"Chapter Eighteen"

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We arrived to Maryland and the same rooftops where I've first met Angeline.


"Yes, darling?"

I didn't say a word for a moment.

"Can you promise to be on your best behavior? This woman is very important to me as she's the first one to take me in and almost cared for me as a mother."

Loki chuckled, shaking his head.

"I can't make promises, love."

"Loki." I said his name almost sternly.

But then I just realized something— Thor had either not got back or he did and didn't tell them he hadn't found me. It's too risky to be back here but had I been so selfish—

"Oy!" The familiar voice said behind me.

Just like before.

"Angeline... it's just me." I said immediately.

Angeline had lowered her shotgun immediately hearing my voice.

"Anne? Is that you?"

I turned towards her, weakly smiling. My eyes wandered as Loki has not been found. What is he up to now— never mind that.

"How the hell did you get up here?"

"I figured to take a vacation back here since it's been so long I had seen you."

Angeline thought.

"I mean... last I saw you was—"

"When I had went to New York for you in 2012..."

I'm still confused whether my memories are either real or they're false and made up. Angeline weakly smiled.

"Come now, hon." Angeline said as I took one last look around. Where the hell is Loki? She took me back down and into one of the vacant rooms.

"So why did you come back?"

I bite my lower lip. When Angeline first ever found me: she saw a quiet, frail, scared girl that almost looked to be skin and bone.

"Angeline... do you remember the day you found me?" I began to ask.

"...Yes. I remember the day clear as a crystal. You were in rough shape. Why?"

I turned against her, showing the tattoo imprinted on my neck. It's so late to tell her the truth. I didn't tell her because that's when I began to change to be the person I am... or maybe was. I also filled her in on everything up until now.

"...And that's why I'm back here. I missed home. Although even if that means having a possible bounty on my head."

Angeline wiped her tears for a moment.

"As a matter of fact, some people that almost looked military came here hours ago."


"Are they staying here?"

"Most of them, yes. Why?"

"Look, Angeline. Please don't tell them anything. I don't want them to take me back... not yet."

My voice sounded so broken as a record.

"I can't lie to these people, Anne."

"I know. But... Please even though these people have good intentions, I felt so trapped and my boyfriend only staged a kidnapping to protect and rescue me."

"Where is the mystery man anyways?"

"Asked the same thing to myself... but I assume in hiding."

Angeline nods.

"Anyways, I'll check you in," Angeline paused, "but under a new name. I'll let this slide once."

"I owe you..." I said weakly as Angeline weakly smiled.

"You are a daughter to me."

I weakly laughed for a moment.

"Then you have competition because that Stark family wants to adopt me." I lightly joked.

Angeline frowned for a moment.

"Actually, I would let them. They're rich and would know how to care and support you."



"I wouldn't care for the money. You were there for me since you mistakened me as a trespasser."

Angeline pulled me into a warm hug. Suddenly a clear of throat was heard that startled Angeline. I knew it was Loki and I'm started to get used to him randomly teleporting.

"Coast is clear, love." He paused seeing Angeline.

"Angeline... this is Loki."

Angeline, still afraid, studies Loki for a moment.

"Love I'm sorry to vanish." He paused looking at me directly, "With the shield being around, I need to throw them off their tracks."

I nodded. Makes sense why he vanished, he's trying to go somewhere else and not be seen with me. Because if they're going to find Loki, they're going to find me.


"Yes, Angeline. This is Loki Laufeyson."

She gulped, nervously smiling.

"...Nice to meet you."

"Likewise." Loki paused before he suddenly puts something around my neck.

"In case if you miss me lots, here's a locket."

"That better not be stolen," Angeline spoke up.

"Of course not. It was something that once belonged to my mother."

Frigga... I feel so terrible to have leave her. But it's too risky since I know if Asgard found out a midgardian killed their king. They would riot and want a war. I felt Loki kissed my cheek before vanishing again.

"I know he's a bad guy to everyone but—"

"Anne, sweetie. I won't judge you. As long he treats you well and makes you happy, then I'm happy." She smiled softly.

I nodded.

"So... now that you're a assassin with super powers... what powers do you have?"

Now I think about it: I haven't really discovered since I've been to focused on solving on other mysteries. All I know is super strength seeing how I made the small crack in Loki's old cell and super leap. And I guess withstand Loki's cold temperature.

"I can only think of three... super leap, super strength, and I guess withstand extreme temperatures."

"The third one makes sense since even in the summer we met, I never seen you sweat excessively or complain the hot temperature." Angeline said.

But you know... now I'm curious. Hydra mentioned the mix of winter soldier and the Maximoff twins...

"Are you hungry?"

"Yes. I am."

"I'll bring up some of your favorite, baked lasagna."

I smiled as Angeline would head downstairs. This was the same hotel room I stayed in for half of my life so I know where everything is. But I had outgrown them sadly... I guess I can use a bath robe to sleep in for now. Soon I went into the bathroom to take off the asgardian dress I wore, I saw some new tooth brush... hm... I'm curious.

I held up my hand and focused... some blue magic appeared around my hand, picking up the toothbrush... so telekinesis. What's next? I closed my eyes for a moment...


After seeing Anne's unexpected return, I had been somewhat in a good mood. Though I hate having to lie to these soldier guys... Shield I think they're called.

"No sign of Anne yet, sir." A man spoke suddenly while I was grabbing a plate.

"Damn it... where the hell did he took Anne?"

I grabbed the utensil. It's rather rude for me to listen in... but for some odd reason I have to.

Another one comes in.

"Mr. Stark, we've received word from Mr. Thor Odinson that he's going to stay in his realm for a bit because his father passed."

I glanced over for a second. The Stark guy looks oddly familiar despite seeing him before when he was checking in. His presumed wife is in the room, upset over Anne's disappearance.

"Odin's passing..." he repeated, rubbing his chin.

The woman approached and sat next to Mr. Stark. I can tell she is taking this rough as much as that Tony Stark... I knew this Loki man is suspicious but... from what I can tell these people were quick to judge him. I slowly approached.

"Hi, miss." I spoke to his "wife," directly, "Are you alright? If you're hungry you can take my plate."

Mr. Stark guy looked at me for a moment but then to his men.

"Oh... I'm fine. Thank you." She lied.

I assume this is the couple that wants to adopt Anne.

"...I know I've should've mentioned this but I known Anne years ago..."

I should be giving Anne her food but... I feel that the woman needs some comforting first. She is an guest at my hotel after all.

"Are you her mother?" Mr. Stark asked and I noticed the agents are gone.

"Oh no no. She isn't. She was like a daughter to me." I explained.

Tony and his (presumed) wife nodded.

"But last I seen her was when she was helping with the business in New York back in 2012... if that helps with the investigation."

"2012." Mr. Stark repeated, "the same year that Loki attacked... so she wasn't lying and wasn't having false memories."

I remembered she was going to New York to help with my parents with the hotel they run in New York... and was in Germany after my parents payed her for her hard work.

"False memories?"

Tony and his wife looked at each other for a moment.

"It's classified... but we thank you for your small contribution..."

His wife did take the plate. I guess after all she also was hungry. I would then go get another plate of the baked lasagna and get some lemonade for her.


I opened my eyes... I was able to see through Angeline's eyes and read her mind. I guess Tony and Pepper really do care about me. And everything else was real... I heard the door knock very gently and I immediately knew it was Angeline. I opened the door and smiled.

Angeline noticed I'm only in the bath robe.

"I'll get you some my old clothes. Can't leave and make anything suspicious."

"...I saw everything."

"What do you mean?" Angeline asked confused.

There was silent until Angeline realized it.

"You can read my mind?"

"And see everything, yes. I'm still slowly learning since it's rather risky to check the databases."

But... then it hit me. Even though this is risky but... I have to go back.

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