colours | yoongi

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title : colours
characters : min yoongi x yoo cha in

❝ before you came into my life; whenever someone asks me what colour i like, i would always stare at them blankly, not knowing what to reply. but now that you're here beside me, if they ever ask me the same question again, i can confidently answer,

"every colour." ❞



"what's your favourite colour?"

i abruptly stopped what i was doing, and took a few moments to process the question. putting my paint brush gently onto the table, i looked up.

"i don't have one."

i would always wonder, how does the burning hot sun look like? how does the calming breezy sea look like? how does the blooming beautiful flowers look like?

how does the world look like?

"how does anyone not have a favourite colour? you are weird."

staring at the black and white person in front of me, i could only force out a little smile. "i'm weird, then."

my eyes trailed down to the canvas. everything was dull, and plain. despite my efforts to paint, all i could see was still the same two colours.

black and white.


it was autumn. the leaves fell to decorate the ground and the seasons were nearing to an end again.

"gosh, time for me to get busy again."

clutching my books tightly, i turned around to find someone holding a broom and gently sweeping the fallen leaves.

looking by his appearance, it seemed like he was that newly allocated young cleaner that the school talked about earlier this week.

now that i do had a good look at him, isn't he ruining his own future by being a cleaner? why, of all the jobs he could have chosen from, a cleaner?

"kiddo, what are you looking at?"

i didn't realise i was hiding behind a tree, looking at him until my books fell onto the ground with a loud thud.

"n-nothing!" i quickly picked up my books and turned away, hoping that he didn't catch a glance of my face.

"am i such a nice view for you?"

i felt my cheeks growing hotter for no reason and i shook my head aggressively, running away while i can.


"kiddo. stop staring, you're creepy."

i turned away again and slapped my hands against my face. how did i end up here again when i could have just gone home?

"a-alright." i came out from the tree i was hiding behind and stood right in front of him.

"do you have like, a question to ask me? you have been staring at me since yesterday and honestly i am a little creeped out." he leaned against the tree behind him and used his broom as a support for his arm.

"n-no, i'm just wondering," i gulped in nervousness. sometimes i wonder why the heck am i such a curious cat because if i wasn't one, i wouldn't be standing here right now. i'm betting he would think that i'm such a nosy person or something.

"just ask."

"why are you here as a cleaner?" i breathed out that one gulp of air that i had been holding for so long. i must've seemed so stupid right now.

to my astonishment, he just gave me a chuckle. and it was a really, soft chuckle.

"is it because you see that i am young, and you are thinking that i am ruining my own future being here?"

i nodded my head in response.

"well kiddo, you see," he stood up straight and started walking around me. "there's nothing wrong about this. i am here because i enjoy this job. i don't aspire to be the CEO of some big company, or an inventor of some weird thing. i am not living life just for the sake of earning money. i am living life to enjoy what i am doing! and it sort of happens that i really really love cleaning, that is why,"

he halted his steps and turned to face me. placing a hand on my shoulder, he grinned. "i am here."

as the words he said gushed down my ear like a whirlwind, i felt different emotions surging up.

"what about colours? are they wonderful?"

"they are the most beautiful thing that you will ever see."

"how beautiful?"

"now kiddo, i can't define that for you. it's up to you to find out what's your definition of beautiful."

suddenly, as if on cue, i saw another colour other than black and white — it was bright and vibrant. it took me a few moments to believe what i was seeing.

the colour looked like it had the meaning of hope, happiness and optimism. it looked like a colour that i would really want  to add in my life.




he stopped eating his food and tilted his head to look up. even with food in his mouth, he tries to speak. "you're here!"

i went to sat beside him on the pile of autumn leaves. after seeing another colour from here yesterday, i was eager to come here again, hoping to see another new colour again.

"you know i thought you wouldn't come anymore after yesterday? because everyone just goes away after listening to me blabbering. they think it's bullshit."

i smiled. "not in my case! i think it's very inspirational, to be honest. i feel motivated after hearing what you told me yesterday."

"oh kiddo? you're special."

"am i?" i pondered for a moment. "someone said i am weird."


"for not having a favourite colour."

yoongi sat straight up and became serious. "just like that? it's not weird. is it because you like every colour?"

i gave him a sad smile. "it's because i don't like any colour. i can't see any colours other than black and white."

"yesterday i abruptly i saw a new, bright colour. i came back here to find that spark again, the spark of seeing a new colour."

yoongi picked up an autumn leaf from the ground and gave it to me, smiling ear to ear. "don't lose hope."

the moment he said that, i could see a new colour painting over the autumn leaf— it looked warm, and cozy.

"yoongi! i saw a new colour!" i got excited unexpectedly and waved the leaf up in the air. in return, yoongi only gave me a thumbs up.

"to a person like you, who sees all colours, i might just be absurd. i'm so sorry—"

"don't be. aren't colours such a fascinating thing?"


it's been over months and i could see almost all colours. days and days i went to the school backyard to find yoongi. days and days i hoped to see new colours there. days and days yoongi worked there, sweeping off the fallen leaves.

his passion for cleaning was really unwavering. despite the continuous fall of the leaves, he sweeps it with all his might. and he doesn't eat until he completes his job.

i really admire him, because how can someone have a passion for such a thing as cleaning, which most people hates?

and there was only this one colour left that remained black and white to me. i wonder what could this colour be.

as usual, i walked to the school backyard and saw yoongi sitting there. but this time, instead of eating, he was writing something.

"what are you writing?"

"resignation letter."

did i hear it wrongly? did yoongi really say to, resign?

"what? why? didn't you say you loved this job—"

"i do love this job, cha in. but i found a better place for me to work in. it's near my house so it's convenient for me. unlike here, i have to wake up early and squeeze into the packed train every morning."

i didn't know why but i felt tears brewing in my eyes. i then felt a pair of arms wrapping around my whole body and as if on cue, my tears fell.

"it was nice knowing you, kiddo. has anyone told you that you're strong? has anyone told you that you're lively? has anyone told you that you're cool? well kiddo, if anyone hasn't, then today, i, min yoongi, am going to be that someone who tells you that you're strong, lively, and cool. find your last colour and live your life full of colours. you will be happy."

that warmth that i felt instantly disappeared because the next thing i knew, yoongi was gone and i was still standing there, with the orange autumn leaves falling onto the ground like it was our last farewell.

and then i saw the last colour. it looked fresh and vibrant that it seemed like a pained colour with great desires.

it looked like the colour that was representing my heart when yoongi left — strong desires to keep a person to stay.



"what's your favourite colour?"

i abruptly stopped what i was doing, and took a few moments to process the question. putting my paint brush gently onto the table, i looked up.

i smiled upon hearing this question. this was now, always a question that i have been wanted to be asked.

"aren't colours are the most beautiful thing in this entire universe? they add meaning to your life, they paint your life into a masterpiece. and so, you know the answer to my question—"

"—every colour."


holy shit i feel that this is super bad but i don't know alxkwkdkkwjdd i wrote this around 3am & like i edited it a lot of times but i'm still not satisfied )))-: i guess it's been a long time since i wrote and well that says about this ///:

i would like to apologise if this isn't well-written omg i will try my best to write a better one on my next one-shot!

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