"Chapter Seven"

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After talking to Mari, I went to check up on Loki. Apparently he found the cereal and was eating. Mari's advice helped me.

"He's literally insane. He's probably brainwashing you. Are you sure about this?"

"I know you might think I'm crazy. But I think he's telling the truth about his feelings."

"How are you fairing, Anne?" Loki asked.

I bite my lower lip.

"Loki..." I said his name.

He awaits for an answer.

"I had needed some well deserved thinking and..."


"I guess I'll do this one date. Any funny business you do I'll turn you in." I threatened.

He saw I almost looked tense. He puts his spoon down and gets up.

"What are you doing?"

"I can see you're tense."

"Why do you suddenly care? Why me?"

"As I kept telling you: I had love at first sight. You make me feel different, Anne. And I love this feeling... and you."

I blushed a bit.

"I want to protect you and even take revenge for you."

And hearing this... hearing he was being true to his feelings... I didn't say a word. He didn't know I didn't hang up and had Mari listen to this and when she hears enough, she'll drop the call and call the authorities.

"But... I don't even know how you got here. Why you're here." I went on.

"That I'll have to tell you later," he grabs my one hand, smiling gently.

"Why later?"

"You ask too many questions." He said, shaking his head.

"I just have so many questions." I admit.

Mari hadn't dropped the call. She's probably wondering why he's on Midgard as well. No, we're not planning to turn him in... yet. We just want to know why he's here and helping me. Even though Mari knows I might be in love with him and can't force me unlike Diana. But we mutually agreed that this is all wrong. He can't be trusted.

"Anne? Are you sure you're okay?" He asked as I flinched.

God I hope he isn't reading my mind right now. Which he probably is... but then again, he isn't being hostile about me possibly betraying him. So maybe he finally listened about reading minds is rude.

"Anne?" He uses his one hand, moving my hair behind my earlobe.

"Sorry? Was lost in a train of thought." I admit.

"By the look of it, you were in a trance." He said as he moves his hand to my cheek.

But... I feel bad. I can't help to pity him. But Diana and Mari have a point: I am probably under his control to believe that he's innocent and make me fall in love with him. But... he's slowly opening up to me.

"Do you need to go back outside to think again?" Loki asked in concern.

I bite my lower lip. No... I can't give in. I'm....

"Are you being forced to do something you aren't supposed to?" Loki asked in concerned.

Kinda of.... I thought.

"Who made you do this?" He asked almost instantly. Is he reading my mind right now?

Loki didn't say anything moving his hands to my arms.

"Answer me, Anne. I'm frightened."

His cold hands once again. Why do I feel so hurt and scared to tell him?

Calm down, Anne. I thought.

"I..." I finally spoke.

God I hope Mari is still on the call. I need something to distract him.

"Anne?" He asked, cupping my cheeks, "please. You can trust me."

How can I? I thought.

"Just..." I am still speechless.

"Just what?"

"Just..." I tried to speak up again.

Loud banging can be heard. Thank god... but...

"Is anyone in there?"

Loki looked at me as he grabbed my hand.

"Come with me."

But I didn't budge... Loki... I'm so sorry... I'm so sorry.

"Anne what are you—"

I jerked my hand away as I went to answer it.


Betrayal. The only emotion I can sense. Steve, Thor, Tony... everyone was circling me. Anne stood there, motionless with tears running down her face. She looks so... hurt. She was definitely put up to this against her will by that "friend," of hers.

Steve approached her.

"We want to thank you for your tip, Anne." Steve said in a serious tone.

"But you're not off the hook." Natasha contends.

Anne makes a defeated sigh.

"I know I'm ready to accept whatever punishment you have for me." She sounded so... broken.

Even though I haven't known Anne for only a few days. I know this isn't like her. I'm upset yes, but was she manipulated by that friend? Or did she plan this all along to avoid her feelings?

I'm chained up while Anne didn't get chained only escorted out.



After taking a helicopter to a private area that the avengers owned, they took me in for questioning. I told them the truth and saw I didn't trust him. Loki? He's in a cell. Diana was eventually questioned as well but we both got off lucky.

Diana is still upset at me. She only gave me my stuff and left again. Possibly heading home. I'm stuck here.

One of the scientists mentioned how I was "special," kind of person. They didn't mention what I'm special of though. I have to admit if I'm some sort of super human being, that would be kind of cool.

"Miss Wright." A robotic voice called out to me.

"Who said that?" I called out to the voice.

"Look at the tablet." The voice replied.

They put me in some sort of "cell," but I have more a better treatment than Loki. I picked it up.

"I am Jarvis. I had sensed your low emotions. Do you need assistance?" Jarvis asked.

Human interaction? Maybe. I looked at the tablet.

"Are you like Siri or some sorts?"

There was a robotic laugh.

"Of course not. I am an AI for Stark Industries."

So... Siri but more high tech.

"Do you need assistance?"


"I can contact Mr. Stark—"

"No... don't. Just... I need a female companion. Having a woman to woman talk."

"Understood. Will contact either Ms. Romanoff or any female agent close by."

"Thank you."

I put the tablet down for a moment but now I'm more curious about Jarvis and this "Stark Industries,"

"Jarvis actually- I have a few questions."

"Yes, Ms. Wright?"

"Please... Just Anne."

"Okay, changing name from Ms. Wright to Anne."

"Jarvis... I have more questions about Stark Industries and such—"

Then Jarvis goes on about Tony Stark and Stark Industries. Eventually a woman walks in.

"You said you needed someone to talk to?"

"...Yes." I said nervously.

The woman then finds a seat.

"Who are you anyways?"

"Agent Johnson."

"Please... your name."

"Sorry I cannot classify—"

"Please... I need a friend. Since you guys kind of confiscated my phone and Diana practically hates me."

The woman can sense my begging and me looking both stressed and depressed.

"...Okay." The woman said in defeat, "What's the matter?"

"Just... have you ever did something you regret?"

"Plenty..." then she caught on, "Are you regretting that you turned in Loki?"

I bite my lower lip.


Agent Johnson shook her head.

"He's definitely got into your brain."

That's what everyone has been saying.

"But don't worry we'll make sure to get you—"

"Let me explain. I feel so... confused."

"It's normal. Loki is an evil man and can corrupt your mind."

I didn't say anything. She finally lets me continue.

"I feel confused. Like half of me is proud that I turned him in and didn't trust him. While the other half I feel so... guilty?"

The woman nods, listening.

"So... Stockholm syndrome."

"Well he didn't hold me captive."

"That's what he made you believe."

Then I saw that blond hair man from earlier walk in.

"Miss Daisy, May I have a word with Lady Anne?"

Daisy then looked a bit annoyed of her name being revealed.

"...Yes, Thor." She said with an annoyed smile as she left me alone.

Thor then finds a seat.

"What do you want?"

"...I can sense my brother was really in love with you and looks somewhat broken."



"I just want to say. You must be a special woman because my brother never felt this way with any woman."

Is he...? I clenched my hands into fists.

"What are you trying to say?" I said, trying to keep my rage inside.

"Anne I sense your anger is increasing—" Jarvis butts in.

"I'm fine! I'm fine." I said annoyed.

"Are you alright, lady—"

"Look... I don't know what your intentions are but whatever it is I am not interested." I snapped.

Thor didn't say a word, he shook his head.

"You must've misunderstood me. I am here to make an friend not a foe nor lover." Thor said.

Then why did he walk in almost all cocky? I shook my head.

"I saw that when my brother was arrested earlier you looked like you were upset."

"Because I feel kinda of hurt that I betrayed him. Everyone keeps saying the complete opposite but he would never corrupt me. Even when we first met I didn't allow any of it and would've kicked his ass if I had to." I rambled on.

Thor had a devious smile.

"I see you do feel—"

"No I do not like your brother."

Even we spent time together bickering with each other I felt more confused and annoyed with him.
Thor grinned.

"Sure." He said with a heartily laugh.

"It is true." I said defensively.

Thor shook his head.

"Anyways, would you like to go out for some beer?"

"I rather stay here... plus I'm not to keen of leaving if your buddies are keeping tabs on me."

"Oh no worries. You aren't arrested. You're cleared. You're just here because—"

"I know I know I'm their little Guinea pig as to why I am so goddamn "special." I said slightly annoyed.

Thor can sense my hostility.

"Please know that you are not a prisoner but as a guest."

I sighed...

"Look I just don't wanna leave the compounds. After what all just happened I'm mentally exhausted."

Thor nods.

"I understand. You do get some rest." Thor friendly smiled as he gets up.

But before I can have to myself, Steve enters.

"Saw Thor in here. Wanted to see if you're alright."

"I'm fine... he's just wanting to make a friend."

Steve slowly nods.

"I don't know what he mentioned but just know that you're staying here because we sense that you have great powers."

"Powers? Am I a superhuman?"

"We can't exactly confirm... yet. Scientists are looking into it." Steve explained.

I slowly nod.

"But like I said; I know you're going through and Loki did corrupt your mind."

Why does everyone keep saying that? He did not.

"Why does everyone keep saying that? I kept telling him and everyone that he didn't."

Steve took a deep breath.

"In the past he did use the scepter to mind control several of our employees and be his little slaves to try build something to take over the world."

That makes even more sense. Even though I have met Steve hours ago... I guess I have no other choice to trust him and others.

"Steve... there's something I need to tell you."

"What is it?"


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