love & letter (3)

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Sonicbrat: a matter of time


"Xu Minghao's a mute loser!!"

The two children laughed, scattering Minghao's books into the puddles of rain water. Minghao was just too scared to move, to protest, even more. Anger was surely welling up inside of him. But he couldn't stand up for himself. He just couldn't.

"He's not even saying anything, it's true that he's mute then!" One of the boys exclaimed, laughter following his sentence.

His books were soaked. The many drawings he had inked, they were all starting to fade away.

"You babies don't have anything better to do than picking on younger kids?" A voice approached four of them from Minghao's back, too scared to turn around. He was sure he's never heard of the voice before. So he probably might not be a classmate.

"J-jun gē," the kids cowered when their eyes landed on the taller figure, fear in their eyes. Minghao flinched when a hand rested on his shoulders.

"Losers," Jun comments, a look of disapproval on his face "cool kids don't bully little kids, idiots."

The three bullies somehow looked hurt when they heard Jun's words, backing away slowly. For the first time Minghao had seen fear in their eyes; those bullies who always picked on him. He felt thankful to whoever this Jun person is, for speaking up for him.

"You don't look like someone who would get bullied." Jun comments, spinning Minghao around to face him. They were almost the same height. Jun a tad bit taller than him. Well, he was in middle school anyway.

"You're tall, y'know? Plus, you've got that fierce look on your face if you stare at people, like what you're doing now." When Minghao hears Jun say that, he quickly averts eye contact, feeling sorry. Jun laughed.

"It's okay, mama told me you're the quiet kid in class, it's the first time I met you. I'm Jun gē." Jun introduces himself, although Minghao knows he was the son of one of the teachers in elementary school. Jun comes to help a lot, he seems to like kids even though he was a kid himself. Both boys and girls adored Jun in so many ways.

Minghao just nods in reply, too timid to say anything.

"You should at least tell me your name." Jun suggests, putting an arm around Minghao's frail shoulder as they walked.


"What? Midget?"

"Minghao!" The younger boy had yelled, louder than expected. Realizing the sudden raise in tone he quickly covered his mouth with his hands, staring at Jun back in shock.

Jun himself was in shock too, but laughed it off soon enough, patting Minghao's head, "Alright kid, I was just messin with ya."

"Don't let any big kids bully you anymore, alright?" Jun looks down at the boy, who was too scared to even meet Jun in the eyes. Minghao nodded slowly, looking down at their feet which were walking in the same rhythm; left, right, left, right.

"I'll take you back," Jun offers, carrying Minghao's small backpack for him "I'll make sure no one's gonna bully little Minghao anymore!"

For the first time, Minghao had laughed towards a complete stranger. For the first time, he felt protected. For the first time, in his whole elementary school life ever; he was able to smile.

That was the last time he had made a friend.

It was announced the next day about Mrs. Wen's leave. He had found out that Jun and his family had moved back to Shenzhen.


Geometric disciplines was the death of Minghao.

He couldn't stand it. Both the subject itself and the teacher yabbling on and on about it. The ridiculously large amount of projects that has to be done by all of the students, it was the ultimate suffering.

Ten seconds until his alarm would go off, countdown has started.

Students had already gotten up as soon as the teacher's alarm went off, signaling that class was over. And so did Minghao. Sure, it had a little amount of disrespekt, but he didn't need any more suffering.

Other people had shouldered him by accident, and although Minghao would say his arms were pretty buff, he still stumbled behind every time. He wasn't hated, people still liked him. Maybe just ignored?

Minghao fixes his bag strap and walks, stumbling into a familiar figure this time.

"Oh hey, finished class?" Jisoo asks him, eyes scanning the design related books Minghao was carrying. Minghao just nods in reply.

"I see. Well, have a nice day!" Jisoo waves, walking off. It wasn't likely of Jisoo to be nice to him, he's quite cold to other students; like he's building a wall around him so that the people who will truly want to approach him climb it, by hook or by crook. Was Minghao one of those people? He didn't even climb the wall. Jisoo had cracked a small hole for him to go in.

'You and your metaphors.' Minghao thought to himself, walking out of the building. He had projects to do, wanting to head to the cafe that was just minutes away, but he had to save up his expenses. He's already spent half his money for supplies this month, he still needs to survive.

"Maybe just Seokmin's deli." The random thought pop up in his head, causing him to make a U-turn, back to the subway station. Carrying his two bags were already tiring, both from carrying supplies that he got amd the books he had carried. Originally, Minghao had planned to go to the library and wait for Jisoo to ask him to tutor him at some computing,  but now that he's missed the chance, that just isn't happening anymore.

The train wasn't as crowded since he was one of the most earliest people to get on during rush hour. There were plenty of seats he could choose from, though being the idiot he was, he chose to stand up.

He started making a to do list inside his head; probably do some laundry today, get some food since he hasn't been eating properly these days, and beg his editor to extend his deadline.

Why did he even decide to become a manhwa artist in the first place anyway? He knew it wasn't a good idea: especially for an architecture student. He's got no time to squeeze, and if he does, that just means the more he loses his sleep.

His stomach growled, but somehow he felt like there was no room to eat. He needed to, though; he never catches up with breakfast, and these days he seems to skip lunch and dinner too. Minghao couldn't help but munch on those bittersweet coffee flavoured candies to keep him awake during projects. And that's what he's been consuming.

Minghao sighs, his grip on the handle bar starting to loosen. Did he catch a fever? No, he felt perfectly fine when he was in class, and when he ran into Jisoo, so why a headache now? It's not like he drenched himself in the rain yesterday. Heck, it barely even rained.

His shoulder was starting to hurt from all the things he had shoved inside his bag. Plus the books he was holding. It was ridiculous. His life was ridiculous.

'Three more stops,' Minghao thought to himself 'three more stops and you'll be home.'

Well, let's just say Minghao didn't make it.

The train shook to a stop, Minghao leaning forward due to the sudden force, and when he stands up straight again, the world was spinning, his skull feeling heavier than ever

Minghao passed out.


Minghao's eyes flutter open to Areum's face just inches away from his.

He was probably sure the moment he woke up his body wasn't even working properly, yet his brain sent alarms off in his head and his ears hurt from all the sirens and beeps but Minghao couldn't help it; the tip of his ears had turned red.

"Are you okay?" Areum asks (more like screeches), a worried expression plastered on her face. Minghao wondered why Areum would get so worried over someone she doesn't know; moreover a stranger, but that part of her was what he liked. Areum was really kind and he knows that.

And well, Areum's never seen someone wake up that peacefully before. Probably no one, no one at all in this world wakes up with their eyes fluttering open. Now that she's seen it herself, she probably thinks only Minghao could pull it off.

Minghao still couldn't help but continuously stare like the creep he thinks he is, still scared to speak to his crush. Areum was even more worried at why he didn't reply.

"Hello? Did you lose your voice too?" Areum asks, Minghao becoming alert at the question. Technically, he's lost his voice a long time ago; it just came back once he ended highschool or so.

"I'll take that as a yes," Areum answers herself, moving away from Minghao "good thing Jisoo found you passed out at one of the subway staions, or else you'd probably end up in the hospital."

Minghao wondered what it was like when he passed out. He must've made a scene in the subway, or maybe nobody even noticed him until he reached a station with many people. Did people make a huge crowd around him? How did Jisoo find him? And why is Areum here?

Areum gets up and walks to Minghao's study table, studying his recent work, "Hey, I didn't know you published a manhwa! Man, no wonder you passed out; your deadline's supposed to be tomorrow."

Minghao just scratches the back of his head, a sudden rice ball shoved towards his face.

"Eat that. You look so pale, I'm probably sure you haven't eaten in days." Areum told him, which Minghao hated to admit that what she said was correct, anyway. Silly him, did he just make Areum worry?

"Are all college students like this? Or am I the only one who takes my meals properly?" Areum wonders, a hand on her chin "when I first met Jisoo he was pale white too. What major are you?"

Minghao just stares at her blankly, still debating on whether to answer her or stay quiet. It took a while for Areum to actually get the point that he didn't want to speak, and although she wonders why, she took a guess that it was something private, something that she better not ask about. Or wait for him to tell her, which us ironic, because he's not talking.

Areum squints her eyes, scanning the room for an answer. She sees large pieces of drawing sheets lying down on the floor, the pencils of different shades, wow she feels like Sherlock now.

"Architecture!" Areum shouts, startling the poor boy "architecture student, right?"

Minghao nods, Areum fist pumping the air, "Those models you made are awesome."

Minghao tried his best to hide his smile that was slowly seeping out of his lips.

The door slammed open and Hong Jisoo rushes inside his house, carrying a plastic bag of groceries in his right and a paper bag that contained food in the other. It totally doesn't suit his appearance right now: Jisoo was wearing a formal suit for some strange reason. Minghao bets it's a family dinner.

"Minghao! Have you eaten? Yu're pale as a ghost, I was so worried, Jesus." Jisoo sighs in relief although the worry was still there.

"Jisoo brought you some groceries so I'll cook some food for your next few days so that you can just microwave it and go." Areum gets up and takes the grocery bag and walks into Minghao's kitchen, although still in the same room.

Jisoo had this stupid smile on his face, and Minghao had a bad feeling that Jisoo really wanted to say something. When the boy took a seat next to him he had whispered, "So, how's it goinf with Areum?"

If you look closely, you'd see steam coming out of his red ears. Minghao's 101% sure his fever might go up even more.

When Jisoo didn't get an answer, he looks closely, realizes something, and raises his hands in defeat, "Chill man I was just asking!"

"Not...your fault." Minghao mumbled softly, almost, almost audible. But Jisoo caught it. Of course.

"That's the first time you've ever spoken to me," Jisoo smiles in satisfaction, truly pleased at Minghao's progress "no wait — the third time."

Minghao raises an eyebrow, as if questioning when did he ever.

"You've said hi to me several times at campus, and a thank you when I helped you carry your stuff." Jisoo explains, Minghao's mind tracing back the memories, if they ever happened. Oh wait, they did. He remembered.

"Anyway, I've got to get going. I promised Jeonghan I'd help him with the flower shop. I haven't been there often," Jisoo says, slinging his bag around his shoulder. Oh, so the suit wasn't for a family dinner after all.

Minghao smiles subtly and mutters, "Looks like things are going well for you, huh."

"Well, can't really say that. And you should really go for it while you're at it." Jisoo tells him, tilting his head towards Areum's back that was facing both of them. Minghao shook his head quickly.

"Areum, I gotta run." Jisoo says simply, slipping into his loafers "take good care of the boy aight."

"Aye." Areum answers, saluting as she skillfully fries eggs. Not that eggs are that hard to fry, anyway.

While Areum cooks away in the kitchen, Minghao had suddenly gathered his courage up and walked towards the kitchen. How was he this brave? Has his courage ever existed like this? Did he hit his head or something when he passed out? Was he going loco?

"I-is there anything I could help...?" He asks softly, standing next to the girl. Areum passes him the frying pan, telling him to just pack the food into containers to bring them to classes. It'd be easier that way. Jisoo is such a savior, using his pocket money to buy his groceries for him. That would help Minghao's empty wallet for a bit.

"I haven't gotten your name, by the way, I heard Jisoo calling you by Minghao? Is that right?" Areum questions, putting all the kitchen appliances she just used into the sink. Minghao nods as an answer.

"Anyway Minghao, you should stop by my house whenever you need food or anything. I'll cook for you," Areum balls her fist as a sign of determination "though the groceries are on you, of course."

Minghao's pretty sure the stupid smile on his face made his lips looked like a squiggly line. No, he doesn't know. Sometimes he wishes he could know what he looked like from other people's point of view; so that he'd know what to improve about himself and lessen the idiot side inside himself. Though his idiocy is the most comfortable skin he's been in.

"I'll get going now, alright? You're still not feeling well so don't stay up too late stressing over perspective." Areum warns, putting on her coat. Minghao's pupils were shaking, nervously glancing at the drawer inside his table. Alarms were going off inside his head, again.

Should you take it out? Should you give it to her? Quick, before she leaves. No, you shouldn't, this is going too fast- oh god now she's putting on her shoes-


The girl blinks in surprise at the sudden outburst, Minghao's sudden voice explosion. It wasn't a bad thing, it was her first time hearing his proper voice.

"You know my name!" She grins, and Minghao swore his heart stopped "what is it?"

The fact that he yelled her name out of conscious was making things even more worse. He wasn't sure what to say anymore; he could only shakily open the drawer, grabs the piece of pink paper cut out into a heart and passed it to her.

Areum unfolds the piece of paper and reads the usual, neat handwriting she's seen several times before.

I like you :>

He had planned to give it to her in the morning since every Thursday she would stretch outside. But things weren't going as planned.

When her eyes met Minghao's, his ears were the reddest shade of red, and she noticed, though not voicing it out loud, of course. She keeps the paper inside her bag, zipping it close.

"I kind of guessed so," Areum tells the boy, making him even more flustered than he already was "you know, with your notes and all."

Minghao wasn't sure to cry or cringe when he remembers all the cheesy things he'd written to her, and the fact that his identity is revealed in such a short amount of time, makes it even worse. He's never imagined passing out before. He's never imagined waking up to her face that close to his. He's never imagined talking to her.

"Thank you, the notes were really cute!" Areum comments, showing him the two previous pink papers he had gave her "I brought them along with me since they're kind of like a booster for the day..? Which is totally a bonus."

"Minghao, thank you so much but I'm not planning to be in a relationship with anyone right now." Areum tells him, trying to hide the guilt in her voice. It was almost impossible, though.

"You'll totally find the right person. Trust me! You towards me; it's sort of a love at first sight thing." Areum says, taking off her shoes just to walk in and pat his shoulders again "let's still be best friends, alright?"

Minghao nods slowly, trying his best to smile. He couldn't act like a brat; he surely knows the difficulty of Areum trying to sound polite when rejecting his feelings. He could read it. Maybe it was his fault too; for rushing things too fast, when Areum herself doesn't even know him too well.

"You should really talk more often, we all like your voice you know," Areum flashes him one last smile before she put on her flats and bids him goodnight.

When she went out the door, Minghao lets out a heavy sigh of relief.

"I'm so proud of you, Minghao." He tells himself, patting his own back "you've sure grown up a lot."

"Let's learn to move on, and oh, try to speak to more people."

Minghao throws himself onto his bed as he closes his eyes with a smile on his lips, pleased.


NoT happy with this chapter

But i want to not let it keep haunting me so that i could write the next chapter: canvases & coffee

Fact: areum's a noona (theyre the same age but areum skipped a year) and i personslly think its totally ok with her being older bc her personality's chill

Im fixing my sleeping schedule and limiting my stay up duration till 12 only and now its 12.15 whoops gotta go

I doubt I'll sleep there are cats busy doing it outside my window can they stoP

Pls get enough sleep guys

- Cee

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