"Chapter Fifteen"

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Asgard?! I looked at the tesseract that Loki still held in his grasp. He jerked away, possessive of it. Loki seemed to be almost afraid but kept his calm.

"Just what exactly did you do to get you on earth?"

"No need to—"

"HALT!" A voice yelled.

Immediately Loki used his magic... or the tesseract before the guard could see him.


More guards come running, I held my hands in the air... this reminds me when Angeline first found me on the rooftop of her hotel business.

"Who's this woman?" An older voice asked.

"Not sure, All Father just some trespasser in Loki's chamber."

My heart and adrenaline were racing, I gulped.

"I... I don't know how I got here." I lied, still having my arms in the air.

Immediately an older woman with blonde hair slowly approached me. I stood there, frozen in fear.

"My love—" the "All Father," said surprised that she was approaching me.

"Are you alright, miss?" the woman asked me.

Definitely can tell this is Thor's mother by the way she acts.

"I...I'm... I'm fine just scared is all." I admit.

The woman makes a small, warm smile. She studied me for a moment before looking at the guards and her husband.

"She's not from here. She should stay as our guest."

"My love—"

"AS our guest."

The king sighed.

"Lower your weapons, she is our guest." The king called out for servants and maids, "Get a room ready for our guest."

The queen looked at me with a smile for a moment, "You should need new clothes. Your clothes look dirty and torn."

I weakly smiled and nodded... well... this is more formal then when I met Angeline. I need to see Loki whenever he's not hiding for odd reasons.


The Seamstresses had made me a dress that took hours. They moved me into an empty bedroom near Loki's. I was exhausted from all of the fighting with him hours ago.

"You look like a princess." A voice said behind me.

I immediately recognized that it was Loki.

"Jesus Loki." I said startled.

"It's only just me." He said having his arms up in the air.

I face palmed for a moment, sighing.

"Loki... what did you did you do to have you sent to earth?" I asked, annoyed.

"Ah ah Ah. I want to hear the story about the bird."

"The bird...? Oh... that." I said before I put a finger up, "Don't change the subject. I asked first."

Loki then sighed.

"Fine. I was banished."

"Banished why?"

"Because of what I did years ago..."

"...That's it?" I asked confused.

"Somewhat. I was—"

A door opened and Loki immediately teleported away once again. I sat up. It was Frigga.

"Ah... All Mother."

"Please, child. Just call me Frigga."

I slowly nod, "Uh... okay."

"You know... I do remember you."


"What do you mean?"

"You're the midgardian girl that stolen my son Loki's heart."

I couldn't help to laugh a bit. Oh really? He told about me to his Mother? How adorable.


"Yes... normally my dear boy Loki always had no other girl in his life... you really are special." She said warmly.

"That's so sweet..."

She giggled softly for a moment but it fades.

"Despite everything... he still does love you."

I frowned a bit. I don't know how he still loves me after what I did.

"I thought he would've hated me."

"He did just... his heart was beating for you and he wanted to try forget you. But you really had made an impact on my boy."

"I... I didn't meant to do this... it's just-"

Frigga puts her hand to my cheek.

"I know. You're afraid. You two are very different but sometimes polar opposites attract."

I weakly smiled.

"Anyways you do look very exhausted... you should rest."

"I will, thank you for everything."

Frigga warmly smiled before she leaves again. Loki comes back with his face red.

"Let me guess you heard everything?"

"Of course." He said embarrassed.

"Now as you were saying..."

"...Look I just want to hear your story."

You know what? Fine. I pulled my hair up. Showing the tattoo of the name I went by and my barcode on my neck. I didn't know about it until one of the members of Avengers pointed out one day.


"Number zero three—"

I stopped him mid sentence... hearing it is a living curse for me.

"Were you a sex slave?"

"God no... I was a test subject of Hydra. They tried to make an superhuman assassin. I was the bird, Loki. I was the bird who was stuck in the cage with no ways to get out and only had to struggle and break free..."

Loki was silent, he was still processing it.

"That explains why you were different. You're..."

"A superhuman with assassin abilities? Yeah."

Loki's eyes says it all. He felt pity for me.

"So that would explain you..."

"Yeah it doesn't make sense."

Loki thought for a moment.


I lay back on the bed for a moment, sighing. Loki would sit at the edge.

"Loki... do you understand now? Why I was and currently still like this?"

"Now it makes sense. The fear you were put through."

"That and... I never had fallen in love before. I was afraid for myself. I didn't want to get hurt."

Loki moved a little closer.

"And I was now afraid of what Avengers thought because of what you did. They kept saying you brainwashed me."

He laughs.

"Those brutes are the ones brainwashing you. You're in control of your own. Hell if I did, I would had make you do things for me but you didn't back down."

"That's what I kept trying to tell them."

"Then they're not your family if they couldn't trust you."

"Ha... says the god of lies."

"Hey! Thought we were bonding."

"It's just a joke, Loki."

I yawned softly.

"Before I fall asleep: you have to tell me your story next time I wake up."

He nods for a moment.

"Right.... Of course. Now if you—"

"Stay for awhile?" I pleaded.

He didn't say a word for a moment, chuckling.

"I can't, love. I don't want to be caught around you... not only for my sake but also for yours."

"But your Mother seemed nice."

"She is... but Odin isn't."

I sighed. He does have a point, Odin has been aloof when I arrived here. He's only allowing me because of his wife Frigga.

"Just don't do anything stupid?"

He laughs.

"We'll see about that."

"Loki Laufeyson."

"Alright alright, but I can't make promises, love."

I sighed before he would disappear once again and I was able to finally sleep.

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