Dress Rehearsals

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Three days in a row of dress rehearsals, three days of having my hair in a high bun, wearing doll like stage makeup and a corset like costume. Ballet costumes are great and I love them, don't get me wrong. However when you are wearing them, more often then not, you can't take any deep breaths.

At the theater where we where preforming, there where only two dressing rooms. Levels four and six shared one and my level, level five got to share with the youth ensemble, who are the best pre professionals at my ballet school. There wan't any issues or anything and I think I actually made connections with some of the girls. The one thing that I know all of us level fives where uncomfortable about was the fact that they just strip down and put on their costumes. So yeah, be careful where you look.

Actually dancing on the stage at first went well, until the music started glitching. It always seemed to happen when we where dancing too. The music would stop and so would we, standing around awkwardly until the music started back up again and then we would start back up again. That's what you kind of hope will happens in a dress rehearsals, somethings go wrong so you can fix what went wrong and make sure that that will not happen during the actual performances. So, Ms. M went out and got a new cd so that we didn't have glitchy music or any other problems. Anyways, we got all the kinks straightened out before the show. As always, have a great day and just keep dancing! ~Mia

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