Huh, normally it's my left foot

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I am used to getting injured but typically when it happens, it's my left foot.  Last Wednesday I sat out of class because I felt an uncomfortable twinge in my right ankle.  I've been cautious all week but last night I had two hours of rehearsals and I did that on pointe.  When I was dancing, it wasn't hurting and everything seemed fine and I could focus on remembering the choreography.  After class and once I was home, well things went south.  I had iced my ankle before class and rehearsal and once I got home I iced it again.  Then as I get in bed to try and get a restful night sleep, guess what decides to start acting up, my ankle!!!  Great.  So I got kept up last night by more sore and uncomfortable ankle.  It was a real pain.  Other than that though, rehearsal was amazing, funny and rather interesting.  However I will have to update about that next time.  As always, have a great day and just keep dancing!! ~Mia

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