Chapter 1: I Was Resurrected As A God Of Time

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(Y/N)'s POV

Darkness. The only thing I saw around me when I opened my eyes after I committed seppuku. I guess that my soul is at the black void at the moment as my dead body left rotten at my apartment.

But then, a light luminates behind me and I got engulfed by it as I close my eyes. After a while, I opened my eyes and... I was at a place with lots of lights and beautiful clouds around it.

(Y/N): Hmm? Wh... Where am I?

???: You're at Heaven, my friend.

I turned around to see a figure and I can see them clearly. They wore a white cloak to hide their face. I don't even know if the voice tells me that they're a male or female.

(Y/N): Huh?! Who are you?!

???: My name doesn't matter at all. What matters is that I have something important to tell you.

(Y/N): A-Alright then.

I only stood still at the front of the mysterious figure as they asked me.

???: Before you die, have you ever told the truth about what happened to you?

A moment of silence between us as I was thinking until I answered them.

(Y/N): Nope. I've never done it, not even once.

???: Why is that?

(Y/N): It's just that... I got to wait until a perfect time to tell you.

Another moment of silence between until they told me.

???: No worries, young man. I'll give you another chance to continue living in your world again.

(Y/N): Wait, what?

???: Yes, you didn't misheard me. I have the ability to resurrect you.

(Y/N): Really?!

???: Don't worry, young man. Your fate will be changed soon with my help. Here, take this with you.

They gave me a stopwatch with Roman numerals on it.

(Y/N): A stopwatch?

???: Yes, young man. But, it's not just a regular stopwatch. It's a powerful and legendary ones that can only be hold by a trustworthy person.

They went close to me.

???: And it's you.

(Y/N): Whoa! So, what can I do with this?

???: Simple. You can manipulate time. You have the power to stop, fast forward or rewind every single moments. Seconds, minutes, hours, days, months, years, any period of time you want to time travel is possible, young man. Use it with your heart content without any worries.

(Y/N): ...

I couldn't say anything because I don't buy it. A stopwatch that allows me to manipulate time to anytime I want?

(Y/N): Pfft... Hahahahahahaha!

???: What's so funny, young man?

(Y/N): Is there's even such things like it? If so, then why don't you just prove it to me?

???: Very well. Please look carefully.

They pushed the "Start" button and... everything stopped moving in a frame. The water looks like it's in a picture, static. Even clouds remains at the place. I tried to move my body, and surprisingly I can. Even the mysterious person can still move.

(Y/N): Wh-Whoa! Everything stopped moving!

???: I know.

They pushed the "Start" button once again and everything went back to moving as usual. I gazed at the mysterious person as they asked me.

???: Do you trust me now?

(Y/N): I got to admit, it's really great!

???: Yes, it is, young man. Want to see more?

(Y/N): Of course!

They pushed the "Start" button again and I asked them.

(Y/N): Who are you?!

???: I already told you that my name doesn't matter, young man.

(Y/N): Wait, since when did-

Then, I realized something. My mind remembered what they said a while ago. That's right, I time travelled a few minutes back. They was right when they said that the stopwatch can rewind every moment of time.

(Y/N): You're here to give me powers, right?

???: Why, yes.

They pressed the "Start" button and we went back to present.

(Y/N): That's so cool!

???: Oh, that isn't all, young man.

They pushed the "Start" button and they kicked me at my... balls.

(Y/N): Uuuuhhuuhhhhh... that hurts...

They pushed the "Start" button and we went back to present.

(Y/N): Wait, I didn't feel the pain!

???: Of course you do, but after this I'll do something unexpected to you. So, hope you can read my movement and learn how to dodge it.

I think I knew what was they about to do next. So, I prepared myself.

(Y/N): Come.

???: If you insist.

I managed to read their movement as they were about to kick me at my balls, but I dodged it by catching their leg.

(Y/N): Aha! Got you!

???: You got me.

I released my hand from their leg as they adjust their position before continuing.

???: You really did it, young man. So, you have seen everything. And now, it's time for me to give this stopwatch to you.

They gave me the stopwatch and I can feel that I have make a good bond with it.

???: I just hope you won't go too far such as changing the actual history timeline.

(Y/N): Or else what would happen?

???: Society, no... humanity will have either an even more confusing history to be understood of. For example, suddenly anime girls got involved into militaries during WW2 while having the capabilities to summon their own ships, planes or tanks, proving that they are able to fight against men and make a wrong movement of feminism. Just don't.

I mean, there's already those type of things in gacha games, but this is real life we're talking here. So, I don't want that either.

(Y/N): So, you're telling me to use it wisely.

???: Precisely, young man.

(Y/N): Well, I have only one main goal with this power I got.

???: Whatever is your desire, I'll be sure to give it a hear.

(Y/N): I want to be friends with the band girls from CiRCLE Live House. You know about it, right?

???: Ah, yes. I've seen you treated harshly by the girls. And their followers seems to not care about it because they've fallen for their beauty charm.

(Y/N): Most of them, at least. I'm talking to both band girls and their fans. Most band girls have a beautiful look, but an ugly heart. A few of them are a really genuinely nice person. While most of their fans just straight up supporting them blindly.

???: I understand, young man. So, who do you know that has a good soul that you can trust?

(Y/N): Let's see... Rimi, Hina, Kokoro, Kanon, Lisa, Mashiro and Rokka.

???: So, that's their names. Alright, I have one last thing to tell you.

(Y/N): What is it?

???: You can use your heart to command the stopwatch to travel whether to the past, the future or to stop time as long as you want.

(Y/N): Oh, that's really making my job easier than ever before!

???: Glad to hear it. Now, I told you everything, and it is time for me to go.

The place around us got engulfed with bright lights.

(Y/N): Huh? Wh-What?

???: Your time with me is up. I'll return you back to your old self again, but this time with the stopwatch. Use it within your heart's content. Good luck! May we meet again, young man!

The lights around us got even brighter as the mysterious person disappeared from my sight.

(Y/N): Wait! You!

Then, everything went black.


Unknown Location, Unknown Time

Third Person's POV

(Y/N) opened his eyes and he saw himself laying down on the bed. He thought to himself that he went back to his apartment.

(Y/N): Dang it. I didn't get to thank the person. But, thank you so much. I wish that I could see you again.

(Y/N) put his right hands on his chest only to see something unexpected.

(Y/N): H-Huh?!








The legendary stopwatch was equipped with him. He thought that it's a dream, but it's the exact same stopwatch he got from the mysterious person.

(Y/N): Is this... for real?!

(Y/N) pushed the button and everything around him stopped moving. His eyes widened seeing that this stuff actually happened. He pushed the button again and everything moved back to normal again.

(Y/N): Oh~ I can't believe that I possess such power thanks to the person.

(Y/N) then make an evil smirk.

(Y/N): I don't know what's your name, so I'll call you White Cloak. Cloak-san, you really want me to get my revenge to the band girls, huh? Is that's what you want? Ahahaha!! With this power, no one can ever touch and hurt me! After that, I'll take over the world! Not even the strongest ruler can pick a fight against me! And after that, the band girls who make me suffer... is no longer the same band girls I know~

He cackled loudly knowing that there's no one else in the ward with him. From (Y/N)'s word that came out from his own mouth, thus (Y/N)(L/N), The God Of Time, has been born.







(Y/N): Why am I at the hospital? Who carried my dead body all the way here? Also, my words makes me feels like I'm a villain.

(To be continued...)

(Author's Note: I would like to give a shout-out to my best friend from Malaysia, HAIKARU2025. He suggested me his idea for this chapter and I improve it. Thank you so much, friend.)

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