I need sunglasses and I make a fool of myself, twice.

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So from 5:30-7:00 I have ballet class on Mondays and every Monday we have the same problem, the sun.  It takes up about 1/4 of the studio and studio four is small enough as it is.  We either need to wear sunglasses in class (which while it would look cool, would not work once we start to turn) or we could get curtains.  Either way, something needs to be done about the sun.  I was doing a pirouette from fourth position and as I was spotting and then the sun shone in my eyes and I withered like a dandelion.  It wasn't that bad but I think you get my pointe, the sun is blinding and effects my dancing.  Now, onto my embarrassing side of the story. So I have a really nice water bottle with cool ice water.  During barre I drink some water and then start to put it down only to bobble it and drop it.  At the point in which I dropped it, everyone's eyes where on me including Mr H and when I dropped it, everyone laughed, including myself.  As if that wasn't bad enough, later in class I get some more water only to drop my lid.  When my lid hit the ground it didn't just stop, it rolled in a semi circle during a combination.  So there I am following my rolling water bottle lid while some classmates are still dancing. Other then that, class has been really good lately (mental note, glue pointe shoes before tomorrow's class) and I don't usually make a fool of myself.  Also, Mr H. has had us doing fouttés!  Which I love and most of my level is not good at.  I can do fouttés, it's just that Mr H. prefers Russian style fouttés which I can do, just not on the left......(mental note, work on Russian fouttés on left side in kitchen).  Anyways, as always, have a great day and just keep dancing! ~Mia

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