"Chapter Six"

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Next morning: I slept in for a bit. After Diana and I took turns driving, I figured she too was fast asleep. But there was... a burnt smell? I woke up to the foul smell and went to investigate.

It was Loki. He looked to be frustrated.

"I can sense your presence." Loki said.


"...What are you doing?"

"What does it look like?"

"No need to be hostile."

Loki took an irritated sigh.

"I was trying to cook breakfast but..." his voice trailed off.

That explains the burnt smell. I'm surprised that the smoke detectors nor sprinklers went off.

"...Just make do. Di and I would decide what to eat after we sleep."

"Don't be lazy."

I felt annoyed now.

"Loki, you don't understand. Di and I had taken turns driving so we're still trying to catch up on sleep." I explained.

Loki went silent, trying to understand. But his emerald eyes study me for a moment.

"...Then rest. I can see the bags under your eyes." He said as I swiftly turned around and went to bed.

I didn't fall asleep right away. Did he tried to cook for himself or was he trying to cook for Diana and I?
That's... almost flattering.

"Don't let it get to your head."

"Stop that. It's impolite!" I snapped.

His eye rolled.

"Thought you said you're going back to sleep."

"I am! I'm just thinking."

"I can tell."

Diana finally woke up.

"Will you two shut the fuck up? I'm trying to sleep here!" Diana intervened for a moment.

Loki and I coldly stared at each other. Not saying a single word.

If you're reading my mind, then go back to sleep as well or find a snack. I thought before I closed my eyes.


I was gonna say something back, but saw she closed her eyes. Nord she is cranky in the mornings. I went to find something as a "snack" and found some kind of thing called "S'more Chips Ahoy!" I opened it up and saw it had a tray of cookies. I grabbed a few and took a bite.... It was chewy and delicious.

Once I ate a few cookies, I carefully closed it before heading back to bed. I looked over to Anne's friend whom was somewhat snoring loudly. I then looked at Anne. She was a quiet sleeper unlike her friend  and she looked beautiful when she's in her slumber.

Nords... I can't believe I'm in love with a Midgardian. But ever since she first found me and "rescued," me, I've began to fallen hard for her. She's just not a beautiful lady, she's bold, feisty, but gentle and soft around her best friend.

Thor would've probably taken her by now... but then again she's a tough one. She wouldn't fall for his charms such as she didn't fall for mine quickly. But he's also stubborn... I bite my lower lip and shook my head.

Luckily he isn't here and doesn't know her. Nord I don't hope I run into the avengers and she has to deal with them. I thought.

I sometimes worry of being caught. Since not only it puts me in trouble: but Anne and her friend in trouble as well too. Though I always like the mischief and trouble: I'd go great lengths to protect her. She isn't mine but I want her to be. Only matter is when.

Then again... she doesn't show any reciprocation... other than being nervous. I thought.

Wait... I remember now: she blushed when I called her beautiful and she was slightly nervous when I confessed! Maybe... that's a sign! —

"Easy there, my son." Mother's illusion appeared.


She shushed me, pointing to the sleeping Anne and Diana.

"What do you want now?" I whispered.

"For you to take it slow. Just because she slightly blushed and was nervous doesn't mean she has any attraction."


"Time is different in Midgard, my dear son."

Thanks for pointing out the obvious. Mother's eyebrow raised.

"I thought Father forbid you to speak with me."

Mother shook her head.

"He knows you are our son."

I was almost about to raise my voice, but I realized Annie and her friend are still asleep.

"I am not your son."

Mother didn't say a word, still had a somewhat stern face.

"Give her time, take her out on a date..."

I rolled my eyes.

"I don't need your help, Mother. Now please leave me alone." I almost snapped out loud.

I looked towards Anne's direction still seeing her sound asleep. When I looked back, her illusion was gone. Finally...

And surprisingly, Anne slept through that. She is definitely a hard sleeper. I still felt hungry but I wanted to enjoy this moment of watching her sleep. I saw a bit of her hair over her face before moving it behind her earlobe gently.

"What are you doing-" a voice said behind me.

I wasn't startled and turned my head. It was her friend Diana.

"I was putting her hair behind her ear."

Diana still looked at me warily.

"Look, I don't what Anne sees in you after what you did in Germany and New York."

Why do these puny midgardians talk about something that happened years ago? I tried to take over New York and failed, so what? I would do it again if I want to. But first: I need an army, the tesseract, and my scepter.

"Hello!! I'm talking to you!"

"Sorry, I'm not listening to a loud midgardian who's disrupting her lady friend's slumber." I said sarcastically.

Diana huffed.

"Anne should've left you to die." Diana spat.

And this woman is going to the be frozen if she keeps this up...

"I can't die. Not even you mortals can try." I spat back.

"You really are insane. I don't—"

Immediately I grabbed her by the throat and picked her up. This brought immediate fear... just how I like it.

"Say one more word or you'll die. Lady Anne is trying to sleep."

While Diana was gasping for air and struggling, she stopped.

"Wait... I get it now. You're in love with her." She said coldly.


"Funny how you're being tough while you're in a chokehold." I threatened as I held onto Diana's neck tighter. She began to struggle and I see the fear in her eyes again.

"ANNE HELP!" Diana yelled, "Let me go you sick bastard!!"

She deserved this. Every second of this. I know I was used to people hating me but to taunt me earlier? That's asking for it.

Anne didn't move.

"ANNE!" Diana's voice yelled.

I sensed Anne was gonna wake up so I released Diana, throwing her to the ground before I would pick up the book I was reading.


I heard Diana's cries for help that woke me dead asleep. I saw Diana on the floor and Loki sitting at the edge of the bed, reading.

"Di, what's going on?"

"You—" Diana said annoyed at Loki, "Anne. He needs to go. He literally tried to kill me."

"Don't be so dramatic, puny midgardian. I've been reading the whole time." Loki said as he shook his head.

"Liar! You just had me—"

"Enough!" I yelled.

I looked at Diana's neck it was definitely red and I can see her shivering probably from the fear. I looked at Loki who's calmly reading the book I got to him about Earth.

"I don't know what the hell just happened but let's just calm down—"

Diana stood up.

"So you're gonna take his side?!"

"I did not say—"

"You've changed ever since you rescued him. Mari isn't even here but she would've agreed that he is a bad man. He should've been turned in!!"

I shook my head.


"You know what? I can't stay here." Diana paused, "I hope you got what you wished for, asshole."


I tried to say her name but she left with her things. I'm left confused and worried. I turned towards Loki.

"What did you do?" I crossed my arms, now annoyed at him.

"I hurt her. She shouldn't have pushed my buttons and taunted me like that." He said defensively.

I looked at him, doubtful of his words. Diana should've realized I wasn't taking his side and don't fully trust him either. But...

"Are you going to chase after her?"

Diana and I always had been there for each other. But... before I'm met her, we didn't get along at all. She's always been spoiled and a bitch but when she found out about my story she immediately made me her "best friend,"

I bite my lower lip, watching her leave. Maybe I am too trusting and weak.

"Hey." Loki's cold voice spat behind me.

"What the hell do you want now?" I asked, annoyed still.

"You are not weak." Loki was behind me.

Of course he's still reading my mind. It's hard to not think out loud but— I felt his hands on my shoulders. They definitely felt ice cold that made me almost jump. He noticed and jerked his hands back. I didn't say a word still. Trying to process everything still.

I know she wouldn't go far. But then again she would've taken the car with her to get back at me.

"If she did then we can take revenge." Loki comments.

"Will you stop reading my mind?" I snapped, "it's so rude and annoying when you do that. Plus: I don't what you have planned but I don't want to resort to violence!"

"Sometimes like these: violence is the answer. Are you tired of being pushed around?" Loki asked.

I know he's trying to manipulate me... gaslight me. But maybe it's not that I'm weak, but maybe because I let a villain from years ago stay with me because I wanted to get into the bottom of his story.

But, he also does have a point. I've been pushed around for far too long. I'm also tired of being the girl that people pity because of my story. But I also don't want to join his dark side either.

He didn't say a word probably listening in to my thoughts and not speaking up.

"...I don't want to be evil." I finally spoke up.

"I'm not exactly a villain." He adds, "I'm more of an anti hero. I also do good duties and what I'm doing is to help you."

"But why help me?"

Loki made an sigh.

"I'm still in love with you, Anne Wright." Loki admits once again.

"Ever since I first laid eyes on you, I had that weird feeling. I realized it was love. No midgardian has ever made me felt this way before. That's why I stayed." He admits.

I used to take everything he says with a grain of salt. But him confessing his feeling again.. I guess he is serious.

"I know you midgardians take this whole thing differently but..." Loki's voice trailed off, I can see a blush creeping up on his cheeks, "I can try this date." He admits.

A god. A notorious god who destroyed New York and caused havoc in Germany.... Has asked me on a date? I flinched, expecting Loki to be snarky and say that he's joking after reading my mind.

But he kept his silence, studying me.

"I need to think for a moment." I said as he nods.

I stepped outside. I looked around for a moment... Yep she did take the car. I luckily brought my phone with me outside and pulled up Mari's contact name.

Hey, I'm assuming Diana filled you in on everything?

No response. Probably talking to Diana as we speak. I sighed as I put my phone away. I'm still trying to process everything. Him hurting Diana and her storming off... being set in her ways as usual. Then Loki confesses again and asked me on a date?

I couldn't help to make a small laugh. It's hard to believe that an Asgardian God who tried to take over Earth came back to have feelings for someone like me. But when he called me beautiful and said sweet words... I felt something. I knew what it was just... I shook it off. But why is it here? Why now?

Why fall in love with an anti hero like him? I thought.

My phone goes off and it was Mari.

Yeah. She just filled me in on everything.


Well I can't really make a decision until I hear your side of the story.

I was literally asleep when it happened. I wasn't going to take his side and mediate the situation but...

She took the situation different.

I mean. I'd be frightened too if a God like him almost killed me. But I also see why you wanted to mediate the situation and hear both sides but...

And Diana is gonna hate me for somewhat taking your side but 🤷‍♀️

Mari has been a true friend since the beginning. Even before she found out about my story she was still right by my side. Mari was suspicious but we both shrugged it off.

You busy working?

Just got off. I can call.

I immediately called her.

"It's a good thing you texted... I have a dilemma too."

"What's up?"


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