brains & beauty

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Song: World's End Girlfriend - 点在について


The person who has everything now, once used to have nothing at all.

That was the epitome of Hong Jisoo.

Why does that sentence explains his life so much? No, it doesn't just explains his life, it describes it. It defines it.

It was true. Jisoo used to have nothing at all. No friends, no joy, no nothing. The only thing he had was his parents and his studies.

During high school, Jisoo was isolated. Why?

Under his bed lies a box of rotten, ugly memories of his past. It was undeniably horrible, and Jisoo hated those memories from the bottom of his heart. It was filled with childhood photos and school related memorabilias. He had never enjoyed school. Ever. If only his friends stopped insulting him.

Put a picture of the present Jisoo now and a picture of the past Jisoo next to each other and you'll see the prominent contrast.

High school Jisoo was fat and ugly.

The boy was just a late bloomer.

Flashing back to the days when he was fat and ugly and bullied and mocked by people. He wasn't severely bullied. He really wasn't. Just a few punching here and there, and a few jocks forcing him for his pocket money. Jisoo was too used to it all.

People didn't like Jisoo. Jisoo didn't like them either.

Everything had started in high school. Ah yes, a fat, ugly, acne-faced Hong Jisoo, who hated his own reflection in the mirror. Those days when his clothes consisted of the XL size and above. Those days when he was just so ashamed to go outside because he would be the center of humiliating, mocking laughter. Those days when Jisoo couldn't accept the changes that seemed to conquer his body.

First year middle school Jisoo was stick thin. He was loved. He loved anime, and even though he did, he was never a laughing stock towards his friends. Middle school freshman Jisoo was loved, was surrounded by people, was living his life. People stuck to him like glue, even the teachers.

They all left when his body changed.

On his first year of high school, when he had been fooling around all too much during middle school, his parents had put an end to it and homeschooled him. He was locked in. Despite all the knowledge that he has now, nothing could beat the wrath of being locked inside his house for so long. For two years.

The fact that Jisoo wasn't exposed to the world had changed him so much in so many ways; less talking, less trying, less everything. His mind consisted of education and even more knowledge, nothing else. Jisoo became introverted, unable to speak out his thoughts or stand up for himself.

His worst nightmare was enrolling into high school as a third-year. His parents had sent him far away from home to live in the middle of the city, to get into one of the top schools in Seoul. The people whom he knew there, his friends; they all changed.

He was no longer the beloved Hong Jisoo — he was a thing to laugh at by his friends. Although scoring top scores in class, people had called him nerd, geek, teacher's pet; much more. For what reason were they hating on him?

Jisoo was blamed for everything.

Jisoo was blamed for the homework they got by the teacher when he accidentally did one extra page for revision. One punches, two, three. His money gone. His nose bleeding. His left eye purple and black.

Jisoo was blamed for their loss during their school sports festival. For not being able to run as fast, for not having as much stamina as they did. A kick in the stomach, a twist on the arm.

Jisoo was blamed for their class being labelled as 'Nerd Stench'. Jisoo was blamed for their toilet cleaning duties. Jisoo was blamed for-

Jisoo, Jisoo, Jisoo.

What was wrong with them? What did they have against him? What did he ever do to them? Was being fat a crime? Was being ugly ever against the law? Was your appearance a criteria to get accepted into a top-scholars school?

He had a hard time. He always had. Jisoo never liked the school. He never liked anybody. Nobody, at all.

Jisoo had everything the other students didn't.

The son of the CEO of a famous banking company, Jisoo was born with a silver spoon in his mouth. No, probably gold. An only child like him was spoilt, but Jisoo appreciated everything his parents offered him. His mother, previously an actress, would probably make you wonder why there were none of his mother's genes inside his body.

Differences between him and his parents were what made him feel so insecure about himself.

The Hong family was supposed to be perfect and luxurious.

Jisoo? Jisoo seemed like their pet, with an appearance like that. Nobody expected Jisoo would be the son of a famous CEO. Jisoo was a nuisance. Jisoo was a splash of black paint that had accidentally spilled onto a painting, an unwanted mistake.

Of course, no words were enough to describe how or what Jisoo felt like. His present body now, it feels like someone else's. He felt like he didn't belong in that thin, fit figure. People and society had brainwashed him enough with Korea's beauty standards, Jisoo pressuring himself enough with them.

In the past two years, there lies a boy in front of mirror with his reflection staring back at him; the same boy with a pale body, excessive folds all over his skin, an acne covered face, an unhappy frown, an insecure heart.

Why did he have to be this ugly?

Why did he have to gain weight so much?

Why was being ugly so wrong?

Was being ugly his fault?

His insecurities had triggered Jisoo in so many ways.

And what had happened in his past was what made him unable to trust other people.

When Jisoo had started college, he had bloomed naturally, and Jisoo realized that. His folds were gone, his face was toned and chiseled, his acne disappeared. Drastic changes, as Jisoo would like to say it, though he wasn't sure whether he still loves the look of himself now compared to the past.

Hong Jisoo finally looked like the son of the CEO of a famous company, he was finally able to live up to people's expectations, to Korea's beauty standards. He could finally throw away those oversized jeans, and he needed new clothes that actually fit him, though he didn't mind wearing those oversized white tees.

He had left everyone's jaws dropped to the floor, had made all the girls stare in awe.

Hong Jisoo was not the same.

Now having good looks, and having a sexy brain at the same time, it was all a package. Everyone thought the same thing. Now all the girls wanted to ask him out, now all the guys swooned over to him to be friends with him, to be cool and to get some of his wealth. Jisoo never liked them.

They had changed because Jisoo became a handsome, young man.

Jisoo did not like that. He could never forgive them, although he was not the type to hold grudges, but he felt like he had the right to. He had the right to have a grudge against those people who used to treat him like a nobody, like he was so rotten and so disgusting. They were the same people who had pampered him now.

And now Jisoo had majored in accounting, acing all of his subjects, he had risen to the top without anybody's help.

What made him kept going?

To be specific, who. It was a who.

His upperclassmen, Yoon Jeonghan.

The first time Jisoo had saw him was when Jeonghan had entered the garden with a few bruises on his arms and a few scratches on his face. Jeonghan's lips seemed chapped, and Jisoo wondered what in the name of earth had happened to the boy.

Call Jisoo crazy, but the younger boy still thought Jeonghan looked beautiful.

It was just awkward silence all over, Jeonghan squatting down to check on the daffodils planted. Jisoo just continued to munch on his lunch, waiting for the unknown upperclassmen to throw a nasty look at him and call him names, wait for him to swing a punch or two at him for being so fat and ugly and stride off, Jisoo having to find a new spot for lunch tomorrow.

But no, Jeonghan didn't. Jeonghan didn't have a displeased look in his eyes, nor did he called him names. Jeonghan wasn't the same as other students, there was honesty and confidence in his eyes.  Jeonghan had caught the boy staring at him, Jisoo flinching at their eye contact and quickly gobbled up his food.

"You, do you like daffodils?"

The question asked by the older male had shocked Jisoo, thinking, deeply thinking whether the upperclassmen was actually talking to him or not. When he saw no signs of a third person around them, Jisoo knew the question was for him. Did he like daffodils? He wasn't sure. What do daffodils even looked like? Has he ever seen one before? Why daffodils?

  Jisoo just nodded slowly.  

"Thought so," Jeonghan had said, his lips brushing against the yellow petals, "Wanna know why?"

Jisoo nods again.

"Daffodils symbolizes new beginnings and a sense of rebirth. I felt like there'll be something, something much more better that's coming for both of us in the near future. A change, I guess. We both will be two completely new people, our lives won't be the same ever again."

What Jeonghan had said, had all came true.



first of all kudos to youngji aka @cluelesswreck for helping me with jisoo's story much applause for her ayayayay

tbh i wasnt pleased with this chapter but then im gonna go continue writing it after this haha

anyway yes jisoo's story is linked with jeonghan's and there'll probably be a lil fluff here and there altho cee said there wont be love but welp everyone loves mi sum jihan

also spoiler: suits smitten and sneezes isnt mingyu ;)

i really miss writing and although im not that happy with this chapter i hoped you guys liked it :')

have a nice day people <3

- Cee

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