Saaya Yamabuki x Male Reader

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(Y/N)'s POV

I have a crush on Saaya for a long time ever since I met her for the first time during middle school.

I don't have the courage to confess my love to her, but I know that I won't be able to make progress if I didn't make the next step.

I keep telling myself that I'll be her boyfriend and I will not let anyone else have her before me.

Present time...

Another normal day and I'm at the river, chilling since I love doing it. Then, I saw Saaya coming toward me.

Saaya: Hey there, (Y/N).

There she is, in her casual outfit which I couldn't get my eyes off of. Maybe it's just me, but she looks gorgeous as ever.

I couldn't get my eyes off her simply because of her beauty.

Saaya: (Y/N)!

She slapped me and I come back to my senses.

(Y/N): Haaah! Wh-What?!

Saaya: Are you okay? You're spacing out there.

(Y/N): I'm fine. Don't worry about me. Anyway, why are you here?

Saaya: Poppin'Party is going to have a sleepover after our recent concert, and I asked them if I could bring you along. They say "yes", so I want to invite you.

(Y/N): A sleepover? Of course I will go!

Saaya: That's good!

She hugged me unconsciously and then let go the moment she realized what she did.

Saaya: Whoops. S-Sorry.

I'm not going to lie, my heart skips a beat when I feel her warmth touching me. Not to mention that she's fragrant too.

(Y/N): It's okay...

I said with my face in reddish color.

Saaya: I-I have to go now. See you.

She left me there and I only stare at her until she's no longer in my sight.

I can't believe it. My crush invited me along to a sleepover with her band friends. Can this get any better?


The day has arrived at long last. I have finished my preparation a few days before and I am more than ready to meet Poppin'Party, especially Saaya.

We held the sleepover at Tae's house and she agrees with it. We have a night snacks while telling stories to each other, played some pillow fight even though Arisa's against the idea and then go to sleep.

Both of Kasumi and Arisa's futon is beside each other while the same goes to Tae and Rimi. Of course, I'm beside Saaya which is what I exactly wanted.



I woke up and looked around. It seems that everyone else's still sleeping... except Saaya. It's 1:15 a.m. in the midnight and I don't know where is she at as I gazed to the window. She's actually at the balcony, so I approached her slowly and call her name.

(Y/N): Saaya.

She jumped a little from my response and brushed her chest.

Saaya: You startled me.

(Y/N): Sorry.

Saaya: Can't asleep?

(Y/N): No, I just woke up.

Saaya: Then, sit beside me.

She pat the empty space as I accept her offer and sit beside her while looking at the beautiful moon.

Saaya: The moon's so beautiful today, right?

(Y/N): Not as beautiful as you, though.

I accidentally said that as I closed my mouth.

Saaya: I heard that.

She laughed softly from my attempt to steal her heart.

Saaya: (Y/N), I have something to ask you.

She looked at me seriously while still remaining calm with her soft smile.

Saaya: Do you have a crush on someone?

The moment she asked the question, I know that I shouldn't keep making her wait for my answers.

(Y/N): I'm looking at her right now.

I don't know how to catch her attention by being flirty, so I decided to just get straight to the point.

Saaya: M-Me?!

(Y/N): Yes, it's you. I have a feeling to you for a long time now.

Saaya: (Y/N)...

She said my name and I decided to use reverse psychology by hoping that she would actually take it the other way. From what I know, sometimes reverse psychology works in certain situation. So, I decided to try them right now.

(Y/N): I mean, I have been keeping it to myself for a while. But... it's okay if you don't like me bac-

But then, she lunge forward and kissed me unexpectedly on the lips, pausing my sentence. She pinned me to the wall and keep her lips sealed with mine.

Saaya: To be honest...

Her face is as red as a tomato before she confessed her feelings.

Saaya: I-I like you too.

She brushed her left arm while glancing away from and back at me.

Saaya: I was hoping that you would make the first step before I do, and I'm so glad it happened.

(Y/N): Really?

She nodded in agreement.

Saaya: Before you ask, yes. I will be your girlfriend and go on a date with you.

I smiled at her answer and I couldn't be happier than ever.

(Y/N): Just let me say it.

Saaya: Go ahead.

(Y/N): I love you, Saaya Yamabuki and I promise that I'll take good care of you.

Saaya: I love you too, (Y/N)(L/N) and I'm happy to be with you.

We smiled after finally became official love couples. She dragged me to our futon quietly to not wake the others.

Saaya: Shh... don't wake the others.

(Y/N): I should say the same to you.

Saaya: Are you ready? For our first step?

(Y/N): Wait... You mean...

I was about to say the word, but she reassured that it'll be fine. However, I have my worries because we're taking things too quickly.

(Y/N): D-Don't you think it's too early for that?

Saaya: Do you love me, (Y/N)?

She asked with her face anxious from my question.

(Y/N): I-I do, but-

Saaya: Then, stop giving excuses and let's do it. Please...

She begged to have intercourse with me and I only sighed in defeat.

(Y/N): Fine. You won.

Saaya: That's more like it, my boyfriend.

Both of us strip our clothes until we're all naked. Her body isn't too seductive, but her medium-sized breast is what turns me on when I stared at it.

She covers her chest and puffed her blushing cheek.

Saaya: Pervert.

Then, she smirked.

Saaya: I'm joking. Hehe...

She shows her naked body back to me.

Saaya: You can stare at me all you want. I'll allow it~

She whispered at my ear and her warmth is what I liked the most. Then, she grabbed my penis with her left hand and I let out a soft moan.

Saaya: Fufu~ You're so cute.

She began stroking it slowly and after a few minutes, my penis twitches.

(Y/N): I'm going to cum... S-Saaya...

Saaya: Then, do it~

I came on her hand right after and she licked some of the stains.

Saaya: A bit bitter, but not too bad.

I pinned Saaya on the bed and became dominant to her.

(Y/N): You have your fun, and now it's my turn.

I fingered her while licking her nipples as a payback as she also let out soft moans.

Saaya: Ahhh~ Haaah~ (Y-Y/N)...

I put my other finger on her lips.

(Y/N): Just let me enjoy teasing you.

I kissed her neck right after and she lets out an even erotic moan.

Saaya: Ahhhh~

I can feel Saaya's vagina going wet from me fingering her.

Saaya: (Y/N), I'm gonna-

She climaxed before finishing her sentence as she panted. I licked the liquid that she squirted out.

(Y/N): Yours aren't too bad, either.

Saaya: Sheesh... You're forgetting your limits, I see.

She pushed me down to the futon and positioned herself to sit on my waist.

Saaya: Now, time to get to the main event.

She grabbed and rubbed my penis between her vagina. Then, she inserted the tip into hers.

Saaya: Kyah~ I-It's in...

She inserts my penis deeper until it reaches her womb. After that, she began moving up and down my penis as she moans from every movement.

Saaya: Haaah~ Haaah~

I grabbed her butt as she bounces on top of me. I let out soft moans from my mouth and I can see that we didn't awake the other girls.

Saaya: That's right-ahh~ G-Grope me. I'm all yours-hyah~

I nodded and groped one of her breast to lick the nipples. After a moment, I can feel my penis twitching again.

(Y/N): I'm cumming outside...

Saaya: No...

She said and bounces faster to avoid me doing so.

Saaya: Come... inside me... Please.

Not being able to hold it anymore, I came inside her and she closed her mouth during the climax while letting out a slightly louder moan.

Then, she laid down on the bed on my right side and repeated the three words.

Saaya: I... love you... (Y/N)...

(Y/N): I love you too, Saaya. We should go to sleep now.

Saaya: Yeah... Good night, darling.

She kissed my cheek and fell asleep right after our hot session, so I helped her to wear her clothes back to avoid any suspicion from the others when morning arrives.

(Y/N): Good night, Saaya.

The next morning...

Third Person's POV

It's morning time at Japan and the girls rose up fron their bed while yawning.

Kasumi: Good morning!

The vocalist greeted them as they woke up as well.

Rimi: Good morning.

Tae: Good morning. I have a good sleep!

Kasumi: Me too!

Then, Rimi looked at (Y/N) and Saaya, the new secretly formed love couple that's still asleep on their futon.

Rimi: (Y/N)-kun and Saaya-chan isn't awake yet?

Kasumi: True that!

Arisa: You girls just go ahead and use the bathroom. I'll wake these two up.

Kasumi, Tae and Rimi nodded in unison and left the room to head downstairs.

Arisa: Hey! Wake up!

Arisa shaked both of (Y/N) and Saaya and they're finally up.

(Y/N): Oh, it's morning already.

Saaya: Good morning.

Arisa: ... Go and clean yourself up. We'll wait for you guys to have breakfast.

Both of (Y/N) and Saaya rose up from their bed and was about to head outside until Arisa calls them.

Arisa: Wait, you two.

They froze in their footstep and gazed to the twin tailed keyboardist.

(Y/N): What is it?

Arisa: I saw you two did "it".

Both of us were shocked by her.

(Y/N): Wh-What are you talking abou-

Arisa: Oh, don't try to deny it. Your moaning is what keeps me awake and I can't help, but to watch you guys make love.

Saaya: Y-You heard everything?!

Her face went red and she couldn't handle her embarrassment.

Arisa: Next time, do it at your own house. Got it?

She reprimanded us for doing intercourse at someone's house and we feel ashamed for it.

(Y/N): U-Understand.

Saaya: Yeah, it's kind of our fault. Hehe...

Arisa sighed from the love couple's antics.

Arisa: It can't be helped.

She walked past them and then say...

Arisa: Anyway, I'll support you two in a relationship. Congratulations.

...before going downstairs to bave breakfast.

(Y/N), Saaya: Th-Thank you...


(Y/N)'s POV

As we head back to our house while looking at my phone to see what time is it, I almost forgot something when I looked at the date today.

(Y/N): Waaah!

Saaya: What's wrong?

Saaya was concerned about my reaction.

(Y/N): It's your birthday today! May 19th!

I showed my phone and pointed at the date today. Saaya also got surprised by it.

Saaya: Oh, yeah! It is!

(Y/N): Umm... but, I don't have any present to give to you.

I looked down in disappointment because I made a big mistake to her. But then, she grabbed my face and lift it up so that I could look at her deep into her eyes.

Saaya: That's okay. You being by my side is enough to make me happy.

(Y/N): Saaya... thank you.

Saaya: You're welcome, (Y/N).

She pecked my lips and gave me the smile that I'll never get tired of.

(Y/N): Then, I have decided it.

I gained my confidence and gave my suggestion for her birthday. I knew that I can still make this up as long as there's still time today.

(Y/N): As a present, let's go on a date. My treat, of course.

Saaya: That's what I've been thinking for you to do.

She giggled.

(Y/N): Then, let's go! Shall we?

I offered my hand and she hold it back as we walked together by handholding.

Saaya: You'd better not disappoint.

(Y/N): Watch me.

With that, me and Saaya went on a date together for her birthday.

(The end...)

(Author's Note: I'm going to be honest with you. By the time I'm making this one-shot, I didn't realize that Saaya's birthday is on 19 May, which is tomorrow.

What a coincidence. Anyway, Happy Birthday, Saaya!)

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