wrong | jimin

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title : wrong

characters : park jimin x kim rae deum

❝ is it wrong to like someone that you are not supposed to? ❞



"hah! you went bankrupt!" my close friend, hoseok cheered as i slammed my cards down on the floor.

"goddamn, i give up." i sighed in discontent as i stared pitifully at my cards. we were playing monopoly, and honestly i felt ashamed that i lost even though i was pretty good at that game.

all of a sudden, i heard a loud slam of the door and i craned my neck to see who it was. i saw a familiar figure back facing me dressed in really short skirt that could literally show her ass, her hands on the man's chest as they were making out roughly. i looked back at hoseok and stared at him pleadingly, silently hoping that he won't leave me in this situation.

"uh, well would you look at the time. i have to water my goldfish, gotta blast!" he exclaimed, grabbing his backpack and exited through the backyard, dashing off like a thunderbolt. i muttered profanities under my breath as i tried not to look back at the scene that i saw just.

it was normal seeing these type of scenes every day. as my father passed away due to an accident, my mother started to become depressed and she completely changed three hundred sixty.

she started bringing man home everyday, fucking them loudly in the bedroom that i couldn't even concentrate when i was studying for my exams. the noises were disturbing, and that's why i always wore earpiece.

sometimes i would bring my close friend to my house. but then i forgot the presence of my mother. so whenever she came out, my friend would run away, leaving me.

my mother indirectly chased my friends away, which resulted me in having no friends. i knew that hoseok would not even spare a glance at me tomorrow when he sees me in school. i knew it, i had no hope in making friends, all because of my mother.

i could hear the sound of her heels clicking against the floor and i cupped my ears using my hands as i shut my eyes tight.

the thing was, i had a really great listening. i could pick up each sound and describe what they were. but i really wished that i couldn't so that i didn't have to hear all the moanings and groanings.

but it couldn't be avoided.

i hear the door slammed shut once again, and i knew that they were in my mum's bedroom. i quickly ran into my room, which was luckily opposite my mum's, and decided to sleep to pass this night.


"oh baby, i'll fuck you so hard that you can't walk for a month."

i rolled on my bed back and forth as i tried to sleep but to no avail. the next thing i heard were loud moans and groans coming from the room opposite mine. i hated how the house was quiet except for the both of them who were fucking each others so loud and rough.

the moans and groans started to quieten down, which i was really glad for. my throat felt dry and i decided to go to the kitchen and take a drink.

opening the door slowly, i scanned the living room slowly to see that there were no sight of either of them and i walked towards the kitchen.

as i was about to enter a kitchen, i heard the sound of refrigerator door being shut tightly and there i saw the man that my mother brought home. he was leaning against the refrigerator, sipping on a can of coke.

he was in a mess; his hair was really messy and it certainly looked like he had a good fuck with my mother. he had lipstick stains all over his body and i spotted a few hickeys on his neck. the first few buttons of his shirt weren't buttoned up either, revealing his muscular chest.

if i were to guess his age, i would think that he was about the same age as me. his face didn't looked so old and the way he dresses, it looked so mature yet young at the same time.

this was the first time my mother ever brought a younger guy home. perhaps he was a great fucker and of course she couldn't resist him.

i wanted to return back to my room but at the same time i was really dehydrated. so i had no choice but to walked towards him, as he eyed him and i felt a little conscious.

"uh, excuse me?" i said as i pointed at the refrigerator. the guy continued to stared at me but he finally moves away. i heaved a sigh of relief as i opened the refrigerator and grabbed a bottle of mineral water.

i quickly closed the door and returned back to my room, glad that i successfully made back to my room in a piece.



i certainly did not expect this.

standing right in front of me, with his hair brushed back and a backpack slung over his shoulder, was the guy that my mother brought home yesterday. he was staring at me again and i felt goosebumps.

no, this can't be it.

that guy was in the same school as me.

i turned my heels towards the other direction as i walked in a fast pace, hoping that he would not come after me. but then, i could hear footsteps behind me and the next thing i knew, my arm was being yanked forcefully as i tried to stifle a groan.

"why are you avoiding me?" he questioned, and i could sense a tone of desperation.

"why should i not avoid you?" i spat back and tried to get away from his grip but he only held it tighter.

"i don't wish to be involve in my mother's affairs," i clarified. i would try all ways to avoid the guys that my mother fucked before at any costs. i definitely do not want to be involved with them, they're dirty.


"stop following me!" i yelled in frustration as i turned behind and saw that it was that guy again. he had been following me the whole day in the school excluding classes. i was extremely annoyed as i wanted to keep myself clean.

"i can't, i had the urge to do so." he replied back innocently. i shot him a middle finger and walked towards him, kneeing him in the balls.

i did not regret at all.

he started to whimper in pain as i walked away heartlessly. after all, i don't have a heart. my heart was being destroyed since the day mother changed and father died. i don't even know what's the meaning of having a heart anymore.

"rae dum,"

i stopped right in my tracks as i heard my name being called. a warm sensation travelled through my body and all of a sudden, i felt warm, really warm.

this was the first time someone ever called my name. ever since my father's accident, my mother hasn't even called my name since then.

i missed the feeling of having my name being called. i missed the feeling of having a warm feeling engulfing me as someone called my name.

perhaps he had ignite the fire in my heart once again and made me warm, because at that instant, i turned backwards and walked towards him, helping him up.


i found out that his name was called park jimin.

i noticed that he had a really cute eye smile and squishy cheeks, yet he still managed to look really mature.

i had brought him to the sick bay and as awkward as it sounds, i kept on apologising repeatedly as i placed the pack of ice on the balls area. i kept on holding it as he started the conversation.

we had a lot in common, and our tastes in music were the pretty same too. we had a good chat and laugh, i couldn't be more happier that i made a friend.

this was the first time that i ever involved myself so much in my mother's affairs. this was the first time ever and i myself was honestly really shocked too.

slowly every day, we would walk to school together and became really good friends as if we were really inseparable.

but i knew that i shouldn't involve myself much in my mother's affairs yet i couldn't help it. i felt like park jimin was a magnet and i was attracted to him.


"you bitch!" i was greeted by a slap harshly on my left cheek as i opened the house door. i saw my mother standing in front of me, fuming and looking like a mad woman.

"why are you hanging out with jimin so much?" she raised her voice. my heart stopped instantly at her sentence. my lips trembled as i tried to force words out of my mouth but to no avail.

"you do know that you are crossing your line, right?" she continued to say as i dared not to speak.

she suddenly went upstairs to her room, leaving me in the living room. i thought she was done scolding me but, no.

"come to my room now, you bitch!" i heard my mother hollering. with shaky breaths and hesitating footsteps, i dragged my feet across the floor and finally arrived right in front of her room.

i braced myself and took deep breaths deeply, knowing that i would either be facing a whip or a thick rope.

letting out a breath, i opened the door carefully and slowly as i almost broke down at what i saw.

my mother was lying on the bed naked, and i recognised the back of the guy as jimin. he was naked as well and he was facing my mother. specifically, his dick was facing my mother's vagina.

"look at this carefully. don't you dare walk out of this room. don't you dare close your eyes or cup your ears. if you ever do those, you are not my daughter anymore." she snickered.

my legs were planted right onto the ground as they were shaking and wobbling like a jelly. at any moment, i can feel myself collasping down onto the ground.

jimin started to left trail of kisses on my mother - her lips, her cheeks and he sucked on my mother's neck leaving a hickey. he nibbled my mother's earlobes as she let out a loud moan.

i wanted to cup my ears with my hand but no. i wanted to peel my eyes off from this scence but no.

i can't.

i could see jimin getting ready and his dick touched the entrance of my mother's vagina. i thought he was going to enter my mother, but no.

instead, he leveled his face within my mother's vagina and he slowly licked it, my mother moaning out loud so pleasurely as jimin continued to send her to heaven.

i wanted to scream so bad, i wanted to just rip my hair off so bad.

i can't.

i can't look at this anymore. i can't bare this anymore. i could feel tears cascading down my cheeks and i felt the salt of my tears as it landed on my lips.

my vision were blocked by my tears and i felt like i was being ripped apart. i felt like my body wasn't no longer here anymore, and i felt like i was being totured mentally.

my mother was sucking jimin's dick right now as jimin let out a growl and some profanities. i tried not to look but i couldn't. my eyes were froze on that scene and even though my tears were blocking my vision, i could still clearly see what was happening.

i knew better that i shouldn't have involved myself in my mother's affairs yet i did. i went against myself and i did. i'm regretting every single thing i did.

why is it wrong? why is it wrong to like someone? why is it wrong to like someone when you aren't supposed to?

feelings are scary, and sometimes they're painful, and if you can't feel the pain you won't feel anything else either.

i'm numb.

i was broken.

it started as butterflies, and now it just hurts.

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