Chapter 11

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Hannah's pov

I take a deep breath and push open the door to the basement. Inside I'm greeted by the sight of twenty or so guys sitting around a large round table. Andrew is dealing and there seems to be only one other guy still in the game. I close the door quietly, so I don't call attention to myself just yet and hide in the shadows.

"Full house." Andrews opponent smirks laying down his card.

"Sorry pal. Four of a kind." Andrew grins laying his cards down as well. The other guy grumbles as Andrew takes the last of his poker chips. "So fellas, who's playing this time? Fifty dollars to play. Winner takes all."

"Deal me in." I say stepping from the shadows.


Andrews pov

"Deal me in."

My head snapps up immediately and I watch as Hannah steps out of the shadows by the doors. My eyes are instantly drawn to her long, dark legs shown off by the short skirt she's wearing, as are every other guys in here. My eyes trail up to the bit of belly showing between her skirt and shirt, and on up to the tight tank top that emphasizes her curves and breast. Then, finally my eyes meet hers.

"So," she smirks. "Am I in or not?"

My eyes widen as I finally process what she's said. "It's for boys only." I stutter, as my eyes roam over her again.

"Hey Andy, eyes up here buddy." She crosses her arms. My eyes dart back to hers. "You don't mind if I call you Andy, right?" She says moving to sit in the seat directly across from me. Kyle was sitting in it but hopped up when he saw her coming his way.

"Yes I mind, and no you can't play." I say agitatedly.

Hannah eyes me critically for a moment then smirks. She reaches into her bra and every eye is glued to her hand. She pulls out several hundred dollar bills and fans herself with it. "What am I to do with all this money then?" She sighs theatrically.

"Come on, man. Let her play." One of the guys, Jackson, speaks up.

I look from him to Hannah who is pouting and batting her eyelashes. "Fine." I grit out. "Everybody, money in."

Shawn walks around and takes all the money. When he gets to Hannah, she hands him one of the hundreds and smiles flirtily. "Keep the change." Shawn gulps, his eyes wide and moves to take every one else's money.

I watch Hannah as she sticks the rest of the money back in her shirt and removes her jacket. As she does so her shirt raises more and reveals her belly button. I swallow and force my eyes away only for them to return seconds later. Why can't I keep my eyes off of this girl?

The game starts and right from the start I can tell Hannah is good. She shows zero emotion as she peeks at her cards. When, I'm assuming, she doesn't have a good hand, she folds instead of betting. I swear she acts like a miser the first few rounds. Then she must get a good hand because she starts raising the bets. She wins several rounds in a row and puts several people out. It narrows down to just the two of us and I get nervous. She's very strategic and I might just lose.

The game continues for several stressful minutes before we reach the moment we've all been waiting for.

"Straight flush." I say victoriously laying out my cards. Queen, jack, ten, nine, eight. I smirk at Hannah. "Nice try babe."

She starts laughing like crazy before laying her own cards down. "Royal flush."

My jaw drops as does everyone else's. She won. How did this happen? I'm supposed to be unbeatable!

"It's cute really. You thought you could beat me." Hannah smirks. "Well here's something Google didn't tell you. My grandfather is literally a poker champion and he taught me." She stands up and walks around to me. She leans over so that her face is inches from mine. "Don't try to ruin people's lives or they might just ruin yours."

I stare as she whips out her phone trying to understand her cryptic message. "Dean Roth? Hi this is Hannah Hopkins. I'm a new student here. I believe I saw some boys sneaking around past curfew. It looked like they were using the outdoor entrance to some underground room." She says into the phone as she claims her money and exits the room.

She just sold us out. We all share in shock before frantically cleaning up and heading off to our rooms. I picked a fight with the wrong girl...

Hannah's pov

"Dean Roth? Hi this is Hannah Hopkins. I'm a new student here. I believe I saw some boys sneaking around past curfew. It looked like they were using the outdoor entrance to some underground room." I say into the phone. I walk over to Shawn and claim my money.

"Thank you for the tip Hannah. I'll send someone over to check on that." Dean Roth says.

I say bye and end the call as I hurry out of the room. I walk around the perimeter staying in the shadows as I head back to my dorms. I snicker as I watch a couple of security guards catch a few of the boys who didn't make it out quick enough.

The plan hadn't included the phone call. That was my own spur of the moment decision. Not bad right? Even if Andrew doesn't get caught, he knows I'm not playing games.

I change out of the adorable outfit I'm wearing into pajama shorts and a tank top before crawling into bed. I am actually excited about seeing Andrew tomorrow. I wonder what he'll do to top this. I smile slightly as I drift off to sleep thinking of all the horrible things I can do to Andrew for revenge.

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