"Chapter Sixteen"

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I had to keep myself hidden in my own chambers. I didn't want to be here at all. But... I think I know why the tesseract did. It's because for her to know the truth... or maybe perhaps revenge on Odin? No... possibly not.

But then again: she did needed to get away seeing how the brutes were treating her. It was strange that despite she got in trouble for hiding me... they oddly gave her a room and access to everything. But seeing how what she went through: of course she needed support.

I sighed quietly using my magic to go to the room she's in. She was still sound asleep. She wore a nightgown that was made for her. She looked peaceful and so beautiful.


Fuck. I swiftly turned to see... Mother.

"Mother." I said, calmly.

Frigga shushed, reminding that Anne is still sound asleep. She took me into my old chambers.

"I knew that you came along... she wouldn't just know to teleport." Mother said with a warm smile.

I didn't say a word. She glanced over to the tesseract that was on my desk, glowing a bit.

"Then again..." She commented.

"I used it, Mother." I spoke up.

She nods slowly.

"What's he going to do with Anne now?" I changed the subject, not mentioning his name.

"Because I told him that she's our guest... he isn't going to punish and send her to the dungeons." Mother paused, "Not unless when she's comfortable speaking about why and how she got here."

Even though the point is obvious: she came to find the truth and she almost had it until I was interrupted.

"But I can see why it took you both here... you wanted to protect her." Mother read my body language.

"...I don't why it chose this place."

"Because Asgard is your home." Mother warmly smiled.

I reluctantly sighed. I've been here all of my life even if I got the scraps and want to take the throne — this place is still home...

"I'll keep your secret between us, my son." Mother kissed my cheek before leaving me to think...


The next morning, I was rudely awakened by the guards. Despite being a "guest" I have to be monitored 24/7. Frigga requested me specifically once more.

"How did you rest?"


But I needed to see Loki urgently. Because I know the place they're going to look for me is here.

"Something on your mind, dearest?" Frigga asked me with concern as she took me to a courtyard.

I bite my lower lip, Frigga has been so kind to me since my unexpected arrival. Odin's been a grumpy old man demanding me to tell him everything and treating me miserably.

"Frigga... can I be honest?"

"Of course."

"Does Odin know that Loki has feelings for me?" I asked, "Because it's like... he's treating me like I'm the bad guy." I admit.

I mean I did come here out of nowhere and I understand his hostility but... it's like with Frigga I'm a guest and I'm a mere prisoner to him.

"He does know everything."

But that doesn't make sense wouldn't he know Loki's hiding somewhere?

"But... wouldn't that make him know that Loki's here?"

This made Frigga frown more.


I clenched my hands into fists.

"...I just hope he won't hurt him."

Frigga then weakly smiled and put her hands to my cheeks.

"I see that you care for my dear Loki."

I slightly blushed before a guard comes running.

"All Mother, your son Prince Thor has arrived." The guard said as Frigga smiled.


"You go on ahead and greet him... I need to take a bath and get dressed."

Frigga nods as I scurried off. I found the bathroom... let's hope no one isn't around.

"Loki..." I called out his name.

Immediately he teleports.

"Yes, love?"

"Thor... he's here." I said in concern.

Then Loki shrugged.

"I expected he'd come to find you." He paused, "You're lucky you've came to the god of lies." He winked at me.

"Loki... what are you suggesting—"

He chuckled as if he read my mind.

"No need to go that far, love. I haven't made you mine yet~" He teased.

I blushed.

"You've misunderstood. I mean what's your plan?"

"That's not what your mind said~"

I swear to god...

"Just tell me the plan."

"Go in disguise. I'll help you behind the scenes."

"Are you sure? Because Odin might—"

He shushed me.

"I'll help you, princess."


"Just bathe and get yourself ready." He said as he vanished.

That asgardian god... I was going to undress but several women stepped in.

"Huh what—"

"You are a guest, Lady Anne."

"We're your maids."


"Oh... that won't be necessary."

But honestly, I could get used to this.


I had used my magic to shapeshift as a servant. I saw Frigga with Thor.

"Have you seen Anne, Mother?"


"She's a girl from Midgard. Loki's kidnapped her and took the tesseract. And I thought I'd begin my search here." Thor explained.

Oh so now they're saying I kidnapped her? Pathetic.

"A woman from Midgard you say?" Odin approached.

"Yes, Father."

"I knew the girl was off. But she has been polite."

"So she's here?" Thor asked almost eagerly.


"With Loki, yes."

"Odin, dear." I can tell Frigga didn't want to tell Thor... but I can see it in her eyes she didn't want to lie.

"She must return and Loki has to be captured at once." Thor said.


That makes me angry...

"Have you not realized Anne's your possible daughter in law in the future?"

"I have saw, my dear. And both her and Loki taking the throne when they are wed. Only Thor belongs to have the throne."

THAT— okay remain calm. Loki... you don't want to reveal yourself. Plus, you only love her and want her as your lover. Not your wife... yet.

"I'll have the guards—"

A sudden noise can be heard.


I was spying on the royal family... well except Loki isn't in the picture but I had borrowed one of the servant's outfits and made my appearance at least look as if I'm a poor servant. But hearing how Odin speaks of me like that. It makes me so angry. Now I see why Loki hates him with a passion.

I accidentally made a noise. Shitshitshitshit

"Who goes there?" Odin coldly spat.

Should I show myself or...?

"That would be me, my apologies my king." A servant spoke with a bow, "I will clean up my mess."

Odin was very silent, studying the male servant.... Wait...

I'll help you behind the scenes.


"...Very well. Don't do it again or you're back on the streets."

Loki bows and scurried off.

"How long is your visit, my son?" Frigga asked.

I can tell Frigga wanted me to stay. I know she enjoys my presence and treats me as a friend. But she kept quiet.

"As long I have my friend returned."

I had a foul taste in my mouth when he calls me his friend.

"What do you think you're doing— get back to work!" A strict voice screamed behind me.

...Looks like I have to play this charade.

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