Chapter Ten

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Excited yelling filled the air, Livia running beside Epel, heading to the festival. Farena spotted her, and looked away silently, his gaze scanning over the festival then the sky, looking out for any birds. "What's with all the cat beastmen?"Tatiana stared. "Bird Beastmen usually fly overhead, several hungry ones would dive down and take a child their talons could carry"Lilia muttered scanning the sky. "DON'T RUN TOO FAR LIVIA!"Tatiana called. "Just going over to the apple pie stand!"Livia called Epel following her away. "Fufufuf, she's making new friends everywhere, just like me"Lilia chuckled. "Hawks!" The cat beastmen hissed, glaring at the Hawk beastmen passing overhead. "The children will be safe, I promise..."Lilia swore. "LIVIA!"Silver yelled. Livia giggled, flicking her tail. Talons wrapped around her waist, lifting her up into the air. Farena ran forward and leaped up, getting a good grip on the falcon, as Lilia rushed towards them, a terrified Tatiana following him. "Release her, leave these children alone!"Farena yelled. A wing slapped him, sending him crashing to the ground. Livia stared at the ground her eyes wide, Lilia reaching towards her. His hand missed hers, a blast of magic nearly hitting the Hawks wing. Farena stared, his ears pinned back at the distant yelling of fear coming from Livia. Tatiana came over to Lilia, tears falling down her cheeks. "I lost her...I lost her...I missed her hand.."Lilia muttered. "On the day of the Apple Festival cruel can the earth be..."Tatiana says. Farena vanished from everyone's view, the lioness he came with looking around for him.

The hawk flew through the air, Livia still in his grip. He started gliding down, then yelled in alarm as someone tackled into him from behind. Farena slammed the Hawk beastmen down, Livia rolling from his grip. Livia laid still, her eyes closed. She opened her eyes, Farena and the Hawk going at it. She staggered up, her claws out staring at them both. She ran forward, and leaped onto the Hawks face. Farena stared in surprise, then grinned. "Follow my lead!"Farena grinned. He leaped back, Livia following his lead. Both leaped out of the way of talons coming at them, doing a quick agile twist. "Quick learner eh!"Farena chuckled. "That's what Daddy says!"Livia nodded. Both moved around the Hawk, and slashed his shoulders. Both landed, the Hawk beastmen retreating terrified of them both. "Hey, you're a swift one"Farena complimented. Livia leaped at his face, which he dodged moving to the side. Both growled at each other, teeth bared circling. Livia ran at him, lashing her tail, then leaped forward her claws out. He shoved her back midair, sending the Fae Jaguar hybrid tumbling backwards. Livia shook her head, then gave a yowl of fury, before running at him again. Farena leaped over her, everything starting to move in slow motion as Livia looked up. He slapped her bottom, sending her flying to the ground. "Okay Mr, give me a moment!"Livia panted. "Give up, even after beating that Hawk!"Farena chuckled. "Not a chance Lion"Livia grinned. "Oh yeah?"Farena chuckled. "Give Mr five more minutes and I'll knock your ears off!"Livia grinned. "Woah, if talk like that were what we fight with, you'd be at the top of the chain by now"Farena laughed. He dodged her attempted attack, and threw her back, both lashing their tails. He dodged her attacks, training the girl a small grin on his face. "POSITION ONE!"Farena yelled. Livia lowered her head, her claw in front of her face as a shield, her tsik arched like a scorpion. "POSITION TWO!" Livia raised her head slightly, but her tail was  curled around her waist, one claw up the other slightly below it. "POSITION THREE!"

Livia raised her head, kneeled down, one claw shielding her face the other sunk into the ground. "Try to steal this rock from me"Farena ordered. He ran off, Livia dashing after him. Lilia made it, his eyes widening spotting Livia training with Farena. Livia leaped onto a rock, then rammed into Farenas shoulder. Both fell over, Livia catching the rock. "I got it!"Livia laughed. "That was a smart but cheap trick"Farena laughed ruffling her hair. "Anyone would be crazy to not make you their general, you got a specialty in combat cub"Farena smiled. "You think so!"Livia gasped. "Livia...look up"Farena says looking towards the sky. "You know at night when you see the stars?"Farena asked. "Yeah, they're so pretty!"Livia nodded. "Each Star is a Great King of the past, they guide us, give us some of their not be afraid to ask them for help Livia...cause when you need it they'll help, and one day I'll be there to help too"Farena says. "Livia!" A pair of hands grabbed her, Lilia looking at Farena with a scary expression. "Papa, can I train with Farena!"Livia beamed her legs hanging, Lilias arms around her waist. "No"Lilia says turning away. Livia stared at him, then broke free from his grip, landing swiftly on her feet. "Daddy, what's wrong"Livia asked. "Nothing"Lilia responded giving her a small smile. Livia looked at Farena, then back at Lilia. "Is it because he's a Cat Beastman, like half of me is"Livia asked. Lilia stared at her, then looked at Farena silently. "Do you really wanna train with him.."Lilia asked. "Yeah! I wanna be the best warrior I can be!"Livia beamed. Lilia stayed silent, then beckoned to her walking away. Farena helped Livia up the hill, chuckling at how much energy the fae cub had. "You'd make a dangerous assent out on the battle field, that much stamina you got will be big help"Farena grinned. "I'm gonna be an awesome warrior like Daddy, and get lots of medals!"Livia beamed. Lilia smiled slightly, looking back at Livia, his expression softening at her beaming expression.

"MY BABY, YOU SCARED ME, NEXT TIME STAY CLOSE TO ME OR YOUR FATHER!"Tatiana yelled hugging Livia tight. "Sis, you're a trouble magnet, can't we ever catch a break"Silver scolded. "Not with her around"Sebek scoffed giving Livia a scolding expression. Livia giggled, rubbing the back of her head. "Livia is leaving to go train with Farena..."Lilia informed. "LILIA, WHAT ARE YOU INSANE?!"Tatiana gasped. "You're gonna train to become a warrior"Epel smiled impressed. "Yep, I'll fight all the enemies in my way too!"Livia nodded. "'ll be quiet around our home without you, and we may fight but I'd miss you a lot"Silver frowned. "I'll write and visit!"Livia promised walking over to her brother. "But..."Silver stared. "Trust me Silver!"Livia grinned. He stared at her, then sighed and nodded. "You be careful okay sis"Silver smiled. "Yeah, don't worry I have yours and Riddles crystal roses to remember you both!"Livia grinned. "And you have a stuffed bear from me, to remember us"Epel smiled handing Livia a stuffed bear. "Thanks Epel"Livia grinned. Farena went over to a Lioness who scolded him for running off, then tended to him, a nervous chuckle coming from the male. "You be careful alright, make sure you listen to him and do your best"Tatiana says quietly. "I will, I swear on it!"Livia nodded. She stepped back, and turned to Farena, getting a nod from him. "Watch over this troublemaker"Lilia says. "I will, don't worry"Farena promised giving Lilia another nod. He walked away, Livia following him, the lioness walking on Livia's other side.

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