Chapter Eight

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Silver opened his eyes, the wind feeling rougher than usually. Livia laid sleep, the thought of her being upset now crossed out in his mind. He turned, finding Lilia up, his father's gaze on something behind him. He turned, spotting a large tropical island, seeing the dots of moving figures there. "What is that place?"Silver asked. "Paradise Island, home of the Jaguars..."Lilia responded. "Jaguars..." Both looked, finding Livia staring towards the island. "Livia...promise me you'll never go there when you're older"Lilia says sternly. "I promise must be dangerous if you don't want me going there"Livia responded. Lilia stayed silent, before smiling slightly. "Want me to tell you the story of how I met your mother Livia?"Lilia asked. "Yeah, I'm older now! I can handle it!"Livia beamed. "Well it started when your mother was seventeen...and it was winter at that time, I was being goofy as usual, and enjoying life, but I took it a bit too far, well for one of the first times I panicked...I clawed towards the surface and the cold was starting to get to me"Lilia smiled. "I heard a splash, and saw blond hair coming towards me, next thing I knew I felt myself moving up and out of the water, I met your mother face to face cause she had waited for me to wake up, she scolded me then we started seeing each other at night or whenever we could"Lilia smiled.


Lilia grinned, floating around looking cheeky. He landed, staring at an iced over lake. "Hm, a bit of ice skating would be fun"Lilia grinned. He stepped onto the ice, nearly slipping causing the fae to laugh in amusement. He slipped and slid around, a big grin on his face. "Lilia what are you doing?"Malleus asked. "Having fun, join me Malleus!"Lilia laughed. Malleus stared unsure, before noticing the ice crack. "Lilia!" Lilia waved him off, a satisfied smile on his face. "LILIA THE ICE IS GONNA CRACK!" Lilia looked at him, then yelled in alarm falling through the ice. He started panicking, shocking even himself when he did. He clawed at the surface, the cold starting to get to him. "LILIA!" He stared silently, listening to Malleus yell. "Ah- WHO ARE YOU!" The sound of a splash reached Lilia, blond hair coming into view. Someone grabbed him, their nails gently sunk into the cloth of his clothes as they swam back towards the surface. They leaped out, dragging Lilia with them to safety. He stared silently, coming to his senses. "Ah geez! Be more careful will ya, you could've drowned ya moron!" He chuckled and shook his head. "Can I know the name of my lovely savior"Lilia asked. "Thea..." Thea smiled at him, Lilia feeling giddy. "Your name"Thea giggled her cheeks red. "Ah! Lilia, Lilia Vanrouge!"Lilia chuckled. Both stared at each other, until Thea came closer, giving him warmth from her body. He smiled, leaning against her, his head on her shoulder. Malleus stared, then smiled backing away into the shadows amused.

Flashback end

Livia giggled, smiling at Lilia. "Papa, you gotta be more careful!"Livia giggled. The sun started getting hotter, Livia looking apologetic. "I know, I know I'm more careful now"Lilia laughed. " the boat still even moving..."Lilia blinked. "We're supposed to be there before the sun rose right? It's the afternoon now"Silver blinked. Lilia walked to the end of the boat, staring silently. "Let me check the problem!"Livia insists. "It might be dangerous"Lilia frowned. "Trust me Papa...."Livia says. He stared at her, seeing Thea in her place before giving his daughter a nod. Livia dove into the water, noticing tentacles and a fishing net caught on the boat. A merman struggled, looking panicked. She swam closer, alarming the merman as she reached forward her claws out. She tore the fishing net to bits, shocking the formerly caught male. He swam away, wasting no time for thank yous, hurting Livia's feelings a bit. She felt a pair of hands grab her, Lilia hauling her out of the water. "What happened?! The boat rocked and I saw the glint of your claws"Lilia demanded. "A mermaid was caught in the net below...I freed him!"Livia smiled. Lilia sighed, then gave her a small smile. "That was nice of you, and look the boats moving again, I'm sure that mer person is very thankful"Lilia smiled. Livia shook herself down, Lilia using his fire magic to dry her off. Tatiana and Sebek awoke, looking confused. "How come we're not there yet?"Sebek asked. "A mer person got caught in a net that I'm thinking now was attached to the boat by someone, Livia freed him but don't worry we'll be there by midnight"Lilia explained. "Oh that poor mer person"Tatiana gasped looking alarmed. Lilia nodded, then patted Livia's head.

Ella stared at the passing boat, her ears perked up in curiosity. "What are you staring at?"Kalim smiled bounding over curiosity and excitement waving off of him. "Kalim can you be quiet for what second!"Ella demanded growling at him. Kalim stared at her, a small frown on his face. "You know...I can see why you have no friends.."Kalim muttered. "WHAT?!"Ella snarled looking at him furious. "You're mean and you don't take the time to get to know other don't even notice when they're feeling different..."Kalim muttered. "HA! ANYONE WOULD BE GRATEFUL TO HAVE A PRINCESS AS THEIR FRIEND!"Ells retorted sharply. "But what is a Princess who can't respect her friends?"Kalim demanded. "Are you questioning me?!"Ella demanded furious. "Yes.."Kalim responded staring at her. "YOU ARE EVEN LUCKY THAT I AM YOUR FRIEND RIGHT NOW YOU MEASLY HUMAN!"Ella spat. "So you never wanted to be my actual just wanted someone to boss around and control like a someone who'd use their friendship to their advantage"Kalim frowned. "Are you..saying...we're no longer friends"Ella stared. "Yes...I am...I don't like being controlled, Jamil helped me notice the red flags in our know, I bet Livia would've been a better Queen and friend than you"Kalim responded. Ella stared at him, her tail puffed up. "WHAT?!"Ella snarled. Kalim turned, walking away, but blood suddenly hit the ground. Ella sunk her teeth into Kalims throat, startling the male. "ELLA, ELLA STOP IT!!"Thea screamed her eyes wide. She forced Ella off Kalim, Cobra checking on the boy. "He'll live...but he'll grow up mute..."Cobra says Kalim trembling at his touch. "Home..."Kalim muttered. "We'll send you home sweetie, don't worry"Thea promised. She licked the blood off of Kalims cheek, Cobra tending to and bandaging his throat. Thea glared at Ella, looking furious. She slapped her daughter, snarling. "YOU'RE WORSE THAN YOUR FATHER, I SHOULD'VE GOTTEN RID OF YOU INSTEAD OF MY SWEET BABY!!"Thea yelled. "You all compare me to Livia...that's all I hear around me...WHY COMPARE ME TO SOMEONE WHO'S NOT HERE!!"Ella hissed. "Go to your room, and never come out till I say so"Thea snarled. She turned away, muttering soothing words to a shaken up Kalim, Cobra teaching the boy a few sign language words. Ella snarled, and stormed away, tears falling down her cheeks.

"I'll kill her...when I find Livia, I'LL RIP HER THROAT OUT AND THROW HER TO THE SHARKS!"Ella snarled. "I'll help." Ambert smiled at Ella, then hugged her, patting her back. "Use that anger Ella, channel that anger to your magic...use your anger at Livia to fuel the flame, kill her Ella...kill her and make sure she suffers for what She's done...forcing everyone to compare her to them when they don't even know if She'll be a great queen"Ambert grinned. Ella nodded, focusing silently. "PUNISHER!!"Ella yelled looking at a snake. The snake started to thrash in pain, her gaze on it. The snake went still, Ambert chuckling. "Nice Unique Magic by dear...use that to give Livia the heart attack of her life"Ambert smiled. Ella nodded, then walked away, a scowl on her face. Thea came into view, carrying Kalim by the shirt collar up to the palace to the travel mirror room, her ears flattened back. "We'll loose our alliance with Kalims family cause of that brat"Cobra growled. "Ella is being too Influenced by her father...but she'd become like him anyway"Thea says. "Mom, Uncle Cobra, what happened to Kalim!"Felix gasped Dylan beside him. "Ella tried to rip his throat was lucky that her teeth didn't sink to far...but he's mute now boys, the last thing he said was 'home' so we're sending the poor boy back home"Cobra informed. "That brat!"Dylan spat snarling. "We're sorry about her Kalim, I hope you don't think we're all bad"Felix says. Kalim gave Felix a slight pained smile and slowly shook his head to keep from hurting his neck. "I wish you great healing"Felix says bowing his head. Kalim waved to them both, Thea carrying him away. Felix and Dylan scowled, growling angrily. "That little monster"Dylan mutters.

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