Chisato Shirasagi x Yandere Male Reader

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(Author's Note: Requested by SpaceGhostKiel.)

(Y/N)'s POV

Chisato Shirasagi. A child actress and part of the band named Pastel*Palettes. That's the girl I have a crush on and don't want to see her with any other guy even if he's a big fan of her.

I've been stalking her for a while now and she didn't seem to notice me. But, as time goes on, I saw that she would look around before going into the place she would want to go.

She has been slowly getting cautious and I keep getting myself hidden from her until one day, she finally saw me.

Present Time...


Sunday, Morning

Another day of me stalking Chisato and she's doing it again. Looking around just to see if she's being followed by someone.

I was about to back away slowly. But then, she gaze at her back and spotted me.

Chisato: I already spotted you. So, get out of the place you're hiding.

She said as I obeyed Chisato and I showed myself at the front of her.

Chisato: Why are you stalking me?

(Y/N): ...

I couldn't say a word to her since I don't know what to say.

Chisato: If you don't answer, then I guess I'll have to call the police.

She said before pulling out her phone from her pocket just in case I might assault her.

(Y/N): I want to know you more.

She froze for a bit when I told her what's my intention.

Chisato: What?

(Y/N): I've taken a huge interest to you. I just wanted to be your friend. It's true.

Chisato: But, why would you stalk me instead? You could have just approach me nicely and I won't be reporting you.

(Y/N): I'm just a bit nervous since I don't know if you want to befriend me or not. So, that's why I chose to just watch you from afar to know you more secretly.

Chisato: That gives me reason to reject your befriend request.

(Y/N): Please, I'm begging you. I promise I won't harm you or anything.

At first, she wasn't convinced about me because I keep stalking her. But then, she let out a sigh and accept it.

Chisato: Fine then. I accept your offer. But, with one condition.

(Y/N): What would it be?

Chisato: If you tried to harass me, I'll report you to the police and cut our friendship forever. Promise?

(Y/N): Promise.

Chisato: Your name?

(Y/N): (Y/N)(L/N).

Chisato: Nice to meet you, (Y/N)-kun. Hopefully we could get along.

She called me like we're already close friends, and I'm a bit happy for it.


Few months later...

It's been a while since me and Chisato has become friends. We became closer and Chisato seems to slowly believe that I'm not a bad guy at all.

I was heading to the mall because Chisato told me to wait for her at there. Apparently, she just finished her latest live show and don't have any more photography session. So, she messaged me to meet her at the mall to spend time together.

(Y/N): I can't wait to spend time with the one that I love.

I finally arrived at the mall and it was quite lively with people around. I went to head to the shop Chisato was at.

Then, I saw Chisato... with some guy I don't even know where is he from. He was chatting and they laughed together as he took a selfie together with Chisato.

(Y/N): That guy... how dare he talk to MY Chisato?

I can feel hatred and jealousy in my body as I don't want that guy or any other guy to get near Chisato. So, I decided to follow the guy once he finished talking to Chisato until he's all alone.

(Y/N): Hey.

He stopped walking as he looked at me.

Guy: What?

(Y/N): Why did you talk to Chisato?

He was confused when getting asked about it.

Guy: Huh? Why? You don't like it?

(Y/N): Of course I don't! Do you think that you could just approach Chisato like that?

I was more than furious at the moment and the guy answered me.

Guy: I'm just asking to take a picture with her. That's all.

(Y/N): Even if it's a picture, that doesn't mean you could've approach her casually like that.

Guy: Look, I don't know what's your problem with me, but I don't care. I'm one of her fan, and it's really rare for me to get a picture with her. If you don't like it, not my problem.

(Y/N): Not your problem, huh?

I pulled out something from my pocket and... stab the guy at his stomach.


It's actually a sharp knife. He yelled and I closed his mouth so that no one would hear us.

(Y/N): You better be quiet if you don't want anything worse happened to you.

Guy: Please... spare me!

(Y/N): Of course...

He smiled when he thought that I'm going to spare him, but I didn't finish my words yet.

(Y/N): ... I will refuse!

I stabbed him at the heart as he yells in pain and blood start flowing out from his heart.


(Y/N): This is what you get from talking to Chisato. MY Chisato.

Guy: Please... forgive me... I won't talk to her again.

He was trembling in pain and I decided to give him no mercy because he would report me to the police if I spare him.

(Y/N): I forgive you, but that doesn't mean I would spare you.

Guy: No... Please... NOOOOOO!!!

With one last stab, I killed the guy and went to put his dead body somewhere that no one would see.

(Y/N): Now... I'll show Chisato that I love her.

So, I decided to find Chisato and after a while of walking, I found her alone at the front of a shop.

(Y/N): Hey, Chisato.

Chisato: Oh, hey (Y/N)-kun. Where have you been? You're 20 minutes late. What have you been doing?

(Y/N): I'm sorry if I make you wait.

I bought her a bouquet of flowers and she cupped her hand on her face.

(Y/N): Someone asked me to help them, and it took me a while to work on it. So, that's why I couldn't make haste.

Chisato: Fufu~ You're so romantic. I understand, but next time let me know, okay?

(Y/N): I will.

Chisato: Now... shall we begin our date?

(Y/N): I'm ready.

So, we spend the rest of our time together at the mall until it's night time. Me and Chisato tried out so many things like watching a movie together, eat at a restaurant with me paying for the food as a compensation for being late and choosing her new outfit.

Chisato: I have a good time with you, (Y/N)-kun.

(Y/N): I'm the one who were supposed to say that.

She giggled at my response before facing away.

Chisato: Well then, see you later.

However, as she was about to leave, I grabbed her sleeve and she glance at me.

Chisato: What's wrong?

(Y/N): Actually, I still want to spend time with you.

Chisato: What? Aren't you satisfied yet?

(Y/N): Come with me.

I grabbed her hand and bring her along with me.

Chisato: Wh-Where are we going? (Y/N)-kun!

I dragged her all the way to my house and we went to my bedroom.

Chisato: Hey! What was that for?! Why are we at your house?

(Y/N): I'm sorry, but I don't like it when you're talking to some guy else than me.

I told her the truth and she was perplexed by me.

Chisato: What are you talking about?

(Y/N): I saw it. The guy who took a picture with you. I really hate seeing it, you know?

Chisato got hit with realization when she knew who am I talking to.

Chisato: He's just a fan, you know?

(Y/N): I don't care. I just don't want any guy to be nearby you.

Chisato: Wh-Why would you do this?

(Y/N): Because I love you, and I don't want any other guy to steal you from me. That guy was talking to you, and I couldn't let him do that.

Chisato: Just tell me you're jealous.

A moment of silence from me because at first, I was a bit nervous to confess. But, since I don't want to hold back, I told her without any doubt.

(Y/N): Yes, I am jealous. No, not jealous. I'm envious.

Chisato: You... what?

(Y/N): You heard me, I'm envious with you. I don't want to see you with any other guy ever again.

Chisato: I'm sorry, okay?

(Y/N): I'll forgive you... if you become my girlfriend.

She was shocked when she heard that I want her to be my girlfriend.

Chisato: But, I'm worried if my reputation as an idol would be tarnished if they knew I'm in a relationship.

(Y/N): You think I wouldn't do anything about it? I'll act like nothing happened and just tell them that we're just friends.

She couldn't say anything else because she seems to have gained my trust.

Chisato: Give me a moment to think.

(Y/N): Alright. But, don't do anything like calling the police. I won't harm you.

So, I gave Chisato to think what is her decision. A moment later, she finally decided it.

Chisato: (Y/N)... I... I'll accept you.

(Y/N): Then, good.

I gave Chisato a hug as she does the same. Then, I whispered at her ear.

(Y/N): I want to make love with you.

Chisato: If that's what you want, then I'll do this.

Chisato then slowly take off her clothes, one by one until she's fully naked. I can see that she's really hot and it makes me horny.

Chisato: There. Are you happy now?

(Y/N): Yes, yes. That's what I wanted.

Chisato: No fair if I just took off my clothes. You should do the same.

(Y/N): As you wish.

I take my pants off and Chisato bend down to grab my penis and rub it on her cheek.

Chisato: Fufu~ It has gotten hard.

She begin sucking my penis and it got wet with her saliva.

(Y/N): Aaaaah~ Fuck~

As she keep sucking my penis, it twitches as I can feel that I'm reaching my limit.

(Y/N): I-I'm cumming, Chisato.

She listened to me, but won't stop as she rubbed even faster and insert the tip into her mouth. I came inside as she swallowed the entire load.

Chisato: What a great load you have~

Chisato: N-No, just continue.

I begin thrusting into her slowly and she moans from each thrust. Pleasure flows through my body as I begin to slowly go faster.

Chisato: Aaaaah~ (Y-Y/N)-kun... I love you.

(Y/N): Ahh~ I love you too, Chisato.

She kissed me while I'm thrusting faster and I broke the kiss to tell her.

(Y/N): I'm cumming again.

Chisato: Do it inside me~

I listened to her and cum into her womb as she moaned from the pleasure. Some of the sperm leaks out from her vagina.

We laid down on the bed together with Chisato at my side. She's smiling from what we did.

Chisato: Promise me that you'll take responsibility. You love me, right?

(Y/N): I would be happy to. Just don't talk to other guys out there without my concent.

Chisato: I promise. I love you, (Y/N).

(Y/N): I love you too, Chisato.

From that day, me and Chisato become a love couple in secret. Eventually, her band members and fans knew about me and asked if I'm in a relationship with Chisato. I told them that we're just friends and they fell for it so easily.

(The end...)

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