"Chapter Fourteen"

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After arriving on scene, smoke and everything else from the ceiling was around the room.

"Can you see anything, Jarvis?"

"Scanning surroundings." Jarvis said.

I looked around. I saw a silhouette. I have zero clue on how to work this suit. Jarvis has been my guide.
They come charging at me. I was able to block.

"Scanning. It's a group."

"Of what?"

Jarvis was hesitant to say something for a moment.

"Jarvis?" I said while fighting this person.

Eventually more silhouettes appear.

"Backup has arrived."

"For them or for me?"

I immediately recognized Tony in his suit. So backup was for me.

"Need any help, kiddo?"

I was knocked back. Luckily the bulky suit took most of it and only knocked me back. I looked at the person once more... they definitely don't look like they're from around here. I have a bad feeling about this...



Escaping was so easy. I was able to reconnect with some old allies to help cause chaos. But sadly it was interrupted until... they showed up.

"YOU!" A voice yelled.

I turned to the voice... to a female version of Tony's suit. I didn't recognize until... I remembered that Anne said Tony and his lover were planning to adopt her. Reallll charming Tony to give her a suit similar to his.

"I didn't expect you in that suit, Anne." I said grinning evilly.

"It's Iron..." She wasn't sure on the name. How cute.

"Never mind that, hand me back the tesseract."

"Let me think about it... No." I said I was about to leave but she charged at me before I do so. Dropping the tesseract. Luckily it was in its case so it didn't break.

It was an ongoing battle but it's no fun since she's in the suit. She would charge blast me knocking me back.

"Giving up?"


She chuckled... this isn't the girl I fell in love with. She's part of them now. Her and I chased to grab the tesseract. Another battle of punching and kicking... seeing us battle almost hurts me. I was in love with an innocent midgardian girl who saved me and patched me up... but now she's so different.

Each time I think of her, she beats me. But I can't see her eyes. Is she hurting too...? ...Obviously not if she's beating the hell out of me. I've gotten so weak for this girl.


It really hurts. I am hurting the god I've fell in love with. We're from two different worlds. He's the bad guy and I'm the good girl... I was going to punch him but... I need to do this with the suit off.

"Anne, what are you—"

Loki was wounded from all of my beatings. He was panting.

"You're not so bad, Anne~"

I grabbed the case for a moment. Jarvis told me the tesseract was inside. I've kept hearing words about it but never got to see it... but never mind that.

"Loki..." I said softly.

"What?" He spat.



I can see it now, her eyes tearing up. She wasn't touched from the battles because the suit. The suit followed behind her. I can tell she wants to talk but they won't allow it... They're controlling her like a puppet.

The suit was trying to get back on Anne while she was struggling. I hung over the wall, watching.

"Anne!" Voices called out to her.

She turned to the voices for a moment. She then speeds to my side.


"Go. Go run away and be with your masters, pet."

She frowned, sighing.

"Actually go run to your new—"

"He isn't my Dad... I told him I'll think about it." She said as she gripped onto the suit case tight.

"...And why are you telling me this?"

"For so long I kept denying everything. The truth. I've made up lies to try to keep my sanity." She admits.

But what does she mean?

"I was a bird in a tightly lock cage that the bird broke free and flew high... only to sing songs of different stories to other birds of where they are from, their name, anything to keep up their facade."

I'm confused...


"ANNE!" Jarvis' voice screeched.

Once I saw she was struggling I was able to spawn a dagger to throw at the suit to have her break free. I know what to do now... and it looks like this "bird," needs a bit of rescuing... again? I grabbed the case and opened it to see the tesseract.

"What are you—"

I shushed her as the doors swung open to the Avengers.

Just play along...

Anne was confused while I had used a dagger against her neck, making her tremble with fear.

"Loki! Let her go!" Steve yelled.

I chuckled. Tony tried to take a step further.

"Take a step further, or she dies."

Anne was quivering, I don't know if it's her playing the game along, or she's actually scared.

"You don't need to kill someone innocent."

Then loud stomping can be heard... at a rapid rate.


I heard the loud stomping... before I could react, Loki used the tesseract. It immediate took us somewhere.

"Where are we?"

Loki glanced around, now astonished.

"We're... in Asgard?"

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