Chapter Nine

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Lilia stepped off the boat, a smile on his face as he watched the kids run ahead. Livia leaped from rock to rock, Sebek panicking as he followed her, his arms out to catch her if she fell. "She does this a lot Sebek...she's fine"Silver says stopping the younger boy. "Wait where'd she go?"Silver stared starting to panic. "TUTUTU~~"Livia giggled hanging upside down in front of them. Both boys screamed, running away back to a laughing Lilia and an amused Tatiana who hushed the boys, gently calming them both down. "SHE POPPED OUT OF NOWHERE, LIKE A GHOST ON HALLOWEEN!!"Sebek yelled his eyes wide. "Good Prank Livia, but I'll show you how it's done later"Lilia laughed Livia floating down with ease. "Come on, everyone the Village or Harvest is just through these trees!"Lilia grinned. Livia bounded ahead, Lilia following her. Tatiana, Sebek and Silver followed them, fearing that a prank was coming. Screams of terror sounded through the woods, Lilia and Livia popping up out of nowhere, crazed expressions on their faces, 'foam' coming from their mouths. Both laughed at the terrified woman and boys, Tatiana then giving them a hard scolding. "Did you both soil your pants"Livia giggled looking amused. "No!"Sebek yelled. "Then what's with the wet spot?"Livia asked cheekily. Sebek used his backpack to cover the spot, his eyes wide in embarrassment. Tatiana used magic to change the boys pants, placing the wet pants into a glowing yellow bag that vanished. "Don't worry, you didn't loose those pants, I can summon the bag back"Tatiana smiled.

"DADDY, DADDY I SEE A FARM!!"Livia beamed. She ran down, Lilias eyes widening as he chased after her. "Livia, careful!"Lilia warned stopping her. He pointed to little trees, Livia stepping around them. "Those are little apple trees, they'll grow to be bigger ones too"Tatiana smiled. "So they're babies..."Livia stared. "Of course they are"Tatiana nodded. "These are how all the trees start, even the most oldest tree came from a tiny tree like this"Lilia smiled. "'EY ARE YA MESSING WITH OUR PLANTS?!" Livia turned, finding a girl standing there, glaring at them. "Who's she?"Silver asked curiously. "I'M NOT A GIRL!" Livia blinked, then bounded over to him. "I like your hair!"Livia smiled. The male stared at her, looking stunned. "Livia. Livia Vanrouge"Livia smiled. "Epel Felmier." He shook her hand, then stepped back. "I almost destroyed one of your trees, I'm sorry"Livia muttered Lilia nodding in approval behind her. "As long as ya ain't hurt the tree it's fine"Epel frowned. "You got anyone here to play with?"Livia asked. "Nope, just little old me"Epel responded. "We can play with you, we're here for the Apple Festival!"Livia grinned. "I can't...and I don't think the Apple Festival will continue"Epel sighed. "How come, we came so far for this event it'd be a shame to go back before we could witness it, besides the kids were so excited for this festival"Lilia says sounding disappointed. "We've had no rain...uhm...for the past week now..and until we get some we've been trying to keep the sun from wilting everything"Epel explained. "I CAN HELP, LET ME HELP, I CAN MAKE IT RAIN!!!"Livia beamed. "You can make it rain?!"Epel blinked stunned. "Yeah!"Livia beamed. She looked at her father, Lilia looking unsure. "Alright, but please don't soak us too much"Lilia nodded. Lilia moved everyone back, giving Livia room. "Thunder, rain, hail, snow...RESPOND TO MY SADNESS RAIN COME THEN GO!"Livia says tears falling down her cheeks. "EMOTION WEATHER!!" Epel felt a rain drop on his nose, causing his eyes to widen.

Storm clouds rolled in, rain showering down on the plants. Livia smiled, tears continuing to fall down her cheeks. "Is this your Unique Ability?"Epel asked impressed. "Yep, my Unique ability is called Emotion Weather it allows me to alter the weather based on my emotions, If I'm happy it's sunny, Sad it rains, Angry a potential drought, Etc, etc"Livia explained proudly. "You've gotta meet my family, they'll thank you for bringing rain"Epel smiled. He grabbed her hand, leading her towards the form. Lilia followed them, the group heading down the path. Rain filled their visions, Livia wiping her tears. The storm started to clear out, the trees watered, causing water droplets to fall to the ground when they passed under a branch. Epel leaped down, Livia following him. The sound of surprised commotion reached Livia first, her ears twitching. "Grandma!"Epel called getting her attention. "Epel, a storm arrived, the trees and the other plants were watered!" Epel nodded, Livia stepping closer. "She helped, her Unique Ability is called Emotion Weather!"Epel explained. Livia was immediately drowned in thank yous and praises, making her a bit shy. Epels grandmother patted her head in thanks, Livia's face turning red. "I like to help others, it's something that I can't fight! You can ask Daddy too!"Livia smiled. "She's certainly a helper, does all the chores with her brother, even learned how to cook a little bit"Lilia chuckled. "Epel, you wanna play with us now"Livia asked. "Sure"Epel nodded. He followed them, walking beside Silver. "What's your relationship with Livia?"Epel asked looking at the silver haired boy. Silver watched Livia run ahead, a small smile on his face. "She's my younger sister..I love her a lot, and she loves me a lot back..and no matter what I'll always protect her...I love Livia more than anything, as her older brother it's my sole duty to look out for her and her wellbeing"Silver smiled his expression softening as he watched Livia splash in water.

Silver stared at Livia, remembering the promise they made to each other. "When you need my help Silver, I'll come running!" "Thanks Liv, but I'm sure I can handle myself." "Still...I got you Big Brother!" "I got you too Little Sis, lets both have each others backs." Livia bounded over, bringing Silver and Epel to play. "Come on you slow pokes!!"Livia grinned. "Hey that's mean!"Epel laughed following her. "You kids be careful, we can see you!" Tatiana waved to them, sitting with Grandma Felmier. Livia leaped from puddle to puddle, Silver waving to Tatiana, confirming they heard her. "The festival starts in thirty minutes!"Lilia called. "ALRIGHT DADDY!!"Livia yelled Lilia chuckling. "Hey how come all the trees are dead over there?"Sebek asked. "Oh that's the Bird Land...mean bird people live there, they attack and eat kids from what I've heard..."Epel replied. "Lets go, I bet it's just a myth!"Livia grinned heading down. "Liv, no don't! Remember you promised Father you wouldn't get into anymore trouble!"Silver scolded. "Oh right"Livia says making sure her scar wasn't visible. "WHAT, ARE YOU KIDS DOING?!" The four kids screamed, falling over the log. They tumbled down the blackened dirt, right into the Bird Lands territory. "Ouch, I think I broke my wrist!"Livia cried her ears flattened back. Silver checked his sisters red wrist, then heard the sound of foot steps, causing him to look up, finding a lion beastman there. "You kids shouldn't be here." Livia hissed, the man sniffing her wrist. "Farena, is she okay?" Farena nodded, then looked back. "Just a broken wrist, I'll still carry her though"Farena informed. "She's a jaguar cub, lets find her mother!" Farena nodded, and carried Livia by her shirt, his teeth sunk into her shirt collar, carrying her like a jaguar would. "Huh?"Livia stared.

Tatianas distressed yelling filled their ears when they arrived at the Apple Farm. "MY BABIES ARE IN THE BIRD LANDS!!"Tatiana yelled. "We'll get them Tati, I promise"Lilia swore looking serious. "Daddy!"Livia called. Lilia turned, his eyes widening at the sight of how Livia was being carried. Farena set Livia down, watching her bound away. "ARE YOU ALRIGHT?! OH MY GOD YOUR WRIST!"Tatiana yelled. Lilia scolded Silver and Sebek, Grandma Felmier scolding Epel as well. "You kids could have been eaten!"Lilia scolded. "Sorry Father"Silver muttered. "Sorry Mr Vanrouge"Sebek muttered. "Sorry Grandma..."Epel sighed. Tatiana finished tending to Livia's wrist, then started fussing over the boys, making sure they weren't hurt or worse. "Ah...Mr"Farena says. "Lilia. Lilia Vanrouge, and thank you for retrieving the kids, my Significant Other was starting to panic when we were told that the kids fell into the Bird Land, I owe you one"Lilia greeted. "Mr Vanrouge, if it's not too much trouble, I would like to train Livia in Jaguar Combat"Farena informed. "She's already being trained in combat"Lilia retorted hiding his inner panic with ease. "I'm sure she is...but...don't you think it'd help her combat skills to learn the origin of her kinds combat moves"Farena nodded. "Coming from a Lion, I don't think so"Lilia responded sharper than usually. "Lilia, the apple festival is being pushed back to tomorrow, due the slight drought some of the apples have to be looked through and most of the food has to be remade"Tatiana informed. Lilia nodded, then turned his attention back to Farena. "Livia is not ready to learn anything about her origin, or about the people who would potentially try to kill her...I will protect my child even if it means taking away the other half of her"Lilia frowned. "Daddy come on! Epel says we kids can sleep in the Barn, I wanna see the inside!"Livia beamed. Lilia walked over to Livia, and hugged her silently. "You know I love you and your brother right"Lilia asked. "Of course Papa!"Livia smiled. "Good..."Lilia murmured smiling slightly.

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