brains & beauty (2)

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Song: Lovewave - Chamber


Jisoo and Jeonghan weren't friends.

They really weren't. Heck, they knew nothing about each other, moreover, their lives. They just seemed to talk, although it was just a few sentences, Jisoo nodding most of the time, too subtle to respond. Jeonghan did most of the talking.

If Jeonghan hadn't went to the flower garden in the first place, both of them wouldn't have met. Jisoo had never seen Jeonghan around the school before, moreover, an upperclassmen. The older male had caught Jisoo's eyes so much, that these days Jisoo could spot the silky, black ponytail from around the hallways. His ears rang whenever Jeonghan's laugh echoed from a distance whenever he would walk home from school. His eyes could easily catch a small glance of a smiling Jeonghan whenever he walked around, trying to not look as obvious as possible.

To him, Jeonghan looked like such a confident, beautiful male. Like he was the one who owned everything Jisoo didn't. The looks, the friends, the confidence that always seemed to spark everywhere the older male goes. It was admirable. Despite owning all those blessings, Jeonghan had never abandoned Jisoo, nor called him a nuisance. Jeonghan had never told the boy he was a burden towards his reputation.

They had spent everyday in the flower garden, Jisoo looking forward to lunch more than ever. Jeonghan was what made him want to go to school. Jeonghan had sparked his motivation.

"Why aren't you eating anything today?" Jeonghan asked, sparing a glance at Jisoo who was staring off into the distance, his gaze between the white daisies.

"N-no reason, I'm not really hungry." Jisoo answers with longer sentences now after spending his lunch breaks with Jeonghan for several weeks. Something had hit him in the face after that, causing Jisoo to fix his glasses.

"Eat that. I know you're hungry." There was a packet of bread on Jisoo's lap now, the thing that Jeonghan threw at him.

It had happened several times after that, and Jisoo appreciated it, though he had always wanted to ask why Jeonghan never ate during lunch. The older male had never brought his own lunch to school before, and the only thing he brought was bread. Even though he did, it would always be given to Jisoo.

Jisoo brought him lunch one day.

That day, the sky was dark grey and Jisoo could feel the bad luck almost consuming him, negative thoughts brainwashing him, telling him to not give Jeonghan the lunch he had cooked, that Jeonghan would puke at his own cooking, that Jeonghan wouldn't come due to the cloudy weather, an ugly time to be watching over flowers. That was it. Jisoo and Jeonghan were complete opposites; one was the gloomy, grey clouds and the other was a pink, vibrant flower.

And yet, Jeonghan still came.

"What's that?"

Jisoo's pulse felt like it just stopped when Jeonghan had seen the container, another reason why Jisoo was labeled as a nerd, for bringing lunch to school like a middle schol girl.

"Is that for me, or am I imagining things?" Jeonghan asked.

How could he read me so easily?

"You never seem to eat during lunch so I just wanted to make you some, I'm sorry it really tastes bad, it's alright if you want to throw it in the trash-" Jeonghan had grabbed the container before Jisoo could finish, shoving a rice ball into his mouth.

"Bland, but not bad," Jeonghan comments, "It's amazing how you find time to cook even as a student.

Jisoo felt proud at the compliment he received, although desperately trying to hide a small blush.


"Hey fat ass, thanks for the extra homework today." A student shoves him, the poor boy's books dropping from his hands. The jocks laughed.

"He can't even hold his books properly," another one of them laughs "what a wimp."

"Give those back," Jisoo mumbles, tiptoeing, his arms stretched upwards as high as he could to reach for his school books that the taller boy held up.

"Not until you kiss our feet," another one chimes in, followed by the onbnoxious laughter of those jocks.

Swiftly, Jisoo's head was pushed down to the floor, his glasses flew across the hallway. He felt the dirty, heavy weight of the boy's foot on top of his stomach, stepping on him. Jisoo coughs in pain, struggling to push the foot away.

"Hey! The fuck you think you're doing to an upperclassmen?"

A tiny but shrill voice shouted from the other end of the hallway, causing the jocks to quickly let go of Jisoo's books and run, Jisoo witnessing his glasses crack, the lens shattering to pieces as one of them stepped on it.

It came from a small figure; her short hair bouncing up and down as she ran towards Jisoo to pull him up, brushing the dirty stain off his clothes even though it just won't do.

"Geez those stupid jerks; all they know is showing off. Shove them inside a haunted house and they'll be screaming their souls out." Eunha huffs, brushing her hands on her skirt and stood still in front of Jisoo, eyeing the poor boy who was picking his books up.

"Are you okay? They must've done that to you often, you should tell me if they do that again," She puts her hands on her hips and wags her finger at him as if she was his mom, Jisoo just staring back at her cluelessly.

It was the first time a girl actually talked to him without being disgusted.

"What are you staring at? Hello, answer." She snaps her finger and Jisoo blinked twice, fumbling with his books.

"T-thank you." He mumbles sheepishly, quickly turning around to pick up his shattered glasses, sighing at the thought of going blind for another week before he gets new ones.

"You should probably get those fixed. I actually want to go fix my contacts too," Eunha tells Jisoo, grabbing the books away from him to help him carry them "wanna go together?"

She was actually asking him that? Won't she be disgusted? Why would she ask him to come along? If he said yes, would she laugh and mock him saying that it was all a prank? Would-

"Can you stop dazing? Answer me quickly now, do you want to go together or not?"

Jisoo thought it would be worth it if he actually went. It's better than actually being blind for another week. Better than not being able to catch up on his studies.

"I'll go."


"You actually look pretty decent without your glasses on," Eunha compliments Jisoo as she watches him search for another pair of glasses blindly, squinting at the world.

"You don't think I'm fat?" Jisoo asks bluntly.

Eunha rolls her eyes, "Oh Jisoo please, that's the first thing you ask to a girl you just met? No heart feelings Jisoo, you are pretty chubby, but yknow, don't take it as an insecurity."

Easy for you to say, your wrists are basically bones, Jisoo tells her in his head.

"Now I know you're saying that I'm thin as heck inside your head yada yada, but really, stop thinking being fat is the end of the world! Be strong okay, Jisoo. You can't keep listening to those bullies. You gotta-" Eunha pauses and punches the air "-kick some ass."

"But I don't know how to kickas-"

"Shhh now choose your glasses, and I'll treat you to ice cream. Maybe that'll make you look a little less gloomy."

Jisoo actually felt worried the more he hung out with her, but he just went with the flow. Eunha looked like someone he could trust, although it was their first time meeting. Jisoo had never seen her around, and neither did she saw him. He thought she was one of those screechy second year girls because of her tiny figure and her looks, but of course he kept it to himself.

Eunha hopped down the stairs and outside by the street lamp where Jisoo was waiting, holding two cups of ice cream in her hands, handing Jisoo his.

"I got you mint chocolate." Eunha tells him, scooping a spoonful of her ice cream into her mouth. Jisoo grimaced a bit.

"But I don't like mint chocolate." He says, causing Eunha to look offended.

"How could you not like mint chocolate?" She asks, waiting for a response from Jisoo, but received none. She sighs, "Here, switch with mine. I got salted caramel."

Jisoo took it gratefully and ate happily, although there wasn't much of an expression on his face, Eunha was able to read him just by the speed of how fast he ate his ice cream.

"Hey Jisoo, where do you live?" She asks him.

"A small rented room nearby the school. Just a few minutes away." He answers, throwing the cup into one of the trash bins.

"Really? Lucky you, I have to take the subway back home." Eunha complains, finishing her ice cream.

"Want me to walk you home?"

Eunha looks extremely shocked at Jisoo's question. Jisoo was shocked at himself too. Did I really say that? Why would you say that? Do you like Eunha? The heck? I thought you liked Jeongh- wait stop it!

Jisoo purses his lips, "B-but like, if you don't want to it's okay because like- I get that you're kinda disgusted so like I'm sorry it was an accident-"

"What accident? You're finally opening up! Gosh finally. Word is word, now walk me to the subway and you can toodles." Eunha grins happily and walks faster ahead of Jisoo, the poor boy quickly running behind her.

The subway station wasn't that far from where they were, so it was a short journey. They had talked, and Eunha learned a lot about Jisoo, although their conversations would switch to other topics in a split second. Eunha liked the fact that she found someone who liked Bungou Stray Dogs as much as she did and someone who actually thought that the Doppo Note was actually pretty badass.

"Let's exchange numbers!" Eunha offers enthusiastically, whipping her pink phone out as he looks at him hopefully "come on! You could text me if we could hang out any other time."

Jisoo had doubt in her, "Y-you're not using me are you?"

Eunha huffs in annoyance, "Why can't you just trust me? Look, have I ever kicked you in the face after what was like, two hours since we met? Do I look that dishonest to you? Huh? You wanna fight? Come at me!"

Jisoo could only stare down at the girl who was attempting to act tough, her hair bobbing along as she swings here and there, pretending to be taller than him. He just had to laugh.

Eunha calmed down, "Geez, finally you smiled. Isn't that a pretty smile? So stop pushing everything on yourself and be a tad bit positive. I'll kickass if any of them come at you again. Roger?"

"Roger and out," Jisoo answers, saluting.

"Now don't get me wrong; I have a boyfriend so I'm just asking for your number due to friendship purposes," Eunha says, making a blooming gesture with her hands once she shoves her phone back inside her school bag "a new friendship is about to bloom."

Jisoo smiled.

"Eunha, why did you decide to hang out with me?"

"Well, first of all it's fun to discover new people, and I finally know that kid who aces his exams all the time called Hong Jisoo whom I've only heard of before," Eunha answers, shoving her hands into her coat as the subway nears, wheels screeching against the rails "And you pretty much look like a nice person. So hey, why not be friends."

A flood of people exited the subway once the gate opens, and Eunha turns to do a courtsey gesture.

"See you some time. Text me anytime, friend!" Eunha waves at him, walking away. Once the doors close she flashes an idiotic face at Jisoo, making him chuckle.

"See you some time too, friend."


"Hey Jisoo, can I ask you something?


"Do you have any experience with girls?"

Jisoo nearly, was way too close to spitting his drink out. Him? Girls? With that body? With that face? Jisoo?

"I've never really.." Jisoo trailed off, knowing Jeonghan got his point. What's this all of a sudden about girls?

"Why do you ask, hyung?"

"Nothing," Jeonghan answers, blowing the dandelions away "it's just that I kinda feel like I'm interested in a girl."

So Jeonghan's straight.

Wait- of course he is you imbecile!

"O-oh," Jisoo answers sheepishly. That was a stupid reaction, Jisoo thought. Shouldn't he be happy? I mean, it's the first time Jeonghan's actually sharing a piece of his life towards Jisoo. Yeah. It's a chance to get to know Jeonghan better. Wouldn't that be great?

"I was about to ask if you have some tips to attract girls," Jeonghan tells him, Jisoo getting even more curious. Who was he attracted to? Who did Jeonghan want to attract? Why did this matter so much to Jisoo? Why-

"You score pretty high in your exams right?" Jeonghan asks, Jisoo getting flustered over a compliment that wasn't even actually meant to be a compliment in the first place, trying to control himself as he mumbles a soft correct.

"Then I'm pretty sure you've read some tips about girls or something on the internet, since you read a lot." Jeonghan flashes him a grin, the one that will, always will make your heart flutter, including Jisoo's. Jeonghan was just so mesmerizing; and Jisoo didn't understand that; why he was so attracted to the older male.

"So like, do you think you could make me a book about some tips to date girls or to attract them?" Jeonghan asks, Jisoo still blinded by his beauty, nodding unconsciously.

Jeonghan smiles even wider and Jisoo's heart was about to explode.

"That's great!" The older tells Jisoo.

"But you know, hyung, for practice, I could be the girl if you want me to."


One, two, three.

Then Jisoo takes out a knife from his pocket and stabs himself repeatedly, in the head, in the torso, everywhere, and he was now dead, crawling to his grave so that he could be buried and not come out onto the face of earth ever again.

It happened in his head, of course.

WHY DID YOU HAVE TO SAY THAT? Jisoo's brain cells yelled at him, or his whole body, or it was just his self-conscious. He was really not making any sense now, feeling flustered at what he just said, panicking, scared Jeonghan would laugh at him.

When his eyes met Jeonghan's, his heart dropped.

Jeonghan had a hurt looked on his face, and a slightly shocked expression; his eyes alert, his back straightened and Jisoo noticed how the older was starting to tie the stem of the flower into knots over and over again.

"Y-you couldn't possibly mean that, like, seriously, right?" Jeonghan asks shakily, letting out a nervous laugh as his eyes continued to look at Jisoo with that alert expression, as if hoping Jisoo would say no.

And as much as it hurt to lie, of course Jisoo said no.

"O-of course! I was just joking, hyung, geez." Jisoo chuckles nervously to lessen the awkwardness, knowing that even after that, things would just get awkward between them all over again.

Nice move, Hong Jisoo. Just when you guys were just about to get close.

"T-that's great." Jeonghan sighs in relief, the alert eyes gone.

The bell rings behind them, and Jeonghan plucked out another dandelion and handed it to Jisoo.

"Well, do your best on the tips then." Jeonghan smiles faintly, weakly, not like he always does, before turning around to leave JIsoo hurriedly.


"I need to get my head straight."

Jisoo sat in front of his study table, staring at an empty notebook that he specially, specially bought for Jeonghan to help him. He didn't know why he was doing this, or why he was sacrificing his sleep when he's got this quiz tomorrow, or why he had the guts to actually call a sleeping Eunha at 12am.

All for Jeonghan.

He runs a hand through his hair, feeling frustrated.

"No, I should be the girl, and I know how it feels." Jisoo mumbles to himself seriously, eyes on the empty book. He slapped himself once, then twice, and he doesn't even know what to do anymore.

Did he like Jeonghan? Of course he did! Jeonghan is just such an amazing upperclassmen who's got confidence and he doesn't judge people based on their looks, and Jeonghan loves plants so much, it's one of his unique traits Jisoo loved.

Oh wait, not that like.

Did he fall for Jeonghan? If he did, would Jisoo be considered as a gay? Wait, he wasn't gay, he's just attracted to men...and that's it.

Nope. That's definitely gay.

"Guess we'll have to keep quiet about that part..." Jisoo mumbles again, reaching for a pen and starts writing down in the new notebook, neatly, making a few cute scribbles.

The very next morning, Jisoo was restless, scored less than five marks on his quiz, his head was spinning because his lack of sleep, and more mocking, more laughing, and this time, with no Eunha to save the day.

But Jisoo didn't seem to care. The notebook was now filled with all sorts of tips and guides that Jeonghan had requested, perhaps even more than that.

The long haired male was already in the garden, watering the daisies that seemed to be blooming on that day. Jisoo took a deep breath and stepped forward, handing the book towards Jeonghan.

"What's this?" Jeonghan asks, questioned.

"It's, um, the tips you requested from me," Jisoo answers timidly, quickly motioning Jeonghan to take the book away from his hands so that he didn't need to make any eye contact, and face somewhere else so that he could hide his embarrassed self.

Jeonghan took the book, eyes wide as he skimmed through the pages, reading the notes that Jisoo wrote by hand, each word neat and clean. There were extra scribbles and small drawings, and it just overwhelmed Jeonghan in so many ways.

"Oh wow..." He trails off, at loss for words. Jeonghan did not expect that Jisoo would finish it in one night. I mean, some people even take three days to write things like this. How could Jisoo even...?

"I hope you use it well, hyung." Jisoo tells the older "and well; goodluck confessing."

Jeonghan smiles.

"I'll definitely use it well. Thank you."


One month later, Jeonghan had disappeared.

Not only from the garden, but from the school too.

Graduation was months away, and yet Jisoo didn't understand what made the older boy leave.

He had put it at the back of his mind, the fact that he was alright having to spend his lunch alone at the flower garden from that day on, that he could no longer see Jeonghan's tender hands gently touching flower petals, that Jeonghan was no longer there.

It seemed like the flowers had wilted too, with no one to take care of them. Once in a while Jisoo had tried to water them and cared for them exactly the way Jeonghan used to do, but it just didn't work for him. Maybe his hands were just not made for nature.

It was back to normal, everything. Jisoo had no longer felt the spark to go to school, he dreaded lunchtime, but he was able to ace his studies once again, gaining the top student title among all of the other students. The title did nothing towards him, no impact whatsoever, except the fact that it was used as another insult, as always.

While walking home from school, he had stopped in front of a bookstore because of the rain, and he needed some more reference books after all. He strided along the many rows of books, eyes trying to find the section specialized for school books.

But a long, black ponytail had caught his eye.

It was familiar in so many ways, too familiar for Jisoo; since he's had the image of that ponytail drawn at the back of his head. He knew, it had definitely, it had to be, Jeonghan.

Jisoo felt scared to talk to the older boy, but his footsteps were reacting before he even knew it. And so were his hands. Jisoo had tapped on Jeonghan's shoulder without even realizing it, and when the older male had turned around, all he could do was stare blankly without being able to say anything.

Jeonghan took a few seconds to squint his eyes at Jisoo to scan his face, and when he finally processed the information, Jeonghan said, "Jisoo?"

"That's me," Jisoo replies with a stupid smile on his face, eternally punching himself for the stupid answer he came up with.

"It's been a really long time," Jeonghan says towards Jisoo, grabbing the younger's hand to shake with his own "I'm probably sure you wondered why I stopped coming to school."

Jisoo nods, glancing at the amount of books Jeonghan had in his hand. Flower meanings, 101 tips towards gardening, the plant dictionary.

"Long story short, the school caught me working at my grandfather's shop and I was expelled," Jeonghan explains. Yes, working when you're a student is against the rules of the school. Moreover, Jeonghan was a senior, and the school definitely wanted all of the upperclassmen to score well so that they could enroll into a good university. Unfortunately, Jisoo thought the school's rule was a mistake. Students who were caught working shouldn't be expelled, especially seniors, since it's their last year here and it is compulsory for them to take their exam.

"So like, what do you do now?" Jisoo asks.

"Gramps passed away so I took over his shop," Jeonghan answers, looking through the arranged books on the rack as he talks "and I got into a school which allowed us to work, though it was a public school."

That's a waste, Jisoo thought. Jeonghan wasn't so bad in his studies, in fact, he was amazing at literature.

There was silence between them, Jisoo just watching Jeonghan picking out some more books. So that explains why he bought so many books relating to gardening. Jisoo figured Jeonghan he didn't even need those; his hands were gifted to grow flowers. Jisoo couldn't even water a plant without making it die.

"Hyung...did you get accepted?"


"I mean...the girl you liked the other day.."

It was a surprising topic to bring up to the point where Jeonghan froze for a few seconds, Jisoo biting his tongue till he could feel a tinge of salty blood inside his mouth. Stupid, stupid, greedy, selfish tongue.

"Oh, well-" Jeonghan says, jumping down from the stool he had stood on, fixing his hair right after that "I got rejected,"

"Oh," was all Jisoo could reply. He felt bad for doing a happy dance in his head, when he should actually feel sorry for Jeonghan who had used his stupid tips book as a guide. Jisoo didn't write any sort of shitty tips in there, he swore he didn't.

Maybe it was just a matter of luck.

"But ah well, that's a long time ago." Jeonghan says, smiling faintly.

"Y-yeah," Jisoo couldn't bring himself to apologize for the shitty book he had written for Jeonghan. He had failed Jeonghan.

Both of them walked towards the counter, Jisoo waiting for Jeonghan to pay for the books. He had forgotten all of his intentions to buy more reference books; who cares about that part now? Jeonghan was right in front of him, and that mattered much more.

"Guess this is goodbye," Jeonghan says, staring at the rain. It was a light drizzle, he had no need for an umbrella to walk home.

"I guess we should see each other some other time?" Jisoo asks, hope in his eyes.

"Maybe not, Jisoo. Maybe not."


"I moved to a different area, far away from here." Jeonghan answers, looking down at his sneakers. Jisoo couldn't tell what he was thinking behind that small smile; whether Jeonghan was happy to never see a fat burdensome ever again, or if he was slightly sad to part.

"Oh. Alright then," Jisoo swallows, holding out his hand "I hope we bump into each other again. Someday maybe?"

Jeonghan grasps Jisoo's hand and shakes on it firmly.

"We sure will."

And all that was left was Jeonghan's back that was turned to him, walking further away into the rain, disappearing from sight.

Who knew they'd be living opposite of each other after two years?


I just really love eunha omg i i made her a smol lowkey fiesty girl here and i actually like it ohoho

Actually there was also another reason why jeonghan moved but ill leave that for his story ;)

There is so much jihan going in here omg is this a jihan fic??? Wtf????

Wasn't happy with this chapter either but it's been legit haunting me for days and i cannot study uGh

Im sorry for not updating these days its hard for me to find time to write im sorry :')

There's a third part of brains and beauty where areum will finally appear lmao


Thanks everyone and have a nice day ♡

- Cee

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