a short but powerful shock that left you reeling. She reached up to your ears and removed your hearing aids, leaving you stunned for a moment as your hearing was so forcefully taken away. The queen was close enough that you could make out most of what you said next, and you could read her lips for the rest, "Damaged goods, but at times that is useful."

The queen left the room, unbothered, and Anakin stayed behind for just a moment, tears in his eyes.

"Go," you signed to him, lying back against the bed, "I'll survive."

You closed your eyes so you didn't have to see Anakin's response. No matter what it was, it wouldn't have made you feel better.

It was hard to explain the true effects of the drug as it set in, as you didn't feel as though your libido was heightened. Rather, it felt more like an itch that you couldn't scratch. You felt hot and sweaty and you knew what could solve that but you would not be consenting to any attempts. Nor would you allow it.

As the queen said, the drug took full effect after an hour, but you were still left alone. It could have been another hour, or two, but it felt like a thousand. At one point another injection was made, just as you felt as though the drug was wearing off. It was then that you realized this was all part of breaking you down. You were going to be made to suffer until you were so desperate that you would barely fight back, but the queen didn't know who she was dealing with. She underestimated your kind and she underestimated you. You would not be made into a slave, and you would not be raped.

When the second injection reached its peak, two Zygerrians, one male and one female entered the room. Both were clearly eager and approached the bed with excited whispers that you could make out. As soon as the male reached out you lunged forward and bit. So hard that you broke through the skin, and even then you kept going until he was screaming so loudly that you could hear it clearly. The female pulled out a remote and activated the shock on your collar. You screamed through clenched teeth as you refused to let go.

The male grabbed you by your hair and forcefully pulled you back, several strands ripping out along the way. You kicked him so hard in the ribs you swore you could feel them cracking under you. The female delivered another shock. Through the pain and haze, you turned to her and lunged. You went for the eyes, clawing as deeply as you could, not stopping when she started to bleed or when you knew you could just pull and her eyes would be gone. It would be divine justice, wouldn't it? The queen took what you needed to hear so you would take what one of her people needed to see. You grabbed the remote from her limp hand and smashed it with your heel, then you went back to her and smashed her head twice against the ground.

The male wrapped his arms around your middle and pulled you off of her, throwing you into the wall. You hadn't heard him approach for obvious reasons. Slamming the palm of your hand against his throat to leave him gasping for air, you then kicked him between his legs with as much force as you could muster. While he was wallowing in self-pity and pain, you punched him so hard in the nose that the cartilage cracked and blood spurted out across your face. When you reared back again to hopefully smash his face in, his head twisted to the side and he fell to the ground dead from a snapped neck.

Glancing up at the door, you met Dooku's eyes, noting the disgusted sneer he was sporting at the sight of you. The collar around your neck fell to the ground in pieces, and Dooku tucked his hand back behind his back. He looked down at the two dead bodies, then back up at you, and simply turned around and left.

"I am not so callous as to condemn you to such suffering." He had told you once. He meant it. He truly meant it.

Running to the balcony of your room, you looked down and spotted the ship all of you used to get here hovering in front of the throne room window. It would be a long jump but you could make it. Leaping off the balcony, you used the Force to assist you on your way down, rolling onto the platform with a slightly pained grunt.

I thought we were going to save you, but I guess I underestimated you, master, Anakin told you through the bond for ease of use. It had fallen silent on Obi-Wan's end again, and you assumed they now had him under Force inhibitors as his end seemed to be a bit foggy.

The queen was laid down on the floor of the ship, her throat bruised beneath her bangled necklace. It must have been Dooku's work. She and Anakin spoke briefly, and she gave Anakin back his lightsaber. Her Force signature was fading, but she had a chance to live still.

They're on Kadavo

With the information given, you reached out in the Force and snapped the queen's neck as Dooku had done to the slavers attempting to assault you moments before. Anakin dropped the queen's body, sending you a shocked look due to the sheer brutality of your kill.

"Changing," you signed to him, leaving the queen's dead body behind. It could be thrown off the ship for all you cared.

Spare sets of robes were hidden on the ship for after the mission, and you felt intense relief when you put them on. You still felt unclean and dirty, and you doubted a sonic or water shower would fix that, but at least you no longer looked like a slave.

Also included were spare hearing aids, which you were glad the Force nudged you to pack. You had a feeling that you were more likely to lose them or have them be damaged on this mission than others, and you were right.

When you exited R2 was waiting with your lightsaber. You stopped at the bridge to speak briefly with Ahsoka and Anakin.

"Ahsoka, are you okay, what did they do to you?" You asked her worriedly, running a hand over her montrals and looking her over. She seemed physically fine but the first thing you'd be doing after this mission would be to schedule mind healer appointments for everyone - including Rex.

"I'm okay, they just put me in a hanging cage for a while. I probably had it the best out of all of us," Ahsoka admitted, pulling you into a tight hug that you were more than eager to return.

"Well, I'm glad that you're okay. We have a few hours before we'll reach Kadavo. I want both of you to change and rest or meditate. Auto-pilot can handle things for now, R2 please alert us when we're close."

R2 chirped in understanding before following Ahsoka out. Anakin lingered, and you could tell that he had much to stay.

"I'm sorry I didn't help you. I was a coward, and you were almost-"

"You were very brave on this mission, Anakin," you interrupted, eager to stop any negative thoughts before they truly started, "You faced one of your biggest triggers and sources of trauma and still completed the mission. You did everything you could to help all of us, and I'm okay. They didn't do anything to me, I didn't give them the chance. Now we are both free once again and we will free the others too, alright?"


"Good, now go change and call Padme and your mother. I think you need to speak with them."

Giving Anakin a hug just as tight as the one you gave Ahsoka, he whispered, "Thank you, teacher," before leaving the cockpit as well. He'd likely revert back to teacher instead of master for a while, which was fine with you.

Sinking down into the captain's seat, you let out a long sigh and dropped your head into your hands. You wouldn't cry yet, as that would be reserved for when Obi-Wan was safe and you could do it together, but the idea was very tempting. However you knew once you fall apart it wasn't going to be pretty, and you wouldn't be able to function for a good while so you had to wait for now.

Double-checking to make sure the holocomm was working, you sent out a call to your former master, who answered almost immediately.

"(Y/n), how did the mission go? Are you alright?"

"The mission is not yet complete. We were discovered and Rex and Obi-Wan were sent to Kadavo, where the Kiros colonists are as well. We're going to be staging a rescue mission."

"I am a couple of hours away from Kadavo, I can meet you there and lend assistance," it wasn't an offer or a suggestion, but rather a surefire fact that he would be there to help. His steady presence would be a blessing, "Now, how are you?"

"Not good. It was worse than I could have imagined. I was drugged, and it still isn't completely out of my system. They attempted to... but then Count Dooku saved me. It was strange."

"The Council has long suspected and perhaps hoped that there was still some light insight of Yan, it is good to see that we were not unfounded in our belief. I am glad you escaped physically well, my padawan, however, am I right in assuming you are mentally harmed?"

"Very. This... it will take a long time to recover from this."

"As is natural for great trauma. But those that love you shall be here when you need us. I suspect you need sleep, so I shall not keep you, but know I will be here if I need you."

"Thank you."

You ended the call and leaned your head back against the seat, closing your eyes and slowly drifting off into a fitful bout of sleep.


No longer going for any sort of surprise attack, Anakin landed the ship directly on one of the landing pads in the prison. It was no surprise that after the three of you ran off the ship, the cannons surrounding the prison turned and blew it to bits.

"So much for our ride home."

"What now?"

"Now we focus on breaking in," Anakin ignited his lightsaber and dug it into the metal of the door to break it open. You stepped to the other side and ignored your own saber in order to speed up the process.

"Anakin, I'm glad to see you," Obi-Wan popped up on the entrance screen, "But I'm afraid our host feels otherwise."

"You can't make everyone happy, Teacher."

"They're threatening to kill the slaves unless you surrender."

"I'm glad to see you're always up for negotiating, but I'm done making deals with slave drivers."

"You must realize this is a fight you cannot win alone."

"Who said we were alone?" Anakin smirked and dug his saber into the door once again.

From above, Master Plo's flight team entered the atmosphere and began their assault on the prison, allowing you and Anakin to continue on uninterrupted.

"I hope you told Master Koon to not destroy this place before we're off it."

"Yeah, us and the citizens of Kiros."

The door finally broke open and fell forward, momentarily stepping out of the way, you then ducked under and inside the prison facility. Two guards were waiting for you, and they were quickly and easily disposed of between the three of you.

"The controls are destroyed, Master Plo. There's nothing we can do from here."

"I cannot move the rescue cruiser in until the enemy cannons are destroyed."

"We'll take care of the cannons, just be ready to move the cruiser in. We're running out of time."

"I'm going to go help my people, I'll see if I can buy us some time," Ahsoka split off at the next junction.

You and Anakin exited the prison back out into the main courtyard. Each of you took one of four cannons. You used the Force to assist your jump to the top, where there were two Zygerians inside that you killed quickly, before removing one of their bodies from the control seat and taking over by shooting the blasts at the cannon across from you and slashing the controls.

"The cannons are taken care of, the ship can be moved in," you reported.

"Cancel that order. There's no way we can get the people out of the landing cell and up to the landing platform. But I have an idea. We need to have the cruiser moved underneath the facility. We can escape to the ship if Admiral Coburn can get in close enough."

"Understood, Ahsoka."

Trusting that the 104th was skilled enough to lead the rescue, you leaped down from the cannon tower and met a transport ship that would take you to the main cruiser. Obi-Wan and Rex were just behind you and Anakin, and you reached out and took his hand as soon as you were secure on the ship.

"How bad was it?"

"Reminiscent of my days on Bandomeer," Obi-Wan grimaced, and your heart broke for him. He rarely talked about Bandomeer, insisting he'd rather forget than ever relive what happened there, "And you?"

"Not much better, but we're alive, and we can heal from this. If we've done it before, we can do it again."

And so as Master Plo's ships destroyed the Kadavo prison, you let out a deep breath and relaxed with the knowledge that your family was scarred, but safe.

When you landed on The Triumphant all of you disembarked and you spoke with the nearest troopers about preparing the medbay to care for the Kiros citizens and to assure that your family got checkups as well. Obi-Wan didn't even try to argue, so he must have been hurting more than he let on.

"We thank you, the Jedi, and the Republic for saving our lives," the governor of Kiros said as he met up with all of you before he was taken to the medbay.

"Ahsoka is the real hero. Without her creativity, I doubt we would have gotten your people to safety."

"Indeed. Padawan Tano, might I have a word?"

"Of course."

Squeezing Ahsoka's shoulder, you gave her a smile before moving on with the others to make your way to the medbay before one of the medics tracked you down and forced you there.

You, Anakin, and Obi-Wan were placed on cots next to each other. Each of you had your blood drawn to check for further issues while also getting treated. Your medic dutifully ignored the love bites when you told him to leave them and only placed bacta on your other bruises.

"It seems as though I'm to be placed in a bacta tank until we meet back up with our ships," Obi-Wan told you as he gingerly stood up from his bed, he pressed a quick kiss to your temple, "We shall talk later?"

"Of course, Obi-Wan."

You noticed that Anakin was staring at you, and when you looked over he rolled his eyes, "What?"

"You two don't even try to hide it anymore."

"Master Koon is aware of our relationship and so are his men, there's no reason to hide here. Besides, you and Padme attempting to hide is even worse."

Anakin crossed his arms and pouted petulantly, which only proved that you were right. Chuckling, you sobered up when your medic came back with the results of your blood test.

"There are still traces of the drug you mentioned in your system, however that can easily be cleaned out with a drip. What concerns me is there seemed to be a strange drop in the drug in your bloodstream."

"What do you mean?"

"The drug should still be active, however, it was filtered out of your system unnaturally. Did you filter it out with the Force?"

"Oh, no, the drug dropped off around the time we escaped from the planet so I didn't think to. I thought it simply faded out... though it was sooner than I expected..."

"I'll look into it more, but it may have been a tolerance neither of us were aware of."

"Thank you... I realize it is only given in struggles, but I'd like to request a sedative hypo."

The clone in front of you nodded in understanding, disappearing for a short moment before returning with the hypo. You tilted your head to the side to allow access to your neck and flinched minutely when it was injected. Leaning back against your pillows, you welcomed the blankness of sleep.


"You have failed me once again, my apprentice. I am deeply disappointed in your efforts, and rest assured you will receive punishment for the embarrassment."

Dooku, his failure of an apprentice and even bigger failure of a leader, at least had the sense to look ashamed. It would not save him, but perhaps Sidious would allow some mercy since he had seen the error of his ways.

"Is there anything else you wish to report to me?"

Dooku paused, which meant there most certainly was something but he wasn't sure if he should share it. Most interesting.

"The Zygerrians captured General Pavond and attempted to turn them into a pleasure slave, when I arrived to investigate Pavond had overpowered two Zygerrians while under the influence of strong drugs. It... felt as though they were steeped in the dark side, and the violence they were displaying was staggering for some who should have been unable to move. It was as though they unconsciously used the Dark Side to cleanse the drugs from their body and used it to fuel what came next. We are both aware that Pavond secretly operates as a Gray Jedi and presents as a Light Jedi, however, I have never seen them completely submerge themselves in the Dark Side - not to mention how easily they came back once their targets were eliminated."

Oh, this was delicious. Sidious had slowly been planting the seeds of the Dark Side in Pavond as he had been with Skywalker. Sending them on the most difficult missions, killing or harming those close to them, and sending his own acolytes as tests. It was beautiful to see the fruits of his labor. At this point, Pavond wasn't even realizing that they were Falling and coming back. Sidious didn't want them to Fall entirely, no that would be too difficult to come back from. Sidious wanted Pavond to break to the point that they no longer cared about abusing the powers of the Light Side and the Dark Side, and as such, they would be a Force user as powerful as Skywalker - no limitations meant infinite power. For any other Force user to even attempt such a thing would most certainly mean either insanity

"I see. This is valuable information, my apprentice. It will be taken into account," Sidious had nothing else to say so he ended the call there, when Dooku was out of view he couldn't stop himself from giggling gleefully.

The path to the Dark Side was a slippery slope, and many often didn't know they were going down that path until it was too late. ANd when Pavond realized what had happened, and the despair and hopelessness set in when their Order abandoned them, Sidious would be there to guide them. To teach them. And when Skywalker inevitably fell beside them, he would be tethered to the remains of his family.

Sidious couldn't wait for the day everything would fall into place.

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