Chapter 12

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Andrews pov

All morning guys have been called to the office. All of them were in the basement last night when Hannah tattled. I thought I was in the clear because only one guy was caught be he gave up the name of one guy, then that guy gave up the name of two more, and on down the line. Apparently, if you turn someone else in they won't call your parents. If you turn in the ringleaders you won't be punished at all. Fortunately for me, everyone is too afraid of me and the guys to turn us in. Or so I thought.

"Will Andrew Roth, Ken Norton, Shawn Johnson, and Kyle Wellington come to the office, please? Dean Roth would like to see you." Nonna announces over the PA system while I'm sitting in math.

Kyle curses under his breath and packs his stuff into book bag. I follow suit stuffing everything on my desk messily into my bag. As I stand to leave I catch Hannah's eye. She sends me a triumphant smirk. I glare at her and she does a fake pouty face.

Suddenly, an idea pops into my head. I grin evilly and wink at Hannah. She frowns and looks at me quizzically. She has no clue what's coming her way very soon.

I meet up with the guys in the hall as we walk towards the office.

"So, Avuela is not going to be happy about this," I say referring to my grandpa, dean Roth. "But, I think I have an idea on how to get him off of our case."

"How?" Kyle asks skeptically. He's seen how strict Avuela can be.

"Well it's a certain someone's fault that we we here in the first place." I start.

"Wait," Shawn interrupts before I can continue. "If you are thinking about throwing Hannah under the bus then you're making a mistake." He says worriedly.

"That's exactly what I'm thinking!" I snap. "This is all her fault. She deserves to pay."

"Be reasonable." Ken growls. "Last time you got on her bad side my girlfriend didn't speak to me for three days! I just got back on her good side!" He exclaims.

"Oh boo hoo. You went three days without getting some. You'll live." I mutter sarcastically.

Ken grabs me by the collar and jerks my face close to his. "If you ruin my only source of happiness in this god forsaken school I will end you!" He says darkly.

"Chill dude. I'll take all the blame." I say putting my hands up in surrender. Ken is such a drama queen. Theater students can be so annoying. If he wasn't my best friend I would have kicked his rear end back to Kentucky long ago.

He eyes me doubtfully. "You better."

"I will." I scoff as I open the door to the office, the guys filling in behind me.

"Andrew Roth," Nonna scolds me. "What did I tell you about gambling?"

"But Nonna!" I protest.

"You are going to end up just like your grandfather!" She exclaims. "And you boys!" She turns on Kyle and Ken. "What do you think you're doing corrupting such a sweet innocent boy like Shawn?"

Shawn nods in agreement. "Yeah. What do you think you're doing?" He mock scolds them.

I don't know what it is about Shawn but Nonna has been infatuated with him since the moment he walked through the doors at the beginning of the year.

"Roth, Norton, Wellington. My office now." Avuela says opening the door adjoining him and Nonna's offices.

"What? Why doesn't Shawn have to come?" Kyle whines.

"Because mr. Wellington," Avuela says shooting Kyle an icy glare. "Unlike you this is only his second offense and I have from a reliable source that mr. Johnson was not a mastermind."

Avuela spins on his heel and marches into his office. We follow behind and sit in the chairs across from his desk. He sighs and rubs his temples.

"Mr. Norton and mr. Wellington, I understand that the lure of gambling has caused many young men to fall. I myself was quite the gambler at your age." He chuckles humorlessly. "However, I did not do it on school property." He eyes us sternly before passing us a sheet of paper. "These are they names of all known perpetrators. Am I missing anyone?"

I scan the list and smirk. "Yes, sir you are."


Hannah's pov

"Will Hannah Hopkins please come to the office? Dean Roth would like to speak with you." Mrs. Roth announces over the PA system.

"Shoot!" I exclaim. Everyone turns to look at me in shock . I quickly stuff everything into my bag, just like Kyle and Andrew did a few minutes before.

As I enter the office Shawn shoots me a sympathetic look. "Sorry," he mouths. I smile sadly and shake my head. It's not his fault. I knew the risks of getting caught.

"You can go on in, dear." Mrs. Roth smiles kindly.

"Thank you." I smile. "Do you mind if I leave my bag out here?" I ask hesitantly.

"Not at all," she says sweetly.

I smile gratefully and drop my backpack in one of the chairs by the deans office. Fixing my shirt I knock lightly on the door.

"Come in." Dean Roth's rough voice calls.

I enter timidly, closing the door quietly. "Yes, sir?" I make myself look wide eyed and vulnerable, a look that's gotten me off the hook several times.

Andrew takes one look at my innocent expression and snorts. Dean Roth shoots him a look to silence him before turning back to me.

"Ms. Hopkins, would you care to tell me what happened last night?" He phrased it as a question but it was clearly a demand.

I swallow and nod. "Yes, sir." I take a seat in on of the chairs in front of his desk. "Sir, last night after curfew I got up to get Tylenol, it's that time of the month you know," I glance at Andrew who scrunches his up in disgust at the mention of my period. I hold back a snicker as I continue the story. "When I went in the kitchen I saw someone entering the basement of the boys building. Of course, I knew no one should be down there so I went to investigate. I never expected to find so many people down there. I figured it was 'lovers' sneaking out to meet or something. As soon as I knew what was going on I called you." My eyes welled up with perfectly timed tears.

Dean Roth's eyes softened slightly. "Hannah, I can see where you would think that it's okay to investigate, but it is not. I'm afraid I'm going to have to punish you with the rest of the students who broke curfew."

I nod solemnly. "I wouldn't expect anything else, sir. Just, please don't call my dad. He is so stressed out right now with the move and I don't want to burden him with my problems." My eyes burn again, only this time with genuine tears. Dad really was too stressed out.

Dean Roth's icy facade practically melted. "You are Allan Hopkins granddaughter, aren't you?" He asks, his eyes lighting up with recognition.

"Yes, sir! You know grandpa?" I ask enthusiastically. Of course, I already know the answer, but he doesn't know that i know the answer.

"I do." He grins. "Me and your grandfather have a little gambling ring of our own." His eyes sparkle.

I giggle. "Grandpa has always been a handful. I don't know how granny keeps up with him!" I exclaim.

Dean Roth chuckles. "You are quite right my dear. Now, in all seriousness," he says losing his playful touch, "all four of you are going to be forced to help with props for the upcoming play as your punishment. Understand?"

"Yes, sir." We chorus. I had almost forgotten that the boys were in here.

"You may leave," dean Roth says making a shooing motion with his hand. "And remember next time I won't be so forgiving

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