Definitely Not Fueling My D&D Obsession

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Hello!!! Look what I'm doing instead of studying for my exams :)

Anyway uhhhh a simple Google search will tell you what D&D is if you don't know- But all you need to know right now is that it's a tabletop RPG that lets you play as a variety of races and classes with their own powers and such- and magic!! ye :)

So for this chapter I'll be assigning the BOTO characters what classes they'd pick if they were to play a game of D&D- not races because there's literally dozens you can pick from and I don't have the time or brainpower for that

This is partly based off of what class I think suits their personality best, and partly based off of what I think they might want as a class. 

*insert cool segue here*

Shieldy is definitely a Fighter,, very generic but also very combat based. I feel like in a game of D&D, Shieldy would like the combat aspect a bit more than the roleplaying, even if combat takes a long time. He's just interested in doing cool things like fighting bad guys lol

And I mean obviously he likes the "you can do pretty much anything you want" aspect as well but for the sake of argument, a relatively simple combat system works for him. Magic mechanics might be a bit too complicated for his liking. Fighters have a straightforward goal in combat, can be powerful, and don't require too much fuss.

Shelly is a cleric because "someone has to be support". Correct me if I'm wrong, but Shelly doesn't seem to be the fighting type of person, and would probably much rather heal her idiot friends that keep almost dying- (for legal reasons, that was a joke)

But clerics aren't just healers, they can do lots of damage as well(Source: I play a cleric). They can learn a spell that does 30 damage max at first level which honestly??? is pretty sick(and don't even get me started on the subclasses). So as a cleric, Shelly's main role is to heal allies, but it's not like she's incapable of defending herself. She can fight if needed, and I think that's what best suits her.

Party Hat is obviously a bard. Lots of buff/debuffs, magic, skills, and STACKS of charisma. He'd see the bard as a really fun class to play(and they are), and also probably slightly lean in the "horny bard" stereotype. Not enough to be disruptive, but just enough to be funny. Roleplay wise, there's tons of opportunities for shenanigans, and bards aren't half-bad at combat, either. Honestly I don't have much to say about this; bards are cool, Party Hat is cool, I just think the class suits him lol

Pizza would likely be a sorcerer; heavy magic users that can absolutely obliterate enemies with a lovely 8d6 fire damage in a 20ft radius fireball. He doesn't seem like a very upfront fighter and would much rather just use magic. Only reason he isn't a warlock is because he doesn't see the practicality in making deals with eldritch entities, and also because the amount of times they can cast per rest is absolute garbage-

Also yes I'm aware of the "all sorcerers are jerks" stereotype and that was a coincidence- Bottom line is, sorcerers are practical and easy to manage and I think that kind of thing is Pizza's style. Wizards are a bit too versatile, but that class could also work.

Hot Dog is an artificer, literally because they're known as the gadget tinkers and whatever of the classes. And Hot Dog likes gadgets so this one might personally resonate with him. Wizard also works. In any case, any class that's not a directly fighting class would work for him, since he also likely doesn't like fighting and all that. But being an artificer who can make magical items and stuff to help the party is what probably feels the most like himself to him. 

There's a possibility that if Hot Dog was to play D&D, he might go for a class with more confidence(any Charisma based class(bards, sorcerers, warlocks, maybe paladin)), as a way to kind of help him with his own confidence. Playing a class that's seen as an outward type might lead him to be more confident in his actual life, because D&D can do that, and some people use D&D for that purpose(I think). 

OR, his first time, he might play a confident class, realize that particular class isn't for him, and then show more genuine interest in playing Intelligence classes(artificer and wizard). Kind of like a growing into your own skin kind of thing, if that's even the right phrase. I think either one of these three could work for him.

Okay so Baguette is a bitttt harder to classify, but I think rogue works best for him! It's a high skill class and they're basically good at everything, and suitable for an adventure type like Baguette. Rogues are useful inside and outside of combat and are typically known for being edgy and mysterious. Not saying that Baguette IS edgy, but I think he'd like to play as that kind of character.

And when I say that, I don't mean edgelord levels edgy, just a dark and gritty type of character, or whatever kind of personality Baguette might idealize. I just feel like that "on the edge of society" type of thing might appeal to Baguette. Or not, who knows.

I kinda think Chocolatey could also be a rogue, but I also think she'd like to be a bard because,, bard. So rouge/bard multiclass might work best for her. Also I'm running out of clever ways to express my thinking because I just,, can't express myself normally lmao

Because I feel like she has a bard's charisma, and would want to play as a bard, but rogue is also appealing because they're sneaky and can do cool stuff. So yeah, multiclass :)

Honestly, I think Boat would want to be a warlock JUST for the lols. She gets lots of eldritch powers(and everyone's favorite cantrip, Eldritch Blast), and gets a cool eldritch patron. She might want to make up for the limited casting by multiclassing as a rogue(or barbarian, again for the lols), but otherwise, it's warlock time B)

Paladin suits Slurpy pretty well; it's a great combination of the cleric and fighter class, allowing her to be support but also be really good in combat. Because Shelly shouldn't be the only major support class, but also Slurpy wants to do more than be support. The code paladins are known to live by probably appeals to Slurpy, being a general rule follower, and also paladins are cool. 

(hkhkksls I know I'm not really doing a good job at explaining my thinking lol sorry)

Now I haven't actually put a lot of thought into what Popsicley might be but definitely a spellcaster! Kinda leaning toward warlock because she might think getting eldritch powers is cool, or sorcerer for that super damaging magic. Popsicley strikes me as a more practical person though so I'm thinking more of a sorcerer. 

Sooooo Big Orange Chicken is either a druid or a warlock. Maybe a multiclass? Druid because,, chicken, and warlock because. why not lol

Boombox is also a druid because yknow,, gentle giant character :) He's very lowkey and the druid class would reflect that well, being one with nature and all that jazz. Druids are also pretty support-y classes so there's that too!

Pinecone is definitely a bard, and definitely plays into the horny bard stereotype, but I also think he could multiclass with rogue for combat and sneaking purposes. But definitely, 100% bard. 

Pear's a bit harder to class, but she'd probably favor being a spellcaster over being a melee fighter. So probably sorcerer for big damage or maybe even cleric, just for the sake of not having to deal with combat. 

And Scissors fits best as a rogue, since,, rogue. The dark and edgy nature of the class appeals to her, and she does strike me as the melee fighter type of person. Also being a stereotypical edgy rogue allows her to push people away in-game so that's. fun :) I mean she probably wouldn't agree to play in the first place but this is just a what-if scenario hhh

Notice how my explanations totally fell apart near the end? Yeah sorry about that, I just fjknhhnnnn didn't feel like explaining anymore rip

I'm going to look back at this and feel stupid because I didn't put enough effort in probably :/ But yknow what I'm kinda tired and my AP exam is in like. 7 hours so here's the "best" I can do for now 

Okay byeeeeeeeee love you <333

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