Final show

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For me, the final show is always extremely bittersweet.  For months we have been working to get to this point to preform.  We have put many hour in rehearsing and perfecting our dancing.  Then within the next couple of hours of the final show, it all disappears and is gone leaving you with way too much time and just a little bit of emptiness.

We started off with a quick warm up and honestly I was not up for it.  That doesn't matter though, you still have to dance, you still have to be properly warmed up.  As I was warming up, my ankle was bothering me but I needed to just warm up because preforming on the stage cold is dangerous and not a good idea.  So I stuck with the warm up class and kept up.

While I was warming up, I was a bit confused because one of the other dancers in my level, Jack I hadn't seen in a while.  He has disappeared and some girls said that he wasn't feeling good, which worried me.

Then, before we had really finished the class, Ms. M was there in the wing, wringing her hands, which if you know her, that means she is worried and typically she doesn't worry about small things, so you know that something was going on.

Ms. M then had our level and the level above ours and pulled us out of class.  We then found that Jack had gone home and that one of the girls from the level above us had injured herself.  So we had to change up the dances that we had been working on for about seven months.  Which honestly was pretty hard.  We went over the new choreography and little changes that had been made.  It was pretty rough but that's what has to happen.

We worked hard and practiced the changes.  When the show came around, we danced well and where able to adapt to the changes, which in itself I believe was a little miracle.

Once the show was done, we had took pictures with family and finally changed out of our costumes.  Each level had been given a chore to do before we could leave and my level had to take care of the costumes and make sure that they where all packed up and pinned together.  It was pretty easy luckily and when we finished that, we got some other things we had to do, mostly just moving things to cars or to the u haul truck.  

It was great and preforming Coppelia was just a great reminder of why I love ballet and preforming so much.  There is just something so special about being on stage and preforming, something that if you have not preformed before I don't believe I could describe it to you.  You have that knot in your stomach and are both excited and nervous.  It's crazy but a crazy that honestly I really do love and would deal with any day.  Anyways, as always, have a great day and just keep dancing! ~Mia

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