"Chapter Seventeen"

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They really put you to work. Which I didn't mind because it gave me something to do. When it was over, I took off my clothing to put on my outfit. The two maids who help bathe me earlier know about the situation and was swore to keep my secret. When they left after helping put on my nightgown, I spoke up.

"Loki... it's safe now."

He teleports in front of me.

"Nice try keeping hidden."

"...I didn't meant to break something. But just—" I bite my lower lip.

"I know, love. I know..."

He put his hand to my cheek. Despite his hands feeling cold, I had this warm feeling inside me. He smiled a bit.

"Since we have all of the time in the world..." he snapped a finger, changing my outfit.

"What the—"

Loki shushed me before he grabs my hand. He used his magic to teleport me to a massive oak tree and the sun was setting. I watched in amazement.

"This is so beautiful..."

"And someday, this realm will be yours."

I was taken aback.

"What do you mean?"

"...For all my life. I was alone. I had the lesser attention as a prince because I'm not Asgardian by blood but a frost giant." He paused.

That makes sense why he feels so cold... he's a frost giant.

"But meeting you had changed my life for the better, Anne."

Please don't tell me he's actually proposing—

"Even though I was hurt by the betrayal, you had imprinted me, Anne Wright." He continued on with his confession as he got closer, "All I ask is for you to be mine... and I will promise to make you my queen of this realm someday."

This... this is a lot to take in. But... I bite my lower lip. Leaning against the oak tree.


"You see... uh.." I didn't know how to tell him.

I have poisoned Odin at dinner earlier. I thought.

"You..." Loki was taken back.

I didn't know what got over me. Him treating me like that... it brought too much memories that— I snapped.

"Are you mad?"

Loki began to laugh, picking me up and twirling.

"Of course not!" He said happily.

I laughed softly, smiling.

"...Then yes. I'll be yours, Loki Laufeyson."


After we became a couple, Loki and I immediately went back to the citadel before anyone would draw suspicions. Of course, Loki's still keeping his identity safe but has left me with a kiss. I lay in bed until I heard the same old marching and guards stomping in my room.

"What now...?" I asked in a groggy voice.

"All Father has passed."


The news has made it to everywhere. Odin has passed away. And my lover is the culprit this time. I shouldn't be happy. But I am. Mother weeps at his side while I kept my distance and saw Anne and Thor.

"Anne..." Thor can only spoke.

"I know. Who would do such a thing?"

Thor slowly nods. He too would weep while Anne stands there awkwardly for a moment.

"I'll leave you two to grieve."

She was about to leave.

"No... Anne. I want you here."

"How come?" Anne asked concerned and nervous.

Don't be nervous or you'll raise suspicions! I thought.

"You are my son's lover after all."

"Lover?" Thor asked, "She's—" then it hit him, turning towards Anne, "Anne, are you seeing Loki?"

"Yes. I am."

Then this made Thor raise some concerns.

"Are you well, Anne? He—"

"Don't worry about me. Worry about your dead dad, Thor." She said sternly.

"Like I said this isn't my room to be here. Odin hated me and knew why I was here to begin with." She said as she walked off.

I make my appearance outside.

"You okay, love?"

"Just frustrated. How can Thor make it about me when his Dad is laying dead?" She said annoyed.

"I know... he's so selfish." I reassured.

"HALT!" A guard yelled.

I can see Anne get tense but I held onto her hand for reassurance.

"Is it towards me or him?" She asked the guard.

More guards come stomping towards me. Definitely me. They were going to arrest me.

"Hey! Hey! Don't arrest him. Odin's dead for Christ sake! Can't Loki be there to grief?" She said.

"He's the one who murdered Odin."

"Ah ah Ah. Bold accusations to arrest someone who wasn't there."

Anne what are you doing?

"How can you be sure, Midgardian?"

"When I arrived here not once I had not seen Loki once until now. Maybe it's one of the servants that did this or MAYBE one of you?" She said raising more points.

She would be such an amazing Queen... seeing how smart and the leadership she has... the guards released me.

"You're lucky that the guest brought up some points but if it's you we won't hesitate to throw you back in the dungeon."

I snort and rolled my eyes as they walked off.

"Thank you, darling."

"Of course, babe."


"Ahem." A voice said behind us.


I was too focused on helping Loki that a voice behind us caught our attention. It was Thor.

"I guess what you said is true."

Then I realized something.

"Thor weren't you so eager in the beginning why now the hostility and acting like me and Loki is a bad thing?"

"Probably brainwashed by them, love." Loki replied.

Thor looked at Loki angrily for a moment.

"Anne.... May I have a word with you?"

"If you have to say anything say it front of Loki." I spat.

He groaned.

"Please. I just want to speak alone."

Loki puts his hand on my shoulder.

"It's okay, Love." He said half annoyed.

I looked at Loki for a moment before I looked at Thor.

"This better have to be good explanation." I said as Thor pulled me off to the side.

"What do you want?"

I can see he didn't look exactly comfortable, sighing.

"You know why I'm here."

...Yes. To take me back and be sheltered like a child.

"Tony and Pepper have been doing everything in their power for you to return..."

So they really are serious about adopting me.

"And I apologize for the way I was acting. You were right, I was happy but then... Loki..."

"Yeah. He's the bad guy in their eyes. I can understand why they've wanted to protect me. But you can tell in his eyes, Loki cared. He was hurting for what I did. And he "kidnapped," me to protect me."

Thor was silent, listening to every word.

"Then that's when I started to believe that Loki only held you hostage for that same reason."

"But did they know?"

"Of course not. If I spoke up, they would think I've gone mad."

"Fuck them, Thor. I mean... weren't you your own hero before you joined them?"

"Since after the New York incident."


"But I would not leave—"

"Thor are you just going to stand there and defend them, knowing they sent you to come find me?"

"They do care!" Thor yelled, "They've haven't got any sleep wondering where the hel are you!"

Family... the only word that I can think of right now. I clenched my fists.

"See? Even you do care!"

"Thor, I want to stay. I'm close to finding answers about the truth." I put my finger up as Thor opened his mouth, "After I find out the truth, I will return. I still want to know more about myself."

Thor closed his mouth, thinking for a moment.

"Then I shall stay to help you."

"I don't need any help."

"Yes you do."

"Thor. Are you just dumb?"

"I'm not dumb! I'm smart!"

"Then listen to me." I spat, "Loki's not going to listen to you. He still hates you and practically everyone but me right now. I am his girlfriend after all." I reminded, "He'll only tell me BUT I'm not going to backstab him again."

Thor kept silent once more.

"...You really do love my brother, hm?"

I blushed a bit at his question.

"I do love your brother, yes. Arrest me." I said sarcastically.

He shook his head.

"I would not..." he was silent... Thor's always been a loud one but it's like... he's soften when I admitted I'm in love with Loki.

"Come with me, Anne." He said as I sighed.

I still don't trust Thor. I held my ground.

"I'm not going to force you to leave. Just come with me." He repeats in a calm manner.

I sighed. Thor took me to an private balcony area.

"Why here?"

"To talk about my brother."

"Why now?"

Thor moved his golden hair back for a moment.

"Because... you're the first woman to ever chose and admit feeling for my brother." He begins, "Even though it makes me happy to hear my brother has found someone."

"I understand your fears. But trust me, Thor. Loki will not hurt me at all. If anything I was the one who hurt him and I've redeemed myself."

He weakly smiled.

"Just know that you have my support too... with the relationship and your plan."

"What about the Avengers?"

"Sadly I have to report back to them. But they won't be happy..."

"I'll change their mind.... But Thor can I be left alone for a moment?"

"Of course."

Thor then left me alone as I took a deep breath. Family... the word repeated in my mind. Although I still thought about Tony and Pepper wanting to adopt me. But I'm scared. Since last I ever had a "family" it was just full of lies and traumatic experiences. But this feeling is different. It's warm and comforting around the Avengers.

I looked at my hands, although I'm supposedly Hydra's weapon... but the Avengers saw past me. Just a kid with a rough life that was having another second chance at life...

Angeline. I forgot about her... I wonder if I can just pop by for a bit to visit her. Suddenly I felt someone behind me, wrapping their arms around me. Immediately my fight of flight instincts kicked in.

"Easy, love. It's just me." Loki's voice said.

"Jeez. give a warning next time."

"I saw Thor left but mentioned you wanted time alone."

I slowly nodded.

"What did he talk about?"

"Things..." I briefly put it, still in a daze.

Loki saw I wasn't myself using a bit of his magic for a moment.

"You need rest if you're not well."

"I'm fine, Loki. I'm fine." I reassured, "Just I'm feeling homesick a little is all."

"A little?"

"Okay maybe a lot."

"We can leave Asgard and head back to Midgard."

"What about Odin?"

"He wasn't ever my Father anyways."

I saw guards walked past but they kept close eyes on Loki. The grief was still eating me alive. I know I'd be either killed or thrown in their dungeon if they found out it was me...

I can't do it. Not to Frigga who's been so kind to me ever since I arrived here. Thor would kill me...


Even though they didn't expect it was me... would it be suspicious if I left now? Suddenly, Loki's eyebrow raised.

"They have not expected you, love. They're putting the blame on me."

As always. Blaming Loki because he's always the villain. But only this occurrence Odin's blood is—

Lord this place is now effecting my mindset.

"Let's." I finally spoke up.

Loki flashed the tesseract before we left Asgard.

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